Endless Debt.

Chapter 556 Lamentations

Chapter 556 Lamentations

The heavy rain washed away the rusty wreckage, and the rainwater flowed in the interlaced metal brackets, engulfing the warm blood, and fell on the ground in big drops, and soon pools of dark red water stains gathered on the ground, Thin threads of blood floated inside.

The carrion rat knelt down on the ground, feeling unstoppable pain all over his body. He curled up hard to protect his soft internal organs, so that even if the men punched and kicked him, it was only a superficial injury.

Men should be laughing at themselves, right?
The scavenger rat knew that his hunchbacked figure was already deformed, and now that he was curled up, he should be no different from a huge rat.

Many people have ridiculed the scavengers for this, and the scavengers have long been used to it.

Life is like this, as long as you get used to it, no matter how cruel things are, there will be no waves in your heart.

"This is a trap."

While the man with blue eyes was talking, the carrion rat whispered in his heart, "It's also a trap for me."

The butcher deceived these two lunatics, and the price was very cheap, just the lives of the scavenger and the fortune-teller. In this cruel food chain, he was not surprised by such an ending for the scavenger.

"Did the butcher tell you anything else?"

Burrog asked again to the crooked man, the carrion rat.

"No," the Scavenger shook his head vigorously, "he just told us to hold you back, he didn't say anything else."

The carrion rat is very good at survival. He knows how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. At this time, the danger of the butcher has long been forgotten by him. The most important thing is to survive now.

Lebius asked suddenly, "This place is run by a butcher, right?"

"That's right, I'm one of the first residents here, and I know everything about the Hulk Coast."

Scavenger rat resisted the pain and explained to Lebius, "If you want to know more about this place, I can be a tour guide."

Burrog thought he had found a clue, "What did the butcher do here?"

"He didn't do anything. The butcher just drew an area and asked us to transfer our business here, and he never asked about the rest."

The carrion rats have always thought of the butcher as a weirdo, a complete madman.

After the Hulk Coast was established, the Butcher simply gave up here, not caring about profit or power.

Burlogo asked the crucial question, "So who's running this?"

The carrion rat fell silent suddenly, and Burlog pressed on step by step, "It seems that you know."

After a brief struggle, the carrion rat said, "They... a group of strangers, they are usually not in the market, but hidden in the depths of the wreckage, I don't know who they are, and I don't know them what to do..."

The scavengers were telling the truth. Those people were like some kind of taboo to them. They were obviously in the same environment, but they had no connection with each other and did not interfere with each other.

Bologo looked at Lebius, the whistles connected each other, and the voice sounded directly in his mind.

"Go on, Bologo."

Burrog nodded, picked up the bloody claw hammer, and threatened.

"Where are they?"

The carrion rat's gaze was dull for a moment, the noisy sound of rain and thunder was receding from his ears, and soon whispers replaced these sounds, as if a seductive woman was stroking his rough skin and whispering to him softly. tell.


The scavenger raised his hand and pointed behind Burrog.

"There they are."

Boluoge turned his head, and somehow the open space of the market was already full of people, people's eyes were filled with a strange frenzy, and they held swords and guns in their hands.

A weird frenzied atmosphere descended on this place, and everyone was in an overexcited state, panting heavily, their chests heaving violently, and even their faces began to flush.

Then Burrog heard, the woman's melodious and mournful chant.

In a trance, Burlogo felt that he was in the theater, and the woman twisted her body on the stage, causing the beautiful melody to overflow from her throat.

She spoke an ancient language that Bologo couldn't understand, and the meaning was profound and mysterious, like a passage from a great long poem. Bologo believed that this was not his own hallucination, because everyone in front of him, even Li Bius made the same expression as Burlogo.

Sadness, endless sadness.

Burrog held his breath, he had no way to describe this pure sadness, even the corners of his eyes involuntarily showed a little crystal, but fortunately, it didn't fall until the last moment.

"It's so sad..."

Amy whispered something in Burrog's mind.

The fanatical and anxious people in front of them also extinguished their anger because of the singing, and the tense atmosphere turned into a funeral in an instant.

It is not known whose funeral it was for.

"Ethereal school sublimation person, rank is unknown..."

In this endless sadness, Bologo's voice appeared in the minds of Lebius and Amy at an inappropriate time. Bologo couldn't judge the opponent's position, so he had to hand over this work to Lebius.

"It looks like the Hulk Coast is just a front."

Burrog opened his mouth and his voice echoed clearly in the market.

Glancing over the scavengers and the crowd under domination, Burrog sneered, "You are just a disguise to cover up the real darkness."

Lebius moved, and even without the biting wolf, Lebius could overlap the wolves on himself to further strengthen himself.

The wolf of the illusory spirit.

Lebius relied on his keen ether perception, and soon he found the position of the hostile Desublimer within the intricate wreckage.

At the beginning of the action, Lebius disappeared in the blink of an eye like a flash of lightning. There were bursts of roars in the twisted and wrecked building. After each step, the increase in ether caused the ground supporting the body to sag and shatter. Like a galloping bull, it's frightening just to hear the aftermath of its arrival.

The sad tune disappeared, and the female voice became angry. She raised her sword and round shield, glared at her enemies, and blew the horn of revenge.

She is too slow.

Before the violent anger reached its climax, Bologo had already jumped into the crowd, and the claw hammer in his hand was extended and forged into a sword blade, like a propeller blade, blood and flesh flew across and limbs were scattered in an instant.

The roar came to an abrupt end in the throat, and the woman's shallow singing was covered up by the mournful wailing, and the people clutched their wounds, terrified of the presence of the god of death.

Bolog enjoyed their pain, skillfully split the heads one after another, and the splattered blood warmed the cold space. At this moment, Bolog felt that he had returned to the wandering fork.

A group of icy snakes extended from Bologo's other hand. They staggered and bit each other, stretched into a twisted long sword, with uneven undulations on the surface, as if the craftsman had just forged it with a heavy hammer .

There are a few touches of red in the silver-gray metallic color. This is not blood, but more like oxidized red rust. The metal rubs against each other. The red rust is ignited by the instantaneous high temperature, and the next moment the red mercury is burning.

The blade of the sword swept up a series of flames, and the burning flames outlined the trajectory of Bologo's sword swing, and then the fanatical crowd was easily torn into broken pieces of meat, the flesh and blood were roasted at high temperature, and the grease crackled, and a burst of A strange smell of burnt flesh emerges.

Countless faces flashed in front of Bologo, with different expressions. For a moment, Bologo felt that he had read the world, and then burned them all.

The carrion rat curled up in place, he didn't fall into a frenzy because of the woman's singing, the huge sadness captured the carrion rat's heart, and he was still immersed in it.

The experience of the past years emerged in the mind of the carrion rat one after another. His spirit was severely tested, but he survived at the last moment.

The scavenging rat saw that he had almost saved enough gold coins to save up, and shed the filth of his body, standing upright under the light.

I can't die yet, absolutely not.

The carrion rat roared. He overcame the physical pain and mental sorrow, stood up on the blood-soaked slippery ground, raised his head, and met a pair of blue eyes.

Behind this pair of blue eyes, there is a scene like a slaughterhouse, with corpses piled together, and the fire burning quietly...

The carrion rat didn't continue to watch, even if he was in the business of dead people, he was retching uncontrollably at this moment.

The high-temperature blade fell on the scavenger's head, and Burrog looked curiously at the guy in front of him.

The scavenger's rickets came from his deformed spine, and his back was hunched at a huge angle. He could only keep his head down, like a wretched and humble mouse.

"You survived."

Bologo wanted to split the head of the carrion rat with a sword, but he didn't expect the carrion rat to survive the mental shock, which is too rare.

The scavenger, not understanding what was happening, begged Burrog for mercy.

"I know where they are? I can take you there!"

The carrion rat roared in his heart, he couldn't die, he couldn't die here.

(End of this chapter)

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