Endless Debt.

Chapter 568 Journey to Eternal Life

The torrential rain poured down, and the viewing platform was covered with a layer of water mist that could not be dispelled. There were lightning and thunder among the clouds, and heavy and heavy waves slammed into the Paradise continuously. The cruise ship shook slightly, like mountains being shaken.

Irwin took Cinderella carefully to stand on the viewing platform. In this position several floors high, he could clearly face the storm. Irwin sighed softly. The moment before the end, eternity is frozen here.

"I love these overly bad weather," Irving said. "It's like being in another world."

Cinderella leaned against the wet railing, and she fastened the buttons of her clothes. It was very cold here, and the howling wind passed through the gaps in the skirts, and the chill penetrated into her body.

"Then you should be an adventurer, the kind of adventurer who challenges the natural impasse."

Cinderella suggested to Irving that she and Irving were looking at the oncoming storm, and they kept looking at Irving from the corner of their eyes.

Irving Fleischer, on the outside, looks like a down-and-out traveler, but he is actually a famous writer. Apart from this dual identity, he still has a dagger hidden in his left arm all the time... killer?
"It's so interesting, Irving." This strong contrast made Cinderella curious. She leaned on the railing and asked with her head tilted. "So besides being an author, you are also a retired killer?"

"Don't worry about the identity of the killer, okay?"

Irwin shook his head, wondering why Cinderella cared so much about this, did he think the identity of a killer was cool?It really is a child.

"Then...you are the night hunter in the story?"

Cinderella's eyes sparkled, "Those novels are not fantasy stories, but your autobiography? You wrote your hunting career into a novel, and those people on the train are enemies who are aware of this, and they are here to kill you !"

Before Irving stopped Cinderella's wonderful fantasy, she opened her mouth and said a lot.

"Wow! Then will they chase here! And those weird monsters in your story, don't they also exist in reality?"

Thinking that the hunters walking through the night were not fake, Cinderella was so excited that she couldn't speak, and then she thought that since the night hunters existed, then as their enemies, monsters must also exist in this world.

Cinderella looked at the dark corner in the distance, and leaned towards Irwin unconsciously, as if there was a bloodthirsty monster hiding in the abyss.

Cinderella glanced at Irving, and said in a low voice, "No...you can't?"


Irving suddenly shouted, and at the same time the thunder flashed across the sky, and the pale light shone on his face, portraying Irving as horrifying.

The expected screams did not sound, Irving maintained a ferocious expression, while Cinderella looked aggrieved, with tears rolling in her eyes.

Irving put away his expression in embarrassment. In his impression, this was the first time he had encountered such a thing. For a while, he didn't know how to comfort Cinderella, so he could only look away unnaturally and mutter in his mouth.

"Feel sorry."

Irving looked at the sea guiltily, and the waves gathered into white marks one after another.

Cinderella looked really angry and said nothing. Irwin turned his head to break the dead silence, but saw Cinderella stretching out his hand to catch the raindrops from the wind, and then wiped them on his face, pretending to be angry. The appearance of crying.

The two looked at each other.

"The weather is beautiful, isn't it?"

Cinderella's words sounded extremely pale at this moment.

For a moment, Irving felt that his sense of guilt had been fed to the dog, while Cinderella seemed to be found stealing something, with her eyes wandering around.

Cinderella went on to defend herself, "I've thought about all the sad things from childhood to adulthood, but I just can't cry..."

Irwin didn't know what to say, since he met Cinderella, he felt that he was facing a strange mystery, a treacherous goblin, she always throws some strange things and makes you feel overwhelmed .

"My God."

Irving clutched his forehead. He realized that it was his mistake. He shouldn't tease Cinderella. Cinderella is a professional in this aspect, and she would turn her back every time.

The atmosphere returned to the original appearance, the faint string music came from the wind and rain, and there were only the two of them on the empty viewing platform, looking at the vast storm, not knowing what they were thinking.

Erwen Nan murmured, "I didn't expect that you actually read my book."

"I didn't expect the mysterious blue jay to look like this," Cinderella looked up and down Irwin, "it's so interesting."

Cinderella did not explain what she meant by fun.

"What?" Irving took out his pocket and took out a pen, "Do you want to sign?"

"Forget it."

Cinderella waved her hand, and continued, "There's quite a big gap between you and my imagined image."

"Shattered fantasy?"

Irwin laughed, as if he had been looking forward to this scene for a long time, "I didn't expect that the mysterious blue jay is actually just an ordinary person... Maybe he is much worse than an ordinary person."

Cinderella said, "Ordinary people can't take out killers cleanly."

Irwin also said, "Ordinary girls can't cooperate with me to kill the enemy without changing their faces."

The conversation returned to an endless loop, Irving remained silent, and Cinderella shrugged.

They are all people with secrets in their hearts. They got together for a short time because of various wonderful experiences, just like wolves and embarrassment in the same company. Under this seemingly close relationship, there is an insurmountable boundary. The two have a tacit understanding They keep silent, but test each other from time to time.


Erwin squinted his eyes, looking at the oncoming cold wind, and the patter of rain hit his face. In a trance, he seemed to have returned to many years ago, when he was still a young man, and that was the first time he met For the storm, it was also his first time to go to sea.

"You told that person that this is the end of your journey?"

Cinderella wiped off the raindrops on her face. She remembered the conversation between Irwin and Noren. Cinderella didn't know how long Irwin had traveled and where he came from, but judging from the conversation, Freeport would be Irving's end point.

"It's sort of," Irving said.

"What are you going to do after the trip? Go home and work on your book?"

"I told you before, I don't like the end, and I don't like the so-called end," Irving smiled. "The end of one journey will be the beginning of another journey."

"Then what do you want to do on your next trip?" Cinderella continued to ask, "You are traveling this time to meet old friends, so what will motivate you on your next trip?"

Irving thought for a while, smiled and shook his head, "You won't believe it if you tell me."

"Tell me," Cinderella was very curious, "just treat it as a lie to me."


Irving frowned, and then told the secret in his heart.

"eternal life."

Cinderella froze for a moment, and Irwin continued to emphasize.

"This journey is just to bid farewell to old friends, so as not to leave any regrets. The journey after this is the real journey."

A journey in search of eternal life. ""

Thunder light floated in the sky, reflecting Irving's face into black and white, and his pale hair fluttered in the strong wind. Cinderella stared at Irwin's pupils, and from that gaze, she could see herself clearly.

Cinderella praised, "It sounds like the villain's speech in the story."

She then said, "Eternal life? Are you serious?"

Irving laughed, "Look, I told you that you wouldn't believe it."

"Farewell to old friends, avoid regrets... Do you think you will die on the way to eternal life?"

"That is eternal life after all, Cinderella. Ignoring the constraints of fate and time, if you want to usurp such a thing, you will inevitably have to pay a price."

Irving has no fear of death.

Cinderella was a little shocked. She guessed that Irwin was lying to herself. There is no such thing as eternal life in this world, but she felt that Irwin was not lying.

The girl's body trembled, as if the cold wind was wrapping her body and freezing her nerves. The atmosphere at the moment was really like that in the story, a sinister secret was born, another evil will rose up, a rational poet Insane for immortality.

Irwin's smile gradually became strange. He seemed to be smiling deliberately, and the corners of his mouth were raised vigorously, revealing his teeth.

Cinderella backed away in fear, and after another thunderclap, Irwin suddenly put away all his weird performances and returned to his familiar appearance, as if everything that happened just now was just an illusion.

"Scared you?"

Irwin looked like he was winning. "I'm still a bit good at telling horror stories."

Cinderella folded her arms in front of her chest to protect her body, she was stunned on the spot, she was in a daze for a long time before she recovered, and said in a slow voice.

"Scary story?" Cinderella said. "Is it just a story?"

"if not?"

Irwin had a nonchalant attitude. It seemed that everything he just said was just a temporary lie, "You don't really believe that there is immortality in this world, do you?"

Irwin continued in a low voice, "You don't believe that night hunters and monsters really exist in this world, do you?"

Cinderella didn't speak, she showed an aggrieved expression, this time it was not a disguise, she was really frightened by the terrible aura that Irving showed.


She hammered Irving's body angrily, and Irving laughed, and he felt very good to be able to win back a sentence from the girl's hand.

"Stop tempting each other, Cinderella."

Irwin grabbed the girl's hands, and she was like a cat being picked up, unable to move.

"You are curious about my secret, and I am also curious about your secret." Irwin suggested, "How about we exchange secrets."

I tell you about my past, and you tell me about your future. ""

Irving didn't wait for Cinderella's reply. He faced the storm and told his own story.

"That was 33 years ago..."

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