Endless Debt.

Chapter 574 White Gull

This is a fight beyond the cognition of mortals, as if it is biting each other between ghosts and ghosts.

It is already difficult for ordinary people to catch their figures with their eyesight. They can only vaguely see the glimmer of light reflected by the blade when it is swung. The power contained on it easily sets off a powerful impact. The stagnation was shaken away.

The high-pitched ether reaction is like an erupting volcano, where the high-concentration ether gathers, and the ether arc jumps at the end of the metal, breaking down the water droplets along the way.

Hert laughed loudly, and brandished the long knife wantonly while moving at high speed. It had been a long time since he let go of his hands and feet to fight, and the blood all over his body became hot.

Jumping, slashing, and the long knife cut dozens of fast-moving lights in an instant, precisely blocking all the moving directions of Jeffrey, turning it into a deadly knife cage.

Jeffrey swung the bone-crushing knife in his hand calmly. Compared with Hert's ghostly and fast style, Jeffrey's movements seemed very slow, but this slow movement seemed to have been honed through thousands of years, without any redundancy.

There was a rock-like calmness in the clumsy swing of the knife. His speed was neither fast nor slow, and he met every inch of the knife light before the knife cage cut his body into pieces.

Immediately, dense sparks and metal shattering sounded continuously, as if two high-speed chainsaws collided together.

Hert could clearly feel the huge force coming from the long knife. He was shaken away by Geoffrey, and the long knife pierced the ground, leaving several meters long knife marks before Hert managed to stabilize himself. shape.

"What happened, Herter?"

Jeffrey was like an iron wall, forcibly blocking Hert's way.

Holding a long knife, Herter stood up unsteadily. He looked very bad at the moment, his face was sickly and pale, as if he was a dying person.

"There's a lot going on... so much that I don't even bother to talk about it."

Herter wiped his wet palms and gripped the long knife even more tightly, as if the blade was connected to his bones.

Relying on the strength of the Zongge Orchestra, Hert was very confident in conquering the Paradise, but when the Bureau of Order appeared, the situation became more delicate.

In order to avoid accidents, Herter managed to lure Levius out of Freeport, but he did not expect that Levius had already made a comprehensive plan and sent Jeffrey to guard here.

The bad news is that Lebius has realized that the situation is wrong, and the good news is that he is facing Jeffrey at this moment, not Lebius.Even with the backing of the Zong Song Orchestra, Herter still has no confidence in defeating Lebius.

"I heard Lebius say that you are married and have children."

Geoffrey moved his wrist, and stroked the jagged edge of the bone-crushing knife with his fingertips, feeling the unevenness.

"Turn back, Herter, and live well."

Geoffrey was always the kinder one than Levius.

Herter raised the long knife again and pointed at Jeffrey, "My good life is behind you."

This time Geoffrey didn't respond anymore, he sighed helplessly, and then the golden light fell on Herter's body, and the shock of ether spread all over his body, as if a big hand made of light held his body , making him unable to move.

Secret Energy · Tiger Eye.

Jeffrey stared at Hert relentlessly, the ether was filling around Hert, and he was freezing Hert's body little by little, as if pouring cement and sealing it behind the reinforced masonry.

There was a tingling pain in Herter's mind, and he cursed in a low voice, not understanding why he fell ill at this time, let alone that he had forgotten Jeffrey's secret power.

The two are both at the level of the underdog, and Jeffrey can't break through the threshold of Hert's moment soul in a short period of time, but Jeffrey's secret energy is like a poisonous snake, which is paralyzing Hert's body step by step. Limbs, until he was completely molded into a stone sculpture.

A few cracks appeared on Hert's face, his skin was like a dry riverbed, full of cracks, and then his limbs began to annihilate, turning into puffs of thick smoke and dispersing.

Tiger Eye has lost its physical target, and the stagnation force suppressed on Hert is constantly declining. Jeffrey knows what Hert wants to do. He is etherizing, getting rid of the material body, and sublimating himself into the ether body for a short time.

Flesh and flesh began to convert into pure ether, and soon most of Hert's body had turned into thick smoke and dissipated. At the same time, Jeffrey had strode forward, and the bone-splitting knife tore through the wind and slashed at Hert. Down.

"You... are slow."

Hert turned his head, and the bone-crushing knife split his shoulder. The wound penetrated deep into the bone marrow, but there was no blood overflowing from the fracture, only the rising and spreading ether.

Jeffrey's eyes were gloomy, and the next moment Herter's body completely collapsed into nothingness, the long knife was released from his hand, and it was nailed into the ground, and then the thick fog completely enveloped Jeffrey.

After being promoted to a power-bearer, the body of the power-bearer begins to etherize, and the mortal flesh and blood are gradually alienated by extraordinary power, sublimated into pure energy, that is, ether.

This can greatly prolong the lifespan of the power bearer and strengthen their vitality. As long as the degree of etherization is deep enough, even fatal injuries such as piercing the heart are not enough to kill the power bearer immediately.

After all, flesh and blood organs are just another form of ether.

In addition, under some specific secret powers, those in power can also combine their own etherification with secret powers, such as the Hert that Geoffrey is facing at the moment.

Mysterious Energy Mist Kill.

Illusion school's secret power and broad obtuse tendency, its effect is to create a large area of ​​fog, and within the fog, Helt can make specific objects completely invisible.

As a negative person, the effect of this kind of secret energy is too mediocre, but there is no way to do it. Compared with the alchemy matrix technology of the people of Xitao and the Bureau of Order, it is at least several generations behind.

The most important thing is that Hert's secret ability was not created for fighting alone. If there were no previous events, Hert would have become the new navigator, defending the position of the sea for the people of Xitao .

Using the secret energy Fog Kill, Herter is able to create a large-scale fog covering the fleet, which is equivalent to an invisible fleet at sea. Before they fire at you, you can't even detect their existence from the hazy sea fog .

For so many years, no matter how depressed Hert was, he never stopped researching on etherization. Now he can completely etherize and vaporize his body.

The thick fog obscured Jeffrey's vision, and the brilliant golden light was blurred. Jeffrey could feel the reaction of the swimming ether, but when he slashed out the bone-crushing knife, he could only cut a lump Spilled mist.

The mist gathered together again, Herter's figure regrouped behind Geoffrey, and the high concentration of ether gathered in Herter's palm, condensing into a shining long sword.

Ether Chi Technique · Ether Sword.

Those in power have a further affinity for ether. In addition to being able to improve more ether skills, with their own sufficient ether reserves, they can also materialize high-concentration ether and cast it into weapons in their hands.

This technique often appears in the Origin School, and Hert also studied this technique in his early years because of his own secret energy and etherization.

The etheric sword slashed towards Geoffrey's neck, and then the bone-crushing knife swung heavily, easily crushing Hert's etheric sword, and piercing through the fog.

Like an oil painting soaked in water, Herter's lower body is a mist that is constantly dissipating, while his upper body has a solid shape. He smiled at Jeffrey, but when his upper body became etherized again, Herter clearly Suddenly felt that his etherization speed had slowed down.

"Etherification has a fatal flaw, that is, after losing the specific entity, the defensive power of the moment soul's critical point will also be greatly reduced..."

Jeffrey swung the bone-crushing knife with one hand, and touched the gun pouch at his waist with the other.

Hert's etherization speed slowed down, and even stopped completely. The bone-crushing knife pierced into his chest, and the blade collided with flesh and blood. Hert was smashed to the ground, denting the steel plate under him.

A large amount of blood spilled from Hert's mouth. No matter how ethereal he is to his body, he is only a power bearer after all, and he still retains a large amount of mortal parts in his body.

Jeffrey's offensive followed closely, and the ferocious tiger came through the fog, and the bone-crushing knife was like a guillotine for condemnation.

A trace of panic flashed in Hert's eyes, but when the bone-crushing knife approached, he laughed jokingly, as if an evil plot was about to succeed.

Suddenly, the bone-crushing knife stopped on the top of Hert's head, failing to cut it down. The murderous Jeffrey turned around at the last moment, glaring at another guy who came through the fog.

"As expected of a field employee of the Bureau of Order..."

The thin black robe fluttered in the strong wind, and the white gull was holding a jagged long sword in his hand. The deformed tip of the sword stayed in front of Jeffrey's eyes, and it was only a few millimeters away, and it could penetrate Jeffrey's pair of scars. The annoying eye of the tiger.

Jeffrey just sneered, he had anticipated the assassination of the white gull, and had already prepared for it.

Warm gunpowder smoke rose from the black muzzle of the gun. Geoffrey seldom used his sidearm. It wasn't that his marksmanship was as bad as Borrog's, but that his bullets were very expensive, very expensive.

The bullet hit Bai Gull's heart, leaving a large black hole in his chest. In order to ensure the complete killing of those in power, after a short delay, there was a muffled sound under Bai Gull's chest.

A large amount of blood spilled out of the mouth and nose, and the white gull's chest swelled, and then the entire chest was completely torn apart, and the bony bones and soft flesh were scorched and torn together.

The white gull fell straight down, and Jeffrey turned his attention to Hert, but before Jeffrey could make the next attack, a cold hand grabbed his ankle.

Lowering his head, the white gull who should have died showed him a hideous smile, and the evil light flashed in his eyes, and he laughed.

"I'm so sorry..."

Black sutures weaved the shattered flesh, binding them back into the gull's chest.

"I am undead."

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