Endless Debt.

Chapter 579 Young and Stupid Days

Chapter 579 Young and Stupid Days
"Oh... who is she?"

"Maybe she's just a dream."

The woman sang and whispered softly in her ear.

"You chased vague daydreams until fire and thunder knocked you down."

The voice gradually became ear-piercing, like a high-pitched and sharp noise. For a while, she seemed to hug her face, and then all the hustle and bustle disappeared, leaving only her deep and elegant words lingering.

"You fell in love with a ghost you never knew."

Irwin woke up with a start, his face was pale and stained with blood, his eyes were sunken deeply, shining brightly.

Like a revived corpse, he opened his eyes wide, and all the breath and vitality returned to this old body. Like a drowning person, he panted hard, coughed painfully, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

It took Irwin a long time to get his disordered physiological system back to normal, and then he found himself slumped on the soft sofa, relaxing his body naturally, letting the pain and exhaustion wash over his will without reservation .

Then came memories.

The ignorant consciousness gradually recalled everything he experienced before coma, and Irving couldn't help but think of the man named Belphegor again.

Ever since he became curious about the extraordinary world, Irving has been trying to understand the world through various means. For this reason, he also deceived Noren... Irving felt that it was not a complete deception, at least in the extraordinary world. His knowledge has indeed brought a lot of inspiration to his writing and enabled him to write even better stories.

Irwin knew that besides the Desublimator, there were things in this world that were far more dangerous than the Desublimator.

Such as the devil.

Irwin was a little confused. According to his previous injuries, he would definitely die in the hands of the devil, but suddenly his injuries all healed. In Irwin's cognition, the existence of such a strange power should only be the so-called the devil.


The devil's name came to Irving's mind, and Irving broke out in a cold sweat, then smiled in relief.

He could feel that he was still a human being, and he did not sacrifice his most precious soul to the devil. Until the end, Irwin still kept the bottom line, and he was still that noble person.

Irving tried to stand up from the sofa, but just as his body was half supported, he sat back uncontrollably, panting heavily from exhaustion.

Then Irwin remembered his counterattack against the demons, and snatched back his ticket in a roar...


Irwin panicked. He opened the pocket close to his chest. When he touched the familiar texture of the ticket, Irwin's flustered heart calmed down. Then he took out the tickets, and they were still clearly visible in the dark.

All my desires, fantasies, attachments, expectations... all poured into this ticket.

"You know? Your expression now looks like a pervert."

A crisp voice sounded beside him. Irving had heard this voice many times in the past few days, but this time the voice that should have been full of energy was a little tired.

Irving looked in the direction of the voice. Cinderella was sitting under the sofa. She tilted her head and continued, "You should really look at your stupid expression just now. You seem to be swallowing that ticket alive."

Cinderella didn't like Irwin's expression when he stared at the ticket. He looked like a paranoid lunatic, no different from those demons.

Irving put away the ticket, rubbed his eyes, and gradually looked around. They returned to the room from the beginning, but this time they were all sitting in the living room.

Irwin asked, "Did you save me?"

"You're so heavy, it took me a lot of effort to drag you in."

Cinderella nodded, her delicate little face was also gray at the moment, there were many scratches, and the blood was clotted on her forehead.

The blast air stunned the exhausted Irwin, and also hit the thin Cinderella with bruises all over his body. There was a long bloodstain on the ground, which looked shocking. It was left by Cinderella when he dragged Irwin.

Like an earthquake, the whole living room shook slightly with the Paradise. Looking out from the porthole on the side, there was only a foggy picture. From time to time, thunder flashed across the turbulent clouds, turning the sky into a strange blue. Purple.

"Is that ticket important to you?"

Cinderella asked, "Even if you fainted, you kept your hands firmly on your chest, as if you were afraid that someone would steal them."

Irwin didn't answer, his hands became extremely heavy, and they were tightly placed on his chest.

He didn't answer, but Cinderella had already thought of it, she was always a shrewd girl, it's not difficult to guess such things.

"This is the ticket for the train that came from the wilderness and changed your destiny."

Hearing the girl's voice, Irving laughed helplessly.

Cinderella closed the door tightly and pushed the wardrobe in front of the door. There was a stench of burnt flesh in the door, and heavy footsteps could be heard faintly.

The demons have completely invaded the Paradise, and the defenses of the people of Xitao are constantly shrinking to the core area. No one will protect Irving and Cinderella, and no one even knows that they are here.

Belphegor saved Irving's life once, but he won't save Irving a second time, all help comes at a price, and Irving is unwilling to give his soul to the devil.

"Say something, Irving," urged Cinderella this time, "just as a bedtime story."

"Bedtime story?"

Irwin smiled, "Maybe we really won't be able to sleep."

Taking a deep breath, Irving felt dizzy in his head. It may be the aftereffect of the impact, or it may be caused by blood loss. The whole person seems to be drunk. In this state, the story told also has a layer of confusion. color.

"I haven't seen my father."

Irving said, "According to people, he is an interesting poet who came from afar."

"My mother is a beauty, every man likes her and desires her, she enjoys the admiration and lustful eyes of others, she meets different men every day and enjoys the vanity they bring.

She was always on top and felt like she was in control of everyone. "

Cinderella listened quietly, which was different from the version of the story that Irving told himself at first, but this time both of them were quite patient.

"One day my mother met my father, all her tricks were useless to him, soon my mother fell, they fell in love, but it was only one sided love, a poet is like a bird, he will Love a certain flower, but never stay for it.

After they had been in love for a few weeks, he left and was never heard from again, and my mother was lost for a while, but she was a master of love and it didn't bother her. "

Irwin changed his posture and spread his body out on the sofa, as if all the disasters and crises had disappeared, and now it was just an afternoon story meeting.

"But this time it's different, my mother has me..."

Irwin laughed self-deprecatingly, "My mother has always hated me. She felt that I ruined her free life. She often cursed and yelled at me."

He imitated his mother's words, with a flat tone, "Without you, Irving, without you, everything would be different."

"One day, I couldn't stand this life anymore, I left the house, and I guess my mother would be so happy when she woke up and found the empty bed, that I was finally gone, from her life.

In fact, I also expected that she would come to me..."

There is not much to say about the next thing, Irving told the story with the red nose.

"My mother kept all her love for herself and none of it for me, and then one day I hit the other extreme."

Cinderella whispered, "Red nose."

"Red Nose is a good guy, an absolute bad guy. Under his care, I lived a normal life for the first time, but he was too friendly to be cowardly. People in the town bullied him and put He came and went like a slave.

The day he died I was the only one who attended his funeral, no one else came because the ridiculous guy was worthless. "

Irwin's eyes showed a rare ruthlessness, he gritted his teeth and said, "I burned that town and left in a panic during the burning night."

"And then there's the story of Freeport."

When mentioning Freeport, Irving couldn't stop smiling. He has had so many wonderful experiences here, such as black-hearted factories, human trafficking, and all the bad things that Irving suffered.

"I became a sailor and sailed with the ship. The captain said that once we leave the port, we will be at sea for at least half a year without seeing land. For this reason, I took a stone before leaving the shore. I missed the land and touched it. It, within a few months, it was polished by me."

Irving stretched out his hand and gestured, as if a stone was really being stroked by him.

"I have experienced a lot of hardships, but this is the first time I met such a cruel captain. He treated us like slaves. I thought I would pass the patience. After all, I am a very resilient person, but one day, He just threw a sick crewman overboard."

Irwin fell silent, and the depressive silence lasted for a while, and thunder and lightning flashed outside the porthole.

"My luck has never been very good. Years of ups and downs and tribulations have made me a little numb, but some character and persistence cannot be changed with time and experience. They are like imprints, deeply etched into my soul."

Irwin smiled at Cinderella, his smile was cruel and cruel.

"When I was young, my peers were afraid of me because I was stubborn, like a rough rock. Whenever they ganged up to bully me, I would not just hug my head and beat me, but stare at the leader among them. Yes. I will pounce on him in one go, ride on him and smash his head. No matter how others hit me, I will not fight back. I only have eyes for the guy in the lead, and only him.

Even if I was beaten to the ground, I would not let it go, I would pretend to cry, and after they left, I would sneak behind the leader, holding a stone in my hand, and beat him hard on his way home. "

Irving spoke of his glory days, and how proud he was of himself during those days.

"They all called me a stone, a stubborn stone. Later I realized that this is all about excellent character, patience, persistence, and perseverance. Later I also learned that there is such an animal in this world called a jackal.

They are not as mysterious and lonely as wolves, but like dusty wild dogs, but they have the same commonality, patience, persistence, and perseverance. "

When the thunder struck, it was very close to the Paradise, so close that the pale light easily shone into the room, illuminating each other's faces.

"I remember that night was the same as now. It was also a rainy day. Our ship was moored in the offshore, only a few hundred meters away from the coastline. The stone crushed him alive.

Haha, I broke open his safe and took away a lot of banknotes. At that moment, I felt that I was not only a seaman, but also a pirate, a murderer, a just judge, a A warrior against fate.

I jumped into the sea and was repeatedly beaten by huge waves. When I regained consciousness, it was already noon the next day. I fell on the beach with nothing but the clothes that covered my body. "

Irwin's voice softened, and like himself in the story, they were as exhausted.

"It's just starting over. I've started over many times."

Cinderella stood up from below and sat on the sofa with Irving. The thunder light reflected on his face, as if it was the light cast by the TV. In the nothingness, Cinderella saw Irving's life.

"You know the story after that. I collapsed in the abandoned station, waiting for death to come."

Irwin's voice was very soft, like a child's dream.

"I told myself frankly that it was a good ending, but when I closed my eyes, I was so sad that I was dying, and finally cried like a child.

I have no warm home, no place to rest, and no place to go.

No one loves me in this world, even my mother. The bustling and noisy world is very close to me, yet far away from me, so far away that I cannot touch it. "

Cinderella murmured, "Then the train came."

"Yeah, here comes the train," Irwin said, "the most luxurious train I've ever seen in my life, with cars so big that men and women can dance in them, music playing on the radio day and night, drunken." The aroma of wine spread in every carriage."

"She helped me, wiped my wounds, and brought warm blankets and food. She was like the warm sun in winter. No matter how hard the ice was, it would melt into soft water in front of her."

Cinderella knew who she was, the woman with fire opal eyes.

"I was telling her about the journey, and all of a sudden she asked me, since my experience was so interesting, why didn't I write about it?

I said I had written it down and it was torn up, and she said... then write it down and show it to more people. "

To this day, Irving still laments the fateful encounter, as if there is an unknown force manipulating everything.

"When I got off the bus, I was determined to be an author."

Cinderella didn't care about Irwin's creative ideas, but cared about another point. Her eyes sparkled, and she asked, "Where is that woman? What about her?"

"She left with that train and I haven't seen her since."

"Then why didn't you look for her?" Cinderella knew, "You fell in love with her, didn't you?"

Irwin did not directly answer Cinderella's question. He explained, "I tried it later. I checked the schedule of that train, but the official records were blank. They said that the abandoned station, together with the nearby railway And it was abandoned, and no train would pass by. I guess it may be a private train, but I asked many rich businessmen, and they have never heard of anyone owning such a luxurious train."

"She just disappeared, with that train, without a trace."

Irwin lamented the ruthlessness of fate.

"Today's information exchange in the world is clearly so developed. Railways connect countries, and telegrams easily span thousands of miles...but the connection between human beings is still so fragile.

I don't know who she is, I don't know where she came from, where she's going, I don't even know her name, I only remember her face, but it also faded with age , In the end, I only remember those fire opal eyes.

It turned out that the connection between me and her was so fragile, that first meeting was a farewell. "

Says Cinderella, "Then you start writing a book and you expect her to read your story."

"So what?" said Irving. "Who knows when she'll see my book and notice it? She may be married by then, or she may be dead, or even She has read my book, but she has long forgotten me, after all, to her, I am just an inconspicuous strange face in the vast crowd."

Cinderella could feel the deep sadness from Irving's words, but she never expected that Irving had such a past, that woman had influenced Irving's life, but Irving could see nothing but those eyes. do not know.

Know nothing.

No... she left something else behind.

Cinderella looked at Irwin's chest, "That ticket."

Irwin's voice did not fluctuate in the slightest, "The only memory."

The story ended, and the two were immersed in the sad aftertaste of the story. Suddenly, Cinderella patted Irwin lightly, pretending to be angry.

"What's wrong?" Erwin asked.

Cinderella said, "Your story! You lied to me!"

"We're even," Irwin said indifferently, "and I just modified the story a bit. Don't forget, I'm an author, the kind of author who is best at deceiving people."

When mentioning his deceit, Irwin laughed proudly. In his opinion, the more best-selling author, the better he is at deceiving people.

Cinderella's momentum weakened, and the story Irving told was basically the same, but the details were completely different, but it was such details that made the story go completely different.

Irwin, who seemed to know what the girl was going to ask, continued, "I've always thought it was a very romantic job.

Reality is not so perfect, even cruel, but as a storyteller, I have the ability to make it beautiful, to soothe the hearts of others. "

Irwin had had enough rest and chatted enough, it was time to move on, he stood up and blinked vigorously, the wind and rain outside the porthole reminded him of the day he killed the captain.

"I often miss the days when I was young and stupid."

As Irving said, he picked up the blood-stained dagger and motioned Cinderella to follow him.

Cinderella still has a lot to say. Irwin is like a thick book, full of interesting stories. She heard from Irwin that he spent sixteen hours with her on that train. She wanted to know what had happened during those sixteen hours, and she wanted to know what Irwin thought of eternal life.

Before he could ask any questions, Irwin pulled open the cabinet against the door and kicked open the door. In a trance, he changed back to his youthful appearance.

Thick black smoke billowed in the dark corridor, flames flickered in the corners, corpses were everywhere, and there were bloodstains that hadn't solidified yet.

The elevator shaft has been engulfed in flames, and Irving needs to find another way up. It may be that he has experienced too many unlucky things, but this time Irving is lucky.

Irwin didn't meet a single enemy along the way, and after countless corners, Irwin found an intact elevator.

Press the elevator button and it miraculously descends slowly.

Irwin breathed a sigh of relief, "It looks like we're saved."

Cinderella's tense mood also relaxed. No matter how big-hearted she was, she was still full of fear in the face of death.

The number of floors kept jumping, and when the elevator was about to reach Irwin's floor, Irwin vaguely heard the voice of conversation from behind the elevator door.

Irwin's face changed drastically. There was another group of people in the elevator. He pulled Cinderella to evacuate quickly, but at this time the elevator had already reached his floor.

That's too late.

Irwin grasped the dagger tightly. After staying in this dangerous environment for a long time, he actually began to adapt to this tense atmosphere of life and death.

The icy blade was raised abruptly, and at the same time the elevator doors opened to both sides.

Metal and metal collided with each other, bursting out dazzling sparks. Irwin felt that his dagger hit an angry bull. The huge force transmitted hurt his arm again, and the dagger was nailed into the wall.

Irwin hit the wall behind him, and the muzzle of the gun was black on his forehead.

Death came so fast that Irving couldn't feel anything except the pain in his arm for a while, not even his wild thoughts.

The expected death did not come.

The man held a pistol against Irving's forehead, with a look of astonishment and surprise on his face.


The other party's voice was full of confusion, as if the two should not meet here again.

Irwin's only acquaintance here is Noren, but Noren doesn't know where he is now, and he doesn't even know whether he is dead or alive. The attack on the Paradise is for him.

The other party put down the pistol, showing a strange yet familiar face, then he smiled at Irving, pointed at his face with the muzzle of the gun, and introduced himself.

"It's me, Shaw, Shaw Albert!"

Irving was stunned for a long time before he recalled who Shaw Albert was, and then a funny character with a big stomach overlapped with the guy in front of him holding a pistol and lingering murderous intent.

"What a coincidence!"

Palmer grabbed Irving's hand, shook it vigorously, and sighed loudly, "It's a good thing you shot slowly, otherwise you would have died!"

Irwin didn't understand what to sigh about, but he still cooperated, "Yeah! Yeah!"

"So, are you lost?"

Palmer put the muzzle of the gun on Irving's forehead again, and Dewar and Canary walked out from behind him, everyone was murderous.

After going through many bloody battles and slaughtering countless demons, Palmer finally found a living person who could communicate.

"Finally we can make progress."

Palmer seemed to have misunderstood something, and grabbed Irving's collar, "You are indeed a spy of the people of Xitao, right! You have been watching us from the train!"

Palmer then yelled, "Say it! Where did that bastard Noren hide Gould!"

Irving looked bewildered.

 Still 6300 in [-], [-] is enough to buy a hero, the debuff on the body has not disappeared, and there is a faint feeling of intensification, I am going to die~
(End of this chapter)

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