Endless Debt.

Chapter 58

Chapter 58
"Secret Energy, Hand of Calling, belongs to the School of Domination, and its effect is to distort the solid entity touched by the hands, to change and plasticize it..."

In the empty actual combat room, Bailey stood on a safe high platform, observing Burrog below while recording his secret abilities.

For Bologo, this is just becoming a sublimator, but for the sublimation furnace core, this is a major breakthrough for them. These crazy alchemists have successfully transplanted the power of the overlord, and with the With the promotion of Bologo, they will understand more and more the secrets hidden in this power.

So far, the Bureau of Order has been inferior to the King's Secret Sword in a series of researches on the "secret source". The most obvious manifestation is the speed and intensity of the secret energy change between the two sides. With this success, the Bureau of Order has hope. In the short term, close the gap between the two as much as possible.

"However... this guy adapts so quickly," Bailey poked her head out and looked at Bologo who was having fun below, "Every sublimator has to adapt for a while before he can use the secret power perfectly, but for him For me, this power seems to be innate."

"Nothing, for experts, that's how it is."

Jeffrey stood beside him. He had a wonderful feeling now, like raising a violent vicious dog. Now this vicious dog is an adult, full of strength, and can bite off the metal car door with a casual bite.

Recalling the appearance of Burlogo when he was released from prison a year ago, Jeffrey really felt an inexplicable sense of accomplishment.

Tremors and piercing rubbing sounds echoed, mixed with a man's maniacal laughter.

The entire actual combat room is a huge and open space, just like the Colosseum. The safe high platform is at the top, surrounded by the white and huge bricks and stones, and the lower part is the venue that changes according to the needs. In the "reclamation room" With the power of ", it is easy to modify the terrain.

Huge stone pillars rose up one after another, forming a terrain like a stone forest, and Bologo quickly shuttled through it, his body emitting a blue light.

He has no ability to fly, but with the power of the recruiting hand, all this is possible.

While jumping towards the stone pillar, Bologo stretched out his hand as far as possible, and as his fingers touched the surface of the stone pillar, a cyan current surged along his arm, flashed across the surface of the stone pillar, and then the smooth surface of the stone pillar immediately extended There is a bump for a foothold.

Stepping on the bulge, Bologo didn't stop for a moment, and then jumped towards the edge of the wall. After a short touch, the wall was summoned by the secret energy, and one step after another was suddenly raised, climbing up step by step. Luo Ge ran all the way on the generated stairs, and approached the high platform in a blink of an eye.

The ether surged, and Badr, who was always by Bailey's side, made a move at this time, and sharp long swords appeared out of thin air under the construction of the ether.

Holding the sharp sword, even though he was wearing the heavy protective clothing, Bader's movements were not clumsy at all, and even far faster than expected.

Turn around, swing your sword, throw.

The whistling sound of metal tearing through the air continued, and in a blink of an eye he threw several sharp swords at Burrog, at an extremely fast speed, like a flashing meteor.

The cyan electric current exploded and overflowed. While Bologo was rushing, he drew a long stone sword from the wall, and swung the sword to meet the falling sword.

The "School of Domination" is aimed at influencing reality. Unlike the fantasy creations of the "School of Illusion", it cannot create creations out of thin air, so the battle of Bologo needs to "get local materials", and the position of the drawn stone sword remains. A circular depression was formed, and the removed substance turned into the stone sword in his hand.

There was an ear-piercing impact, and Bologo slashed the attacking sharp sword, but the strength of the stone was not as tough as steel. After only one round of fighting, the stone sword was full of gaps, and fine cracks spread. Everywhere.

Throwing away the stone sword, Bologo pulled out stone swords one after another from the wall. His speed was faster than Baldr's. In the gap, he threw the stone sword towards Badr.

Baldr sideways narrowly dodged the oncoming stone sword, but in the emptiness of avoiding, the sound of Burrog's footsteps was approaching, he leaped high, and his shadow covered Baldr.

Secret Energy · Cast Iron Furnace.

The roaring hammering sound continued for a moment, and the surrounding temperature also rose sharply, as if everyone was placed in an invisible furnace, and thousands of hammers forged steel.

Baldur waved his hand in front of him, and on the trajectory of Bologo's landing, one round shield after another appeared out of thin air, trying to block Burlogo's advance, but Bologo's figure jumped up, and instead he used the round shield in mid-air As a springboard, he jumped behind Badr.

Holding the steel out of thin air, Badr turned around while a long spear was constructed in his hand. When he completed the turning movement, the sharp long spear pierced behind him like lightning.

"what happened?"

There was a sound of doubt, and Bologo dodged the stab on his side. At the same time, he grabbed the spear with one hand. He seemed to have encountered something confusing, but it didn't disturb Bologo for too long. He quickly approached Body, only one step away from Badr.

The surrounding ether rolled, and the roaring sound of forging became clearer and clearer. I don't know what kind of weapon Baldr is trying to forge, but no matter what he does, Bologo will win.

The ether entangles the body, which is a technique that Bologo has long been familiar with. In the massacre of demons thousands of times, the ether extreme skill mastered under the sky full of soul debris.

ether boost.

Burrog swung his swift hand knife, and the aether wrapped his limbs heavily, giving him greater speed and strength.

He smashed fiercely at the middle of the spear, and the tough steel was easily broken like this. Then Burlogo grabbed the broken spear head and stabbed at Baldr.

"Okay, it's alright."

Jeffrey's voice sounded, terminating the actual combat, and the gun in Burrog's hand stopped under the helmet of the protective suit.

"Should I be called an expert? I think I'm pretty good at fighting in the sublimation furnace core, but it's really not enough to face a newcomer."

The sound of the forging dissipated, Badr released his secret power, and a startled voice came from under the protective clothing. It must be that Bologo's offensive really made him admire. He also began to learn from Jeffrey, using the expert name Boluo It's gone.

"It's nothing, I'm a field worker, and you're a scientific researcher, so there's no comparison."

Burrog dropped the tip, and there was a clanging metallic sound. After a few seconds, the metal tip began to dissipate, turning into ether again.

"By the way, was that 'Ether Amplification' just now?" Jeffrey asked suddenly.

"Probably, I don't know too well," Burrog clenched his fists, and the feeling was instinctive, "but I feel it's 'Ether Amplification'."

"Have you mastered an etheric skill just after becoming a Sublimator?"

Bai Li on the side said that her desire for knowledge about Bologo became more intense in her eyes.

"Maybe I'm a genius?" Burrog replied narcissistically, "I'm an expert after all."

"Are you gifted? It's not impossible," Jeffrey said after thinking for a few seconds, "There are also many sublimation practitioners who are very talented in a certain etheric skill, and they can master it almost without learning. Maybe you are too."

"No...it's definitely the case, the etheric skill of 'Ether Amplification' is very suitable for you."

In Jeffrey's eyes, Bologo is a cold-blooded and violent butcher expert. Nothing makes a butcher more happy than a butcher's knife becoming sharper.

"Then what about other etheric skills? Will it be difficult to learn?"

Bologo asked, the technique of "Ether Amplification" is very practical. After becoming a Sublimator and being able to clearly feel the ether, Bologo has a deeper understanding of this etheric skill.

"I can't give you an answer to this, this kind of thing requires long-term practice, as well as the intervention of one's own personality style.

An extremely aggressive guy like you can easily master 'Ether Amplification'. An intelligence officer like Palmer needs to hide his actions for a long time, so it's easier for someone like him to master 'Ether Shield' and ' Aether Sense'...

In short, this is a very complicated thing. Except for the 'Original School', it is very difficult for other schools to master these powers. "

"Why can the 'Original School' master these easily?"

Bologo remembered the previous introduction to the school. The "Original School" is very special and completely different from other schools. It masters pure ether, and Bologo has never understood what it means.

"Because the 'Original School' has no secret power, or in other words, their secret power is the manipulation of the ether, and the etheric technique is a further way of manipulating the ether."

Bailey explained at this time.

"It can be said that for other sublimation practitioners, this kind of skill that needs to be concentrated on learning and training is only the most basic ability in the eyes of the 'origin school'."

In the sublimation furnace core, there are also a large number of alchemists of the "Original School". Thanks to their precise manipulation of ether, many complicated experiments can be carried out.

Burrog probably understood what she meant.

"It's a pity that Yas is absent. Among the people I know from the 'Original School', he is the most proficient in Taiji techniques, and he is very good at using 'Ether Silence'. When necessary, he even has the 'Aether Forbidden' skill." ability."

Jeffrey couldn't help trembling when he recalled Yas' ability, he joked.

"The 'Origin School' does not have fancy abilities like other schools. They are more like a group of heavily armored knights, mediocre, silent, but also bring a depressing sense of suffocation."

"But one thing you have to remember, Bologo," Geoffrey went on, "beware of those hordes of 'School of Origin'."

"Those people will be your natural enemies."

 Event plus 1
(End of this chapter)

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