Endless Debt.

Chapter 588

Chapter 588
Lula's secret power does not have any combat capability. From a functional point of view, she is more like a doctor, a psychiatrist. Using her secret power, she can affect the other party's memory to a certain extent to make up for some spiritual damage. trauma, so that the other party maintains a healthy mental state.

At first, this secret power was not what Lula wanted. What she longed for was a kind of secret power similar to the wind source, which could make Lula fly freely on the boundless sea, but Lula fell in love with Noren. , in order to take care of Noren and heal his spirit, she chose to implant this secret ability.

Relying on Lula's secret power, whenever Noren's hallucinations break out and his mind goes out of control, Lula will always act like a loving mother, comforting Noren's spirit and bringing him back to peace.

Lula sometimes has a sense of sacredness, feeling that she came to cure the nightmares of the Motley family, but she found that not all nightmares can be healed, such as Hert's nightmare.

It was a nightmare enough to drive all mortals mad, and it could not be cured, it could only be forgotten.

The hot ether roared in Heert's blood, and the ether sword burst out with a strong light like a blazing sun. He didn't intend to give Noren any chance to fight back. Lebius has already arrived, so don't kill Noren now. Ren, once he fights Lebius, Herter will have no chance.

Noren couldn't see his younger brother, nor could he see the deadly sword, all he could see was the absolute light.

At this moment, he didn't have much fighting spirit to speak of, and the guilt from the past was still tormenting him, but in the next moment, Noren mustered up his courage again, he couldn't just die like this, this was a kind of escape, even if it was for Lula and him To live too.

The same high-pitched ether surged in Noren's body. At the same time, Lula reached out and touched Hert from behind. Along her icy fingertips, the secret energy injected into Hert's body along with the ether, and then affected Hert's mind.

In an instant, the world in Hert's eyes became distorted again. Noren disappeared, and Lula also disappeared. He left the burning Paradise and appeared on the roaring sea.

Rage was burning on the surface of the sea, the wreckage of the ship rolled among the waves, countless figures struggled in the water, a wave slapped and took away all the sound, it seemed that a cruel naval battle had just ended again, in the more distant On the surface of the sea, the burning cargo ship was slowly sinking into the sea, like a dead giant whale, powerlessly sinking into the deep sea.

Herter blinked, he didn't know where he was, let alone what happened here, everything at the moment was extremely strange to him.

I should be fighting with Noren, yes, I made a deal with the devil and gained great power, he was almost able to kill Noren...almost...


A frightened and weak voice sounded beside his ears, piercing Hert's heart like a sharp knife.

Herter turned his head slowly. He was on a lifeboat. In this small boat, there were his wife and daughter besides him.

"Helt, what have you forgotten?"

A voice came with the sea wind and dissipated in the air.

"Damn it," Herter said angrily, "Lula, are you playing tricks!"

Herter vaguely remembered Lula's secret power. She was an Ethereal school bastard who played with other people's memories. He hated Lula very much when he knew that Lula was treating Noren.

Herter knew why he hated Lula. What he really hated was himself, the sinful memory of patricide hidden deep in his mind, and he didn't want Lula to find out about it.

Trying to arouse the ether, but Herter found that his secret energy did not respond, or it might have responded, but he was in a hallucination, and his induction to the secret energy was blocked.


The woman hugged the girl tightly and hid in the stern, their eyes full of horror.

"To shut up!"

Herter cursed, "You're not real!"

His eyes scanned the surroundings anxiously. Because of his fear of Lula, this was the first time that Herter was captured by Lula's secret energy in so many years. Heerter didn't know how to escape from this weird hallucination. Just use whatever method you can think of.

Stepping forward, Herter jumped into the sea decisively, allowing himself to be submerged in the icy sea water. Herter's body became heavier and heavier, as if tentacles grabbed him from the depths of the seabed. He guessed I was about to return to reality, and my consciousness became hazy, until at the end of the silence and darkness, a ray of light lit up.

Hert felt a burst of warmth, which quickly intensified, as if standing in front of a stove at close range, the heat gradually became unbearable, and when he opened his eyes, the strong light almost blinded Hert's eyes.

The sky is extremely clear, and there is a scorching sun that cannot be seen directly.

Herter was extremely thirsty at the moment, his throat was dry, and his skin was tingling, as if he had been sunburned. He slowly got up and saw the woman and child sitting opposite him.

The woman curled up and protected the girl under her body to prevent her from being exposed to direct sunlight, but even so, the high temperature air was still depriving the two of them of moisture, like a slow and cruel punishment.

"No...it's all fake."

Herter didn't dare to watch that scene. His wife and daughter were living in the interior, leading a stable life, while he was fighting with others on the Paradise. Everything he saw was an illusion created by Lula.

Is it really a hallucination?

The questioning voice whispered in Hert's mind, he felt that he had forgotten something, and soon, like a dream, Hert forgot how he got here, and also forgot everything before.

The fight on the Paradise, the deal with the devil, all of this dissipated in Herter's mind, like a cut movie, he was cut from one plot to another.

At first, Herter was still a little confused, and his consciousness was filled with an unreal feeling, but when the girl let out a weak cry, the mourning crushed all Herter's wild thoughts.

Herter seemed to be a different person... no, he was back to his former self.

"Emily, how are you doing?"

Hult cared about the girl, and anxiety and panic spread in his heart. He forgot about all kinds of struggles, and just wanted to take the two of them to try to escape this predicament.

In that fierce naval battle, Hert destroyed most of the pirates and sank their ships one by one, but his own big ship sank irretrievably. He sent a distress signal to the people of Xitao, And boarded the lifeboat, now is their third day of drifting at sea, both materials and mental state have become precarious.

Emily didn't speak, she just looked at Helt wearily, it was very difficult for her to survive such punishment even with her mother's protection.

The woman hugged the girl, she couldn't cry anymore, even the sadness on her face became numb, the woman didn't go to see Herter, but just lowered her head, staring at the girl's face for a long time, unwilling to let go of any moment.

Hert remained silent. In front of this vast and boundless sea, extraordinary power became meaningless. He could not save anyone, not even himself. The only thing he could do was to place his hope on the people of Xitao search and rescue team.

As night fell, after the hot torture, the cold wind hit, and the girl's forehead began to feel hot, like a burning stove.

The woman could do nothing but comfort the girl by touching her forehead constantly, she said in the silence of the long dark night with a poisonous voice.

"I hate you, Herter."

Herter stared at the starry sky numbly, as if escaping from all of this, he looked like he couldn't hear anything.

"Damn tradition, damn duty...you know she's not used to the sea."

"I thought I could protect her."

"Then you did it!"

The woman's scolding made Herter silent, and after a long time, the woman's sobs came from the darkness.

She said, "I'm sorry, Herter, I'm just a little..."

"It's nothing," Herter shook his head expressionlessly, "it's nothing."

A bright light rises from the sea in the distance, like a giant sword that splits the darkness. It sweeps across the dark sea, and soon lands on the lifeboat. There are bursts of loud whistles, and the ship seems to be In celebration, they found Hert.

Suddenly, the world froze, and the ship stopped in the distance, not coming.

The sea was frozen, and a graceful figure stepped forward. Standing in the darkness behind Herter, Herter felt something touching his cheek, like a gentle skirt.

"I know what's next..."

At this time, the lost memory came back to Hert's mind, and he remembered the cause and effect before and after, and the voice calmly narrated.

"We were rescued, but after this incident, Emily started to get sick. She was always coughing and had no strength to walk. She took Emily and left me and went back to live in the outback. She swore that she would never die. Neither will come near the sea, nor will Emily."

"Is that true?" the woman asked with a smile. "Haven't you realized that? That woman named Lula has affected your memory."

"You... what did you say?"

"I said, is your memory real? Or is it a modified, false beauty?"

A woman's voice sounded beside her ear, and she was so close that Herter could feel her warm breath, stroking the fluff on her cheek.

The lights of the ships in the distance disappeared, and the surroundings turned into darkness again. The woman raised her hand, as if touching the sky, and then waved her arms, turning the sky.

The change of day and night accelerated, and the light and darkness quickly overlapped under Herter's gaze. Each intersection represented the disappearance of a day and night. At the same time, the woman and girl in front of him became more haggard under the change of day and night.

Their bodies lost moisture, their skin was sunburned, and became as dry as bark. Their whole bodies curled up like maggots under the flames.

"No no no no!"

Herter wanted to stop all this, but when he stretched out his hand, he realized that his hands were also bloody and bloody under the endless torture.

He carefully hugged the two bodies covered with dust and skin debris, as if he would break their bodies if he was not careful. Herter kept calling their names, begging for a response, but they had already closed their doors. Eyes, there is no longer any sound.

They are no longer there, and now what appears in Hert's arms is only their former bodies, dusty mummies.

"Speak out, Herter," the woman hugged Herter's head from behind, stroking his cheek tenderly, "tell the truth of the story that Lula has hidden."

Herter's eyes were glazed over, and he couldn't refuse a woman, just as he couldn't stop the memory from returning like a tidal wave.

"They are all dead. Under my own eyes, they were mummified by the scorching sun."

At sea level, Noren's rescue was long overdue. When he rescued Hert, Hert had already fallen into complete madness under the influence of great grief and hallucinations.

"Lula healed me, she created a false illusion for me..."

Herter said without emotion, "She cruelly left me with a goal that can never be achieved, so I am so motivated to live."

The woman lifted Herter's chin, causing him to look back at him, and the breathtaking beauty rushed into Herter's eyes, but this time he didn't have any desire, only a numb grief.

That's why Noren kept stopping Lula. As his elder brother, Noren didn't want to face this terrible nightmare again.

A brutal tenderness.

"I can grant your wish, Hert."

The woman said, "I can create replicas of your wife and daughter, they are exactly the same as the original, and have the same memories, and you will meet them again."

"But 'they' are not them after all."

"Yes, the devil cannot change what has happened, but we can play tricks."

The woman knew that Huerte did not satisfy such a wish, and she continued, "How about a dream that you can never wake up from? In the dream, you will forget all kinds of reality and spend a wonderful life with them."

"Or... I erase your love for them?"

The woman laughed, her voice was so beautiful, like a peerless melody, with the magic power of charm and desire.

"Yeah, I can make you no longer love them, so that they will no longer affect you, you will not be sad for them, you will not feel guilty for them, and you will not have any emotional fluctuations for them.

In other words, completely erase your memory of them, they never existed in Hert Motley's life. "

Herter was silent for a long time, and he shook his head.

"None of these are 'real.'"

"Is truth important?" The woman was puzzled. "In the final analysis, all these reactions are just physiological effects, and the secretion of hormones... are just perception hallucinations."

"No...it's different."

"What's the difference?"

Facing the woman's question, Herter couldn't give an answer, he just felt that it was not good, "I can't make another mistake."

"But you have already committed a heinous crime, and you are destined to be unforgivable. Why don't you give up everything?"

The woman held Herter's face from behind, and the intoxicating warmth came from her fingertips.

"Continue to stick to the remaining conscience, and you can't wash away the sins on your body, but you can abandon it, and you will get the satisfaction of your wishes—even if it is not true."

Herter didn't respond, but the woman already knew his answer, and she let go of her hands, leaving a confused sentence.

"I really don't understand, is the truth so important?"

The woman disappeared, and Hert was the only one left on the lonely sea. He hugged the dry corpse tightly, as if self-mutilating, enjoying the pain brought by the memory, until the world of illusion began to collapse.

Lula's hand hangs down. The secret energy consumes a lot of her ether. Even if she erases the seal she once left in Hert's mind, her strength is almost exhausted.

Herter stood there in a daze, holding the terrifying ether sword in his hand. It took him a few seconds to recover from the hallucination, and then his eyes fell on Noren in front of him.

For a moment, Noren felt that the Herter who used to be was back, the Herter full of power and ideals, but this Herter was fleeting, and a crazy look appeared on his face again, and he went crazy He swung his sword like a sword, and a desolate scream sounded from his mouth.

He was like a completely crazy beast, biting indiscriminately and violently destroying everything.

Desires, family members, souls,... everything about Herter is ruthlessly played by fate. Reality and illusion are completely intertwined and overlapped, like countless rats crawling and biting in the body. Drilled out from under the body, and emptied his skin.

The endless sadness almost tore Hert apart completely, but then this sadness was transformed into bursts of joy.

Herter screamed and cursed himself that he should be mourning for his wife and daughter, but he rejoiced in their death. This is the teasing and torture from the devil.

He was going crazy, but he was so happy that he almost burst out laughing.

The iron wall was broken, and the biting wolf fell from the sky. The sound of tearing metal continued, and wounds bloomed on Hert's body, but what overflowed from below was not ether, but real blood.

It shouldn't be like this, under the protection of Nie Chao Weile, Hert has endless ether, and he can completely maintain etherization.

Noren noticed the difference in Heert, and also captured the sobriety and sadness in the crazy eyes.

"He's not crazy! Lebius!"

Noren tried to stop the fighting, there had been enough deaths today, no more blood should be shed, but his words failed to stop Lebius from beheading.

A sharp blade slashed down vertically, shattering Hert's proud etheric sword with one blow, and then a hideous wound split from his head, splitting his neck and chest, almost Most of the body.

The shattered pupils reflected the god of death from the sky, Levius and the biting wolf overlapped, and the cold and deadly iron armor covered him.

A weak voice sounded from the broken throat, "I still...can't beat you."

Lebius responded indifferently, "Yeah."

The sharp wolf claws extended to stab, and Lebius pierced Hert's heart with one blow, and then quickly pulled out, drawing out a splatter of blood.

The etheric glow on Hert's body flickered a few times, then completely extinguished, and fell to his knees on the spot, blood gurgling away from the broken body, taking away the last warmth.

Noren threw himself on Heert's body, calling his name repeatedly, hoping to save his younger brother, relying on etherification, such an injury shouldn't have killed him.

But Herter was still dead.

Noren roared angrily, "Lebius!"

From the beginning to the end, Lebius' mood didn't change at all, as if he just slaughtered a crazy wild dog.

Facing Noren's reprimand, Lebius just responded calmly, "Livestock can only be slaughtered."

Noren's expression froze, he didn't say anything more, and silently picked up Hert's body, his eyes lowered.

In blood and grief, the butcher becomes an animal, and death brings eternal peace.

(End of this chapter)

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