Endless Debt.

Chapter 595 The author is dead

"King Solomon had countless great creations in his life, and these creations were all destroyed with the fall of the holy city."

Dewar gently stroked the pitch-black permanent metal, his words were full of regret, and when he glanced at Lebius and others from the corner of his eyes, he showed undisguised malice.It was the Kogadel Empire who joined forces with the Rhine League to destroy the Holy City.

"Brimstone and fire destroyed the holy city, but they failed to destroy everything. No matter how the fire burns, there will be some warm ashes left."

Dewar's tone was deep. At this moment, he looked like a real scholar. His eyes contained the sadness of the past history and the pursuit of knowledge.

"The Friars of Truth have collected some manuscripts of King Solomon, which recorded many of his great creations. For a long time, the work of the Friars of Truth has been to try to reproduce King Solomon's great creations based on the nature described in the manuscripts. .”

Burlogo said, "Is this thing Constant Metal one of them?"

Dewar nodded affirmatively, "According to the records in King Solomon's manuscript, he created a metal of 'absolute reality', and then he named this metal the permanent metal."

Looking at the blank eyes of several people, Dewar was impatient and bored. He really wanted to find a research room immediately and start research on permanent metals and primordial things, instead of endlessly explaining to these idiots.

"Let's recall some basics."

Dewar sighed, "Ether is a kind of strange energy that overflows in the world. Sublimationists use the alchemy matrix implanted in the soul to drive the ether to achieve a certain effect that can distort reality."

"Such as fireworks, lightning, shaping steel, freezing others, etc., all of which use ether as energy to break the laws of physics. That is to say, the essence of our power is a distortion of reality."

"Dewar stopped talking, with a troubled look on his face, trying to explain the power of the constant metal in terms that other people can understand, the power of 0'absolute reality' will make the constant metal reject all distortions and influence, and thus maintain the absolute truth of the essence."

"Look, no matter how we influence it, it will reject all influence one by one, and reject all outside interference."

Dewar said that he did not know where to pull out a hammer, and slammed down on the constant metal. This guy's action was so sudden that no one could react.

Sparks shot out, the sound of the metal echoed, Dewar's arm was numb from the shock, and the constant metal remained the same as before, it was not distorted by the ether, nor affected by physical attacks, it only maintained the original appearance of absolute reality.

"Damn it, can you control yourself?"

Bologo stopped him. He probably knew the properties of permanent metals. With Dewar's madness towards the original, he might really cut off Gould's hand.

Burrog noticed that the extended chain was tightly bound around Gould's arm. "Wait a minute, if that's the case, how did Gould wear it on his hand?"

Dewar looked at Burlogo like an idiot, and asked, "Do you think there really are substances that are not affected by the outside world?"

"But as you said, it is not subject to reality distortion."

"That's just not subject to reality distortion to a certain extent," Dewar added, "Even King Solomon couldn't create that kind of thing, just like the absolute rigid body in the concept of physics, something that is completely unaffected by reality distortion, is What does not exist, even if it exists, is only in theory."

"As for how Gould did it... It's just a collision between power and power. The ether and the permanent metal are like magnets of the same sex, repelling each other, but when your power suppresses the repulsion of the permanent metal, then you can Twist it."

Listening to Dewar's explanation of the constant metal, Geoffrey couldn't understand, "Then what's the use of making it?"

Judging from Jeffrey's cognition, he can't think of the application of the constant metal. After all, the only thing that can be stable and undisturbed is itself.

Jeffrey continued, "Or is it just an accidental distortion product like the Snake Scale Liquid?"

Without waiting for Dewar's answer, Lebius put forward his own guess.

"Arms and Shackles."

Lebius was keenly aware of the many application environments of constant metal. For example, bullets made of constant metal can ignore the influence of ether, and easily penetrate many protections just like being protected by the silence of ether.

As for the shackles, this application has already been shown to several people. According to what Dewar said, to interfere with the constant metal, at least the power of the defender's rank is needed, and such power is rare.

Dua shook his head. He was not very satisfied with the answers of several people, and then his eyes fell on Aimiao. He was looking forward to what answer Aimiao, who is also an alchemist, would give.


After thinking for a moment, Aimu said, "A container used to avoid etheric interference."

"Explain," said Burlogo.

Everyone present here only has a superficial understanding of alchemy, and it is difficult for them to understand the professional and complicated ideas of alchemists.

"Take gas as an example. There are many similarities between ether and gas. Gas fills every place in the world. Different areas have different air pressures. The same is true for ether. Some areas have high ether concentrations, while others have low ether concentrations. The air will It oxidizes the matter, and the ether will also invade the matter and affect it, the Desublimer itself is the best proof."

With the company of ether all the year round, the ether will gradually transform the body of the sublimation person, and the etherification that can be possessed is the most significant when reaching the third stage of the incumbent.

Amyu's explanation was a bit too common, which made Burlogo realize that etherization might also be regarded as a kind of "oxidation".

Aimiao stepped forward and lightly stroked the surface of the permanent metal, her arm became illusory, trying to penetrate the permanent metal, but just like before, a repulsive force came, rejecting Aimiao's arrogance.

"If some alchemy materials are in contact with ether for a long time, they will also be affected by ether to a certain extent, just like metal being oxidized. The range of influence is almost negligible, but the influence does exist."

Aimu said solemnly, "In rigorous research, such errors are absolutely not allowed. Usually, these substances that easily react with the ether will be placed in the vacuum of the ether, but maintaining the vacuum of the ether requires a lot of money. resources, and the ether vacuum environment is easily affected by the outside world.”

Aimiao was deeply touched by this point. In an experiment, the concentration of ether in the outside world suddenly increased, which directly compressed the range of ether vacuum, which led to the failure of Aimiao's experiment.

"It's different with a constant metal. As long as it is used as a container, it can repel all the ether and maintain internal stability."

Like insects sealed in amber.

Dewar analyzed, "From this point of view, the original thing is likely to be a substance that easily reacts with ether, so King Solomon used it to protect it."

Lebius was silent for a while, and nodded in approval. Now that Dewar has gradually shown his value, he began to look forward to the follow-up analysis of the original thing.

"That is to say, we have to return to the Bureau of Order in another way," Dewar said directly to Lebius this time) "You must know that the door of the winding path itself is a reality distortion of entering matter, and we can easily pass through In the entry, but the constant metal must repel the door, rejecting the distortion of the labyrinth."

Dewar made an analogy, "People go in, but the constant metal remains outside."

At this moment, some unsolved puzzles also have answers. When the tenth group was attacked, Gould failed to bring the original thing back to the Bureau of Order because the constant metal rejected the distortion of reality. He could only carry Constant Metal ran and fled, looking for a way to return to the Bureau of Order.

Several people communicated fiercely again, but no one noticed that on the smooth mirror-like metal surface, tiny cracks were being cracked little by little at the position that Bologo had just touched.

Boluoge shakes the constant metal, although the impact is almost zero, if you don't observe it with a lens, it is even difficult to see this microscopic change, but it is like the iron law of reality, it really happens and exists.

During the communication, Dewar's eyes also fell on Bologo's body vaguely. He noticed the strangeness of Bologo's secret power. Dewar felt as if he had seen similar power somewhere, but he couldn't remember it. up.

There were two times in Palmer's life that his world view collapsed. The first time was when he was at the coming-of-age ceremony, Palmer's dear old father told him with a smile about the dangers and dangers of the extraordinary world. Palmer was so frightened that he shed tears on the spot, and was autistic for many days.

The second world view collapsed when Palmer encountered a cult sacrifice ceremony after working for a period of time. When he was forced to become a debtor, luck and bad luck played with Palmer's life and kicked him like a mouse. No matter how young and frivolous and full of enthusiasm you kick, in the end, only the numbness after being played with is left.

If possible, Palmer felt that the two collapses of the world view were enough. No matter his spirit or body, it would be difficult for him to withstand the impact of the third collapse. However, Palmer never expected that this day would still come , or in this peculiar way.

Palmer was sitting beside Irving's bed, like a desolate girl who had been let down by others, sobbing in his voice, shaking constantly, and his eyes were empty. He couldn't hold it anymore, but he still asked pretendingly.

"So...his exit is just because you simply don't know how to write it, not because of other deep meanings?"

"Yeah," Irwin affirmed Palmer's words, "I wrote this character at the time, but I just felt that the number of words was not enough, and some characters were needed to fill in the content. As for the exit, it was because there were too many story lines in him. It's clean, I don't want to think about it anymore, it's better to leave the stage directly."

Palmer couldn't catch his breath and almost suffocated. If it weren't for the good physique of the prayer believer, he really felt like he would have a heart attack.

"Then the same is true for this plot? What rare sweetness and warmth are just fake?"

"Oh? This part," Irving scratched his head. "My editor said that young people like to watch family fun now, so let me write something like that, um... That's it."

Palmer clutched his chest, he felt a twinge of angina, "Then... what about this part? You can't make up this part too, can you?"

Irving said casually, "This part is not, but it's a pity, I should have been able to write better on this part, but I was in a hurry to submit the manuscript, so I handed it in after a couple of strokes."

Palmer fell silent completely. According to the plot of the novel, at this time, he should take out a cigarette tremblingly and put it in his mouth, then look into the distance with a sad gaze, or hide his face in pain.

"Forget it, is this the gap between fantasy and reality?"

Palmer comforted himself, trying to let it all go.

"Don't think too much about your friends, you don't need to ask me these things," Irwin could understand Palmer's mood at the moment, he used the same method to treat Cinderella just now, "don't pay too much attention to my words, sometimes my answer Can't represent everything."

"But you are the author, those stories and characters are what you wrote!" Palmer wailed, and Irwin's answer undoubtedly sentenced all his fantasies to death.

"No, you can't think like this," Irwin patted Palmer's shoulder, "I always feel that when an author writes a work, it no longer belongs to the author himself."

Palmer asked, "Are you referring to the copyright ownership of the work?"

Irving froze for a moment, "Huh?"

Palmer didn't understand these things very well, "What are the royalties, income and so on?"

"No, no, I mean the right to interpret the work." Irwin was curious about Palmer's way of thinking, which is also a weird guy. "Compared with the author, I think I am more like a narrator. This The story does not belong to me, I just happen to fantasize about it, and when I relay my fantasies to you, the fantasies are independent of me."

"The author is dead from that moment on."

"My thoughts are not important, nor are my interpretations, just like a light has countless ways to describe it, and my words are only one of them."

Irwin smiled, "I have always felt that creation itself is a process of sharing, so readers are very important, just like a beautiful performance, no matter how amazing it is, if there is no audience in the audience, it will become lonely and boring."

He then whispered, "Of course, the readers' payment is also invaluable."

Palmer probably understood what Irwin said, and he continued, "That is to say, can I treat your explanation just now as nonsense?"

"If it makes you feel better, I think so."

Palmer was silent for a while, and he clutched his chest and had another angina. It was easy for Irwin to say, but these damn words had been nailed into Palmer's mind like nails.

He wanted to forget the conversation just now, so as to retain a good impression of the innocence of the work, but obviously Palmer couldn't do it anymore.

A strange silence fell between the two, with Cinderella caught in the middle, fidgeting.

Palmer said meaningfully, "Speaking of which, it's really surprising, Irving."

In the past few days, Palmer has learned about Irwin's story from Noren. This famous author has been secretly chasing knowledge of the extraordinary world for decades.

Palmer asked, "Just for creative inspiration?"

Irving knew what he was asking, "What else?"

Palmer set his sights on Cinderella. According to Irwin, she is Irwin's niece, but this niece's name sounds weird.

Cinderella, this is a name from a fairy tale that Palmer has read.

Palmer asked, "What about her?"

Cinderella's good attitude has already attracted Palmer's attention. Although Palmer has all kinds of bad qualities, as an excellent employee of the Bureau of Order, he can still tell the order of things clearly.

"An accident, I never thought I would be involved in this kind of thing."

This part of what Irving told the truth was that he simply wanted to meet his old friend Noren, but he was involved in the dispute between the Zong Song Orchestra and the Unbound Poetry Society.

Irwin added, "Besides, look at me like this, if I have any conspiracy...don't I just die?"

Palmer thought about it carefully, and it was indeed the case. Without his own key rescue, Irving would have almost died in the Paradise, and no matter how he thought about it, Palmer couldn't think of any sinister motives for Irving. Just an ordinary person, a pure ordinary person, not to mention a sublimator, even the most humble demon is not something Irving can calmly deal with.

Irving asked, "What are you going to do with me?"

When mentioning this, Irwin's breathing became tense. The friendly reader interaction is over, and the really important link has just begun.

Now that Irwin is under house arrest on the Terror, his life and death are completely decided by these mysterious decondensers. It is always disturbing to entrust his fate to others.

Irving asked, "Amnestics? I remember it being your most common method."

"Well, I don't know."

Palmer shook his head, "That's the responsibility of the logistics department, but."

Suddenly, Palmer's expression became sneaky, and he grabbed Irving's shoulders, looking like a good brother. Palmer's sudden enthusiasm made Irving extremely uncomfortable, and then Palmer whispered to him .

"Let's make a deal, as long as you promise me, I will find a way."

Palmer told Irwin about his request. Irwin was a little worried at first, but then his expression became weird, frowning, and looking at Palmer with a strange look.

Judging by the content of the request, Palmer really is a huge fan of himself.

Irving sighed, "That's weird."

As night fell, Bologo stood on the deck, looking at the scenery in the distance. Due to the storm, the lights in Freeport were dimmed a lot, like a large candle that was about to be extinguished, flickering endlessly.

After repeated tests, the properties of the constant metal were confirmed. It is not affected by the power of the labyrinth, so it cannot pass through the door of the labyrinth, and this most convenient means of movement has failed.

Jeffrey proposed to gather a few people to try to forcibly break the permanent metal and leave with the original thing under the permanent metal, but this proposal was strictly rejected by Dewar.

"Didn't you hear me clearly? This is a container. The object that can be protected by this special metal must be a substance that easily reacts with ether. Maybe the moment we open the permanent metal, it will destroy the original things!"

Dewar strongly requested to return to the sublimation furnace core before cutting the constant metal. His attitude was very firm. If he hadn't known it in advance, Burlogo would have thought that Dewar was also a member of the sublimation furnace core.

After a brief consideration, a new plan was formulated. The special operations team would stay on the Terror for a while, waiting for reinforcements from the sixth group, the riot operations group.

The arrival of this batch of reinforcements was expected by Burlogo. In the initial operation, the special operations group and the anti-riot operation group set off successively. The anti-riot operation group attracted firepower for the special operations group. The singing group fought for several days in a row, and they were still resting in the wilderness when the Paradise incident broke out.

After receiving information about the successful recovery of Gould and the constant metal, the anti-riot operation team is approaching Freeport. This time they will return to the Bureau of Order with the special operations team to escort the operation.

This news reassured Bologo a lot about his return journey. With such a group of Sublimationists from the Origin School, their strength has increased greatly. Just relying on Yas' silence and prohibition, they can make the enemy suffer. Unspeakable, not to mention the combination of Jeffrey's Tiger Eye, an enemy who blocks the ether, freezes the body, and is lower than the power-holder, is just like a target in their eyes.

No matter what kind of enemy they face, the sublimationists of the original school in groups have the ability to fight.

The sound of footsteps came from behind, the sound was very soft, like a light deer stepping on dry fallen leaves, if you don't listen carefully, it is difficult to distinguish it from the sound of the wind.

Bologo knew who was coming, Jeffrey's footsteps would be heavy, Lebius' footsteps would not be noticed at all, as for Palmer, he would greet loudly first, and then walk happily come over.

Aimiao lay beside the fence, "You look a little irritable."

"Thinking about something."

Burrog didn't explain what it was, and Aimu didn't continue to ask after seeing this.

The conversation between the two fell into silence, and there was only the whistling sound of the sea wind all around. Amy felt her cheeks were slightly heated and hot by the sea wind.

Amy looked for a topic, "Have you tried the local specialties of Freeport?"

Burrog shook his head. He wasn't hungry. He simply ate a few biscuits and finished his dinner.

"how is the taste?"

"It's bad, it's bad."

Amy shook her head vigorously. She felt that she would never get used to the food of these sailors. Then she raised her hand and pressed it on Burrog's head. The illusory palm overlapped with Burrog. At the same time, Amy Remember the taste of food.

"how do you feel?"

"It's weird."

Amy affirmed, "Yes!"

"No, I mean your behavior is so weird."

Burrog turned his head helplessly, and Amy felt as if he was about to pull out his head, "But to be honest, the taste of this food is even weirder."

"Haha, right! Right!"

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