Endless Debt.

Chapter 598 The Devils' Bet

Chapter 598 The Devils' Bet

In the endless wilderness, the train rumbled across the rails, like a fast steel snake, rushing from one nest to another, rolling up dust and gravel all over the sky.

The picture was projected on a huge screen. In the dim theater, Belphegor sat in the center of the auditorium as usual, but this time his eyes did not stay on the screen, but moved away rarely, and stared at the book in his hand .

Stacks of books were stacked on the seat beside Belphegor. Some titles were repeated, but the bindings were different. It seemed that they were different publication types of the same book.

Belphegor closed the book slowly. With the memory of the devil, it is not difficult for Belphegor to remember with a photograph, but even so, he still re-read the book again and again, as if walking along countless The same old way, reciprocating cycle.

Putting the book aside, Belphegor slowly closed his eyes, with a satisfied smile on his face, immersed in the aftertaste of the end of the story.

Belphegor whispered, "What an interesting soul, Blue Jay."

These books piled up beside Belphegor are all from the same author.

Blue Jay, or rather, Irving Fleischer.

Belphegor has collected all of Irwin's works, from his debut novels decades ago to the recent commemorative editions that publishers have re-issued to make money, and it's all in Belphegor's collection.

Belphegor liked Irving's story, and he liked it so much that when Irving rejected his deal, Belphegor actually felt a little lucky.

Irving did not let himself down, he was still so noble and pure, if he promised himself, the power of the devil would pollute Irving's storyline instead.

Amidst the joy and satisfaction, an incomparably contradictory emotion rose in Belphegor's heart. The more Irving showed the value of his soul, the more Belphegor yearned to get his soul and drain his value.

This complicated and twisted idea made Belphegor clenched his fists repeatedly. He tried hard to resist his soul-hungry nature, and was obsessed with Irwin's story that had not been fully explored.

"Irving, what should I impress you with?"

Belphegor looked up at the screen. In the screen, Irwin was hugged by furry Hart. Under Irwin's frightened eyes, Hart kissed and rubbed him excitedly. His black hair fluttered wildly, choking people cough.

To get Irving's soul, Belphinger had to pay a corresponding price, but for a while he couldn't think of what he could pay... To be precise, Belphinger didn't know what Irving wanted.

Even if he has the ability to realize all wishes, Belphegor is still helpless in the face of a person who has no wishes.

"No...you are my thing, you can only belong to me..."

Belphegor's words gradually became morbid. He knew that besides himself, Irving was also being targeted by another devil. She always did this, and she liked to rob what she loved.She didn't want this thing, it was just to make herself angry and angry.

The chest bulged and then sank. After taking a deep breath, Belphegor controlled his emotions, snapped his fingers, and the books around him disappeared in an instant.

Belphegor had a guest coming next, he had to prepare in advance, and snapped his fingers again, and there was an extra bucket of popcorn and drinks on the seat beside him, other than that, there were no more changes in the cinema up.For Belphegor, being able to prepare these in advance is considered a grand reception for the other party.

The guest didn't keep Belphegor waiting too long, and a graceful figure gradually emerged from the squirming darkness. She greeted Belphegor with a voice like a flower blooming in the dark night.

"Long time no see, Belphegor."

The plain white body was entangled with the darkness, and the black veil spread out like a water lily. The woman walked towards Belphegor, she seemed to be smiling at Belphegor, but she didn't seem to.

Belphegor hated the woman's expression, that kind of complex emotion mixed with pain and pleasure, making it difficult to fathom her mind.

The woman took a seat beside Belphegor, and she also turned her eyes to the front screen, watching the movie with Belphegor. At this time, the screen moved to the outside of the train, and the heavy steel snake was singing and galloping all the way.

"How long has it been since you went out, the smell here is like a pile of dead rats."

The woman slapped the tip of her nose with her hand, and gave Belphegor a look of disgust.

Belphegor knew that the woman was irritating him. There were no rats here, only countless sealed souls.

"No matter how rotten and smelly it is, it is only material deterioration."

Belphegor countered bluntly, "This is much better than your empty and boring spirit."

The woman laughed, her laughter was sweet and sweet, if it was an ordinary human being, he would have been fascinated by the woman and gave her everything he had, but it was useless to Belphegor who is a devil, he thought women knew this too One point, it's just that women are used to this style of doing things, and it's hard to change.

She has always been like this, seducing people's minds with her gestures, arousing the most primitive and dirty desires in their hearts, watching those self-proclaimed noble people fall into madness, as if this can give women some kind of satisfaction.

Just like Belphegor's delight as he reads the story.

The woman said with a smile, "But it's my empty and boring spirit that makes people crazy and desperate for it."

This is a fact. Under the lure of women, the Unbound Poetry Club fell apart, and Belphegor could not justify anything about this.

Belphegor whispered, "You will pay the price."

"but not now."

The woman winked at Belphegor, judging from her casual attitude, the bloody dispute between the two seemed to be just a game.

"Let's stop arguing, we can fight to the death for this kind of thing later."

The woman stretched her waist. She still knew that there were important things to do on this trip.

"So what do you want to do?" Belphegor asked. "It's quite unnerving to visit me suddenly."

"I should be the one who is panicking, right?"

The woman pretended to be envious, "Look at you now, you control the terrible order!"

She laughed softly, "Or is it under the control of the Bureau of Order?"

The woman knew Belphegor's current situation. The more embarrassed he was, the happier the woman was. Every time she thought of these things, she would laugh heartily.

"You really hate me. In order to avenge me, you are even willing to commit yourself to the Bureau of Order."

Belphegor said, "Stop talking nonsense, what do you want from me?"

The woman crossed her chest with her hands, raised her left hand to pinch her chin, looked up, as if thinking, then she turned to Belphegor and suggested.

"Shall we cease fighting? How about it?"

Belphegor suspected that he had heard it wrong, "A truce?"

"Yeah, are we in a truce?"

The woman explained her reasons, "I just met Saizong not long ago, and you also know that he represents the will of the pupil of eternal wrath. I don't know what Saizong wants to do, but I know that in order to control the fury, Sejong will definitely stay out of trouble."

Taking one out of the popcorn bucket, the woman threw it out, "Exit one."

"You can't control the bureau of order. Fortunately, the bureau of order has always been against the king's secret sword. They can contain our gluttonous sister. And the tyrant Mammon, he couldn't be more simple. Whoever has a better chance of winning, he will stand On whose side."

The woman took out two more popcorns in a row and threw them away.

"As for the remaining two, one was betrayed by Thurley, lost the power of the Eternal Night Empire, and was defeated in the Daybreak War. Although it has been a hundred years, I don't think he can regain his sweeping power. Our strength, the other..."

When the woman mentioned the other one, she couldn't help laughing, "He's really ridiculous, he was tricked by King Solomon. Fortunately, we destroyed King Solomon in time and severely injured him in the fall of the holy city. In this dispute, he is not afraid."

"Look, Belphegor, my brother, my blood, this is a rare chance, a chance even we can win.

Don't you want to win once? "

Belphegor fell silent. He seemed to be persuaded by the woman. This is a rare opportunity. After two terrifying wars, the most powerful demons ever were pulled down from the throne by mortals, and this gave them a chance to rise .

"No...are you kidding me?"

Belphegor laughed back in anger, the laughter was extremely piercing, with the sound of metal scraping.

"You split my Unbound Poetry Club, corrupted my poets, and even tried to destroy my "Endless Poetry", and now you have come to call me to stop the war."

Following Belphegor's narration, the cinema trembled violently, as if a crazy earthquake was coming to this place.

In the darkness, those souls hidden in the cassette wailed together with Belphegor's anger, thousands of souls uttered mournful wailing, narrating the abominable curse.

Many hideous images flashed back on the screen, like a randomly cut montage, alternating strong light and darkness, and high-pitched and piercing sounds from the stereo.

"You started this war! But now you want to stop this war!"

Belphegor glared at the woman and asked Zhenshen.

"Do you think this is possible? Asmodeus!"

Asmodeus still maintained that charming smile. Facing Belphegor's wrath, she didn't have the slightest fear. She raised her hand to comb her hair, and the pleasant voice sounded again.

"Then let's give up the sword and the blood, and change the way to end the war."

Asmodeus and Belphegor looked at each other, and the bright screen was between their eyes. At this moment, the crazy montage ended, and the picture was frozen in the picture inside the train, and Irving's face emerged in it.

When the angle of view is zoomed out, the faces of the three people are exactly in the same picture, surpassing the limitation of space and forming a symmetrical painting.

Asmodeus suggested, "Want to make a bet?"

"What are you gambling?"

Asmodeus raised his hand and pointed to Irving on the screen.

"Bet on which of us can get his soul."

 The fact that the author is dead is an opinion, not that the author is really dead!

(End of this chapter)

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