Endless Debt.

Chapter 601 Game Start

Chapter 601 Game Start

The heavy steel giant snake was running endlessly in the wilderness. On the chess table of the game, the Dawn was also ready to leave the starting station and traverse the map along the established route.

According to the game settings of "Journey to the Night", there is only one type of chess pieces, that is, hunters. According to the initial weapons and values ​​carried by hunters, hunters are differentiated into different types.

As before, Bologo chose the hunter who holds many cold weapons and is good at close combat as his role.This type of hunter is known as the swift wolf.

The identity card was placed in front of him, and Palmer handed over the hunter chess piece corresponding to the identity card. The small and exquisite model was carved with a vivid image. The hunter's body was slightly arched, and he was carrying a sword bag filled with With a deadly weapon, on the bottom of the chess piece, there is a pattern of a wolf.

Hart chose the Roaring Bear type of hunter. This type of hunter initially carries heavy armor and a war hammer. The sensitivity value is the lowest among the initial values, but it also has the highest initial armor value, just like a group of heavy armored knights.

Amy picked out her profession, but her profession was not a hunter, but a potionist that Burlogo had never seen before.

Burrog knew a little about Journey of Never Night before, most of which came from Palmer's osmosis. He remembered that there was only one job in this game, the hunter. At this time, Palmer picked up the box and pointed He pointed to the gilded text on it.

"Deluxe Edition!"

Palmer was elated, and then cursed in a low voice, "The officials also found that the chess pieces in the game were a bit single, so they added some more chess pieces, and then increased the price to become a deluxe version..."

When talking about this, Palmer tortured Irving with his eyes, and Irving looked like I didn't know anything, and he didn't know anything about board games. When the editor dragged him to a meeting with the game company, he just nodded. nodded.

The relationship between potion masters and hunters is a bit like the sublimation furnace core and the field service department. According to the content of the novel, potion masters extracted powerful potions from monsters and injected them into the hunter's body to make the hunter Gain the power to stand against these fearsome monsters.

Now the potionist played by Aimu does not have any combat capabilities, but in the game she can rescue other players, like a field doctor, and if necessary, she can also strengthen teammates and let them deliver a fatal blow.

Canary flipped up an identity card and placed it in front of her. She was a falcon hunter and initially carried a crossbow with a very wide attack range.According to the current rule book, the falcon hunter is the perfect start. Relying on the ultra-long attack range, the falcon hunter can often pass the first few events without taking damage.

When mentioning this, Palmer's expression was extremely complicated. Palmer's falcon hunter was Palmer's favorite role to play, but because of his shitty luck, he would often be seriously injured and fell to the ground within the first few rounds.

Cinderella flipped through her identity card, her profession was also a potion master, she picked one she liked from the pile of chess pieces and held it in her hand.

Now Irving was the only one who did not open the identity card. The eyes of the others cast their eyes on him. When Irving revealed the card, an unexpected profession appeared.

travelling poet.

"Wow, what a coincidence."

Palmer praised repeatedly, and then said enviously, "This is a rare identity, I haven't played it yet."

The bard is a hidden identity in "Journey from Never Night". It was introduced randomly. In "Journey from Never Night" that Palmer bought earlier, he didn't draw this identity. I actually got it.

The value of this identity is extremely mediocre, and the initial equipment is just a useless book, but such a boring character identity has a very special ability.

In the setting of "Night Hunter", there are not only the hunters in charge of combat and the potion masters who assist the hunters on the Dawn, but also the bards who are ordinary people. Their job is to record this hunting trip, so In the setting of the rule book, the bard will die only when all the hunters are dead. Before that, the bard will not leave the field even if he is seriously injured.

Everyone wants to play a powerful hunter, not a bard who lives on the sidelines. Coupled with the mediocre numerical and uninteresting gameplay, almost no one will play this role.

Although it has little value in the game, due to the rarity of bards, the value of bards has gradually increased. In some stores, bards, a rare chess piece, can be sold for a good price, and many people want to collect them. .

Palmer is an old player, he knows the powerlessness of the bard in the game, "Are you sure you want to play this role?"

"Why not?"

Irwin likes this role very much, "It can be regarded as acting in his true colors."

"Well... I just think it's a bit repetitive," Palmer said, "acting, it's all about a sense of substitution."

"The setting of the bard in the game is to follow the hunting monsters and record the role of the journey of the night, but the host is already a recorder to a large extent, like... like..."

Palmer didn't know how to describe his thoughts for a while.

Irwin understood what Palmer meant, "Is there a problem at the narrative level?"

"Yes! That's what it means."

Palmer was awakened by Irwin, "The host is like a narrator, I am already at the highest narrative level, and you are another narrator below my narrative level, a lower level... This sounds a bit Matryoshka."

"Huh? I think it's not bad."

Irwin smiled. He chose this identity and put the identity card in front of him.

"Then roll the dice, folks."

Palmer took out the twelve-sided dice and handed them to the players, asking them to roll the dice one by one, add their numbers together, and after a simple conversion, it became the number of cells the Dawn was advancing.

The Dawn rumbled forward on the game map, moved forward a few squares, and stopped in a desolate wilderness.

"You have arrived at a desolate place, gray sand and dry bushes are the only things in sight... are they really the only things?

You look into the distant darkness. "

Palmer's sincere narration was very atmospheric, as if it was true as he said, the scenery outside the window gradually slowed down, and all the light disappeared, leaving only the infinitely extending darkness.

According to the order of play, the remaining six players draw event cards in turn, and then open them in turn.

Bologo was the first to draw a card, and he turned over the first event card. The cards were turned, and a hideous painting appeared in front of his eyes.

A group of terrifying monsters are depicted on the cards. According to the illustrations in "Night Hunter", this is what monsters look like.

"What a rough start," Hart said.

"You look at the darkness, and the darkness looks at you. The dark world gradually squirms, and twisted monsters rush into the wilderness, flying towards you."

Palmer told the content of the event card and guided the player to the next step.

"You have encountered monsters, and the battle has begun."

The six people rolled the dice again, and according to different values, chess pieces representing their roles appeared on different positions on the board. At this time, Palmer also placed chess pieces representing monsters on the board.

Like the two armies facing each other, the battle between the hunters and the monsters broke out. Bologo rolled the dice again, moved and slashed according to the values, and slaughtered monsters that only existed in each other's fantasy on the board.

Amy cheered, she rolled a beautiful value, a big boost made Burlogo cut the damage of a critical strike, even Palmer was envious, he played for so long, throwing such a big The number of successes is few, but the number of big failures is countless.

Everyone loves to play Palmer because he's definitely the one at the bottom.

Palmer glanced at the time, they have a lot of time to play the game, as for the content of the game itself...

The Dawn has just sailed out of the initial station, and there is still a long way to go to wait for it, not to mention that according to the game settings, the further back, the more difficult the game will be.

The map of "Night Journey" spans several natural environments, such as wilderness, coast, and snow-covered mountains. Because the game has not been released for a long time, there are many flaws in the numerical mechanism, and the official has no time to correct it .

According to Palmer's previous playing experience, once he reaches the snow-covered mountains, the difficulty of the game will increase instantly. When Palmer and others play, they basically lose in the snow-capped mountains. Haven't really cleared "The Journey of Never Night".

The dice fell alternately, and there was a constant crisp impact. In the melodious sound, the chess pieces were interspersed and moved on the board. After the monsters fell one after another, the Dawn moved forward again with difficulty, advancing triumphantly in the world imagined by the players.

(End of this chapter)

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