Endless Debt.

Chapter 606

Chapter 606
"Happy Garden?"

The moment they heard this word, Bologo and others felt a chill. As field staff of the Bureau of Order, Happy Garden is no stranger to them.

"Happy Garden...or in other words, the holy land of the Zongge Orchestra, the land of the Desire Witch."

Canary looked at the dead tooth in his hand, there was still a little blood on the cold metal, but the white gull's head had disappeared.

During the period when she lost consciousness, someone took the white gull's head. Canary could guess the identity of the other party, but she didn't expect that she would do it herself.

Bologo was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that this strange imaginary realm that was often mentioned in his ears was actually related to a devil.

"Our aether and alchemy matrix have all gone silent and stopped responding," Bologo asked. "This is also related to the devil's land, isn't it?"

Bologo and others are on this speeding train, and no one knows where its end point will be. On this train, they have been deprived of their extraordinary power and turned back to ordinary mortals.

Like a fish leaving the familiar sea, the loss of their extraordinary power made them feel uneasy.

"should be."

Canary took a deep breath, and turned to Burlogo to tell what she couldn't finish speaking to Lebius.

"The Unbound Poetry Society has studied devils, and Belphinger does not resist this, but rather cooperates with our research."

Among the many groups that believe in devils, the Unbound Poetry Society is definitely the one with the most harmonious relationship.

"The devil is like the incarnation of a certain conceptual power, and dominates the will of this power."

Bologo nodded in affirmation of Canary's words. This knowledge is not a secret to Bologo. He knew it as early as when he was in contact with the devil.

"The devil cannot directly interfere with the material world. Rather, the devil cannot form a concrete entity in the material world. I don't know why, but the devil has opened up its own territory in the material world in order to gain a foothold in the material world. "

Canary spoke and reached out to touch the wall. The space they are in now obviously exceeds the capacity of a carriage. Just like the reclamation room, the infinite space expands endlessly inside the Happy Garden train.

"The devil's land, in other words..." Bologo continued Canary's words, "a virtual domain built with the power of the devil."

"I have come into contact with the imaginary realm built by the power of the devil," Bologo recalled, "Different from the common imaginary realm, these devil's lands often liberate the devil's power to a certain extent, and have Special rules."

For example, in the wandering fork road, as long as there are enough mammon coins, the wish equal to the value can be realized in the wandering fork road.

Canary said slightly surprised, "You sound like an expert in fighting magic."

"Probably . . . but I do deal with the devil a lot."

Bologo felt that this was not something to be proud of. Judging from the information obtained, the loss of extraordinary power of a few people should be due to the power of Happy Garden.

"What else do you know?" Burrog asked, "As a mortal enemy, you should know more than the Bureau of Order."

The usual main opponents of the Bureau of Order are the King's Secret Sword, as well as those endless rotten sects, secret groups like the Zong Song Orchestra and the Unbound Poetry Society, and there is very little contact between them.

"It's just some rumors, some rumors from the betrayers."

Canary recalled that she had doubts about the "Endless Verses", but was still in the same camp as Belphegor because of her anger at the betrayer. Hunting, dug out a lot of useful information from their mouths.

"Happy Garden, a pure land of bliss, it never stops, just like the banquet on the train never ends, it will spread its tickets to the world by a means we don't know yet, and only those with strong desires Only people can get a ticket and board the train.”

Palmer interjected, "Do you think we look like lustful people?"

"It's my fault," Canary said, taking out the ticket, with a melancholy expression, "I also think that I am a person without strong desires, but I have forgotten the lust for revenge, which drove me to chase the traitor and get this A ticket..."

The atmosphere fell silent, and after a while, Palmer asked doubtfully, "We are unlucky, were you involved?"

Palmer was an old wretch, and he took things like this very quickly.

"It's not that simple, the white gull disappeared."

Burrog looked at Canary's dagger, "I know the devil's style, they are a group of value-seeking monsters, and they will never do anything worthless. I think the white gull is not that valuable, it is worth a devil to personally Hands, let alone all of us."

The Desire Witch has another purpose, but Burlogo doesn't know it yet.

"What happens after that?" Amy noticed the question, "What will happen after a person with a strong desire comes to the Paradise?"

"Desires will be fulfilled."

Canary paused, then continued, "According to the betrayer, in this garden of joy lies the power to satisfy all desires."

"The devil?" said Burlogo.

"No, the devil needs the corresponding value and soul, but in the Happy Garden, it seems that there is a special way, even if it does not have the corresponding value and soul, the desire can be satisfied... It's like a loophole in the rules."

Listening to Canary's words, Bologo couldn't help looking at Amy. Coincidentally, Amy also looked at Bologo at this time.

Amyu mouthed silently, "Mammon coins."

There is also a special mechanism for wish fulfillment in the Paradise.

Palmer suggested, "Compared to these things, find a way to leave first."

"Then I have another bad news."

Canary felt a headache at this moment. Not only did she lose her extraordinary power, but she also could not feel the existence of Belphegor. From this moment on, the Happy Garden, together with her protection and permanent labor, were also blocked. .

"No one... At least as far as I know, all the people who entered the Happy Garden have never returned."

Like an ominous prophecy, Canary's eyes swept across the faces of several people. She thought she would see frightened faces, but everyone was much calmer than she imagined.

"Compared to these things, can you leave first?"

Hart, who was huddled in the corner, took a deep breath and said in a trembling voice, "Can we talk about this after I change my clothes!"


While waiting for Hart, Burlogo asked Palmer to go back and change his clothes, and by the way, he dug out all the weapons hidden at home and shared them with everyone.The rooms were shaped as they remembered them, and even the weapons tucked away in the drawers were perfectly reproduced.

Canary played with the dagger, not knowing what she was thinking, even though she had been mentally prepared, she was a little panicked when she really entered the Happy Garden.Belphegor ordered her to collect the tickets, but didn't tell her what to do after getting them.

Burlogo and Aimiao leaned side by side, maybe there is no crisis yet, and Aimiao is not so nervous, but has infinite curiosity about this place.

If possible, she wanted to study the imaginary domain and the land built by the power of the devil, but the ether fell into silence, and Aimu couldn't cause any abnormalities.

Suddenly Burrog stretched out his hand and pinched Amyu's arm. Amy turned around suspiciously and listened to what Burlog said.

"Are you maintaining the state of flesh and blood?"

"Well, what's wrong."

Burrog begged, "Please convert to Man of Steel."

Amy nodded obediently. When she tried to replace herself with steel, she found that she couldn't do it, and her gift had lost its effect. Then she looked at Bologo in horror.

"It doesn't look like we've lost our power, it's just that they're blocked and don't answer our calls."

Bologo analyzed that if Happy Garden would deprive several people of their power, then Amy should be in the state of a man of steel now. From this point of view, Bologo also temporarily lost the power of immortality.

Aether, alchemy matrix, protection and gifts... The Paradise puts all the power into absolute silence, leaving only the mortal essence.

Bologo loosened his collar. He was a little nervous now. The last time he faced such a complicated and weird environment was in the Abandoned Land.

Canary said suddenly, "There are six doors in total."

Borrog walked away from the wall and walked along the narrow corridor. Six doors were arranged symmetrically, and behind each door was a sleeping passenger.

The rooms are shaped entirely from the memories of the passengers, because of Burlogo's roommate relationship with Palmer, the two slept in the same room, and then Amy and Hart's room.

"Is this your room?"

Burrog looked at an open door and glanced briefly. The layout inside was extremely simple, except for a mattress placed on the ground, there were books piled up around it.

Canary nodded affirmatively, "Yes."

Now that four rooms have been confirmed, Bologo walked towards the first two doors to be opened. Passengers behind these two doors must wake up before Bologo, but he didn't see them after he came out. Maybe he can get out of the room style to judge the identity of the other party.

Pushing open the penultimate door, the traces of space expansion here are extremely obvious. The huge space comes into view. Under the brick and stone castle, the huge bookshelf is like a half-kneeling giant. floral.

Compared to the bedroom, this should be a large library. Immediately afterwards, Bologo saw the blankets on the floor in the corner of the large library. Sex life.

Burrog picked up a manuscript, and from the signed signature, he identified the owner of this room.

Irving Fleischer.

Another person's identity was determined, and Burlogo had an ominous premonition in his heart, which was a bit too coincidental.

Burrog, Amy, Palmer, Hart, Canary, Irwin... Could it be that the board game players were all involved in the joy garden?Is this some kind of bad list?

Burrog immediately left the large library, walked into the corridor, and walked out towards the last door.

Pushing open the door, Burlogo was surprised by the scene behind the door.

Nothing...nothing, no bed, no desk, no wardrobe, no furniture or decoration of any kind, just gray floors, walls, and ceilings. This is not a bedroom at all, but an ordinary bedroom. , Unprocessed rough room.

Could this be Cinderella's room?
"Any questions?"

Amy followed, and before she could see the gray concrete wall behind the door, Burlogo closed the door, "Nothing."

"Have you stuffed an arsenal at home?"

Hart was shocked by the things Palmer brought out. In addition to ordinary firearms, there were hammers and sticks, as well as various knives. He remembered that Palmer had no such hobby.

"Don't ask me, it's all from Burlogo," Palmer sighed, "but don't say it, I always feel that as Desublimation, we don't need these things..."

"Just in case," Burlogo said.

Several people are fully armed, at least for the sake of what they can do so far, it is already fully armed.

Palmer had looked around, but there was no other way for them to go than the door at the end of the corridor.

Burrog was at the forefront, and even though Happy Garden blocked his gifts, Burrog was still the most suitable one for trial and error.

With nervousness, Bologo pressed his hands on the door, and before he could push it hard, the door was opened from behind, and Bologo almost jumped out.

The door opened, and music, laughter, and bursts of fragrance rushed towards the face, and a wave of warmth passed over Bologo's skin, as if there were countless pairs of gentle palms stroking Bologo's body, and then a woman's voice rang in his ears. their seductive whispers.

The blurred hallucinations flashed, and Borrog came to his senses, and then he saw a woman in a dress standing respectfully in front of him. She smiled at Borrog, and then bowed.

Behind the woman is the resplendent hall, the huge crystal chandelier is located on the dome, and the elite clear mirror refracts the light into thousands of light paths, just like a sun that has been plucked into the room.

The symphony orchestra is located on the second floor of the hall. They pulled the bowstring day and night, and the melodious tunes were intertwined with the fiery emotions of the crowd. Men and women dressed up and danced on the dance floor.

They embraced, twirled, and kissed each other at the climax of the tune. Their snow-white necks intertwined, and their bright red lips smeared traces, like the wounds left by wild animals biting each other.

"Guests, please follow me," the woman guided the people, "other guests are already waiting for you."

The woman's words were gentle and intimate, no one would refuse such a beautiful invitation, but Bologo felt a deep chill in this beauty, not only him, Palmer also felt the same, he clenched the fist in his hand With a long knife, I can't wait to cut off the woman's head immediately.


In this extremely beautiful scene, a strong sense of uneasiness rolled in people's hearts.

The woman seemed to be able to see through people's thoughts, she suddenly stepped forward, gently pressed Palmer's hands, slowly raised the long knife, and let the sharp blade cut open her fragile skin.

"Is this what you want?"

Palmer was stunned, he couldn't understand what the woman was doing, and then the woman pulled Palmer's arm vigorously, piercing his body with the long knife.

From the beginning to the end, there was a smile on the woman's face, as if she didn't feel pain or fear death.

The blood stained the dress, and the body fell heavily on the ground. The waiters quickly approached. They skillfully cleaned up the woman's body and wiped away the blood on the ground, as if nothing had happened.

The waiters arrived like the wind and left quickly, but before they left, they left another woman, who was almost exactly the same as the woman who had just died, with a signature smile on her face.

"Are you still not satisfied? Need more cruel means to vent your desire?"

The woman made a gesture of invitation to Palmer, "Then please go to the next carriage, where is there a place that can fully satisfy your desires."

Palmer stared straight at the woman, the normal phenomenon was full of weird atmosphere, Palmer didn't even recover from the woman's death.

At this time, Burlogo put his hand on Palmer's shoulder, and a steady voice sounded.

"Calm down, Palmer, control your emotions, don't get aggressive with her."

Palmer took a deep breath, controlling his anxiety and the anger caused by it. At the same time, a puzzled look appeared on the woman's face, and she asked, "Don't you need it?"

The woman shifted her gaze to Burrog's face, she shook her head, "Strange person."

She continued, "If you have no other needs, please come with me."

The woman turned and walked towards the gorgeous hall, and Burlogo took a step forward, calmly following behind the woman.

Burrog demanded, "Who are you? The Desire Witch?"

"No, how come?" The woman shook her head, "I'm just a waiter serving this paradise."

"Who are we going to meet?"

"The person you should meet."

Burrog continued, "How do we get out of here?"

"Huh?" The woman stopped in her tracks and asked in confusion, "Why did you leave?"

The music in the hall reached its climax, and the majestic melody echoed in people's ears like a storm. The bright and brilliant light suddenly dimmed, and people abandoned their reason and became barbaric and hateful.

There were ups and downs of mourning full of pain. They treated each other in the most cruel way. The silver table knife cut the flesh and blood, and the broken wine glass was inserted into the throat. bows.

Excited and joyful gasps echoed under the stench of blood. They were covered in blood. Conventional stimulation was no longer enough to satisfy these empty and empty souls. For this reason, they could only stimulate their nerves in a more cruel way.

Most of the people died from this fatal injury, but when the bright light came on again from the crystal chandelier, time seemed to be reset, the blood and corpses all over the ground disappeared, and the men and women changed back to their original appearance. Dressed up to attend, they held each other's hands and danced endlessly.

The woman pushed open the door and led a few people out of the golden hall. It was pitch black, and Bologo could feel the ground shaking, and he could faintly hear the whistling wind.

Another door opened in the darkness, and the smell of fine wine came from behind the door. This is a huge banquet hall, with several rows of long tables placed in it, and the plates full of food residues piled up on the long tables. Diners who are as fat as hills sit on both sides of the long table.

The waiters pushed the dining carts and kept delivering plate after plate of delicacies to the table, but often the food was swallowed by the diners as soon as they were put down. He grabbed the waiters and pressed them on the dining table, and then countless hands stretched out, eating up the waiters in a blink of an eye, leaving only blood-stained bones.

"What's all this?" asked Burlogo.

"People's desires, all kinds of desires." The woman was very frank, and she knew all the answers to Burlogo's questions.

Pushing the door open again, Bologo and the others came to a quiet place. The warmth of the room, the soft light smudged through the water vapor, and the sound of gurgling water made people feel relaxed.

This is a bathhouse, where the body is soaked in warm water, and people seem to be asleep with their eyes closed.

Compared with the previous scene, this bathing place is undoubtedly a lot more relaxing now, and then the woman led them through one weird building after another, admiring groups of weird and crazy people. way, to vent their own desires.

Until the last door opened, the woman stood respectfully at the door and did not enter with Burlogo and others.

Bologo took a look at her and walked in directly. Now they are completely passive and under the control of the Desire Witch. Apart from going deep into the tiger's den, even Bologo can't think of any other solution.

A round table was placed in the center of the court room, and seven chairs were placed around the round table. Two of the seats were already occupied, and Burlogo saw each other at the first sight. It was Irving and Cinderella.

Everyone sat down one by one, and a strange silence filled the court room. Then Bologo noticed that the center of the round table was covered with a layer of red cloth, and the sound of deep breathing could be faintly heard under the red cloth.

Palmer also noticed this, he stretched out his long knife vigilantly, and opened the red cloth, revealing the head below, which was a white gull.

At this moment, the white gull's head was covered with rivets and iron sheets, as if a rough doctor had healed him with icy metal. An iron pipe extended from the bottom of the head and connected it to the base, combining with this huge round table for one.

Accompanied by the jerky sound of metal rubbing, the white gull's head moved slowly, and the only remaining one eye swept across one face after another.

Suddenly, the white gull's mouth opened at a deformed angle, and a mournful cry was released from his mouth, but this time it was just a simple cry, without the impact of the bliss injury.

Gushing blood gushed out from the section of his head, the amount of bleeding was far beyond what a single head could have. The blood overflowed the round table, covering a scarlet mirror.

Many textures and patterns rise from the scarlet blood mirror, like a war sand table, a variety of miniature terrains are constructed, and delicate and small rails run through them, wilderness, coast, mountains, cities and The small town seems to have been carved by a famous craftsman with a hammer, everything is so delicate and perfect.

"Everyone, let's continue the unfinished Journey of Never Night."

As White Gull spoke, the blood condensed on his slender arms, and he picked up a twelve-sided dice.

(End of this chapter)

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