Endless Debt.

Chapter 608 Lost Consciousness

Chapter 608 Lost Consciousness

Blood dripped all over the ground, converging into pools of blood, soaked in severed limbs and minced meat, as if a crazy painter painted with blood, and there were large scarlet marks on the surrounding walls, some of the blood had coagulated and turned into blood. into dark spots.

Palmer pulled the trigger skillfully, and shot down the sporadic monsters running wild in the wilderness thousands of meters away. On the other side, Canary raised his bow and crossbow to guard the gap here, and the deadly arrow pierced through the gap. Horrible head.

Because Palmer was unlucky enough to get the event card Harassment, sporadic monsters would harass the train anytime and anywhere. Palmer cursed for a while, obviously his gift should be blocked, why not be so unlucky.

There were footsteps on the roof of the car, and Bologo came in through the cracked window. He had just dealt with the monster at the front of the train, and the slowing speed of the train increased again.

Several rounds have passed since the game started, and every player has fully integrated into the game and played the role, and they have also realized many things.

For example, Burlogo can no longer tell whether they are on the train of Pleasure Garden or the train of Dawn in the story.

The huge round table is right in front of you, and under the distorted space of the Void, the space here is much larger, which is enough to prove the power of Happy Garden, but when Burlogo went to other cars, the previous weird environment disappeared. It is as if it has really become an ordinary train.

Bologo also tried to jump off the train to escape, but when he was away from the train for a certain distance, the white gull would warn him, indicating that he would be punished for exiting.

For this reason, Bologo didn't continue to try. It seemed that no matter what he wanted to do, he had to have a good time with this damn devil first.

Burrog wiped the blood from his face, "Is this round of events over?"

"It's all over."

Responding to Burrog was Irwin, a bard who was completely useless in combat, but he could record the development of the story like a humanoid notebook.

The two potion masters, Cinderella and Aimiao, were exhausted. Although they had no combat effectiveness, they were responsible for treating the wounded. Now that everyone is mortal, it is inevitable that they will leave wounds during the battle.


Burrog called, "We've got to hurry."

After finishing speaking, Bologo sat on the chair and opened his shirt, revealing his bloody abdomen. During the fight with monsters, he was accidentally injured, and he had to deal with these wounds before the next round of incidents broke out.

Ai Miao got up and rushed over. She didn't know medical skills, but because of her status as a potion master, she only needed to stick the medicinal materials on the wound and tie a bandage to complete the treatment.

There was not much time left for Aimiao. Although the surrounding voices were noisy, everyone could clearly hear the sound of blood ticking.

The sound came from the white gull in the center of the chessboard. The blood was like sand and stones flowing out of an hourglass, filling up the container below him little by little. When the blood overflowed, it meant that their rest time was over, and the next round had to be played. Roll dice and draw cards.

Burrog glanced at the chessboard, the situation was a bit bad, everyone was exhausted from the successive battles, but fortunately, the next rest stop was not far away, as long as they lasted there, they could get a round of rest Time to replenish physical strength and heal wounds.

"What is your ideal eternal life? Irwin."

During the treatment time, Bologo asked Irving, "I don't know if other people have mentioned it to you... Actually, I am also an undead."

After hearing the news, Irving seemed very calm. After going through such a terrible thing, there are very few things that can disturb Irving's emotions.

"I've talked to a lot of people about immortality, and it might not be as good as you think," Burlogo said.

Irwin joked, "Is it good? Who knows? Every gambler has a firm belief before he completely repents, isn't he?"

Bologo also laughed when he heard it. It is wishful thinking to change a person's mind with a few words.

"I've read Ni's book, in which you dislike immortality very much." Bologo said again.

"So you think that in reality, I am also a person who hates eternal life?" Irving sighed. "That's the problem. It's easy to say a few beautiful words, just open your mouth."

Bologo understood what Irwin meant, "Yeah, when reality hits, everyone will know that things are not as easy as they say."

The same goes for denying immortality.

Irwin paused. "I feel pain sometimes."


"I wish I could be a noble person, but as you can see, there is still a part of me that is hypocritical, and I don't have the courage to let it go completely."

Irwin continued, "So I have taken care of everything and prepared to come here alone. No matter what the result is, I can give myself an answer. Even if I die, people will only know my noble side."

"But we got sucked into it and saw your hypocrisy, doesn't it feel bad?" Burlogo said.


Burrog frowned, and Amyu helped him bandage the wound. The medicine irritated the wound, causing needle-prick pain.

He took a long breath, and Bologo was in a complicated mood at the moment. He had read the story of "Night Hunter", but he never expected that he would experience everything described in the story in such a strange way.

Thinking of this, Burlogo looked at Hart and Palmer, Hart could still control himself, and Palmer was already having fun.

What could be better than being able to play a character in a story yourself?

Palmer has been completely immersed in the story and has become a part of the story. If it wasn't for the dice roll that made him feel a little out of play, otherwise Palmer really felt that he had come to the story of "Night Hunter".

Burrog asked Irving curiously, "How do you feel now?"

"What do you mean?"

"Everything we have experienced, this is the story that happened in your pen, and now they have broken into reality."

Burrogo sorted out his thoughts and concluded, "The things you imagined are becoming reality at this moment."

"become reality……"

Irwin looked at the corpses and bones all over the ground, as well as the injured people. Irwin shook his head and said, "If I had known this, I would have written the story more gently."

After speaking, Irving laughed to himself, and Bologo was also amused by Irving. I didn't expect Irving to have such an idea.

The container was filled with blood, and it was time for the next round of dice rolls. The others returned to their seats and rolled the dice one by one.

The dice roll started from Burlog, and Irwin was the last one. When the others rolled the dice, Irwin stared at the huge chessboard. Now the Dawn had only traveled halfway through the wilderness, and there was still A long journey awaits them, and it is far from over.

"I know."

The girl's voice suddenly sounded. Turning her head, Cinderella moved the chair and approached Irving. Her voice was very soft, and it seemed that only Irving could hear her voice.

Cinderella looked at Irwin's face, "I know, you are lying, you are not for eternal life."

She guessed it.

Irving said calmly, "I shouldn't have told you so much."

Irwin was not surprised that Cinderella had guessed her secret. She was a cunning and alert girl, and she was very smart. If she couldn't guess, Irwin would feel something was wrong.

"I can't help it. At that time, you felt that you were going to die, and you told me because you were afraid that this story would be forgotten." Cinderella smiled, and she seemed to always smile like that. "In the end, we survived."

"Don't worry, I won't tell them."

Cinderella assured Irving, "After all, this story and this wish are a bit too strange."

Irwin remained silent, the dice were passed to Cinderella, she rolled the dice, followed by Irwin, the values ​​were superimposed and calculated, and the Dawn continued to move forward on the chessboard. At the same time, the white gull picked up the pile of cards and they drew out The event card for this round.

Burlogo got the event card, Peaceful Time, and didn't encounter any emergencies. Afterwards, both Palmer and Hart got the equipment card, and their equipment underwent a new round of changes.

Palmer was a little disappointed with the updated equipment. He thought he could get the equipment of the protagonists in "Night Hunter". As an in-depth player, Palmer knew very well that the equipment values ​​of the protagonists were terrible.

It was also from Aimu, she drew an event card that she had never seen before, and Bai Gull took the card and narrated the next event.

"Event Card Crossroads."

Bai Gu said, "The Dawn encountered a caller during its journey."

While the host was narrating, the things narrated also turned into reality, and there was a cry for help from Kari.

"Slow down to rescue the other party, you will get an unexpected guest, but similarly, the monster that follows will catch up with you, if you ignore his rescue, nothing will happen."

"An unexpected guest..."

Burrog hesitated for a moment. Now they are all the hunters in the story, not the sublimers who are in charge of extraordinary power. Any wrong choice may ruin the entire team.

"You decide."

Others gave Burrog a positive look, and everyone regarded Burlog as the backbone, even the Canary who joined later.

Burrog took a deep breath, and every decision carried a heavy sense of mission.

"We choose unexpected guests."

Before the words were finished, the fast-moving Dawn began to slow down, shaking violently around it. Palmer opened the car door, and the strong wind rushed into the room. He fired a flare, and the bright light lit up most of the dark land, and the shadows were swept away. The pulling was long and ferocious, and countless monsters rushed towards it.

Previously, the monsters were left far behind by the Dawn, but now the speed of the Dawn has dropped sharply, and the distance between them has been shortened rapidly. Several monsters have already climbed onto the rear of the car, their sharp claws piercing through the steel plate, facing the strong wind Climb here.

At this time, the white gull returned the event card Crossroads. The frame on the card depicts a fork in the road. Now, after Bologo’s choice, the picture becomes dynamic, and another intersection gradually enlarges. After layers of darkness, a familiar face emerges. .

He closed his eyes tightly, and opened them suddenly in the next second, as if a huge pain was affecting him, even though he tried his best to suppress it, there was still a suppressed sound of pain in his mouth.

Burrog picked up the card and stared at the vivid and familiar face on the frame, as if someone had sealed him into a two-dimensional piece of paper, and he could only communicate with the outside world through this narrow frame .

He saw Burlog, and Burlog saw him, and the two looked at each other, and Burlog spoke his name.


The face in the frame was Gould. At this moment, Bologo finally knew why he could not sleep forever. Gould's consciousness was being imprisoned in the Happy Garden.

The face in the frame asked, "Who are you?"

Burrog proficiently reported his identity, "Special Operations Group, Burrog Lazarus."

There was a perplexed expression on Gould's mad and morbid face. He was very familiar with Burlog's name, and soon the past stories came back from his mind across a long period of time, and he was surprised and delighted.

"Let's introduce myself first."

Bologo pinned the card on his chest so that Gould could get his first perspective, turned around silently, and outside the open car door, countless monsters were running wildly approaching in the wilderness.

Palmer fired continuously, and the speeding warheads blasted one monster after another, but compared with their hordes of figures, this bit of damage was a drop in the bucket.

The incident Card Crossroad led Bolog to find Gould. Although he is currently locked in the card, at least Bolog found him. As a defender, Gould is an important asset of the Bureau of Order.

All the events of this round were triggered, and a new round of dice roll was just around the corner. Burlogo grabbed the dice and threw it towards the white gull. Regardless of how many points he rolled, he immediately drew out his blade and took over from Paar. silent.

Burrog yelled, "I'll stop them and you roll dice instead!"

After playing for this period of time, Burlogo gradually understood this weird reality game. While the current event is affecting them, they can offset it through a new round of events, but the result is very random, and it may get better or change. worse.

Burrog climbed onto the roof of the car and tore apart the bodies of many monsters with his dual-wielded swords. He was panting and exhausted.

Under the high-intensity vicious incident, even Bologo couldn't hold on, his thinking became dull, his limbs became stiff, and the monsters repeatedly attacked without giving people a break.

Monsters continue to oppress the living space of several people, no matter how rational their will is, they will gradually become confused, and then they will leave everything to the nothingness of luck and become a desperate gambler.

Palmer returned to his post immediately after rolling the dice. As soon as he raised his head, the sharp claws slid across the top of his head, almost beheading Palmer. The dense enemy firearms were no longer enough. Take out a grenade.

This is also the equipment card that Palmer drew. After the gift was blocked, Palmer felt that his luck was returning little by little, which made him ecstatic.

"Watch out for the explosion!"

Palmer stuffed a grenade into the mouth of a monster, cut off the arms holding the car door with a dagger, and then kicked it out of the car, the figure rolled and crashed into the monster group, and exploded into a rapidly expanding ball The fireball was surrounded by countless gravel and broken limbs, and the warm blood spread evenly on the carriage like splashed ink.

The impact of the explosion almost caused Bologo to fall from the roof of the car. The blade pierced into the iron skin, making Bologo's figure stabilize. He threw a throwing knife from his pocket and hit the heads of the monsters one by one. Falling, some disappeared into the darkness, and some were sucked into the bottom of the car, crushed into blood foam.

The explosion gave him a short respite. Hart raised a shield, turned himself into a wall of flesh, and defended the other side. When it was his turn to roll the dice, Canary and Aimu rushed over to take over from him. Hold the shield and stop the monsters from the car.

Hart quickly rolled the dice, and then switched personnel. Cinderella's figure dodged and moved deftly. When the others rested for a while, she would suddenly appear and bandage their wounds.

Because of the game, Cinderella does not need to know any medical knowledge. She only needs to make "medical" actions and intentions to complete the cure.

Roll the dice one by one, the White Gull shuffles the cards, and a new event card is rotated out.

Palmer yelled, "Draw your cards!"

The weirdness of this "Night Journey" is that the content of the game will not only become reality, it sometimes breaks the boundaries of the story, rolls dice and draws cards to advance the progress of the game. If it goes on, the players will always be stuck in a certain link.

According to the sequence, Bologo escaped from the pile of monsters, returned to the car covered in blood, and grabbed a card in his hand. The crisis situation made Burlogo's patience extremely exhausted.

"Event Card · Run at full speed."

White Gull narrated the following events, "Dawn has enough fuel, and the speed will gradually return to the peak value."

The train vibrated again. This time, as Baiou said, it changed from deceleration state to acceleration state, and it went up much faster than before. In a blink of an eye, it left the chasing monster far behind. .

Bologo breathed a sigh of relief, and it seemed that his luck was not that bad.

Palmer rushed over, picked up a card and slapped it on the board, at the same time the voice of the white gull sounded.

"Event Card Invasion."

When the door opened, the sound of metal plates colliding with each other sounded, and they overlapped one after another, converging together and turning into sound waves.

Bologo and the others looked at the rear of the carriage. Since they boarded the carriage, the only area they can move around is this weird carriage where the game is played. But now the closed door disappeared when they came, and turned into a horizontal one. The door was opened, and after the door was opened, what appeared was no longer the space of madness and pleasure, but ordinary carriages one after another.

From this section onwards, all the carriages turned into ordinary carriages, and bloody aura came from behind the opened doors.

"You got rid of the monsters' pursuit, but some monsters still invaded the train."

When the train decelerated, a large number of monsters climbed up from the rear of the car. Burrog took a deep breath, lifted the blade wearily, and passed through the door.

"I will solve them, you continue to advance the incident!"

Even though Burlogo was scarred, he was still fearless.

"We can't win."

A dejected voice sounded from his chest, and the tense battle made Bologo forget the card pinned to his chest for a while.

"We can't get to the finish line."

Gould's eye sockets were deeply sunken, and his dull eyes were full of grayness, he said in frustration and despair.

"We will forever be trapped in the night, tormented."

(End of this chapter)

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