Endless Debt.

Chapter 610 Strong emotions

Chapter 610 Strong emotions

"Event Card Emergency Supplies."

"Event Card Reconstructing the Line of Defense."

"Catastrophe Card Brewing Darkness."


Bai Gull is like a ruthless broadcasting machine, calmly telling people the development of the next story, accompanied by his words, like the words that distort reality, all the words he tells are turned into reality.

The sound of hurried footsteps sounded from the nearby carriage, and Bologo immediately became nervous. It stands to reason that the monsters in the nearby carriage should be cleaned up, why there are still enemies.

But when the car door opened, a group of heavily armed soldiers appeared behind the door. They were wearing heavy black military uniforms and gas masks on their faces. The sound of deep breathing sounded from the breathing valve, which sounded like they were marching in a cemetery. ghost.

They brought crates of supplies, piled them in the wagons, and walked away without looking back, only to find them gone, like ghosts that had never existed, when Burrog tried to chase them.

The materials brought in included everything from ammunition to sword blades and medical supplies. Palmer fired with full firepower. According to the game settings, he was obviously an assassin type, but at this moment he used the firepower of a platoon.

In the previous battle, the car that was damaged due to several attacks by monsters was also strengthened. The sound of clanging and knocking came from all directions, as if craftsmen were leaning over and hammering the metal, layer after layer of armor Covering the outer wall of the carriage, turning it into a moving fortress.

Most of the incidents in this round were benign incidents, which relieved the heavy pressure on the few people. Except for Palmer who was still firing to clear the random monsters brought by the incident card Infestation, everyone else sat down. I rested in my position and enjoyed the unbelievable peace.

The blood stained Hart's hair, the blood coagulated, and entangled large chunks of hair, and there were many wounds on his thick body. Even though Amyu stepped up to bandage the wounds for him, the speed of recovery was still not enough Injured frequently.

Hart is a clean guy, the sticky feeling all over his body is far more tormenting him than the pain of the wound.

In the board game, they can fight as long as they throw points, but in this realistic game, the battle link has evolved into a real fight. Many factors interfere with the progress of the battle and make them exhausted.

The game has progressed to the present, and the Dawn on the board has gradually left the wilderness. After a certain distance, they will reach the supply station, and then the next area.

The event cards took effect one by one, and Burlogo asked, "What is brewing darkness?"

"It means that as the game progresses, the difficulty will gradually increase."

Hart explained that he is also an old player and knows most of the card effects in "Night Journey" like the back of his hand.

"In "Journey to Never Night", the deeper we go into the darkness, the strength of the enemy will increase accordingly, and the environment will have more serious impact on us. After all, we are going deep into the darkness and heading towards the lair of monsters .”

Hart pointed to the chessboard, and the Dawn was advancing on the rails. In front of the extension of the rails, you could see the coast with surging tides, the dark mountains with blizzards, and the sprawling spooky castles farther away.

"Our current game progress is less than one-third."

This cruel fact made Hart feel tired for a while. If he was in charge of extraordinary power, Hart was confident that he would fight until the end of darkness, but now they are just a group of mortals.

Like some sort of long torture, for a moment Hart wondered if he could make it through.

"This night is too long."

Canary kneaded her arm, and repeatedly drew and wound the bow. The muscles in her arm were numb and sore, as if they were about to break.

Looking at the vast black night outside the car window, the game has gone on for more than ten rounds, and the monsters slashed and killed have piled up into a mountain. Judging from the senses of several people, several hours have passed, but the night sky is still extremely dark. No intention to brighten.

"Pleasureland distorts the time scale, and we feel like we have spent several days and nights here, but it may only have passed a few minutes outside."

Gould's voice sounded, and he was hung on the wall by Bologo. This angle can just overlook the entire chessboard car, and it is also convenient for others to talk to him.

Gould has a deep understanding of the distortion of the time scale. Under the torment of the Witch of Desire, he is almost crazy. He even suspects that if Bologo finds himself in a few rounds at night, what he will see at that time may be A completely broken will.

"Sense, maybe what is distorted is not the scale of time, but our senses."

Amyu suggested, "You can also feel it? Compared with the mysterious concept of time, the Desire Witch obviously prefers the stimulation of the senses."

Looking up at Gould, Amy asked, "What do you think?"

The successive shocks made everyone's spirits numb. Everyone's reaction to Gould's appearance was very flat. side.

The current Gould is really useless, and he is also very aware of this, trying to control his emotions and cracked will, repeating the regulations of the Bureau of Order silently, strengthening his inner will, and avoiding affecting other people.

"Sorry, my head is filled with noise right now and it's hard for me to think complexly."

Gould retreated into the darkness, and could vaguely see a curled up figure. He racked his brains, tried hard to suppress those messy thoughts, and thought about Amy's guess.

"Pain, anxiety, awe, boredom, longing, jealousy, excitement, fear, hatred...love and hate."

While Irving was narrating, he was writing lines of text on the paper. Suddenly, he stopped, and instead of looking at Gould, he looked directly at Bologo.

"It's all stimuli from the senses, just hallucinations."

"Do you think we are in a huge illusion?"

Burrog felt that Irwin's guess was justified. This distorted reality, the weird virtual reality game... This reminded Burrog of the time axis disorder event, but in that event, he had an unshakable The latter is the backup, as well as Sai Zong's reminder, and Thurley's "love".

But this time is different, Bologo and others are fighting alone, no external force can break through the shackles of the devil.

"It's just a guess," Irving said. "I'm an author, and I'm good at fantasizing about this kind of thing, but the real decision is up to you. You're the expert."

It is good news that Irving has absolute trust in Bologo. Although the situation is dire, everyone has the same position and there is no internal fighting.That was the last thing Burlogo wanted to see.

In the real game, many tedious details have been omitted, such as injury and attack determination, and Bologo mechanically rolling dice and drawing cards.If he can leave successfully, Burlogo hopes that Palmer will burn the box of board games when he returns.

This round of Burlogo was unexpectedly lucky, he drew a benign event card, nothing happened, and he also gave several people a rest time, the train continued to move forward, and everyone enjoyed the peace of this rare round.

"Are you mentally healthy?"

While the others were recuperating, Gould suddenly asked.

Everyone cast puzzled eyes, not knowing what Gould was going to do, and then he added.

"Similar to some childhood shadows, regrets, haunting nightmares, recurring memories, aching wounds, wandering ghosts..."

As Gould spoke, his voice trembled and distorted. He tried his best to restrain his words, but he gradually lost control. He took deep breaths repeatedly. After a few seconds of silence, Gould tried to speak at a gentle speed. .

"Is there anything like that?"

Bologo asked without raising his head, "Does this have anything to do with the predicament we are encountering now?"

"This is a game hosted by the Witch of Desire. What she wants to see most is our strongest emotions...I hate to say this, but for human beings, pain is undoubtedly the simplest, strongest, and easiest The emotions she gets are also the easiest for her to squeeze from us."

All it takes is a sad past, a bleeding wound, a hopeless plight, a vicious curse from childhood... as long as something so simple and immediate, the pain will follow you like a lingering nightmare.

"After all, human beings' positive emotions have limits and are difficult to arouse, but negative emotions are different. If positive emotions are precious gold, then negative emotions are cheap dust that can be reached later."

Gould did not want to look back at that terrible long nightmare.

"It's just a game for her, a game for fun..."

Gould's voice became lower and lower until the silence was complete. The blood tank under the white gull was full of blood. The peace brought by the event card was over, and then Palmer drew the card, and he was lucky enough to draw a card again. An equipment card, hurried footsteps came from outside the car door, and those ghostly soldiers returned with supplies.

Then came Canary, still nothing unusual happened, but when it was Hart's turn, the white gull's voice suddenly became sharp and hoarse, and he narrated the story as if laughing maniacally.

"Evil power has corroded you! Terrible darkness is growing in your heart, prying open your dusty side!"

Hart stared blankly at the cards in his hand, and Bologo yelled at him, asking what happened, but Hart fell down straight without saying a word, and then his body twitched violently.

The card came out of his hand, scattered on the ground, and before it burned into Hart's body in plumes of black smoke, Burlogo read the words on it.

Corrosion Card Darkness Falls.

In the vast darkness, Hart was alone. He called out loudly, but no one answered.

(End of this chapter)

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