Endless Debt.

Chapter 614 Counterattack

Chapter 614 Counterattack
Amy stared nervously at the Dawn on the chessboard. The small model was puffing out wisps of smoke, and a bridge across the canyon was waiting for its arrival in front of it.

After passing this bridge, the wilderness map will end, the supply point is waiting for them, and then there is the new coastal map.

Under Amyu's gaze, the waves on the sea surface were rolling, and there were those slender black shadows passing under the sea surface that were difficult to discern with the naked eye, like schools of fish swimming.

Cinderella approached Amy at some point. Like her, Cinderella was also staring at the sea on the chessboard. She noticed something strange, and her voice was a little surprised.

"Did you see it!"

"what did you see?"

Ai Miao became alert. In a sense, Ai Miao is a shy person, and she has strong vigilance towards strangers.

In this impromptu team, Cinderella is undoubtedly the most worthy of her vigilance. At first, Amy didn't understand why, but she soon analyzed the reason rationally.

Cinderella is a blank sheet of paper, literally a blank sheet of paper, whether it is Irwin or Canary, Amy knows their past stories more or less, but Cinderella is different, everyone is the same as Irwin , who knew nothing about Cinderella.


Cinderella pointed to the sea surface on the chessboard, and the dark shadow swam across the sea surface, stirring up white waves.

"That is, are we going to see whales next?"

"I do not know."

Amyu shook her head, in this case, she had no intention of admiring the scenery.

Thunderous gunshots continued, and Palmer was still supporting Bologo. Sporadic bullets hit the Dread Eater, breaking pieces of solid scale armor.

The sound of hurried footsteps approached from overhead, and Bologo and Canary had turned back. The enemy was stronger than they thought, so they could only take the next best thing and use the game mechanism to defeat each other.

While the three of them were fighting, Amy was not idle. She signaled Cinderella to follow her. The two potion masters held their daggers and tried to guard the car door to block the remaining monsters in the car.

Aimu didn't expect Cinderella to be of any help. After all, she was just an ordinary person, and she had to rely on herself for most of the battles.

Pain and fatigue came from the body, and the soreness between the joints was like the lubricating oil between the machines had solidified. This made Aimiao realize the fragility of the flesh and blood again. You must know that there was a battle before, and she would Fight with a body of steel.

Aimiao cheered herself up in a low voice, "You can do it, Aimiao."

Cinderella struggled against the car door. Whenever a monster stretched out its arm from the cracked hole, Amyu would stab him viciously. The cooperation between the two was not bad, but facing the hordes of monsters approaching, they still Difficult to maintain the line of defense.


Amy couldn't hold on anymore, she called Palmer for help, but when she looked near the car window, Palmer had already disappeared, and then there were bursts of sharp noises above her head, and Burlogo's roar and horrifying bite The demon's roars were mixed together, and then interrupted by the resounding gunshots.

They were going through an extremely brutal struggle and couldn't spare any effort to help Amy. There was a hoarse humming from behind the car door, and another bloody arm stretched out, grabbing at Cinderella indiscriminately. If Cinderella dodged, The car door that was about to fall would be completely knocked down, but if she didn't dodge, the blow would fall on her body.

Aimu stabbed out the dagger and tried to cut it off, but the continuous fighting had made her exhausted, the dagger cut into the flesh, but was stuck by the solid bone.

Just when the line of defense completely collapsed, an extremely powerful arm took over Amyu's dagger, and Irwin exerted all his strength on the handle of the knife. With the sound of dry tearing, Irwin split the monster's arm alive .

The monster slammed its head against the car door, and its ferocious head came in. It tried to bite Amy, but then Irwin picked up the pen, and the sharp metal tip pierced the monster's eyes, sinking deep into the bloody eye sockets. .

In its mournful wailing, the dagger cut the monster's throat, and then inserted it back into it again, decapitating it in an extremely brutal way.

The severed head rolled to the ground with warm blood, and Irwin's tall figure replaced Amyu's against the car door, while not forgetting to cut off the hands that came in carelessly.

Amyu yelled and pulled out another dagger, "I thought you were useless!"

"I just didn't find the right opportunity to play."

In the previous battles, Bologo and the others were able to stand alone. Although the monsters were a big threat, they couldn't stop their swords. Irving didn't need to participate in the battle at all. If he participated in the battle, he might slow down others .

But it's different now, the team has been downsized, and the strong enemy has suppressed the hunters again. Irwin must stand up, just like in the story to turn the tide!
The car door was wobbly, and the screws were crooked and flying. It was not so much a car door, but now it was more like a shield riddled with holes.

"get ready!"

Irwin yelled at Amy and Cinderella. Before the monster's next attack was about to come, Irwin pushed up the car door, like a guard charging with a shield, and pushed the monster behind him away in one breath.

The battle moved to the next car, and Irwin pulled up the door as a shield. Just as he was about to withdraw into the chessboard car, a dense rain of bullets shot in from the car window, killing all these monsters.

"Pull me up!"

Palmer was hanging upside down outside the car, and the timely shooting was just a coincidence.

Canary tried to pull Palmer up, and the strong wind hit him. Both of them were a little unsteady, their bodies were hot, and their vision became blurred.

Palmer and Bologo had a plan, but this plan was ruthlessly broken by the power of the Dread Eater. Bologo and Canary were not enough to completely contain the Dread Eater, let alone one person to carry it out plan.

At the critical moment, Palmer temporarily forgot everyone in the chessboard car, and rushed out to assist Burrog in the battle. They were going to use the game mechanism to kick the Dread Eater out of the car.

Yes, there is no need to kill it, just kick it off the train.

While Bologo and Canary completely controlled the Dread Eater, Palmer kicked the Dread Eater with a flying kick, but the two were clearly not of the same weight. The Dread Eater remained motionless, Palmer Instead, he almost got sucked into the bottom of the car.

Fortunately, Canary swooped and grabbed Palmer's ankle, and while she rescued Palmer, Burrog struggled to fight the Dread Eater.

This monster is far more troublesome than Bologo imagined. Large scales are shattered, but the Dread Eater still has a certain degree of defense, and the two scythes in its hands are too deadly. Now Boluo Ge Ke is no longer undead, once he is hit by this scythe, he will definitely die.

"Quick! We're almost at the bridge!"

Palmer noticed the approaching bridge and urged eagerly, whether they can solve the Dread Eater or not depends on this move.

Canary fired crossbow arrows continuously, and all the arrows shot towards the belly of the Dread Eater. During the successive battles, a large piece of the scale armor on the abdomen had been damaged. This time the arrows were not bounced off, but completely submerged In flesh and blood.

Palmer fired and suppressed, and the Dread Eater raised its scythes and staggered them in front of him, blocking Palmer's gunshots. Burrog took this opportunity to charge forward, and at the moment of taking a step, the Dread Eater As if he had been waiting for a long time, the staggered scythes slashed forward quickly.

The hideous monster was unexpectedly clever and deliberately set a trap for Burrog, but it was obvious that it underestimated Burrog.

Bologo didn't slow down at all, his figure quickly flashed to one side, and he rose into the air. Just as he was about to fall to the roof of the car, Bologo swung his short knife and nailed it into the roof. Using it as a fulcrum, the figure jumped Draw a semicircle in the air, and when he jumped on the roof again, Bologo has come to the back of the Dread Eater.

The tough scale armor protected most of the Dread Eater's body surface, but in order to maintain flexibility, the protection at the joints must be much weaker.

Burrog swung his sword resolutely, and blossoming blood blossomed at the joints of the Dread Eater's legs. It tried to turn around and slash Burrog. A swift black shadow approached its head, and Palmer chopped it down. The dagger accurately sliced ​​through the eyeballs of the Dread Eater.Palmer wanted to shoot with a gun, but under continuous fire suppression, he had already emptied his ammunition.

The blade was nailed into the Dread Eater's leg joints, and Bologo turned the hilt, and the metal forcibly pried open the bones and fascia. Palmer cut the wound, and the crossbow bolt pierced the Dread Eater's eye socket.

Palmer took over the attack. He swung his dagger horizontally and struck the end of the crossbow arrow with the blade, trying to nail it into the Dread Eater's brain. The terrifying scythe waved wildly, and Palmer couldn't dodge it in time. , a bloody wound opened from his thigh.

At the same time Burrog managed to cut off the Dread Eater's lower leg.

The Dawn was driving on the steep bridge, and the endless gust of wind came oncoming, and everyone couldn't lift it under the pressure. Even the powerful body of the Dread Eater was shaken and out of balance due to the injury and the interference of the wind speed at this moment. .

The Dread Eater roared and turned around to slash at Bolog, but the moment it turned around, the cold blade stabbed down along the open bloody mouth, and the blade pierced through its throat, and Bolog let go of the sword. With a handle, he kicked on the body of the Dread Devourer.

The two figures staggered and separated quickly. The Dread Eater fell off the roof of the car unbalanced. It swung its scythe unwillingly, cut half of the car, and finally smashed powerlessly into the deep canyon under the bridge.

Bologo was also pushed out of the roof due to this blow, but just when he was about to suffer the same fate as the Dread Eater, he grabbed Bologo with one hand and hit the train with his body. Qi and blood surged.

"I caught you!"

Palmer dragged his injured leg and lay on the roof of the car. He yelled at Burlogo, trying to drown out the howling wind.

"I caught you!"

 Vera, the author of "I Invented at Hogwarts", writes words every day.

  After Rigg joined Hogwarts, the pressure came to Azkaban.

  When Voldemort escaped, he was knocked down by a super electromagnetic gun from Harry Potter.

  "Rig, this is much better than a wand!"

(End of this chapter)

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