Endless Debt.

Chapter 616

Chapter 616
As Irving rolled the dice, the moment the dice hit the chessboard, the Dawn rumbled forward on the rails, crossed the dividing line between regions, and arrived at the windswept coast.

The sound of turbulent waves pouring into the car, accompanied by the humid sea breeze, reminded Burlogo of the fight in Freeport not long ago, and Palmer recalled the lemon sea salt salad.

"After many bloody battles, the hunters overcame the difficulties and stepped out of the wilderness."

The white gull was narrating the story and the reality that was being staged. Amy opened the side door, and a bright orange-red light was projected into the cabin. The warm light shone on the face, caressing the skin, bringing precious comfort.

Amy sighed softly, "It's so beautiful..."

The warm orange-red light comes from the far end of the sea level, like a submarine volcano erupting, the hot lava rushes out of the water, and a slender orange-red line rises, and the sky is also burning red, blooming into large swaths of red clouds. As the field of vision zoomed out, the night still covered a large area of ​​the sky, and the gloomy and thick clouds were like an unbreakable curtain, covering the sky and the earth.

From time to time, thunder flashed across the clouds, sprinkled light rain, and the wet and icy sea breeze hit the body, making people want to shiver uncontrollably. I don’t know if it’s because of the cold, or this strange and magnificent, but it seems to be heading towards extinction. crazy world.

"The Dawn temporarily got rid of the monsters' pursuit," White Gull continued, "The hunters were lucky to find a supply point on the coast, where there are abundant supplies and resting beds waiting for them."

A loud siren sounded in front of the train, and the Dawn began to slow down and entered the dilapidated station, as if there were ghosts living here. With the arrival of the Dawn, the broken light boards flickered, and the noisy After the electric current, a hoarse and distorted singing sounded.

The doors were opened neatly, and many complex footsteps could be vaguely heard, as if countless ghosts were getting off the train. Burogo looked at the compartments behind, and blurred figures passed by.

Those ghost soldiers, Bologo saw them again. According to the game corresponding to reality, there are not only these players on this train, but also these ghosts who maintain the train. Usually they don’t, but when When the game reaches a point where they are needed, they return from the void, playing their roles like extras.

Burrog asked, "Can you see?"

"Of course." Palmer held Burlogo's shoulders to prevent himself from falling. "What are these guys doing, repairing the train?"

The ghost soldiers did not rest after getting off the train, but took out maintenance tools from nowhere, and repaired the train decently. Very shiny.

Under the work of the ghost soldiers, the crooked steel plates were re-calibrated, and the broken parts were replaced with new armor. Even the huge gap cut out by the checkerboard car became intact under their repair.

"According to the rule book, while brewing darkness and increasing the difficulty of the game, Dawn will also gain rounds of enhancements as the number of supply points on the way increases."

A pitch-black shadow covered several people, and at some point a huge crane appeared above the Dawn, and the ghost soldiers began to deal with the locomotive, but they didn't know what they were doing.

The colorful light hit the faces of several people, as if attracting the attention of several people, the rusty billboards lit up one after another, followed by a warm light in the abandoned train station, through the cloth Through the dusty windows, many figures can be seen hurrying forward in the train station.

"Come on, everyone."

Bologo supported Palmer with one hand and held a sharp sword in the other. Even when it was time to rest, Bologo still couldn't let go of his heart. He always felt that the Desire Witch would not let them go so easily.

Think about it, when the tired people let go of all vigilance and try to step into the long-lost dreamland, they are suddenly frightened... The Desire Witch will like the expressions of a few people at that time.

Leaving the Dawn and handing it over to the ghost soldiers for repairs, Bologo and others walked into the abandoned train station. They thought that after opening the door, it would be a mess, but when Bologo opened the door, they once again opened the door. Back in the resplendent hall, the gentle waiter stood at the door waiting for them as always.

If it weren't for the sharp sword in Bologo's hand, the pain coming from his body, and the strange feeling caused by the dry blood coagulating on the skin, Bologo would think that time reappeared, and they returned to the beginning.

"Are you having a good time?"

The waiter smiled and nodded at several people, his eyes were bewildered and full of charm and charm.

Burrog raised the blade, pointing the sharp point at the attendant's chest.

Everything in the Paradise is so weird, the weird and crazy carriages, the Dawn where the world and the story overlap, and these weird waiters who seem to be able to see other people's desires.

Out of the corner of his sight, he fell on the orange-red sea, and Bologo began to wonder where they were. Is this seemingly huge world just a carriage in the Paradise?

"All emotions are just chemicals, all perceptions are hallucinations."

Burrog whispered in his heart, which came from "Night Hunter", and Burrog was deeply impressed by it.

The waiter looked at them and smiled, "Huh? Looks like you guys are having a good time."

In the past, Palmer would respond by yelling and cursing, but now he, like Burlogo, maintained absolute vigilance facing the waiter, and so did the others, and Gould's reaction was the strongest.

Burlogo pinned Gould's card on his chest, like a work card with a photo printed on it. Gould saw the waiter with a dignified and depressed expression. He didn't say a word, but Burlogo could feel it. Vibration from the card.

"She's not a witch of lust," Gould said, "at least not yet."

Bologo understood what Gould meant. These demons like to occupy the bodies of believers and act in their bodies. This is especially obvious in the tyrant, who often takes the body of the bartender Vika.

In other words, if the Witch of Desire wants to, she can appear in front of several people at any time.

Bologo thinks that she will not appear so rashly. This is a game triggered by her. She will be the strong enemy at the end of the game. Now the game is less than halfway through. At this time, the big villain will appear. It just makes the game end in a boring way.

The waiter took a few steps back and looked back at everyone again, "Everyone, please, don't you need to rest?"

Burrog hesitated, but stepped forward firmly.

The Witch of Desire is making fun of a few people, just like the big villain at the end of the game will not appear suddenly, she will not let a few people die here, in a ridiculous break, which would be too boring.

That's right, the Witch of Desire can tolerate everything except boredom, the more intense the emotional ups and downs, the more climactic dramatic conflicts can please this twisted devil.

"Come on, we have no other choice."

Burrog supported Palmer, and Irwin and Canary dragged Hart together. They couldn't leave Hart alone on the train, but they were too strong to move him.

They were scarred and urgently needed rest and treatment, otherwise the Dawn set off again, and Burlogo would not have the confidence to survive it.

A group of people stepped into the resplendent hall, the ball was the same as before, the air was filled with the aroma of mead, but they were full of blood, and they seemed so incompatible with everything here.

The dancing men and women were completely unaware of the arrival of several people. They only had each other in their eyes. Under the leadership of the waiter, Bologo and his party passed through another gate. Before the gate was completely closed, Bologo could hear the string With the sound of clothes being torn apart, the beasts gasped for each other and bit each other again.

"There is eternal joy here," the waiter turned his head, his eyes flashed bright red, "everyone will be satisfied here."

Burlog said nothing, and made no response.

(End of this chapter)

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