Endless Debt.

Chapter 625 Whimsical

Chapter 625 Whimsical

Dawn breaks through the waves and advances at full speed. The raging storm is left far behind by it, and the rising clouds and smoke cover the sky, as if all the sunlight has been swallowed up. The color spread across the sky, as if the entire sky and the storm were burned up under the interweaving of thunder and rain.

Bologo struggled to punch all the windows on both sides. Relying on the high speed of the train and the rising position, the sea water pouring in was quickly flowing out. The snakes were reluctant to bite other people, trying to catch I was nailed to death in the car, but they were all hit by Canary's precise crossbow arrows one by one.

Palmer struggled to push away Hart who was pressing in front of him, and swung his dagger to chop off pythons one by one. The cold sea water soaked the ammunition, and now his most proud firearm was completely useless. Can swing wearily.

Amy waded into the water and caught Hart. The poor guy was bitten and bruised, and he didn't know how much sea water was in his stomach. Just to be on the safe side, Amyu dragged Hart to the chess table and prepared to treat him .

Irwin shook his body, clenched the dagger in one hand, and held Cinderella with the other. He tried hard to move towards the chess table, and now it was his turn to draw cards.

After Irving draws cards, this round of events will be over. Maybe they can find a way out of the status quo. Irving doesn't want to face the snakes again.

"Bless me, everyone."

Irving murmured, "Hope this damn torture ends."

"no problem."

Cinderella cheered behind him. She believed in Irwin's luck and perseverance. Along the way, this strange guy had brought her a lot of surprises.

Irving nodded himself, and moved to the chess table with great difficulty. Just as he was about to take his own card from Bai Gull's hand, the carriage shook violently again.

People's expressions became serious, and now they have gradually figured out the rules. The violent vibration of the carriage is often a harbinger of some kind of catastrophic change.

Burlogo felt that this trip was like a stage play. The Dawn train that people were on was the stage, and what changed every time was the background board, and now the new background board is being loaded.

Where will the crisis come from?No, Irving obviously hasn't drawn a card yet, so how could it cause an exception?
It occurred to Burlog, until this moment, that they were still in crisis, and it was Burlog who had neglected this.

"Be careful! The flood is coming!"

Burrog pierced the long sword into the iron skin on his side, and grasped the hilt with all his strength. He wanted to close the car window at first, but with the impact of the torrent, Burrog would only be washed away in an instant. For this reason, all he could do was Warning to others.

"big flood!"

Palmer screamed. This time he learned his wisdom and decisively withdrew to the wall near the car door, trying to use the impact of the torrent to press himself firmly against the wall.

The Dawn's ascent movement stopped, it moved forward along the rails, and plunged into the deep sea again in the next second. The window that was originally opened to release the seawater became a dead hole at this moment, and the seawater poured into the car without any hindrance. Inside, everyone was overwhelmed almost instantly.

Irving wanted to draw out his own card before the seawater engulfed him, but before he touched the deck, the surging seawater easily overturned Irving's figure.

Without any delay, the seawater completely filled the carriage, the impact squeezed people's bodies, everyone spat out bubbles in pain, and some pythons that hadn't left yet wrapped around other people's bodies again.

Irwin and Cinderella were knocked apart. This time they had no room to move, and even if they floated up, there was no blank space to breathe.

His field of vision was cloudy, covered with boa constrictors dancing wildly, and the rolling coldness soaked through Irwin's nerves. He gradually lost his body consciousness, the heat was rapidly escaping from his body, and his consciousness fell into an ice cellar.

Pushed by the current, Irwin's body crashed uncontrollably into the following carriages. He tried to grab something to prevent himself from being washed away, but what Irwin grabbed was one python after another. Caught on Irving's arm, biting his body, trying to gnaw off large chunks of flesh and blood.

The broken chair crackled and hit his body, Irwin curled up in pain, and then he hit the wall again, the water flow was like a powerful big hand, pressing his head, dragging him to rub The wall, slamming headfirst on the threshold, tumbled toward the next car.

Amid the pain and fainting, Irving thought a lot. He saw that stormy night again, holding the blood-stained stone in his hand, and jumped off the boat.

Thinking about it carefully, my story seems to have started in the water, and now I am going to end in the water.

In a trance, Irwin saw that countless pythons were rushing towards him. They opened their mouths with all their strength, as if they wanted to swallow themselves alive. The heads stuffed in the python's throat.

Most of the faces Irwin had forgotten their names, but Irwin remembered who they were, the demons who had been killed by him.

I had tortured them, tortured them day and night, just to get information from them about the extraordinary world, no...about the Witch of Desire, and those body bags piled up in the depths of the dungeon.

Now these dead souls came to look for Irving. They struggled and wanted to crawl out of the python's mouth, vowing to drag Irwin into hell together.

But Irving didn't feel terrified. On the contrary, he laughed happily. Irving made a smiling face vigorously, as if he was laughing at these people.

The boa constrictors rushed up and surrounded Irwin. From the outside, he looked like a huge mass of meat surrounded by silver and white snakes. Burrog drew out his long sword and swam towards Irwin. He tried to To save Irving, but under the bite of the pythons, Irving couldn't maintain his figure at all. At this moment, he had passed the door of the car and fell into the next carriage.

Burrog coughed in pain, and a large number of air bubbles emerged in front of him. Now there is no oxygen space, and Burrog can't last too long in the water. Maybe he will suffocate himself before he rescues Irving and die.

The state of the others is similar, if there is no turning point, everyone will drown here...Damn it!Hart has sunk to the bottom!
Pain spread all over his body, and the blood dissolved in the water obscured his vision. Irwin's situation became precarious. In the cold dead silence, the hallucinations in front of his eyes became more and more serious due to lack of oxygen.

Irwin saw a pair of arms protruding from the snake's mouth, and the dead souls shouted loudly, wanting to make him pay the price, and at the same time, the weird female voice rang in his ears.

Irwin had heard the woman's voice back in the Promise's attack, and now he heard it again.

The sound was blurred by the sea water, and there was a low murmur in his ears, like a murmur of unknown meaning. Fortunately, this didn't bother Irving for too long, he was talking to himself.

"I won't die..."

The feeling of seawater pouring into the nose and mouth is not good, let alone letting it fill the lungs little by little. The hallucinations caused by the lack of oxygen intensified, but Irwin did not die. With unimaginable strength, he tore off the snakes on his body bit by bit.

In the dark and turbid underwater world, Irwin saw Burrog who was coming towards him. This guy had almost reached his limit, but he still swung his long sword stubbornly.

Irving began to like Bologo. He was a stubborn guy just like himself. This reminded Irving of the sentence he and Bologo hadn't finished talking before.

In fact, Irving wanted to tell Burlogo that sometimes ideals are not important, yes, this kind of thing is not important, no matter who it is, there will be such a thing called ideal.

What is really important is the stupidity to carry out the ideal to the end.

Irwin is such a stubborn person, just like the children described himself as a child, a stubborn, annoying rock.

Only a stone can persist for 33 years for a ridiculous goal, and only a stone can stubbornly come to the present, either smashing other people or being smashed.

The woman's voice became clearer.

"Oh... who is she?"

"A mystery."

"A whimsical dream."

Irwin saw it, and the snakes that entangled him gradually dispersed, and the figure dancing in the water was revealed behind the withered snakes. Perhaps the illusion caused by the lack of oxygen is adding color to reality, as if the clothes were dyed by blood. The water spreads out like water lilies in full bloom.

He couldn't believe what he saw. The familiar figure came across time, and it seemed that nothing had changed, just like when Irving saw her.

In the dark and turbid world, the wine-red pupils exuded a strange light, Irwin's mind went blank, and let Cinderella approach him, the girl waved hand gestures indiscriminately, trying to convey information to Irwin, but Erwin Wen's eyes were dull as if he hadn't seen anything.

Cinderella could only let Irwin grab her ankle, and then she held the dagger with both hands, as if climbing a rock, and repeatedly nailed the dagger into the ground, moving her body clumsily and a little bit, in this simple and rude way. Irving pulled back to the chess table.

Every swing of the dagger greatly consumes Cinderella's physical strength, because she can't swim, she can only think of such a way for the time being, if she can leave here alive, Cinderella will seriously consider learning to swim, and she will also consider whether to go with her. With both hands, record your own journey on the road.

Thinking of this, Cinderella thought it was a good idea, so that when she was old, she could greet a bunch of young and energetic boys and tell them about her wonderful adventures, and they would definitely show admiration.

Cinderella could even imagine their shocked faces, which sounds really good.

Arching her feet, Hindry stretched her hand and grabbed Irving. She curled up, kicked Irving's abdomen like a rabbit struggling to jump, and pushed him towards the chess table with all her strength.

Irwin seemed to have regained his sanity, he stretched out his hand, and grabbed the card that belonged to him.

(End of this chapter)

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