Endless Debt.

Chapter 633 Contradictions

Chapter 633 Contradictions
Turning into the corridor, after Bologo left, other people walked into the office again, and they didn't know what Lebius was going to say to them, but those had nothing to do with Bologo for the time being.

He didn't know how Belphegor would find him. According to the previous example, as long as he wandered around the reclining room for a while, he should be summoned by him.

It feels like walking in a minefield, and at a certain moment, it will be blown to pieces. Burlogo hates this random sense of uneasiness, just like when he was doing "Journey to the Night" in the Paradise , you never know what you will face next.

Burrog stopped suddenly, standing in the empty corridor, he thought of a question.

"Is it a big success?"

Bologo was talking to himself, he still remembered the effect of the wish card, which would determine the degree of wish fulfillment based on the number of points thrown by the player.

How many points did Irving cast?

Judging from the current situation, several of them successfully returned to their respective homes, just like at the beginning of the game, so Irving's points should be a big success.

It seems that Irving is really lucky. Not only did he get the wish card, but he also cast a big success. If Palmer knew this, he should be envious.

Bologo stopped walking and sat on a chair in the corridor. What Lebius said about the promotion of those in power had already been expected by Bologo.

After chatting with the deputy director and Nethaniel, it is clear that Nethaniel is planning to divert resources to Bologo, using his identity as the chosen one, to try to defeat the devils in the ensuing disputes.

Burrog agrees with Nethanir's plan, but no matter how much he agrees, it cannot change the fact that Burrog is currently only a believer.

He needs time, he needs preparation.

Before the disputes among the devils really come, Bologo will try his best to improve his strength. Fortunately, the top power in the extraordinary world is standing behind Burogo. In terms of resources, Bologo No need to worry.

Before, Burlogo didn't have a clear understanding of the energy of the Bureau of Order, but after passing through Fengyuan Heights and Freeport, he has clearly realized the gap between different forces.

Whether it is the reserved resources or the pros and cons of the alchemy matrix technology, when compared with each other, the gap will only widen.

Sometimes, Bologo felt that the so-called Sublimator can actually be regarded as a kind of military weapon. Different alchemy matrix technologies will determine the advanced level of military weapons, and their ranks will also determine the power released by weapons. strength.

After the Wrath of the Scorched Earth, the way of war has undergone earth-shaking changes, and Bologo is a little afraid to think about the extraordinary war with the participation of the Glory One.

"The negative..."

Burrog raised his hand, and the silver snake crawled along the back of his finger.

Judging from Lebius' attitude, the Bureau of Order had already prepared a series of promotion resources for itself. Thinking about it, all of this should have been designed when he gained the power of the overlord Cylinder.

The overlord, Xilin, is like a legendary existence, carrying an alchemy matrix that is difficult for the Bureau of Order to decipher, but now this power has passed into his own hands, and he is also burdened with the debt of immortality.

As long as time is given, Bologo will reach the rank of the Glorious One sooner or later, just like the overlord Xilin.

Bologo realized that he was not only the chosen one of the astronauts, but also the target chosen by the Bureau of Order. The Bureau of Order gave him almost all precious resources, just for the dispute with the devils that existed in the distant future .

Maybe, this plan was prepared as early as the Scorched Earth Wrath many years ago...

Bologo was stunned, he suddenly realized such a problem, the events of each event node overlapped by coincidence.

Shaking his head, clearing these messy thoughts from his mind, Burrog tried not to think too far away, which would only make him irritable. He stood up, and at the same time the lights in the corridor flickered.

Burrog knew what was going to happen next, just as he expected, every time the lights flickered, the surrounding environment changed, the spotless ground was covered with dust, and the corners were covered with cobwebs.

As if time was speeding up, a hundred years passed in the blink of an eye. In the flickering light and darkness, Bologo saw many people around him. They were wearing cleaning clothes and cleaning the dust carefully.

Only then did Burlog realize with a start that there seemed to be no cleaning staff in this huge reclamation room. It was always so spotless that even Burlog had forgotten this common sense thing.

Bologo stretched out his hand in a mysterious way. He wanted to touch the cleaning staff next to him to confirm their authenticity, but before his fingers touched the other party, the cleaning staff suddenly turned his head. His face was a smooth, plastic textured blank. noodle.

A strange coldness enveloped Borrog for an instant, and the cleaning staff seemed to be staring at him, and then he looked away and continued to clean the ground professionally.

Another flicker ended, and the corridor returned to stability, but this time the corridor became a one-way straight forward, and at the end of it, a wooden door stood quietly.

Burrog's eyes were a little dull, he blinked vigorously, and then broke free from that weird feeling, he was not very good at describing that feeling... It was like being stared at by poisonous snakes in the jungle, they locked on It cut its own neck, ready to bite and inject venom at any time.

Trying to calm down his heart, Bologo walked towards the door that appeared suddenly. With the arrival of Bologo, there was a crisp metallic sound from the lock cylinder. Without the key, the door automatically popped open, revealing a muddy dark.

It was not the first time that Bologo came here. He was no longer as anxious as before, but stepped into the darkness decisively. Soon after, the warm sunlight hit his body, and the familiar singing sounded. The Sunshine Hotel was the same as before, and the indoor temperature Tall and drowsy.

Walking through the narrow corridor and pushing open the door of the movie theater, in the darkness, Burrog saw Belphegor sitting in the auditorium, holding a big bucket of popcorn in his arms, looking up at what was happening on the screen. of all kinds.

"Fuck! Irving, are you crazy!"

Palmer's yelling and cursing echoed in the theater, and the image that appeared on the screen was the scene of several people fleeing wildly after Irving made a wish.

Seeing this scene, Belphegor laughed and clapped his hands.

Burrog sat down beside Belfinger, Belfinger snapped his fingers, the screen began to flow backwards, and finally returned to the beginning when several people boarded the car, the plot flowed again, Burrog didn't know what happened How many times did Belphegor repeat this plot?

Burlog asked, "What are you going to do?"

Judging from the previous communication with the devils, these guys are truly omnipotent in a sense. Bologo has never been good at conspiracies and tricks, so when facing devils, he is straightforward.

"I made a bet with Asmodeus."

Belphegor was also surprisingly frank, telling Burlogo nothing, "We bet who will get Irwin's soul."

"What about the bet?"

Burrogo's heart sank, sympathizing with Irving's terrible fate.

"The bet... the bet is that if I win, Asmodeus will ally with me against the rest of our blood," Belphegor explained, "and if she wins, we will cease fighting and keep the peace, saying Maybe I will pay more, after all, I don't have much chips in hand."

"Will the devils still form alliances?"

Bologo originally thought that the disputes among the devils would be fighting on their own. They are so greedy and hateful that every blood relative is a competitor, but now it seems that this is not the case.

"Of course, you also know about commercial monopoly, right? Sometimes we have to unite to fight against those powerful blood relatives, so as to avoid complete failure in this great game."

Belphegor paused, explaining his words in more detail.

"We are consistent in the general direction, but in some crucial small details, we have irreconcilable contradictions."

"for example?"

"Like how to treat humans."

(End of this chapter)

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