Endless Debt.

Chapter 640 Revealing the Essence of the World

Dewar is like a fanatic who is ready to die at any time. He squats down, covers his cheeks with his hands, and peeks at the original thing through the gap. From time to time, his body trembles violently, and Bologo can faintly hear his heartbeat , and the sound of rapid breathing.

Bologo didn't understand what was going on, let alone understand Dewar's nonsense. His understanding of alchemy was limited to the beginning, and he didn't know what the cornerstone of subverting the framework was.

A strange atmosphere filled the surroundings. Bologo turned around and looked at Mamo and Nethaniel. There was also a gleam of psychic fluid in their eyes, and their expressions were solemn, as if they were facing an enemy.

Judging from the attitudes of these two Rong's concerns, there must be a big problem with the primordial thing. Thinking about the Zongge Orchestra's pursuit to the death, Bologo calmed himself down and took advantage of the effect of the psychic fluid to continue. , looking at the original thing again.

The original object looks ordinary on the outside, if there is anything special about it, it has a sense of minimalism and squareness, the surface is as smooth as a mirror, and Burogo's face is vaguely projected on it .

The surrounding containers glowed with the pale white light that is unique to the Soul of Cold Iron. This light was peeked out by the psychic fluid. It does not exist in reality, so this light was not reflected by the mirror surface of the original object...

At a certain moment, Bologo's thoughts froze, as if thunder flashed across his mind, and he lost all consciousness, and his body froze in place.

At this moment Burrog realized one thing, the primordial thing has no color, it has no aura of soul.

Does this... Does this prove that the original thing does not have a soul?You must know that everything has a soul, which is one of the most important cornerstones of the extraordinary system.

However, if the original thing has no soul, according to the classification of dead things, it should be annihilated into powder, but now why can it maintain its original shape and structure without collapsing?

Soulless, yet not dead.

Bologo moved his gaze to Dewar with difficulty, and Dewar stood up slowly, as if looking directly at the scorching sun, with tears in his eyes.

"Reveal the nature of the world."

Duwa muttered to himself, this is King Solomon's commentary on the original thing.

"Teda is correct," Dewar continued, "he explained his own theory of ether tides in this way, with the passage of time and the progress of the exploration of the secret source, the concentration of ether in the whole world is constantly rising.

The two complement each other, until the ethereal power completely distorts the world. "

Bologo instantly recalled the storm on the raging sea that he saw when he was in the wind source highland, where there was an ether vortex point, and then created this "natural" extraordinary phenomenon.

At that time, Bologo had fantasies, if the theory of ether tides is correct, whether the continuous increase of ether concentration will create one terrifying supernatural phenomenon after another, and even tear the whole world apart.


Bologo signaled Dewar to continue. The shock brought by this ordinary metal cube was a bit too great. The strong impact made Burlogo's thinking dull and his thinking became difficult. He simply listened to Dewar's report .

"In fact, in his own research, Taida has already subjectively believed that the ether tide does exist. What he wants to find out next is whether the ether has existed in this world from the very beginning, or whether it has existed in a certain period of time in the past. Suddenly appearing in this world at an opportunity."

Dewar laughed hoarsely, "Haven't you noticed? Boluogo, even if it is an ancient family or a secret society, they can't tell when the ether appeared, and the macroscopic history of the entire human race From the point of view, the history of human beings is far longer than the appearance of ether.

And before that?In those more distant years, can it be said that there is no ether in this world? "

"Teda can't prove that ether doesn't belong to this world..."

Bologo murmured, the ether is closely related to this world, it is inescapable for every sublimation person, and it is the crystallization of all human souls.

It can be said that ether is as important as air to human beings. Everyone has been affected by ether from the moment of birth... No, even in the embryo, ether has been with him.

"Yeah, Teda was never able to solve this problem, but King Solomon did it," Dewar said in awe. "He took this piece of metal from nowhere and created the constant metal to protect it."

"Think about the nature of the constant metal, rejecting the interference of all external forces... what it rejects is the ether, and under the wrapping of the constant metal, it will shape itself into a miniature etheric vacuum."

Dewar's speaking speed became faster and faster, and then he coughed violently, his chest rose and fell rapidly, and he breathed excessively.

This should be the happiest and most exciting moment in Dewar's life. Seeing him like this, Burlogo was really worried about Dewar's sudden death.

Mamo walked slowly and stood beside Bologo. He blinked, and the golden gleam in his eyes disappeared.

"We put forward a hypothesis, assuming that there is no ether in this world, and there is no so-called extraordinary power..."

Burrog repeated in a low voice, "Without extraordinary powers..."

Bologo recalled the memory of his previous life, the absolute materialistic reality, there is no extraordinary ether, and there is no evil devil, there is only a cold reality, the machinery that drives all things.

The world became more and more confusing in Bologo's eyes, and it was difficult for him to recognize the world in front of him from this moment.

"Then under this assumption, can we understand that the birth of our soul and extraordinary power is all influenced by the ether, which is the secret source.

At some point in the past, the Mystic Source appeared out of nowhere in our world, bringing with it a steady stream of aether. "

Mamo continued to explain, "Ether transformed us and the world, and as the concentration of ether increased, this transformation penetrated more and more, and even gave birth to our soul, as well as the emergence of alchemy matrix technology... We can't predict What will the world look like in the future?"

The original thing was quietly suspended in the container. This cold metal without a soul, with its own existence, completely destroyed the extraordinary system accumulated over hundreds of years, and destroyed the foundation stone of the bottom layer. net.

This is King Solomon's vengeance.

Bologo looked at it dully. He has always been a practical school. Neither Mamo nor Dewar's theories affected Bologo. What really affected Bologo was the existence of the original thing.

The data may be wrong, the theory may be falsified, but the objective reality is absolutely indisputable.

Now a metal cube without a soul is placed in front of everyone like this. This is an irrefutable reality.

Bologo couldn't describe his mood at the moment, he could only mutter to himself.

"Reveal the nature of the world."

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