Endless Debt.

Chapter 645 Broken Reality

Chapter 645 Broken Reality
The evil breath was released from the paper, and Bologo clearly felt the power of the devil, and the umbilical cord connected to the madness trembled violently, like another nerve of Bologo, bringing bursts of tingling pain.

There is a strong smell of blood in the ink, and there is no blood on the white paper at all. The dark text reveals the danger of Daisy Castle and fully shows Irving's despair. Not a letter, but a suicide note.

"The power to change reality."

Burrog noticed the information that Irwin conveyed to him. After getting along with him for this period of time, Irving was very aware of the importance of the information. In short words, he explained all the information that Burrog needed to know.

"Looks like Irving didn't have a big hit."

Palmer was sitting on the couch, and he tried to say it jokingly, but it wasn't funny, it couldn't make anyone laugh.

The cheerful holiday party was completely frozen with Irving's letter, Palmer's joy of getting a full set of blue jay autographs was swept away, and Amy sat on the side in a daze.

She thought she would have a happy day, but things often don't go as planned.

Burrog sat on a chair with the letter, glanced at the text, and based on the only information, he imagined everything that happened to Irving.

"Asmodeus is by his side, so what about Belphegor? He shouldn't be far away."

Borogo said to himself, with their existence before, Irwin was more or less safe, and now this poor mortal is facing the prying eyes of the devils alone, and suffers some kind of curse.

"Words distort reality, stories and reality interact..."

Bologo didn't quite understand the meaning of this part. Could it be that Irwin possessed some kind of power similar to the spirit of speech?It's just that he doesn't have to say it, but writes it down, and he can shape reality... just like the School of Illusion?
Irving Fleischer.

Bologo didn't know how to evaluate Irving, but what he could know was that Irving was a guy who was afraid of causing trouble to others, and he could see it from the progress of the Happy Garden.

If Irwin is really controlled by Asmodeus, then he will only suffer all this alone, and then wait for the punishment of fate and die.

Irwin would take everything with him, but now that this letter came into his hands, the words inside seemed to be asking for help.

Burrog noticed the last sentence of the letter.

"Wish you could see these..."

A nameless sense of shock swept through Burlogo's mind, thinking of the power that Irwin wrote before, and the power of words to become reality. Could it be that he just wanted to write a suicide note, but because of this paragraph of words, the story became reality, This letter also came before my eyes.

This is no longer an ordinary reality, and Burlogo can hardly imagine what kind of disaster Daisy Castle is going through at this moment.

"It looks like the party is going to be postponed a little bit, everyone."

Burrog folded the letter and put it in his pocket, "I'm going to the Bureau of Order, how about you?"

"I'll go with you," Palmer said as he put on his clothes. "I just took Irving's gift. I can't watch him suffer like this."

Palmer adored Irwin, and that admiration had only grown a little after the Joyland madness, and Palmer could now recall Irwin jumping on the meat grinder and the stupidity of falling in love with the devil.

These stories ran wild in Palmer's mind, and he resisted calling to tell Woxilin, the kind of story Palmer needed to meet with Wuxilin in person to share.In Palmer's heart, Irving's status was even higher than his asshole father.

"I'll go as well."

Amyu said, "We are the returnees of the game, and we may be useful."

Burrog nodded, and took out the key of the winding path. Compared with driving, this winding path is much faster.

A few people crossed the darkness and came to the familiar Undead Club again. The air was filled with the smell of wine, and bursts of joyful singing sounded. Unlike Bologo's last visit, this time the Undead Club was much more lively. The figure who arrived was sitting in front of the bar, hugging another strange woman, kissing me there.

"Don't be like this. I disappeared for a few days. I have some important things to do. Look at me, haven't I come back now?"

There was a charming smile on the man's face, and a delicate shell with pearls inlaid on the edge appeared from his fingertips, "Look, I even brought you a gift."

Seeing this, the woman's anger stagnated, and she took the shell lovingly, and looked at the work of art. A hint of disdain and victory flashed in the man's eyes. It must be admitted that Serley is very good at deceiving women, and he is simply an expert in this field.

Regrettably, Serley was a little too obsessed with interacting with women, and didn't notice everyone who borrowed the way. This time, the door of the winding path opened in the wine cellar. Bologo remembered the first time he came, It's from here.

Serley noticed the approaching footsteps, he thought it was Bode who came out, his skeleton can't be seen by women, and why Bode came out at this time, he clearly told him that when he was dating, Don't bother yourself.

Then Seri saw Bologo with a gloomy face. It was the first time that Seri saw Bologo with such a bad expression, as if he was about to go out to kill someone, and he seemed to have just returned from killing someone.

"Yo, Serley, long time no see." Burrog looked at Serley's funny bronze skin, "Sunbathing?"

Threi's expression froze, and the emotions that had just risen instantly cooled down. He dodged left and right, but he didn't expect to collide with Bologo now.

"Don't be nervous, I don't want to trouble you right now."

Ever since he knew about the mess of the Night Clan, Bologo really wanted to chat with Seri, how the great hero of the Daybreak War became what he is now, but after returning, Seri seemed to hide from him on purpose Same, couldn't find him at all.

"I have more important things to do now."

Bologo said and opened the door to leave, Amy followed closely behind, and Palmer suddenly said to Thurley before leaving.

"Therei, who do you think we met a while ago?"


"Blue Jay," Palmer beamed, "I even got his autograph."

The door closed, and Thrai and the woman were left in the room again. The woman asked suspiciously, "Are they...your friends?"


Thurley replied absently that he wasn't preoccupied with women at all right now, but what Palmer had said about the blue jays, what the hell had happened in his absence.

The woman took a look at Serley, didn't say much, but carefully looked at the shell, a small line of name was engraved inside the shell, the woman's smile became bigger, and then she became completely cold.

The woman frowned and asked, "Who is Jenkin?"

"Aren't you Jenkin..."

Serley stopped talking halfway, and from the woman's eyes, he read the murderous intent.

The woman pressed, "What's my name, Thurley."

Serley stared at the woman's face, but he couldn't remember the woman's face. He had seen too many women in his life. If he remembered every name, his brain would explode.

He said cautiously, "Jenkin?"

"To shut up!"

The woman slapped Seri hard, packed up her things and left, and Seri fell to the ground cooperatively. Since she had already angered the lady, it would be better to let her vent her anger completely.

The other shells fell out of Selei's body, scattered and making a clattering sound.

The woman had already left, and Selei gradually lay flat on the ground. He felt something stepping on his stomach, and then a black cat's face poked in.

Wei'er pulled many shells, one of which was extremely shiny, with many gemstones inlaid on it, exuding bursts of warmth, with the taste of sunshine.This one is worth more than all the others combined.

Cat's Claw opened the shell and noticed the words engraved on it, "How long has it been since you two met."

"100 years? I can't remember, the last time we met was in the Dawn War."

Se Lei sat up and picked up the shell, "Unlike the others, this shell was brought back from the island by me."

"The island of eternal sunshine."


Serley played with the shell, and asked Wei Er, "Do you think she will like this shell?"

Weier shook her head, "I've seen too many luxurious things... I don't think she will care about this. Compared with these, if you are willing to let her stab a few times, I think she will be happier."

Serei laughed a few times, turned the shell over, and whispered the name inside.


Putting away the shells, Serley looked out the door. He began to wonder what Burrog and the others were going to do in a hurry, and how Palmer got the blue jay's signature.

But now it was daytime, and the deadly sun filled the world.


When Burlogo stepped into the Field Service Department, he could clearly feel that the atmosphere of the Field Service Department was not right. Normally, the Field Service Department looked deserted and there were hardly any people, but today the number of people increased significantly, and everyone walked at a fast pace. Almost ran in the corridor.

A familiar figure walked past Burrog, who stopped him with a wave.

"Kamp, what's going on? Did something happen?"

Kemp, the newcomer of the sixth group, had been rescued by Burlogo before, so the two were not strangers.

"Emergency, we have detected an extraordinary disaster," Kemp quickly explained to Burlogo, "The disaster is still expanding, and the idle action teams have been mobilized."

After Kemp finished speaking, he walked away quickly. He was going to join other people. Bologo and Palmer glanced at each other. The two ran directly in the corridor and hurried towards Lebius' office. .

Pushing open the door, Lebius was rarely at work, but sat on the office chair with his arms folded. When he saw Bologo coming, Geoffrey suddenly said.

"I just said that they would have come even if they hadn't been notified—it's about them."

Bologo breathed a sigh of relief and sat directly in front of Lebius, and Lebius handed the photos to Bologo one by one.

"According to what you said, we sent some people to find Irwin, but they didn't come back, which caused the alarm of the Department of Field Service, and then we launched an investigation," Lebius said. "This is the latest Photos sent back."

Burrogo picked up the photo, and saw a dark field rising abruptly from a desolate wilderness, completely covering the ground below him.

A hemisphere appeared above the pitch-black domain, with a clear outline, without any abnormal phenomena extending beyond the domain, while inside the domain was absolute darkness, and light could not penetrate the slightest bit.

"The staff who first set foot in it disappeared and never returned. We set it as an abnormal event in the virtual domain and sent a third team to deal with it, but the third team couldn't solve this thing."

When it came to the third group, Lebius seemed a lot irritable. The third group had previously dealt with the Happy Garden, and they couldn't catch up with the haunted Happy Garden. But Lebius was a little lucky. If the third group really touched the Garden of Pleasure, and they may be left there forever.The information about the Happy Garden brought by Burlogo is extremely important to the Bureau of Order.

"The third group went deep into this field, but they can only wander around at the outermost edge. According to them, the reality inside has been severely distorted. The deeper they go, the more their own alchemy matrix will be suppressed. If Going far enough..."

"The alchemy matrix will be completely suppressed and turned into a powerless mortal."

Burrog answered first, he knew this kind of thing too well, he had already experienced it in the Happy Garden, and the situation in Daisy Castle was worse than he imagined.

"More than that, the third group was also attacked inside. It was a twisted and weird monster. Some staff found that those monsters were very similar to the description of monsters in the novel "Night Hunter". There will be more and more.

The third group withdrew after finishing these monsters. They still had the ability to deal with these monsters at the periphery, but once they reached the depths, the strength and quantity of these monsters were enough to pose a threat.It is unclear whether these monsters can appear in the outside world. "

Burrog still underestimated Irwin's influence in the Bureau of Order, and many employees had read his works.

"The concentration of ether in the entire area is constantly rising, and the domain is also continuing to expand. If this continues, it will swallow up the surrounding area."

Lebius went on to say, "At present, the decision-making room has listed it as emergency 07."

"Extraordinary Disaster, Shattered Reality.

The continuously rising ether and the expanding field will overwhelm the reality of this area, and even create an ether vortex point, causing even more terrible disasters. "

Burrogo asked, "I know the details, but only part of the details."

Passing Irving's letter to Lebius, Bologo never thought that an operation would turn into such an incident. He hoped that he could still see Irving alive, even if he lacked arms and legs. In the center of the storm.

The broken center of reality.

(End of this chapter)

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