Endless Debt.

Chapter 647

Chapter 647
The power of the devil will induce all kinds of negative emotions in the human heart, guide the good destiny to the dark road, and play with all hearts wantonly. They are always like this, like the sum of all evils in the world, the ultimate incarnation of all hatred, all good intentions The opposite of good.

It was clearly noon, but the blazing sunlight failed to penetrate the darkness at all. In the broken realm of reality, everything was covered with a layer of gray filter, and the shadows gradually stretched and extended, like a dead tree with teeth and claws.

Bologo could feel the ether around him, the concentration was so high that even though he didn't activate the alchemy matrix, the lines on his arms still glowed faintly.

There are many black particles floating in the air, and they gather together to form the cloud that obscures the view. Looking further away, the complete darkness blocks all light, like a dark cave.

The roar of monsters came from a distance, and that sound was too familiar to Bologo. One after another, hideous figures flashed past in the darkness. They tried to get close to the team, and then the sharp wind sounded suddenly, The invisible wind blade chopped them into pieces with ease.

There was a glimmer of light in Palmer's eyes, he became serious rarely, and said to the others, "There are a lot of monsters nearby, at least hundreds of them."

Mysterious Energy · Stormrage Forgiveness.

With the blessing of secret energy, Palmer infinitely expands his sphere of influence, and perceives the changes of every plant and tree through the surging airflow. This is not a small consumption for Palmer, but this consumption is not ether. , but that he needs to work hard to concentrate.Getting Palmer to focus was obviously going to be difficult.

Palmer said to himself, "According to what you said, secret energy can only be used on the periphery."

After a brief discussion, Lynch decided to let the special operations team try. For this reason, the third team is currently escorting the Boluogo and others, sending them to the depths of broken reality, to see if they can solve this problem. crisis.

Lynch felt a little ashamed to make such a choice. This incident was triggered by the Happy Garden, and the Happy Garden has always been the top priority of the third group. The results are many.

"We have reached that farthest," Lynch stretched out his hand, pointing to a touch of red in the darkness, which is a flag planted on the ground, "If you continue to move forward, you will obviously feel the suppression of the ether, and The number and strength of monsters will also be greatly increased...they seem to be protecting something."

"Protect the narrator of this 'reality,'" says Burlogo.

He thought that Irving was at the end of the darkness, pitifully pressing the typewriter, writing despair.

"We can't escort you very far."

Lynch's voice became dull, and he looked at the leader of the third group. He was wearing a heavy protective suit, and so were the others.

The more you go deep into it, the more your extraordinary power will be suppressed, and the protective clothing becomes an excellent protection. Even Lynch sighed, this scene is wonderful.

Burrog refused the protective suit, and so did Amy and Palmer. Unlike the third group, they felt a strange sense of familiarity when they stepped into the realm of broken reality.

In addition to their own extraordinary power, there is something else that is blessing them, not power, but something more mysterious and mysterious.

Burlogo said, "You feel the same way, don't you?"

"There's a sense of going back into the story," Palmer continued, nodding. "If this is a follow-up to the Funland game, then we should have a place here too."

In this emergency operation, Burlogo, Palmer, and Aimu decided to go deep into it. After previous incidents, all of this may be closely related to them.

Bologo began to wonder if they would switch directly to the previous identity of "Night Journey" when they went deep into a certain level. I also have some expectations. The weapon called Grudge Bite is extremely deadly. If it can be brought out from the story, it will make up for the lack of lethal means in the subsequent battles.

There were bursts of noise from ahead, the searchlights overhead barely illuminated those hideous figures, the ether surged wildly, and gunshots rang out.

Without the slightest warning, a wave of monsters collided directly with the crowd. Palmer threw out the storm feather decisively, and the flying knives split and spread rapidly. The moment of contact, a gust of blood was set off. Numerous severed limbs and internal organs were shattered. It fell to the ground with a crash.

The others also took advantage of the fact that the secret energy was still working, and cooperated with the suppression of firepower, forcibly cutting out a blank area in the tide of monsters, like a reef separating the raging waves.

Most of the monsters rushed towards the outside world. Lynch believed that other people could stop these monsters, and then another part of the monsters stared at them, roaring and rushing over.

If you want Bologo to say, fortunately, in the worldview written by Irwin, the strength of monsters is not too high, and Sublimation can easily tear these monsters apart. If he writes more terrifyingly, it will be a complete disaster.

"What's the matter with you guys?"

During the fierce exchange of fire, Lynch noticed the changes on Burrog's body. There was a sudden extra piece of black cloth on the hem of his clothes, and at some point there was an extra strap hanging on Burrog's body. The same is true for Aimu. As the team advances, the change becomes more and more serious, as if several people are in cross-dressing.

"It's nothing, just a long-lost character who has returned to the story."

Bologo had expected such a change, but he didn't expect it to happen so quickly. Palmer became a little nervous. No matter how he made up his mind, the bad experience was still painful.

The bright red flag in the distance is getting closer and closer. This is the limit that the third group can escort. If the flag is crossed, the suppression of the ether will become more serious. Cooperating with endless monsters, even the third group will face risk of injury or death.

"It's not easy to use on the high ground of this level. This reality shattering treats everyone equally."

Lynch murmured that he had dealt with many reality-shattering disasters, but none of them were as difficult as this disaster. In this crazy narrative, Lynch couldn't find any rules at all.

"It's okay, we're used to it."

Boluoge stepped over the corpses of monsters. In addition to the blood spilling out, there were also black particles rising from their corpses, and then they all fell into the darkness.

The umbilical cord is beating violently, like a nerve that transmits pain. Bologo's feeling for this disaster is far deeper than others. Bologo can clearly feel that the connection between him and the devil is getting closer .

close at hand.

Burrog's vision went dark, bloodthirsty roars rang in his ears, the ground began to sink and collapse, and a bloody mouth closed like a trap, swallowing Burrog in one bite, but before it could chew with its sharp teeth , cold silver swords protruding from under the flesh and blood.

The blade moved and stirred, and the deformed monster shattered into countless corpses, while Bologo's pace was not affected at all, and he continued to move forward.

"Similar plots have appeared in novels."

Palmer followed. "But in the novel, the hunter doesn't escape the trap."

“Irving wrote down some of what he was going through,” Burlogo struggled to remember Irving’s first draft. “How do you think he’s going to end the story?”

Burrog realized that to solve this disaster, he must first start with Irving's story.

Looking up at this weird dark world, Bologo and the others not only walked into the disaster, but also walked into Irving's story.

"At the end of Irwin's story, he must have made a wish to let us leave, and then he encountered Asmodeus, and under the influence of Asmodeus' power, his story began to become reality..."

Burrog thought of another thing, he said to Palmer.

"Tell me, have we appeared in Irwin's text now?"

Palmer was stumped by Burlogo's words. This simple-minded guy didn't think about these complicated things at all. He just wanted to play his own role and make a killing by the way.

Young people like Palmer often have this fantasy, imagining that they can enter a certain story... Palmer is not escaping from reality, he is just simply not good enough.

"If that's the case, then Irwin should have seen us, right?" Amyu said in a deep voice, with the appearance of telling a story, "The familiar hunters have come outside Daisy Castle again..."

Before Amyu's story was finished, the black particles scattered in the air suddenly turned together, and they outlined the trajectory of the wind. Countless black lines, like slashes being swung, cut on everyone's body.


Lynch warned that the roaring ether rose from his body, but before it spread out, it was brutally suppressed, but even after being weakened layer by layer, a certain amount of extraordinary power still took effect.

A pitch-black wave rose from the ground without any warning. It engulfed countless monsters, like a collapsed high wall, and hit everyone heavily.

Lynch's figure began to distort and become unreal, and continuous explosions sounded in the air. Almost instantly, Lynch threw the team members beside him out. They flew like shells, leaving the range of the wave at high speed, and then Lynch reached out to Burlogo, the nearest within range, but this time his haste failed to catch up.

The outstretched arm approached Bologo's body infinitely, but the black wave was still one step ahead of him, crashing down, engulfing everyone, and washing over the ground like a wave.

Lynch's blood surged from being hit, and in the constantly flickering field of vision, the monsters roared and rushed towards him, piercing sword sounds resounded, and the slashes that were difficult to judge with the naked eye easily smashed them into pieces.

With his churning feet firmly on the ground, Lynch drew out his two swords and swung them at high speed. They were like rapidly rotating rotors, and all the objects that approached were easily scattered, together with the waves.

The pressure was layered on Lynch's body, he tried to find Burlogo, but all he saw was darkness.

The suppression from the shattered reality exhausted Lynch's last bit of strength, and the two swords were released. Lynch was knocked over by the tide with his tired arms, and continued to spread backward until he stopped completely.

Infinite nightmares appeared in front of Lynch's eyes, his mind seemed to have been bitten wantonly by wild beasts, and unspeakable emotions stirred in his chest.

When he regained consciousness and was pulled up by his team members, the black wave had disappeared, and Bologo and others had completely disappeared from his field of vision. Lynch didn't know whether they had disappeared or had gone deep into the darkness.


Irving felt that he was gradually losing his sense of time. He no longer knew how long he had been typing on the typewriter in front of the workbench. He was like a machine on the verge of collapse, his eyes were red, and saliva was left from the corners of his mouth as he muttered.

Dissatisfied... not satisfied!dissatisfied!

Every time Irving wrote a line, he tore off the paper roughly and threw them aside. Now that the darkness has fallen, Irving needs to continue writing the story, but no matter how he unfolds it, he can't think of a less dark ending.

The story is stuck in place, but the darkness is still spreading, and there is not much time left for Irwin. As an author, Irving is used to this state of not being able to write a story, but now this state seems so deadly .

In the excruciating pain, Irving even felt that it was okay to just die like this. Anyway, he didn't care about these things a long time ago, let alone his own life.

With the shotgun at his side, Irving could end his own life at any time...if Asmodeus would let him go.

But in the end, Irving gave up suicide. He was supported by an idea. As an author, he needed to finish writing the story. It was also during this long entanglement that Irving accidentally discovered several rules for writing reality.


The story is logical, and Irwin cannot go beyond logic to write the story, just as he cannot write the same unfolding of the Mechanic, such as the sudden explosion that killed Asmodeus.

Irving couldn’t do it, and even if he wrote it, the words would not turn into reality. Irving felt that this was a kind of idealistic power, and only if he believed it from the bottom of his heart and followed logic, could the story continue.

Irwin was tormented by enormous pain, he tore his head vigorously, his palms were covered with blood and gray hair.

In the deadly large library, the clear mechanical sound of keystrokes suddenly sounded. Irving raised his head and stared blankly at the paper. He obviously didn't press any keys, but the typewriter took the initiative to write the story.

A line of text emerged, written from Irwin's first perspective.

"The hunters finally got my letter, and they came to rescue me...to step into this terrible hell."

Reality and fantasy correspond to each other and influence each other.

Bologo struggled to stand up from the muddy land, Palmer and Amy were beside him, and the few of them miraculously did not get separated, then looked up, Burlogo saw a large sea of ​​daisy flowers, and The castle that symbolizes the end of everything is behind the sea of ​​flowers.

"Is that so?"

Burrog was talking to himself, the uniform on his body disappeared, and it was replaced by hunters' costumes. This damn role-playing game is not over after all, but fortunately, Burrog held it again.

Lifting the long and narrow blade in his hand, the pitch-black bite seemed to swallow all the light.

The hunters have come to start the final battle and end this dark story.

(End of this chapter)

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