Endless Debt.

Chapter 657 Slave of Power

Chapter 657 Slave of Power

In the dim movie theater, Belphegor sat alone in the auditorium, grabbed a handful of popcorn and stuffed it into his mouth, making a crisp and crunching sound, then picked up the drink and drank it down in one gulp.

The picture on the screen is frozen at the last moment of the film, and this beautiful story is finally over.

For a moment, Belphegor actually felt a sense of powerlessness. He hadn't felt this way for many years. Belphegor is an omnipotent devil, one of the evil wills that rule the world. He can move mountains and fill seas, he can The mountains fell apart, but he couldn't prevent the end of a story.

Belphegor became lost, and then he was a little angry, angry that he was rejected by a mortal. Distorted emotions kept entangled in his mind, and finally Belphegor suddenly laughed.

He laughed wildly and clapped his hands vigorously. Belphinger's applause was extremely powerful, and every clap caused transparent ripples, even shaking the entire movie theater, and the mountains of cassettes also followed. It swayed, and the sound of weeping like waves sounded in it.

After the hustle and bustle, Belphegor slumped in a chair exhaustedly, and murmured.

"It was completely seen through."

Belphegor remembered Irving's words that all artistic creation stems from the fear of death and the fear of being forgotten.

Not long ago, Belphegor and Burlogo had discussed in this theater, what if the devil also perishes one day?So is there anything left?

There is nothing left, such a vast nothingness, such a hopeless silence that even the devil would weep.

Irwin guessed what Belphinger was thinking. "The Endless Psalms" is not so much Belphinger's beautiful pursuit of art as it is his fear of the end, so Belphinger will not allow the story to have an end. In my eyes, the story will only go on and on indefinitely.

But how can a story without an ending be considered a story?

Belphegor frowned, sighed deeply, and the lament spread throughout the cinema, and then there were clear footsteps, and a woman with a fiery red skirt walked towards Belphegor, and then sat down beside him.

There was a long silence between the two, until Belphegor pretended to smile, "Is this a draw?"

Asmodeus responded coldly, "It's very strange, why do you sit idly by?"

This bet involved not only Asmodeus, but also Belphegor, but in the final narration, Belphegor seemed to give up, did not interfere in any way, and just watched calmly.

"I have a lot of respect for artists, and I don't want to interfere with their work," Belphegor explained.

"I thought you'd find a way to include him in your Endless Verses," said Asmodeus. "You like him, I can tell."

Belphegor looked up into the darkness, and he said, "Actually, sometimes, I don't deliberately collect, on the contrary, I enjoy it carefully."

He played with taste, "I'm very selfish, this beautiful story will only belong to a few people, I don't want to share it."

Belphegor stared at Asmodeus, he sneered, "It's you, why, besides the numb joy, have you finally felt other emotional ups and downs for a long time?"

Asmodeus remained silent, while Belphegor continued to laugh. There was no winner in this bet, but Belphegor still felt that he had won.

"My dear blood relatives, among us, you have always been the one who retains the most humanity. Who told you to hold such authority?"

Many emotions can reach the so-called lust, it can be the ultimate indulgence, or it can be a beautiful and holy moment, Asmodeus is trapped by such power... All devils are trapped by such power , they are the will of power and the slaves of power.

"Humanity allows us to better understand humans and play with their minds, but it also becomes our weakness," Belphegor warned.

Belphegor also retains full humanity, otherwise he would not love art creation so much. This kind of paranoia caused by power and humanity often makes devils make slightly unreasonable choices, such as this time about the poem bet.

Every time Belphegor thinks of this, he envies his other blood relative, the eye of eternal wrath, the so-called human nature is pitifully little in him, he is like the incarnation of war, he can bring All that came was a brutal and bloody storm.

But Belphegor also thought that even with such a crippled human nature, the Eye of Eternal Wrath finally felt tired and yearned for peace.

Like a curse, this is the contradiction of the devil. The more he controls something, the more he feels pain for it. This is not only reflected in the protection of the believers, but also in the devil, just like Irving at that time muttering to himself.

The witch of lust who seems to have thousands of passionate emotions, but under the hot and attractive body is a heart that can't feel anything. Even if there are ups and downs, it will quickly decline, and then fall into another round of ups and downs. in the chase.

Of course, compared to all these, what Belphegor really envied was the most powerful of their blood relatives. Even after thousands of years, Belphegor still couldn't feel any softness in him, and Compared with other blood relatives, he can be regarded as the real pure devil.

"Laugh at me all you want, Belphegor," said Asmodeus. "You know, the quarrel between us, our blood kin, is far from over."

"At times like this, are you still thinking about fighting me to the death?"

Belphegor covered his face and squinted at Asmodeus, "Think about my proposal, Asmodeus, let us be united."

Asmodeus remained silent. The Zongge Orchestra still has a certain amount of power, and Belphegor has run out of ammunition and food. Now, if he does not have the alliance of the astronauts, he can already be regarded as leaving the stage.Asmodeus can agree to Belphegor's proposal, but she must maximize her own interests.

"I have bad news for you."

Belphegor saw Asmodeus' hesitation, and he said directly, "After a hundred years, the power of the Night Clan has grown stronger again."

Asmodeus looked a little surprised, as if he couldn't believe it.

Belphegor interrupted Asmodeus, "I know you want to say that they should be imprisoned forever, but the reality is like this, a group of night clans have escaped...you know how fast they are expanding , Soon the Empire of Eternal Night will make a comeback."

"How did they break the oath?"

Asmodeus knows the power of the oath, which comes from the use of the power of the devil. Under the restrictions of the oath, it is difficult for even the devil to perform some operations that break the rules.

"You might as well think about who needs the Night Clan to rise again."

An elegant and haughty figure appeared in Asmodeus's mind, his gaze was always looking at nothingness, as if no one could walk into his eyes.

Belphegor had a mysterious smile on his face, "In past disputes, he was always the winner, until the mortals dragged him off the gambling table in the Daybreak War, now he is back, and you know the relationship between him and Beelzebub , These two lunatics are chatting very well, once they gather their strength, they will only burn the world."

"It's not that I love this world, but that once this world falls into endless turmoil, it will weaken you and me, just like in the past, they always win, and we can only eat what's left of them. "

Belphegor grabbed Asmo's hand and pressed it hard, "In this time of power vacuum, you should have tasted the feeling of feasting on the soul, so can you give up these?"

"Even... aren't you afraid of being replaced?"

Belphegor seemed to be telling a secret, and said softly, "Those humans are right, we are all slaves to power.

What is truly indestructible is this eternal evil power. "

The movie theater fell into a deathly silence.

Asmodeus was not tempted by Belphegor's words. She asked back, "Then how do you want to counterattack? You are just a parasite of the Bureau of Order, and you can't control this giant beast at all."

"His Night Clan, Beelzebub's Kogadel Empire, and other guys, do you think you have a chance of winning?"

"It's not easy for the Pupil of Eternal Wrath to control himself. He won't join the battle easily. Even if he joins the battle, a lunatic like that will just attack us indiscriminately. As for Mamen... whoever bids higher, he will help .”

Belphegor calculated the situation and talked about his own part.

"As for us, looking at it this way, we really have no chance of winning, but don't forget, we have another ally."

The weird sound of wet scales rubbing against each other sounded again, and Asmodeus suddenly looked towards the back of the auditorium, and at some point a bloated diving suit had already been sitting there.

Asmodeus doesn't like astronauts. In her eyes, astronauts are as threatening as that person. The difference is that what that person does will not cover up, and will only show his power to you straightforwardly. Unlike an astronaut, he's a weaver of intrigue, and you'll never know what he's up to until you roughly tear off his disguise.

Just like what Asmodeus discovered during the fall of the holy city.

Even looking back now, she still feels terrified and angry...and then full of desire.

The astronaut almost ended the long dispute and became the only winner in the endless years, breaking the cage of the shackles. From this point of view, it seems that he is the only one who can reverse the situation.

Asmodeus asked, "What are your odds?"

"King Solomon was my last choice."

As the astronaut said, he raised his hand and made a fist movement. The simple movement was full of power, as if he wanted to grasp the heaven and the earth.

"The red dragon is in my hands."

(End of this chapter)

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