Endless Debt.

Chapter 664 Double Swords

Gray coughed in a low voice, and the sound echoed repeatedly in the empty and dead building, like ripples on the surface of calm water.

He doesn't like this place, it's dark and damp, and he doesn't know how long it has been abandoned. There are countless debris floating in the air, and dust is piled up on the ground. Just by breathing lightly, he can feel a large amount of foreign matter stuck in his throat. Straight disgusting.

But Gray had to come here anyway, to do his work, the devil's work.

Gray still remembers the appearance of himself when he first came to the Oath City Opals. At that time, he was still a newcomer in the King's Secret Sword, full of ambitions, and looked forward to showing his strength in future actions.

At that time, I was really stupid. I didn't have the slightest clear understanding of the world I was about to step into. It was not gentle training in the academy, but real swords and blood.


Gray sighed long, the damp air reminded him of that nightmarish rainy night.

The captain he trusted chose to betray the king's secret sword. He personally killed his friend and almost killed himself. For revenge and to find out the truth about the captain's betrayal, the desperate Gray chose to make a deal with the tyrant.

Gray moved his palm. He clearly remembered the feeling when he killed the captain. Anger and joy were mixed together, and his body was trembling.

That was only a year ago. Looking back now, it seems to be looking at another person's life.

"and then?"

Gray put down his suitcase. Compared with these boxes of silver souls, this bit of Philosopher's Stone is worth dozens of times more than them.

Gray's mental state was getting more and more depressed, and chaotic thoughts fermented in the depths of his mind.

"As a result, he has now become the lackey of the tyrant?"

Gray didn't recall it for too long. After the revenge was successful, he didn't return to the king's secret sword, and he didn't continue to chase the king's shield guard. When the tyrant whispered in his ear the secret that took away his soul, all he had was Endless confusion.

"Secret sword..."

After leaving the dark and abandoned building, the two walked towards the hiding place. After a moment of silence, the third seat spoke first.

Gray nodded, "It's really hypocritical."

Every day became extremely painful, and he began to paralyze himself with alcohol. Fortunately, Vika, who is also a servant of the devil, never charged him for alcohol. Since then, Gray has always smelled of alcohol.

Gray knew the legend that this symbol represented, a monster that slew mercilessly in the Great Rift... Vikar seemed to know who the evil spirit was, but he didn't mention it to himself.

"No then."

The Shadow King laughed deeply. He began to wonder about Gray's past, but he had more important things to do than this episode.

The Shadow King speculated, "He may be a member of the King's Secret Sword."

"They're all eating carrion, and you guys still have to pick the most unpalatable ones... Is it to reduce your psychological burden?"

Gray stepped aside and patted the stacked boxes, all of which were filled with the holy soul.

He raised his head, and it was pitch black under his robe, "Sounds pretty hypocritical, doesn't it?"

The voice asked, "Is that your weapon?"

"As for these, the philosopher's stone from the Gray Trade Chamber of Commerce, according to your request, is all condensed from the death row prisoners."

Footsteps sounded from the darkness in front of him, interrupting his random thoughts. Gray tried his best to wake himself up. Ever since he became a debtor, he seemed to be willing to degenerate, and he was completely different from his former self.

"One is, the other isn't," Gray said.

The two of them walked towards the outside without staying too long, and when their figures were about to disappear into the darkness, a hoarse voice came slowly.

The figure took a few steps forward, and then he noticed the blade of Gray's back. There were two long swords side by side, one was more ordinary, and the other was blood-like.

The third seat said, "Did he kill Jamon?"

Gray's voice turned cold. It was already abnormal for him to be able to talk so much, and he didn't want to continue talking.

Even his parents can hardly recognize the depressed Gray at this moment. He seems to have bid farewell to the past, but there are still some things that can prove his past, such as the two secret swords that he cannot give up.

Gray was used to seeing those demons fighting each other, and he used to hate it, and even said that he would attack angrily, but now Gray has also become a member of the rats, and he is still the fattest one, which is really ironic.

Everyone who can come to the Great Rift looks like a person, everyone knows very well in their hearts, they are nothing more than dirty and hungry rats.

"Tell him we'll be trading later."

Gray thought he would lose all his soul, but the tyrant mercifully left a strand for Gray.

The figure paused for a moment, he didn't intend to answer Gray's question, and took the philosopher's stone directly, Gray didn't say anything, he knew he asked a stupid question.

The guest stopped, and then flicked a coin at him, Gray caught it steadily, and looked at the coin, it was a mammon with greed on both sides.

"That sword..."

It might be the phagocytosis caused by the loss of the soul, it might be the dark and dirty environment of the Great Rift, or it might be the madness caused by that secret.

The Shadow King said that he was very impressed with the secret sword. It itself is a contracted item, but its effect is a rare winding path.

"It's Jamon's secret sword, the Bloodshifting Sword."

Everything has a price.

Spreading out his palm, he saw a golden mammon coin in his palm, with the mammon face up, and turning it over was a mercury symbol.

"It should be. You and I both understand the importance of the secret sword. He won't let go unless he dies."

The figures of the guests gradually became clear in the darkness. There were only two people who came, one tall and one short, and the sound of metal clanging could be vaguely heard, as if someone was wearing a solid iron armor under their robes.

After a moment of silence, another short figure said hoarsely, "That's right."

"The devil is really strange..."

Gray muttered to himself, passing the time with wild thoughts.

"Here are the goods you need, batches of silver souls."

At the end of the revenge, Gray got the secret he wanted from the tyrant - the true identity of the Shadow King.

"Have you collected enough souls?"

The short figure asked, "Are you a member of the King's Secret Sword? No...is this your trophy?"

The tall figure nodded, and he strode forward, the sound of iron armor rubbing against each other clearly entered Gray's ears.

The greedy mammon is also the legend itself.

After the battle for the Immortal Heart, Jamon did not return. They all believed that Jamon was dead, and now his death has been officially confirmed.

"There is no other way. In such a world, it is inevitable that there will be blood on it." He sighed deeply, as if he had infinite sorrow, "Just take it as a little bit of psychological comfort, pretending that you are not completely depraved." appearance."

The devil's words lingered in his mind.

The other party didn't ask, he took the suitcase containing the Philosopher's Stone from the tall figure, and the tall figure picked up the heavy cargo box and carried them with ease.

Like walking dead.

Before the other party took the philosopher's stone, Gray asked abruptly, "Is it important who the philosopher's stone comes from?"

Gray failed to become a demon, but became the debtor of the tyrant, and like Vicar, became his servant in the world, acting for him.

Gray suppressed his smile, he never thought that the other party would seriously answer his question.

As if losing his goal, Gray no longer thinks about the future, or even cares about his own affairs. Sometimes Gray even has a feeling that it doesn't matter if he dies.

Gray said and laughed, the request of these two guests was really strange.

Gray stood up straight, freed from depression and alcohol, and took the devil's work seriously.It was one of the few waking moments of his day.

"Fight for the Shadow King, or kill him. It's up to you, Gray."

He then asked, "Can I hear their stories?"

"I'm more curious, who is he?" The Shadow King paused, "One is from a friend, and the other is from an enemy..."

After learning the truth, Gray couldn't think of revenge. As for the captain, he was already dead, and Gray killed him himself.

Good memories flashed before Gray's eyes, his dead heart beat powerfully a few times, as if he had returned to the way he was before, he said softly.

"One from my friend, the other from my enemy."

Evil spirit.

Gray turned sideways slightly, covering the two blades.

The tall figure also noticed the two blades, his voice seemed a little confused, and his eyes came from under the dark robe.

"According to the current reserves, it is completely sufficient for the next operation."

The Shadow King agreed, "That's good."

As he said that, the Shadow King looked in the direction of the Pillar of King Power. Even in the thick and foggy chasm, he could still find the direction accurately.

"This time, let's see who will win."

These two chapters were posted in the wrong position, and I am contacting the editor to change them back, please don’t panic

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