Endless Debt.

Chapter 671 Association

Chapter 671 Association
It took Hart 3 minutes to introduce everyone in the Undead Club to Kemp and Shelley, and then the two sat in front of the bar and spent 10 minutes to let themselves accept everything in front of them.

What about the promised Longtan and Tiger's Lair, and the promised Hell Devil's Den?

Everything in the Undead Club was completely different from what Camp imagined. It was just an ordinary bar, and the environment was even better than ordinary bars.

Palmer stood in front of the karaoke machine, complaining that there was always the same song every time he came, and he hummed "Ba Lila" along with the trend, insisting on changing to another song.

Amy sat on the side rubbing Wei'er's face, Wei'er made a comfortable purr, Bode was busy, this skeleton shelf was like a nanny, bringing snacks from the back kitchen.

Although Bode has lost his sense of taste and the ability to eat, he is surprisingly good at cooking, and it is said that he learned it from Bologo.

"As long as you follow the recipe strictly, even an idiot can make something edible."

Since he had been to Burlog's house, he had been inspired by Burlog.

Hart and Kemp toasted consecutively. In the past, Kemp didn't like drinking alcohol. As a professional field worker, he must stay sober at all times. Kemp clearly remembered when he drank alcohol last time. It was his graduation ceremony .

But now Kemp, who is so self-disciplined, took the glass very obediently. He had never been so eager for alcohol, so that it could numb his nerves and forget such absurd reality.

Burrog frowned. He realized that a potential conflict was close at hand. The unknown organization suspected of being the King's Shield Guard was planning something, and the negotiations between the King's Secret Sword and the Bureau of Order were still delayed... …

Burrog shook his head. During this period of time, he had been in intermittent anxiety. He was absent-minded even when playing, so he simply refused.

The highest power that Bologo can touch is Nethaniel, and he is a guy who is elusive, and there are secrets that outsiders cannot understand in his golden eyes.

That's a good start, Camp thought, "What's bothering you?"

Bologo opened his eyes and glanced at Kemp beside him. He said that this guy gave him a strange feeling. He seemed to hate himself very much, and he looked nervous every time he saw him.

Bologo showed a confused expression. Seeing him like this, Kemp felt indescribable for a moment.

Kemp's words now remind Borrog that the King's Shield may still exist within the Great Rift, and that they are most likely under the protection of the Tyrant.

"What do you think, if this news is true, what does King Secret Sword want to negotiate with us?"

The two sides entered into a continuous war of attrition, which is the side that the Bureau of Order is most willing to see.

"I think even if this is the case, the Bureau of Order will not agree?"

Servant Wang Dunwei.

Burrogo felt that Kemp was a bit cautious, so he thought about it. The two met through Hart's introduction. They didn't interact much with each other, and they were in a delicate position between familiarity and unfamiliarity.

Some history buffs have changed "The Journey of Never Night" to the background of the Fall of the Holy City. Players will act as an elite team and try to knock down the unpleasant high wall of the sacred city.

The two sat in the shadows, and the others sat in the light, rolling the dice joyfully, bouncing across the table with a crisp thud.

"No, it's not interesting at all."

It was as if a thunderbolt flashed through Burlogo's mind. Since the incident of the disordered timeline, the King's Shield Guards seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. Even though the Field Service Department had cleaned the large rift many times, there was still no trace of them. .

Bologo said his troubles seriously, "the huge gap between personal expectations and their own abilities."

Bologo was about to close his eyes and meditate for a while, when slight footsteps sounded, he opened his eyes, Kemp stood in front of him, the light swept from behind him, his face was dark, and Bologo couldn't see his face clearly. expression.

But Kemp himself is a proud person, he does not want to admit defeat, this pride in turn makes him exhausted.

"How's work going?"

"You... have I offended you in any way?"

This change did not have any impact on the game. To be precise, everyone is used to this kind of gameplay. Since the launch of "Journey to the Night", many players have followed the template of "Journey to the Night" to create their own derivatives, adding more Many plots, even say to change the background of the game.

"The work of the sixth group is not easy." When they talked about work, both of them became extremely serious. "Have you heard about the recent incident? About the king's secret sword."

"What about you?"

Amy and Shelley got together, Hart brought new friends, but also opened up Amy's social circle, and helped Amy gradually escape Bailey's control.

"No, I heard from Ivan that he was sent on a long-term mission."

Camp gave a wry smile. It was not the first time he and Burlog had met, and he had a premonition of Burlog's rigid attitude.

Burrog remembered him, and Kemp calmed down, even a little happy.


Palmer said and looked into the shadows in the corner, "Burogo, are you coming?"

Bologo shook his head, he concealed what he was thinking, "I don't know, is there anything to talk about between us?"

"Servant King Shield Guard."

"We feel the same way, but the specific situation... who knows?"

Kemp put down his glass and looked at the source of his anxiety, "The doctor said that regular sleep would be better."

Burlogo didn't listen to what Kemp said afterwards, and the two broken messages in his mind were connected at this moment.

Not everything can be entrusted to the decision-making room.

There were prisoners of the King's Shieldguard inside the Bureau of Order, but judging from the follow-up situation, even the Crow's Nest could hardly dig out anything from these people's heads. In the subsequent cleaning, the Bureau of Order did not get more There is information about the servant king's shield guard.

A mysterious organization that split from the King's Secret Sword and is loyal to the Shadow King. So far, the Bureau of Order has only contacted it twice.

When delivering the wine glass to Kemp, Burlogo suddenly said, "Kamp, I hope you can do me a favor."


"My sleep is very regular," Burlogo replied calmly, "very regular."

"Anxiety should be something that everyone can't escape."

The more he thought about it, the more Bologo agreed with this possibility. Under the high-handed rule of the Bureau of Order, how could the king's shield guard disappear without a sound? Someone must be protecting them, but in this city of oath, Opals Inside, besides the devil, who can completely stop the investigation of the Bureau of Order?


Kemp handed the empty wine glass to Burlog, and Burlog picked up the two glasses and walked towards the bar. Soon after, he brought back two full glasses of orange juice and wine.

Did the bastard forget?Don't you have any impression of yourself?
When Kemp was in high spirits, Bologo suddenly said, "Of course I remember that there were a group of thugs and those bastards from the Gray Trader Chamber of Commerce."

What motivates them to act?

Yes, these people in high positions seem to be like this, either with a gloomy face, like a numb corpse, or with a somewhat crazy and excited look.

"Thanks for what?"

There was a moment of silence between the two, and Kemp mustered up the courage to ask, "Can I sit here?"

Kemp wants to hear Burlogo’s thoughts. Apart from the insurmountable gap in ability, Camp feels that he and Burlogo are very similar in some respects. The appearance of a sub-professional.

Kemp and Burlogo looked at each other, and he said, "Would you like to hear my speculation?"

Burrogo sighed deeply, his muddy eyes cleared up.

Bologo understood Nethanir's words more and more, and the pressure he had to bear in this position. Thinking of the absurd appearance of the deputy director, he could understand a lot.

"what happened to you?"

"You saved me before, me and Shelley," said the words, and Camp felt a lot of relief in his dull chest, "Have you forgotten?"

Sometimes knowing too much is not a good thing.

"When do we start?"

When mentioning this, Bologo fell silent. Recently, there was such a rumor in the Field Service Department that the mortal enemy of the Bureau of Order, the King's Secret Sword, approached Opus again, and this time they did not come for war, but to fight with The Bureau of Order conducts some kind of negotiation.

Burrog's schedule is as strict as a clock, and Palmer often feels pressured by self-discipline in life. He and Burrog tried to be self-disciplined, but after less than a week, Palmer gave up.

"The king's shield guards are trying to split the king's secret sword. They will never allow the existence of traitors. This time they are here to reach a common front with the Bureau of Order and eliminate the king's shield guards in one fell swoop."

Kemp interrupted Bologo's thinking. Seeing that Bologo's expression was a bit bad, he asked concerned, "Did something happen?"

Burlogo was very interested in that version of the game.

The specific situation is not clear to ordinary employees like Burlogo, but he guesses that the team leaders must know something.

For a moment, Burlogo forgot about the existence of these people until Kemp mentioned it at this time.

"It's nothing."

Suddenly, Burlog asked Kemp. Although the light here was dim, he could clearly perceive the complex emotions contained in Camp's eyes, which included respect and hostility, which puzzled Burrog.

Camp could not help comparing himself to Burrog as soon as he saw him, and then found in despair that he had no chance of catching Burrog.

Almost immediately, Burrog thought of the godlike figure, the source of his own strength.

The two sat together, one closed his eyes and meditated, and the other drank mulled wine. After a while, Kemp broke the silence first.

Hearing Bologo's name, Kemp became a little sober from his drunkenness. His eyes fell into the shadow of the corner of the bar, and he could see a vague figure sitting in a place out of the light.

"To put it simply, I know too much and think too much, but I have no ability to do anything. I can only stand there, anxiously hesitating."

Sitting next to Kemp, Palmer explained to Thurley, "I haven't seen him for a while, too."

"The next round will call you."

Forget about these, and review the clues in front of you, what if the "other evil spirit" is the king's shield guards acting?For some unknown purpose, they are hunting demons, and they have made a deal with the tyrant.


Bologo’s words were not consistent with his thoughts. He said that he completely trusted the decision-making room, but Bologo had a faint worry. The Bureau of Order seemed to rely too much on the decision-making room. Like a devil, he was almost omniscient and omnipotent. Just execute it.

Burrog waved his hand, "I've been thinking a lot lately... a little anxious."

Wei Er also joined the game. According to the setting, it is a black cat that accidentally ate the magic potion and then produced wisdom. It has its own exclusive identity card. Although the values ​​are ridiculously low, as a cat Cat, its agility attribute is full.

Kemp paid attention to Bologo from the corner of his eye. When he thought of Burlogo's various achievements, he felt a sense of despair. He was actually in the same period as such a person.

After Palmer changed the song, he returned to the bar with his wine glass in hand. Seeing him coming, Serley asked, "Didn't Church come?"

There were many times when Burlogo wanted to talk to Palmer, Amy...anyone he was familiar with, but he gave up, as if he was too familiar to talk about it.

The decision-making room should have anticipated this situation, just like the Unshakable, if one day the decision-making room is paralyzed, there must be another command system to temporarily replace the decision-making room.

"Speaking of which, I haven't thanked you yet."

Burrogo asked curiously, "What are you upset about?"

"Coincidentally, I've also been a little anxious recently."

Palmer took out twelve-sided dice from the box and moved a chair, which was reserved for Kemp.

Burlogo nodded approvingly, believing Kemp's reason, "Do you need me to bring you some?"


Cerley invited Kemp, but Kemp hesitated for a moment, as if he gained a little more courage and calmness through the strength of alcohol, he shook his head, "It will be a while, I'm a little drunk, I need to sober up."

Kemp sat next to Burlogo, who became even more tense.

"New friend, want to come?"

"OK, thanks."

What if one day the decision-making room fails to function?

"That's not a pace of life that people can bear," Palmer commented, "only monks have a hard life."

Kemp is in a good position, the two are not very familiar with each other, nor are they so unfamiliar, just like passers-by who meet by chance at a bus stop, talking freely about their troubles.

He vaguely remembered that he wanted to ask Church something, maybe it was the effect of alcohol, Palmer couldn't remember it for a while, and then he simply forgot about it, presumably it was something unimportant.

Excessive expectations and a huge gap in his own ability have led to Bologo's poor state. He understands the reason, but he often cannot persuade himself to calm down. Amyu's help only makes him forget these things for a short time.


Accompanied by the stretching of the nerves, Camp's tense appearance stretched out, and his cheeks flushed slightly, as if he had become drunk.

Kemp was a little dumb for a while, not knowing what to answer, he took a sip of wine in embarrassment, he said.

"The king's shield guard, the deal with the tyrant...another evil spirit."

"It was intentional," said Burlogo. "Would it make me look more interesting?"

This is a completely meaningless conversation. Burrog is not good at socializing, and Kemp has become extremely complicated because of his infinite jealousy towards Burrog.

Kemp smiled after hearing this. He adores Bolog, and also envies him because of his own pride. From what he knows, Bolog is a guy like an iron man, but now he actually said that he is a little anxious

Burrogo nodded and said in a low voice, "The omnipotent decision-making room."

Cerei beamed brightly, looking forward to every night of play.

"It's similar to you, the anxiety caused by the disparity between expectations and one's own strength."

Bologo suddenly realized that this was like a paradox, and then he realized that he still did not have a comprehensive understanding of the core and decision-making room of the Bureau of Order.

Kemp couldn't understand the things about those big people. Now he is just an ordinary employee, but he is full of longing for his future, and he feels that sooner or later he will become a person like Yas.

It felt good to say it, and Burlog could not help but feel a burst of relief.

"It should be. Everyone has their own troubles. Some things that you don't care about, in the eyes of others, are as heavy as boulders."

Overlord Xilin.

When he thought of his former partner, Palmer's memory became blurred. Since Fengyuan Heights parted, Church had been assigned to the seventh group. Since then, how many times Palmer has seen Church Not many.

The atmosphere between the two was a little cold, and Kemp thought about the topic, and finally talked about something that every employee often talks about.

Kemp thought he was hiding well, but it couldn't be hidden from Bologo's eyes. When he tortured the demons, he often had to carefully observe their reactions. Bologo substituted work into his daily social life.

After a few seconds of silence, Burlogo said that he had a rare chat with Kemp.

Kemp asked, "Wait a minute, did you mean it just now?"

Bologo said calmly, "The Bureau of Order needs to weaken the power of the king's secret sword as much as possible, let alone eradicate the king's shield guards. If possible, the Order Bureau is even willing to subsidize the king's shield guards, right?"

Burrogo picked up his glass, touched Kemp lightly, and paid tribute to his fellow patient.

"Sorry, nothing, I'm just annoyed."

Amyu took a look at Boluoge, who waved his hand and told her to play. He wanted to sit quietly for a while and let his mind clear.

"Everything depends on the decision of the decision-making room."

"It's okay," said Burlogo, "I've encountered some... problems, and I'm trying to figure it out. How about you?"

The two were smiling and chatting about something, then picked up the ID card distributed by Palmer and joined them in the game.

It is the negotiation between the Bureau of Order and the King's Secret Sword.

"What do you want me to do?"

"I hope that when your sixth group has information related to the King's Shield Guard, please let me know immediately," said Bologo. "The premise is that this will not violate the regulations."

Kemp hesitated, took the wine glass, and clinked glasses with Burlogo.


(End of this chapter)

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