Endless Debt.

Chapter 677 Overlapping Conspiracies

Chapter 677 Overlapping Conspiracies

Because of the ownership of the overlord Xilin's body, no one thought that this negotiation would go smoothly. A few days after being appointed, Bologo got a detailed report, which explained the location of the first negotiation and content of security work.

A week passed quickly, and the negotiation was just around the corner.

Burlogo and Palmer sat face to face in the shaking carriage, and the subway quickly passed through the underground of Opus, heading towards the edge of the city.

The location of the first negotiation was set in an industrial area on the edge of the city. The Bureau of Order had sealed off this area a few days ago. In addition, it was far away from residential areas and there were few people. Even if any accident happened, it was still under control. within range.

Palmer squinted his eyes as if he was asleep, and leaned aside, while Burlogo maintained a high level of tension, repeatedly checking his own weapons before arriving at his destination.

At this moment, Bologo can be regarded as fully armed, with the horror face on his face, the phantom dagger tied to his arm under the cuff, the snake scale liquid walks silently under the clothes, and the deadly grievance bite is carried behind his back. Like an unarmored swordsman.

"You know what to do next, right?"

Burrog opened his mouth, his voice booming, distorted by the horror of the soul.

Palmer opened his eyes, he was not asleep, "I know, I know."

Unlike the others, Burlogo and Palmer did not have fixed positions, but were responsible for patrolling the entire industrial area. It was said that this was an arrangement from Deputy Director Nethaniel.

"This negotiation is very important and dangerous. We have the possibility of cooperation with other organizations, but the king's secret sword is different."

The confrontation between the Bureau of Order and the King's Secret Sword can rise to the dispute between the Rhine Alliance and the Kogadel Empire, and this dispute began decades ago during the Scorched Earth Wrath.

The blood soaked the years and turned into a blood feud that is difficult to resolve.

Nethaniel was very worried. He always felt that if this negotiation was a little careless, it would turn into a big war, and even expand into an extraordinary war.

What made him even more troublesome was that the devil would never let go of this opportunity... Nethaniel guessed that maybe the devil was behind this negotiation.

The world is like a huge chessboard, and the devil is the chess player outside the chessboard. Sometimes they don't care about any interests, just for their own fun.

"Your task is simple, to patrol, that is, to wander around, to use the umbilical cord connection between your debtors and the devil, and to guard against the intervention of the devil."

That's what Burlogo's work is all about.

The shaking of the subway stopped. It should have arrived at the station, but there is still a distance from the industrial area. They have to walk the next road by themselves.

The sound of the car door opening could be heard, and the sixth group of people came out in full force. This group of Sublimationists from the Origin School could easily subdue any attacker.

The gray and white uniforms of the sixth group stood on the empty platform, among which Hart's figure was the most obvious. He was carrying a thick shield, like a high wall.

The others had already started, but Burlogo and Palmer hadn't moved yet. They were waiting for another person.

After a while, the next carriage opened, and a dark and slender figure walked towards the two of them, lingering in steam, and walked out of the smoke.

Aimiao stretched her body, her lines were graceful like a dolphin turned up from the waves, her dark second skin was close to her skin, like a tights, completely enveloping her body, faintly visible Shimmers float across the surface, reflecting a honeycomb-like texture.

Under Bailey's adjustment, Amyu's body is iconic and perfect, full of Bailey's craftsman spirit, and Bailey often sighs about this, hoping that she can be like Amyu, and she can change without dieting and exercising. own form.

There were slight ripples in Bologo's calm heart. He clearly noticed the change in himself, and he was shocked and frightened by it, and became a little dazed.

"I'm ready."

Amy's eyes were filled with a faint blue light.

Burlogo forgot all the turmoil in his mind, Amy grabbed his wrist, and the two of them seemed to collide, but at the moment of collision, Amy was like a fog that was blown away, with a brilliant golden light The grains disappeared in front of Bologo, and at the same time, a golden ring appeared in Bologo's blue eyes.

Double the amount of ether filled Bologo's body, with a sense of power all over his body, his senses became sharp, and the blurred ether flow became clear.

"Let's go."

Bologo said and walked out of the car door. Until this moment, he was not fully armed in the true sense.

Amy's prayer believer-level ether blessing, the enhancement of various ether skills, plus the contract item, alchemy armament and immortal gift of Bologo.

In the case that the other party does not know his information, Bologo has the confidence to fight against those in power, and even said that he has the chance to kill the opponent.

Others on the platform had already left one after another, and Palmer followed behind Burrog, who had always been the brain of the team, the one who was in charge of giving orders.

The specific content and process of the negotiation, Bologo is not clear, his job is just security, but what is known is that when the negotiation reaches an agreement, those mysterious contract school sublimation will appear, and they will serve as witnesses Those who bind the sworn parties with the power of the devil.

Bologo was used to fighting and killing, and only then did he realize that many things were far more complicated than he imagined, and realized again the limitations of the sword.

After taking a special car, the special car arrived in the industrial area a few minutes later. The winter snow was piled up on the ground, and some were just gray and white as far as the eye could see.

Bologo tried to expand the ether perception. With Amy's blessing, the area of ​​his radiation expanded several times, but the perception also became blurred.

In a place farther away from the industrial area, Bologo vaguely noticed some weak etheric reactions. Those etheric reactions seemed to be aware of Bologo's spying. One of the faint light spots suddenly ignited, and then burst out. There was enough light to blind the eyes.

Bologo felt a tingling pain in his mind, the etheric perception collapsed instantly, all the perceptions were withdrawn, and his breathing couldn't help but become a little short.

"what is that?"

Burrog's voice was recalled in his mind, and after a few seconds, Amy's voice sounded.

"Another etheric reaction... an extremely powerful etheric reaction."

There is no need for Amyu to continue talking, Bologo has clearly perceived the strength and changes of that power.


With such an intense etheric reaction, the opponent is undoubtedly a defender, and the opponent is not in the industrial zone, but looking out from a farther place, as if he is on guard against this place.

King's Secret Sword.

In a distant place, Red Dog stands on a high place and looks at the industrial area. He is not suitable to appear directly. After all, if he goes deeper, he will completely enter the field of the Bureau of Order. For this reason, he will not personally participate in the first negotiation , but sent representatives in his place.

Now that the red dog is standing here, it is more like a manifestation of the will and force of the king's secret sword, as well as being alert to the interference of other forces.

"That guy is getting more and more anxious," Red Dog said to himself, "He probably won't live long, so why is he so anxious?"

No one answered his words, and no one dared to answer. Among all the secret swords, only a guy as rebellious as Red Dog would have no respect for the terrifying kingship.

"Do you think this negotiation will go well?"

The red dog knew it was boring, so he asked the attendant behind him other questions, but the attendant didn't know how to answer. The forces of these two parties are so terrifying, will someone really want to interfere?

Without waiting for the attendant's answer, the red dog smiled self-consciously, and he whispered, "They will not let this opportunity go."

This time the attendant understood what the red dog was implying. Those traitors from the king's secret sword regarded Xilin as a splitter of the faith. They would not sit back and watch the negotiations proceed, no matter whether they could reach an agreement or not.

Suddenly the attendant realized something, were they really here to trade Xilin's body?
In other words, trading Xilin's body on the surface was actually using this method to force the servant Wang Dunwei to emerge from the shadows.

The Bureau of Order would never agree to hand over Xilin's body, but if he made a compromise, the possibility would be greatly increased.

The cold winter wind passed by, and the attendant couldn't help shivering. The world of ice and snow in front of him gradually warmed up, and it was about to be sprinkled with fiery blood, turning into a scorching battlefield full of corpses.

(End of this chapter)

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