Endless Debt.

Chapter 679 Silence and Prohibition

Chapter 679 Silence and Prohibition

When Burlogo made his move, the scarlet scar that tore through the space was casting a bloody light, like a screaming warning light, dyeing everything around him blood red.

Hundreds of etheric reactions emerged from the scarlet scar, and then the silent and suppressed legion descended from the sky. They were clad in pitch-black iron armor, like dark clouds falling to the earth.

The sound of heavy impacts continued, and the sound of armor rubbing one after another. Bologo had seen this silent army, and the roar echoed in the network of the heart.

"Legion of the Wordless!"

No one expected that this mysterious and weird mercenary group would be involved, and the moment Bologo called out their names, the battle broke out.

With the blessing of etheric perception, Bologo can clearly perceive that countless, star-like etheric responses rise up, and every desublimator is doing his best to call the surrounding ethers, causing them to rush to the battlefield among.

If there is vision liquid now, then Bologo will see that an ether storm is rolling up in the industrial area. Under the call of the hunter, this place is almost becoming a man-made ether vortex point.

It was the Legion of the Wordless who swung the first sword. It was different from when I saw them in Fengyuan Heights. In addition to the iconic silent black armor, the Legion of the Wordless has added many new weapons, such as those Bo Luo Ge is all too familiar with the fire-calling staff.

Quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes. The moment a large-scale army landed, the sea of ​​flames swept across the earth like a rapidly spreading air wave, the solid ice evaporated instantly, and the cold air became hot.

Bologo waved his hand, the flames of the cauldron burned rapidly, and a towering earthen wall rose from the ground to withstand the impact of the first round of flame waves. The hot flames passed by, and the high temperature poured into the respiratory tract, bringing a burst of fire pain.

Another ether quickly gathered, and the members of the sixth group got together, and the united Desublimers of the Origin School easily built an ether barrier that was difficult to break through.

The milky white transparent barrier completely enveloped them, the fiery flame waves smashed against the barrier, and the dense arcs flickered continuously.

The more high-pitched ether reaction rose rapidly, which was the power of the power-holders. The team leaders took action, and a stream of ether split the flame waves, cutting down a large number of black-armored soldiers.

Yas is in the flame wave, he does not need the unity of the team members, he has built a layer of etheric barrier that is difficult to break through, holding the etheric sword that jumps like thunder in both hands, he roars and splits one after another. The body of the Wordless.

The armor was shattered, flesh and blood flew, and a large amount of information was transmitted in the heart network.

"Attacked! Negotiations suspended!"

Someone shouted with concern, "Where is the negotiating team!"

In addition to sublimation practitioners, there are also a large number of negotiation teams made up of ordinary people. Under the extraordinary conflict, mortal bodies cannot be spared.

"The negotiating team is evacuating!"

That was Hart's voice. Before the Wordless Ones set off a wave of flames, he propped up his big shield to cover the safe evacuation of the negotiating team.

"Counterattack! Counterattack!"

The first round of flame waves gradually extinguished, and Bologo jumped out of the earth wall decisively, and the aether booster filled his limbs with a steady stream of power, and he was as fast as a wolf galloping across the wilderness.

The Wordless Ones broke through the winding path torn apart by the Blood Shifting Sword, and directly arrived in front of the closed building, completely surrounding the negotiation venue.

These mysterious mercenaries were suspected to be Sublimationists of the Origin School, and high concentrations of ether lingered among them. After a brief impact, the Wordless Ones regrouped, and Yasina's violent offensive was actually contained for a while.

More and more wordless people surrounded him, they couldn't do any effective damage to Yas, and Yas's etheric sword became more and more difficult to split the bodies of these people, another etheric barrier protected the wordless people them.

Two different streams of ether collided with each other, electric arcs and sparks shot out, and the ear-piercing roar continued, like a miniature thunderstorm.


Shouts sounded, and after protecting the negotiating team, the heavy shield wall began to charge. Relying on his own brute force and ether boost, Hart overturned several speechless people in one breath, forced a hole open, and assisted Yas broke through.

"You rushed too deep!"

Hart smashed the large shield into the ground and resisted the subsequent attacks of the Wordless Ones. Yas nodded. After the rage, he calmed down, and the other team members also advanced here.

The number of the sixth group was already large enough, but compared to the large-scale Legion of the Wordless, they were still far behind. They didn't feel afraid, because the offensive of another action group had already begun.

A series of explosions sounded, and the flames soared into the sky. Several speechless people were thrown into the sky, and then hit the ground, blood gurgling out from under the armor.

The tenth group joined the battlefield, all kinds of secret energy were fully released, the ether wantonly distorted the real world, and in a blink of an eye the cold industrial area was distorted into a crazy and magnificent dream that was in line with reality.

The intertwined branches grew wildly on the ground, and the branches were as tough as steel, like projected spears, jingling and hitting the etheric barrier built by the speechless.

After a burst of dazzling light, cracks spread all over the barrier, and cracks appeared in some places, like a cracked glass cover. There was a deafening gunshot, and a reinforced bullet precisely hit the crack.

When the bullet was about to completely destroy the etheric barrier, several speechless people appeared behind the gap, a large amount of ether was poured into the barrier, and the shattered crack healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"damn it!"

Kemp cursed angrily, if he fired earlier, the alchemy warhead should be able to punch through the aether barrier of the Wordless One in one fell swoop with the iron branch.

Just as he was complaining, more dark figures surrounded the sixth group, and Kemp's pressure suddenly increased, followed by a palpitating wave that quickly spread.

Yas raised his hand high, and the blazing light condensed and held tightly in his hand.


First is silence.

In an instant, everyone felt a sense of suffocation, which was not physical, but the uneasiness caused by losing contact with the ether in the environment.

Under the power of Yas, all the ethers in the current area fell into silence, no longer resonating with the Desublimer, and the restless sea of ​​ethers became a stagnant water.

"Go back!"

Yas shouted angrily again.


The silent ether is like a frightened school of fish, rapidly spreading to the surrounding area, the concentration of ether in the local area drops sharply, and even the ether barrier protecting the speechless people begins to become transparent.

"I can't last long."

The hoarse voice reverberated in the heart network. Yas was wearing a mask, and outsiders could not see his expression, but from his voice, he could read the difficulty and pain he was facing at the moment.

There are too many desublimers gathered here, everyone is calling for the resonance of ether, a large amount of ether is poured into this place, and the concentration of ether is terrifyingly high.

Since the Secret War, Yas has rarely encountered such a large-scale extraordinary conflict. Even if he faced such a huge amount of ether in the environment, the silence and prohibition he could maintain would not last long. After all, he was just It's just the bearer.

Yas left the sea, and soon the sea would return.

As for the Wordless, the Bureau of Order has never been able to understand the nature of this mysterious mercenary army. Each of them has a weak ether reaction, and at most they are only a stage of desublimation. But when they gather in groups, The power that connects with each other is weird and terrifying.

Under the silence and prohibition, the power of the Wordless was greatly weakened, and also the Sublimationists who were on the front line of the battle were also weakened.

Kemp resisted the discomfort of his senses, and pulled the trigger continuously, firing a series of alchemy warheads, but this time before the warheads hit, the few speechless people he faced took the initiative to lift the etheric barrier.

The warhead pierced through the armor of the Wordless, and blood burst on their chests. The corpse did not fall, but was picked up by the Wordless behind, like sandbags in a bunker. They gave up their defense and moved towards the ridge. Pu launched a charge.

The sharp long sword slashed on Kemp's ether barrier, and cracks appeared one after another, and with another blow, the blade could completely penetrate Kemp's defense.

Kemp continued to pull the trigger, and after shooting the Wordless Man in front of him, he swung his dagger and slit the throat of another Wordless Man, but at this moment, more Wordless Men approached.

In the past, the members of the sixth group cooperated with each other, and the defense was impeccable, but now they face too many enemies, and these guys are not afraid of death, and the charge has become extremely deadly.

There was a slight negligence in the cooperation between the team members, and this negligence was caught by the silent people.

Another blade swung, and Kemp knew that when it fell, his own fragile ether barrier would be shattered, and there were more blades heading towards Kemp.

The cooperation of these wordless people is extremely exquisite. It must be known that the field staff can barely achieve perfect cooperation after long-term training and timely communication with the heart network, and these wordless people also have this ability, even Say better than they do.

The killer move was chained one after another, and in a trance, Camp even felt that they were not facing an army, but a person, but he was split into countless people.

The blade fell, as expected, Kemp's etheric barrier shattered, and more blades fell, like a message from the god of death.

Suddenly, the falling sword blades stopped, and Kemp was stunned. He didn't think he was drinking away the god of death.

Then Kemp saw that a dark trajectory crossed the heads of the Wordless Ones, and the next second their heads shattered, blood filled the shattered helmets.

Bologl flitted among the Wordless like lightning, biting his way, and the snake scale fluid stretched out countless slender blades dragging around his body, splitting the fallen corpse into pieces.

"Second time!"

Burrog yelled at Kemp, swinging countless sword blades, they rubbed against each other, and the red mercury mixed in the snake scale liquid detonated and swayed on the ground, turning into a line of fire dividing the crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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