Endless Debt.

Chapter 689 Game

The turbulent killing intent was released from Gray's body, with obvious intentions and no concealment. At this moment, he seemed to have turned into a human-shaped weapon, ready to draw out the sheath to kill the enemy at any time.

This biting killing intent only lasted for a short moment, Gray calmed down, his eyes fixed on the silver mask, complex emotions flashed across his pupils, and there was already a huge wave in his heart.

Jamon's betrayal, Miranda's death, Gray's furious revenge, and his quest for the truth after being confused...

Gray knew the identity under the silver mask, which was the answer he exchanged with his soul.

He had imagined the scene of confronting him countless times, but in these countless fantasies, Gray still didn't know how he should face it, and today, at this most ordinary moment, he saw the Shadow King.

Face to face.

After killing intent and anger, Gray's mind went blank, he didn't know what to say, let alone what to do.

Do you swing a sword?I should be killed the moment I strike. After all, the third seat is on the side. He is a real defender. It should be easy to crush myself as a believer.

What about loosening the hilt?Can you really do it yourself?

Miransha's death was due to Jamon's betrayal, and it was also because of this group of people that she became what she is today...

Gray's breathing became heavy, and he felt that his blood was hot.

"Jamon said that there was a king with a secret sword that escaped his assassination, and he is also a Sublimator, so we didn't pay much attention to it."

"Protection · Greed and persistence."

"Oh? You want my protection."

"You used me."

Gray is aware of these terrible costs, but in the face of real power, few people can refuse it.

Gray shook his head, "I have nothing more to give you."

Gray cherishes this secret sword very much. During the time he served the tyrant, he has been using the sword of blood shifting to fight. The tyrant has never seen him draw the sword of silence.

Shaking his head, the Shadow King whispered the real purpose of his trip.

"It is you who need my returned, crazy blade to fight and fight for you."

The Bureau of Order got the original.

The door opened, and the Wordless Man stood in front of the two wearing pitch-black armor. The murderous intent that was almost solidified brushed Gray's cheek, and he felt that his skin was covered with wounds.

"Oh, that's right," he stomped his feet, "that monster, but you are the pet of the enemy, are you using the power of the enemy to survive?"

The tyrant carefully calculated the gains and losses, and he began to think about how to choose to maximize his own interests in this incident. After countless possible inferences, he got the only answer.

The Shadow King stared at the tyrant, "You no longer have confidence in winning or losing this dispute, do you?"

The Shadow King's voice was unhurried, even in the face of the devil, he still looked calm.

"I have had many protected persons in the past. In order to get more power, they began to fight each other. Every time a protected person is missing, they can get more power, and this is what I protect the price required.

"It's the decision room that matters."

The Shadow King looked up at Gray, and his eyes fell on the Blood Shifting Sword behind Gray, which was Jamon's secret sword.

In the city of oaths, Opus, a fatally wounded king, the secret sword, will not live long. The Shadow King guesses that he will be discovered by the Bureau of Order, or die in a dark alley, but he only forgot Yes, in this city, everyone has the last dark choice.

"Even if I don't use you, what will you do?" the tyrant asked, "Now that you have met the Shadow King, as I said at the beginning, should you fight for him, or...kill him."

The Shadow King continued, "About him...I'm just a pawn for him to achieve his goal. As for what he wants to do, I don't know. Believe it or not."

Gray's movement of wiping the blade froze, and his palms could not help but clenched tightly. The cold metal cut through the skin, and the gurgling blood stained the silvery white blade red.

The Shadow King stared at the place where the two left, he let out a long sigh, his heart was full of exhaustion.

Gray didn't understand what the tyrant meant. At this moment, the tyrant suddenly got up and came to Gray, and put his hand on Gray's chest.

The tyrant could sense that the shadow king was haunted by the decaying breath of death. He should have died many years ago, but he survived with difficulty by various means.

"It's too rude, tyrant, you are a little too anxious."

so you can understand?It's not that I need you, it's that you need me. "

"A new batch of alchemy weapons from the Gray Trade Chamber of Commerce is on the way. As for the plague of decay you want..."

Power, such an alluring thing.

Should not be.

The tyrant paused for a moment, and only replaced the rest with a horrifying laugh.

The tyrant took a long breath, should he be worthy of being the King of Shadows?Even words are hard to take advantage of him, and a little frustration arises, but this will not affect the tyrant's actions.

"Say... what do you think, Gray."

Treacherous eyes fell on Gray, and the evil will was unreservedly released.

The tyrant thought of something interesting. He liked to see a person wandering and struggling at the border.

The tyrant said happily.

"Because it's expensive?"

Nethaniel will not hide the negotiation with himself from the decision-making room. Shadow King believes that the decision-making room will make the most sensible decision.

Recalling the chilling killing intent just now, it was an undisguised, pure hatred, at this moment, the Shadow King had roughly guessed Gray's past in his heart.

Footsteps sounded from outside the door, someone was coming, his steps were heavy, Gray could hear the sound of metal rubbing against each other.

Gray still has some value to him, and the tyrant has always been patient with these valuable people, but this patience will be consumed as the value depreciates.

The laughter stopped abruptly, and the tyrant's expression turned cold, "I rarely treat my clients like this. As a businessman, this kind of small trick is a bit too out of character."

The tyrant frowned and thought about it, "It's not the price. In fact, the price for my protection is very small, but the competition is a bit big."

The tyrant had done this many times, and he couldn't be better at it.

"No, Nethaniel's attitude is not important."

After his chest heaved violently a few times, he calmed down, and his eyes were as calm as water again.

"No matter what choice I make, I don't have the power to implement it."

Since the fall of the holy city, that person has been wearing this strange garment, sealing his own form and thoughts into it.

"I will continue to support you, Shadow King, no matter whether you can get Xilin's body back, no matter whether you can do what you promised."

The contradictory and complicated emotions were cut repeatedly like countless sharp knives. Gray felt the bursts of pain in his mind, and he almost fainted.

The most important thing for a businessman is to keep his word.

"Eat the evil flesh and blood of this world, use that twisted and cruel way to prevent the decay of the flesh, and then use that grotesque protection to steal other people's soul shards to maintain your own broken soul..."

The tyrant can't figure it out, he is a greedy guy, and his servants are mainly focused on collecting wealth, and they are far inferior to others in infiltrating information, and the comfort of these years has allowed him to sink into the Great Rift for too long .

Apart from these troubling mysteries, there was one important thing that became crystal clear at this moment.

Of course, what really disturbed the tyrant was the information from the Witch of Desire not long ago.

In the past, the tyrant's reaction would not have been so strong, but with the approach of the dispute, the negotiation of the king's secret sword, the rise of the shadow king and other events, he couldn't help but pay attention to the changes in the world.

"It used to be the king's secret sword?"

The goal of this surprise attack by borrowing the Legion of the Wordless is not to stop the negotiation at all, but to have the Shadow King and Nethaniel talk while avoiding the eyes of many parties, and this is why, in the closed building, there will be such a Room blocked from all prying eyes.

"Greedy thoughts, have they overwhelmed reason?"


"So... did Jamon die at your hands?" The Shadow King continued, "It should be a hearty revenge."

Just such two debtors walking in the world, their identities are still so important, it can't help but make the tyrant feel vigilant.

The tyrant said unceremoniously, "You are one of my pawns, what's the problem?"

Every devil has its own protection, and the effect of protection is often as powerful as the secret energy, but unlike the secret energy, the protection has unimaginable side effects, which can also be called a curse.

"He rejected me," said the Shadow King, "as expected."

After the scarlet light was extinguished, Gray returned to the dark and narrow living room. The tyrant sat on the sofa as usual, but this time he didn't watch TV, but bowed his head in thought.

The tyrant regained his posture, without the arrogance of a devil at all, but directly said to the Shadow King, "Sorry, I was too greedy this time."

This time it was the tyrant who was silent. He could not refute the Shadow King's words. Compared with the conspiracy hidden in the shadows, the increasingly powerful scarlet mistress was the obvious threat. From the perspective of her superficial strength, she He is already the most powerful among many blood relatives.

"The power of the King's Shield Guard is far from being comparable to that of the Bureau of Order and the King's Secret Sword, but you, I know your past, and I know what you want to avenge.

The tyrant muttered to himself, he had such a premonition that the immersed blood was heating up and burning hot little by little.

The third seat said, "Then what should we do, do we really have to completely rely on the tyrant?"

"Whether it's you, him, or the Bureau of Order, you all have your own considerations. You are afraid of losing your own strength, so you hesitate, but I am different. I will not hesitate like you, because my mission was born to destroy her. !

The Shadow King was silent for a long time this time, a brief laugh sounded from under the silver mask, and he shook his head.

The Shadow King looked at the smiling tyrant, and pointed his finger at the hated devil, "Did you do it on purpose? I didn't agree to your request, so you directed his hatred to me."

"But this power is not perfect. The total amount of the ether pool is fixed. Every time there are more protected persons, they will share an extra point of the power of the ether pool. At first, you can easily obtain the power of a person of glory , but soon, as the number of protected persons increases, this power begins to thin out, and in the end, the average power in your hands is not even considered as a sublimation person."

"My protection is not so easy to get."

Among the devils, the tyrant is the one who communicates best, and because he is so communicative and familiar with humans, this devil becomes difficult to figure out.

As for Belphegor who stood behind the Bureau of Order, he couldn't dictate the will of the Bureau of Order.

yes!How can people who are so greedy allow themselves to share this power with others? "

The third seat supported the Shadow King, and at this moment, he finally had the opportunity to ask the result of the Shadow King's actions, "What is Nethaniel's attitude?"

"After thousands of years of fighting, there is a protected person who killed all his competitors and completely enjoyed my protection."

What did Gray think of, he asked, "As a devil, where is your protection?"

This incident ended with the Bureau of Order winning. After the incident, Asmodeus suddenly disappeared, and the Happy Garden drove away from the tyrant's sight and disappeared.

"What the hell are you planning?"

But now you, can you really do it? "

Gray vaguely guessed what the price would be.

The tyrant doesn't know how the Bureau of Order's research on things in the distance is going, but thinking about it in the worst direction, it won't be long before they discover the truth of the world... maybe they have already discovered it.

"Sorry, Gray, it's not that I don't want to grant you protection."

Eternal labor makes the protected persons clear-headed and never be deluded by illusions, but it also makes them run around all their lives, making it difficult to rest peacefully until they become numb and collapse in endless exhaustion.

The tyrant pressed on every step of the way, laughing at the Shadow King.

Under such circumstances, the optimal solution that the tyrant thinks of is to make the situation more chaotic, drag more and more people into the quagmire of war, and he will seek opportunities to obtain the greatest benefits.

Your vengeance is nowhere in sight, and your time is running out. "

There is no need for the Shadow King to pay anything, as long as what the Shadow King does is in line with his own interests.


The Shadow King and Bologo are the only two people who have been discovered by the tyrant over the years and are related to the astronauts. They are both under the protection of the astronauts and are the debtors of the astronauts.

Niechao Weile can convert strong emotional ups and downs into ether, but as the pleasure threshold is continuously refreshed, what the protected person finally gets is a numb heart and the desire to inflict cruel atrocities on themselves in order to obtain greater pleasure. twisted will.

"After all," said the tyrant, "I am a greedy devil."

The tyrant did not expect that he would be taunted by the Shadow King in turn. He smelled damp water vapor, and there was a faint sound of water flowing across it, as if there were schools of invisible fish swimming around the Shadow King.

The tyrant's eyes lit up, as if no one had prayed for his protection for a long time.

In the end, Gray calmed down, tensing all the muscles in his body, not letting himself show the slightest flaw.

"How come, I'm just introducing our big client to my loyal servant."

The Shadow King's voice became hoarse, like a beast with a head injury but still full of anger.

The Shadow King must hide from the king's secret sword and the tyrant, he is never ready to commit himself to anyone.

For so many years, not only have there been few traces of astronauts in the tyrant, but he has never been found in his earthly land, let alone an organization that believes in astronauts.

To convey one's intentions to the decision-making room, that is the purpose of Shadow King.

"The dispute is not only approaching, it is also advancing..."

The Shadow King put his hands on his chest, his voice firm.

Gray's hand suddenly waved uncontrollably, the scarlet scar split open out of thin air, the tyrant turned around and stepped into the winding path without the slightest nostalgia, followed by Gray, and after a burst of wriggling red light, the two disappeared into the here.

The tyrant caught the key, "Do you want power?"

The voice grumbled through Gray's teeth. It was a bad encounter and he wasn't ready for it.

"He needs me, and you need me. From this point of view, our interests are the same. After all, you don't want to sit back and watch the Scarlet Mistress's power grow like that."

The tyrant continued that disgusting laugh.

At present, the purpose of all parties is still unclear, especially the guy who stands behind the Shadow King and Bologo, who is feared by the tyrant.


Gray is very aware of his own weakness. Even if he swung his sword at the Shadow King just now, the moment he draws his sword, the third stormy attack will come.

"shut up."

"But I can see that you are afraid of him. You don't know what he is planning, but you know that the conspiracy hidden in the dark will definitely shake your existence."

The tyrant is familiar with Asmodeus' temperament, and now that she finally has a little power, how can she bear it?Even if she could hold back, how could Belphegor stop taking revenge on her?
Unless something happened in this series of conflicts.

The tyrant is not surprised that the Shadow King can easily guess his intentions. He just wants to use Gray to put pressure on the Shadow King to achieve his desired goal.

Bloodthirsty recovery can make the protected person devour flesh and blood to obtain a powerful, near-immortal body, but during the long-term eating, they will become more and more hungry, even if the internal organs are broken, they will not be able to get the slightest sense of satiety .

The tyrant continued to seduce the Shadow King, "This attack can't change anything, the negotiation will continue, whether it succeeds or fails, you will not be able to get Xilin's body.

The dispute between Asmodeus and Belphegor has been going on for a long time, and the tyrant entrenched in the Great Rift is well aware of this. Not long ago, the two sides launched a series of extraordinary conflicts, and this conflict even triggered a shattered reality. .

An indifferent voice sounded in the darkness, Gray was leaning in the corner, the Blood Shifting Sword was placed aside by him, and the exquisite Silence Sword was held in his arms, and he carefully wiped the blade with the cloth from his cuff .

The tyrant's mind conjured up the clumsy, weird diving suit.

"This protection is very simple. I will give the protected person a huge pool of ether, and you can freely obtain power from it. As long as you want, you can always surpass your own etheric reaction to surpass the level you are in, and compare with the glory those who reach even infinitely... the Crowned."

Evil words uttered the horrifying and weird sentences. In a trance, the tyrant seemed to have lost his human form and turned into something indescribable. It was a twisted posture that could be observed beyond human senses.

The tyrant said helplessly, "If I grant you protection, you will be killed by him the moment you gain power."

"So you understand?"

Gray stared at the silent figure. It wasn't until this moment that he understood how the Legion of the Wordless and the Gray Trader Chamber of Commerce were connected. They belonged to the same demon.

One is responsible for selling wars, and the other is responsible for starting wars.

The tyrant was a fine merchant, a war merchant stained with blood.

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