Endless Debt.

Chapter 694 Exhaustive Method

Chapter 694 Exhaustive Method

Bologo looked up at this monument of flesh and blood, and as he talked with Bologo, it woke up from its slumber, its flesh and blood became active, and the machinery roared.

The body surface of the crowd exuded high temperature, and bursts of hot air rushed towards their faces. The electric current passed along the cables, illuminating a series of indicator lights, which flickered regularly, and the light spots became more and more, even The entire dark space is filled with such flickering light spots.

Burrog felt as if he were under a starry sky.

Among the four masks on the trunk, the copper-green mask representing Mary’s personality is activated, while the rest of the masks are silent. On the branches extending from the trunk, there are still many small masks hanging. I couldn't help but have some guesses in my heart.

"The public is not perfect. The public is the product of the stubborn will of the previous directors. In order to achieve the ideal of the Bureau of Order, the composition of the public is extremely distorted, bloated, and pathological."

Everyone slowly opened their mouths and said that the angle of its narration is very strange, and they have been looking at themselves from the third perspective.

Without the modification of Maria's voice, the voices of the audience were hoarse and distorted, with metallic tremors. During the slow narration, its voice seemed to be spoken by countless people at the same time. There is a pause delay.

Burrog couldn't see its vocal organs, and the source of the sound seemed to be countless players embedded in the bodies of all.

The crowd went on to say, "But it doesn't matter. Pragmatism is one of the concepts of the Bureau of Order. As long as it can play a role, no matter how ugly the appearance is."

Its horrifying appearance is enough to shock many people, and even Borrog thought it was some kind of terrible weirdness at first.

"We once wanted to make it into a golden sculpture, like a huge statue of a god," Nethaniel, who had been silent all this time, said, "Later we gave up. It's a meaningless embellishment."

"This symbolizes the essence, ideals and reality of the Bureau of Order. After thinking about the calculation unit, everyone believes that everyone should face everyone with a true attitude."

Everyone has a completely different perspective of thinking.

"The main responsibility of the people is to store the will of the past directors, and when necessary, use their logic to make decisions for the Bureau of Order.

The crowd is a tool, a machine, and machines are more accurate and efficient than humans.

I am an artificial life, more like an artificial intelligence. "

Bologo probably understood the meaning of the crowd, and he also knew the sacrifices of the previous directors. They all integrated themselves into this grotesque body. At the moment of death, the will was extracted by the crowd and used as a logic operation cornerstone.

Whether it is the multitude or the preserved will, they have no free will at all. They have been bound by the bottom order from the very beginning, and they have to give everything for the order and the fight against the devil.

"It's not a simple matter to merge with the crowd. Only the glorious one can completely retain his will, have complete logical thinking, and extract a virtual personality from it."

The crowd went on to say, "After Director Maria merged with the crowd, the computing power of the crowd has been changed again. The crowd realized that relying solely on the will of the directors is somewhat limited, even if each director, Already the greats of their time."

"All the people proposed the "Glorious Sacrifice" agreement, and since then the target range of the people's integration has expanded from the director of the Bureau of Order to the senior staff of various departments.

After they meet the required standards, they will conduct a series of audits. After signing the "Glory Agreement", the staff participating in the agreement will be transported upside down in the hall before their brain death, and merge with the crowd to expand the database and information of the crowd. Run computing power.

It's just that the vast majority of the staff, they are not glorious people, and it is difficult for their will to be completely preserved in the tide-like thoughts, and they only become calculation units one by one.

But all will remember them forever. "

The huge body shook slightly, and the misty darkness was shaken away by this tiny movement, and they receded one after another. Afterwards, Bologo saw countless branches extending from the main trunk, and each branch was covered with dense trees. Masks, each mask represents a dead employee, a unit for calculation.

"As for your question, why is the decision-making room, that is, the crowd, omnipotent?"

The crowd continued to explain his doubts to Burlogo.

"It's very simple, as long as there is enough data support and computing power to operate, everyone can deduce most of the development of the situation."

The crowd showed Burrog what it could do.

"Bologo, do you understand the world economy?"

Burrog shook his head, "No, this kind of thing has nothing to do with work."

"So do you know the butterfly effect?" said the crowd, "A butterfly flaps its wings once in a while, and it will cause a storm a few weeks later."

"For many people, this is a chaotic phenomenon, full of unknowability and irregularities, but as long as you have enough, huge data support, and computing power, then you can analyze the entire development process .

Of course, this example is a bit too idealistic, so let’s talk about you, Borogo Lazarus. "

Boluoge felt that countless eyes fell on him, that was the countless victims of the magnificent computing power of the crowd.

"Bologo Lazarus, do you think your behavior is easy to be guessed and inferred?"

Just as Burlog was about to say something, the crowd interrupted him.

"Don't rush to answer.

The public knows all your information, and the public can simulate part of your behavioral logic through computing power, so that the public can understand you and predict your next actions. "

Everyone was silent for a while, and it continued, "How is the progress between you and the staff of Aimu Yazdet?"

Bologo was stunned, the change in the content of the conversation was a bit too strange.

"In the past year, your communication with Aimiao has become more frequent. From your demeanor, micro-expression, and simulation operation of computing power, you have a certain affection for each other. It's just because of your personality and environment. You are in a state of confusion and don't know how to deal with issues such as stress."

Burrog said blankly, "Are you a voyeur?"

"The crowd needs a huge data flow, and collecting data is the instinct of the crowd."

"You use the precious computing power of the victims for this kind of thing?"

"Analyzing your emotional problems won't take up much computing power of the crowd," said the crowd. "This calculation only takes a few microseconds, and it can't even load the computing power."


Bolog felt that he had been ridiculed by the audience, but judging from the cold attitude of the audience, it was just analyzing calmly. Burlog began to miss Maria. Although it was a virtual personality, it was more than this original personality. The congregation is much softer.No wonder everyone will be the first to awaken Maria's personality.

"Analyze me through big data?" Burlogo tried to refute it, "Data cannot represent everything, and you cannot be exempt from the existence of variables."

Burrogo gradually understood the meaning of the crowd, just like a hospital examination, as long as enough human body data is available, the problem can be accurately found.

"That's right, variables."

The crowd affirmed Burlogo's words, "For a long time, variables have troubled the crowd. In the face of variables, the crowd can only use huge calculations to weaken the scope of the variable's influence as much as possible.

The fourth director has updated and upgraded the public, so that every director who is integrated with the public can make their virtual personalities independent and undertake different functions in the public.

After the secret war, a large number of victims were integrated into the crowd, even the fourth director, which made the computing power of the crowd further iterated.The fourth director also stepped into the function she designed for herself. "

Burrog felt as if he had heard some important news. The fourth director stepped into the crowd, that is to say... Did she die in the secret war?

Burlogo asked, "And who is the current director? Is it all?"

"Everyone is just a tool," everyone replied, "Currently, the director of the Bureau of Order is still held by the fourth director."

Boluoge didn't understand, and then the huge body of the crowd began to change, the bloated flesh and blood rolled, a gap was cracked on the surface of the scarlet skin, and the blood-stained rib cage opened layer by layer. The white bone armor they wanted to pile up, In the more foul-smelling and hot blood, Bologo saw a pale figure half lying in the soft flesh.

The woman was completely immersed in flesh and blood, her face drooped, her hair disappeared, countless cables extended from the back of her bald head, and they penetrated into the depths of everyone's bodies one after another. flickering, a massive flow of information is transmitted within microseconds.

Nethaniel looked away, he did not want to see this painful scene.

"During the secret war, the fourth director was severely injured. According to "Glorious Sacrifice", everyone should have integrated her, but the fourth director had a close relationship with the devil and the lazy Belphegor. According to the bottom of the people Logically, the people must eradicate any possibility of the devil interfering with the people.

The fourth director cannot be integrated into the crowd, but the crowd cannot give up a glory-level computing unit. For this reason, she is more like an extended wetware of the crowd, a system that operates independently, and the crowd is responsible for maintaining it. Health, and she is responsible for processing information for everyone, only for information exchange, and the soul level is completely isolated. "

The crowd wrapped the woman up again, as if she had been swallowed by a monster, without a single sound.

Burrog asked, "Is she dead?"

"According to human standards, her personal will has already collapsed and disappeared in a large number of calculations. From a physiological point of view, her body is still alive and can live for a very long time."

"Because of the efforts of the fourth director, everyone was able to further narrow the error of variables. The fourth director also calculated countless possibilities of the situation according to the functions she planned before her death. This is why everyone seems to have no idea. I don't know, I can't do anything.

Exhaustive method.

The simple and primitive calculation method, with the support of huge data, calculates countless possibilities, and infers the most beneficial situation for us from the countless possibilities. "

There was a rare emotional ups and downs in the cold voice of the crowd, and Bologo thought it was lamenting.

"Her sacrifice will be remembered by all."

A slightly sad silence spread under the night starry sky, and Burlogo sorted out his thoughts, panic and excitement, awe and sadness.

What everyone said is correct, as long as there is enough information, all unknowns can be calculated, just like when the time axis is out of sequence, the time goes back and forth until the most perfect ending is played.

"Staff Bolog Lazarus, you have exceeded everyone's expectations."

The crowd suddenly said, "Your variable deviation is very high, but it is still under control. According to the calculations of the crowd, the meeting between you and me should have happened after you were promoted to the negative power."

"Why is it after the negative?"

"One of the signing conditions for "Sacrifice of Glory" is that the goal is to reach the level of the power holder. Because of your status as a debtor, you do not meet the signing conditions, but you are qualified to know this."

The crowd continued, "Under your keen and vigilant thinking, you have advanced all this."

Burrog held his breath for a few seconds, then heaved a long sigh.

"Sounds horrible... Anyone else say no?"

"Yes, but very little."

"What if they say no?"

"Usually they won't directly reject it, but during the review process, everyone finds that the other party does not have the belief of complete sacrifice, so they are eliminated, and those who pass the review will agree with this sacrifice."

"Sign the contract?"

"One of the underlying logics of the crowd is to avoid the interference of the devil. For this reason, "Glorious Sacrifice" is just an ordinary agreement. There is no contract school sublimation person as a witness, just ordinary signatures, ordinary beliefs, and ordinary connections .”

The crowd made a sound of rolling thunder.

"Sometimes, human beings can also unite without a heavy blood contract."

Burlog fell silent again, and many complex emotions were fleeting in his eyes. Sometimes he was angry, and sometimes he felt confused and sentimental.

"Are you satisfied with this answer?"

Burrog nodded heavily. He had nothing more to say.

The public uses huge data to carry out exhaustive methods, deduces the possibility of countless trends in the situation, and finds the one that maximizes their own interests from among the many possibilities.

Inside the crowd, when these important decisions occur, it will awaken the virtual personalities of the previous directors, discuss and vote through their logic, and then Nethaniel will execute them.

In order to avoid the interference of the devil, the entire upside-down hall is completely self-contained. Even though everyone has explained so much to Bologo, he still feels that this space hides many secrets, which are the terrible accumulation of the Bureau of Order over a long period of time.

Burrogo thought of something, "But... I have one more question."


"Everyone is so important, they are the core of the Bureau of Order, why do you care about me so much?" Bologo was puzzled, "Just because I questioned the decision-making room, did you reveal all this to me? I think there should be other people There will be similar doubts, what about them? Will they be like me?"

"No, only you are a special case."

"Why am I a special case?"

"Because the Bureau of Order needs you," everyone noticed the point that Bologo had been missing, "Bologo, haven't you realized it yet?"

"The person who chooses to contain you, the person who chooses to release you, the person who chooses to make you grow, the person who chooses to let you inherit the power of the overlord Xilin...they are all among the people.

It is everyone, it is the directors who have chosen you, so you are unique. "

Bologo felt his muscles tense up. At this moment, he felt that he was not facing a grotesque and deformed flesh, but countless victims. They looked at him across time and space, heavy The pressure hit him like a brick.

Depression and excitement, excitement and fear trembling together.

Burrog complained to himself in a low voice, how could he forget such an important thing, he was like a person living in a story, every step was written by the author, and he just waited for himself to follow the path to the established ending .

"I have no doubts."

Burrog took a deep breath and threw his head back.


The crowd slowly moved into the darkness and disappeared, and Borrog couldn't see the figure as tall as a hill, but he still heard the humming of the machine in the darkness.

The thoughts of the victims were connected together, turning into a machine with infinite computing power, thinking about the future.

Nethaniel led Burrog to leave, and the two stepped on the light-forged steps and walked under the sky.

The space where the Borogo guessers are located is the real closed area. In the past, Nethaniel could move the reclamation room and shuttle between various areas, but only here, he needs to go to the long steps before sending Bo Logo leaves.

Looking at the silent figure in front of him, Bologo asked, "Will you be one of them in the future?"

"Will do."

Nethaniel said without looking back.

"Would you be afraid?" said Burlogo. "It must be bad to know what you'll be like when you're not dead."

"Well... You may not believe it when you say it, but I am actually looking forward to that day. If I haven't had the courage to make up my mind, I would even want to get in now."


"Because the person I love is in there too...she's not actually there anymore, but it's a good consolation to touch her fantasies."

Burrog's footsteps paused, he didn't expect the deputy director to have such a tender side.


"A bit."

Nethaniel laughed selfishly, "I should be surprised, Bologl."


"Compared with you, this is my normal life, isn't it?"

Nethaniel turned his head and looked at Burrog, "You look much better than before."

He moved on, "Hope you get better."

Burrog couldn't understand Nethaniel's words, and the information revealed by the crowd had already overwhelmed Burrog's mind, and he didn't have the energy to think about other things right now.

Now Bologo just wants to go home, lie on his bed, think for a while, and maybe fall asleep in exhaustion.

In short, Burrog wanted to rest, he was too tired, too many eyes fell on him.

The two walked down the long spiral light-cast steps. On the golden land, countless towering figures looked up at them, like mortals kneeling on the dust, praying for the arrival of angels.

They are expecting someone, preparing for something, waiting to revel.

(End of this chapter)

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