Chapter 7

The jackknife was like howling waves, facing the ear-piercing buzzing, and slashed at the wolf.

Thousands of sharp blades rolled up, like blooming flowers, scratched the skin, and penetrated the body. They tried to hinder Burogo's progress, but they still couldn't resist this life-threatening blow.

The sharp light of the knife descended on the wolf's head, and it resisted completely, but there was a series of explosions in its body, as if there were chains of nothingness that locked it firmly in an instant, shackling all its limbs , so that it can only watch the guillotine fall.

There was a thunderous explosion in the air, and the air flow surged in all directions, and the blood mist exploded, covering both of them in a blink of an eye, but soon the blood mist was blown away by the whistling wind, and fine drops of blood patted all around.

Armor, blades, body, ground, walls, ceiling, lights...

Everything in sight was covered with a layer of scarlet, and in a trance, they were wriggling, as if they had life, and the world was dragged into the stomach of some kind of giant.

Burogo fell down, his face was pale, his limbs became bloody, and his whole body was on the verge of being broken, as if he had been dragged out of a meat grinder, with blood gushing out. He tried to stand up, but his body did not respond. Ge's injury was too serious.

The deadliest wound came from the neck, a slender wound cut Burrog's throat, and along with the painful breathing, a cry like a night owl came from the dark wound.

The disturbing ear-piercing beeps also gradually subsided. The wolf stood upright and turned its head slowly. For some reason, the wolf's movements were a little stiff, like a clockwork machine with rusty gears. Dry rubbing sound.

The gloomy light between the gaps in the armor dimmed a lot, and it seemed that it would go out in the next second.

"Is this premeditated?"

asked the wolf.

It looked at its own hands. In Bologo's life-threatening blow, it instinctively smashed him into pieces before Bologo swung his jackknife, but at that moment when its arms were raised to its chest, Then he felt a sense of hindrance, and it was the influence of the hindrance that slowed the wolf for a few seconds and failed to block the blow.

"In this way... show your worth."

The wolf muttered, one after another the broken knives stayed in its armor, like spikes piercing through the body, affecting the movement of the armor at a critical moment, forcibly stuck the swinging of the arm joints, No matter how agile the body was, it also slowed down.

This is the first time that the wolf has encountered such a thing, the hunter was bitten by the prey instead.

The wolf let out a low, hoarse laugh.

"I heard Jeffrey talk about you. He said that you have been in the dark cell for a long time. You seem to have some mental problems. You are narcissistic and paranoid, and you are obsessed with the so-called reward for good and evil... Do you regard yourself as the savior? ?why?"

The wolf asked curiously, recalling the information about Bologo.


Bologo's voice whimpered, as if he heard some funny joke, and the smile on his pale face gradually became presumptuous.

"It's like sunrise and sunset, birth, old age, sickness and death, justice and evil... Isn't it the iron law of justice in the world that good and evil are rewarded?"

He laughed loudly.

"Does this kind of thing need 'why'?"

The wolf didn't respond, it just had a cold body, and it didn't show any emotional fluctuations. It seemed to be thinking, and it seemed to be staring at Bologo.

As for Burrog, when he had finished laughing at the wolf, he was silent again.

He died, his body was lying in a pool of blood, unresponsive, his head was looking up at the sky, his pupils were dizzy.

Some people say that when a person dies, he will review his life and make a summary for his life.

Burrog couldn't see his life, all he could see was a frightening and oppressive nothingness.

It was an unbearable emptiness, with silky green awns wandering across the field of vision, and behind the dark gray and empty background was endless vastness and chilling, deep and distant voices sounded, large and large, like glacial rocks The giants collided one after another, bursting out into numerous fragments, and the continuous sharp angles were like sharp fangs, biting each other and spreading to the end.

This is what Burlogo will see "after death", and each "after death" he will briefly come to this "after death world".

Then he was banished back to the world again.

The wolf stared at the dead body of Balogo.

The cyan eyes reflected the blood-colored scene, and the bright cyan light gradually dimmed, like scattered stars, disappearing into the abyss of the pupils.

The stars should have fallen into silence, but a faint arc flashed, and the stars brightened up again, and the light became more dazzling as they fluctuated. They gathered together again and turned into a scorching sun.

The slack pupils re-condensed.

The sound of drizzling water sounded, and the blood flowed back into the body. The ruptured wounds began to adhere and heal each other, the broken bones proliferated and reset, and the fuzzy flesh and blood also grew brand new granulation buds. Flesh refills.

The rib cage was propped up again, and the blood surged passionately in the blood vessels, arousing the silent heartbeat again, like the sound of a war drum.

Bologo coughed in pain, spit out the blood clot stuck in his throat, slowly got up like an unspeakable ghost, and stood in the pool of blood.

"Huh, this 'gift' is really useful, isn't it?"

Burrog touched his throat, the skin was completely connected, but he still felt a faint chill.

The pain of the throat being cut was real, and so was his own death, but Burlogo survived in the end and stood up again.

"The resurrected... Lazarus."

A voice full of malice and treachery sounded from under the iron armor. Even if he knew enough about Bologo from the data, when he really witnessed this "resurrection from the dead", the evil wolf would feel awe and fear.

This is the "gift" of Burogo, the blessing and curse from the devil.

"Did I pass the assessment? If I pass, I won't go upstairs to see you."

Obviously, he had died once just now, but Bologo acted as if nothing happened, with an attitude of indifference.

The wolf didn't respond, but Burrog stretched out his hand and grabbed the wolf.

As soon as he grasped it, the jackknife almost split the wolf's head completely.

The life-threatening blow was successful, the jackknife overcame thousands of sharp blades, like a thunderbolt splitting a big tree, and precisely slashed on the pitch-black steel, splitting the ferocious wolf's head in half.

The gloomy light overflowed, they were like flowing blood, gushing out from the split crack, even the dim light under the entire armor was constantly dimming.

Pulling out the jackknife vigorously, a faint light appeared, and then completely extinguished, the ghost lodging under the iron armor disappeared, and the wolf's head was broken into two halves, falling to the ground with a clanging sound, and the armor that had turned into an empty shell shook After a few seconds, it completely collapsed, as if dead.

"Oh, by the way, remember to close the door when you leave."

Burrog looked at the steel corpse, hoping it would still hear him.

There was a rumbling sound, as if the earth was changing, and the whole building was trembling slightly. Bologo stabilized his body and looked around, only to see arrays similar to evil wolves appearing on the wall, and these luminous arrays were in the Dissipates quickly.

The cement walls that sealed the doors and windows receded one by one, the physical space structure was modified and reset, and the "reclamation room" was separated from the building, making it return to normal.

Burrog couldn't make sense of this strange sight, but he figured he'd figure it out soon enough.

Pick up the broken wolf head helmet, like your own trophy, and walk to the gate.

Without the slightest sense of obstruction, the door was easily pushed open, and the cold night wind swept by, slightly soothing the heat on Burrogo's body.

He stood on the steps, endless blood flowed from his feet, just like the red carpet on the protagonist's debut, converging into a stream, flowing through the steps, and flowing towards the people who have been waiting in front of the building for a long time.

Burrog saw Geoffrey, waved his hand, smiled at him, and threw the wolf-headed helmet at his feet.

The helmet rolled over, making clinking sounds along the way. After seeing the appearance of the wolf-headed helmet clearly, everyone took a step back slightly, their eyes full of vigilance.

They recognized the helmet.

Swallowing, the invisible pressure covered the hearts of everyone present, and the atmosphere fell into an eerie silence.

They watched the fellow come out of the gate, and Burrog was bathed in warm blood and misting like red-hot iron in cold water.

For a while, it was difficult for them to distinguish the existence of Bologo, human?Or a demon?

They didn't know until a relaxed voice broke the dead silence.

" this a welcome party?"

Burrog brushed back his drooping hood, wiped the blood off his face, and looked at Geoffrey.

"Where is my badge?"

(End of this chapter)

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