Endless Debt.

Chapter 713

Chapter 713
Lebius Lovisa, the current head of the Special Operations Unit.

Burlogo hadn't seen Lebius for a while, and he was surprised. According to Jeffrey, Lebius went to perform a secret operation and was alone.Burlogo hadn't expected to see Lebius here, and neither had the others.

Lebius walked up to everyone, and Jeffrey took out a copy of the documents in a timely manner and handed them over to everyone. Burlogo was still staring at Lebius, and the others opened their pages. file, and read the information on it.

"As you all know, the negotiations between the Bureau of Order and the King's Secret Sword will continue, but before proceeding, we need to resolve some potential threats."

Lebius said, without any superfluous words in his words, as familiar to Burlogo in his memory.

Bologo was immersed in his mind. He realized that he hadn't seen him for a while. Some kind of change seemed to have taken place in Lebius. Bologo didn't know what the change was, but he was sure that the current Lebius It's different.

Examining vigilantly, Lebius' appearance remained the same as before, until a guess sprouted in Burlogo's mind.

Lebius might have been promoted to baseman, and Burlogo was surprised at the thought.

There are many employees who have been in the position of power holders in the Bureau of Order for a long time. For various reasons, everyone is no longer promoted or unable to be promoted. Burlogo is not very clear why Levius and Jeffrey have been in this position. rank, but what is known is that the two have been in this rank for many years.

If they still want to continue to be promoted, then promotion should have been put on the agenda long ago. Why are they promoted at this time? Is it because of the king's secret sword?Bologo had heard of the enmity between Lebius and the king's secret sword early in the morning.

"Okay, that's all I want to say. The rest is in the document. You can read it yourself, and ask me if you have any questions."

Lebius crossed his arms and leaned against the podium. The meeting room was extremely quiet, except for the sound of pages turning. As the reading progressed, several other people frowned.

"The negative?"

Lebius noticed Bologo, and suddenly said, "The promotion is over?"

Burlogo responded, "Successful promotion of the negative."


Rebius's calm gaze was a little more approving and comforting.

Others also heard what Bologo said. They all knew about Burlogo's promotion in the wine bureau last night, but when they actually saw Burlogo with their own eyes, they still couldn't help sighing.

"Are you the youngest power loser in the Bureau of Order?" Hart praised, "One rank per year, will you be promoted to the base defender next year?"

Although Bologo is undead, judging from the time when he stepped into the path of the extraordinary, he is undoubtedly the youngest.

"I don't know," said Borrog modestly, "as the case may require."

With the gradual deepening of the understanding of the ether world, Bologo's promotion no longer belongs to himself, but belongs to the entire order bureau, and belongs to the exploration of the ether world by all mankind.

After that, Bologo has two opportunities for promotion, namely the defender and the honorable person. These are two opportunities to go deep into the ether world, and Bologo must cherish these two opportunities.

As for the power brought by the promotion, Burlogo felt that it was secondary.

There is always no shortage of defenders and glorious people in this world. What is really lacking is the knowledge that can change the world.


Bologo repeated in a low voice in his heart, and he gradually fell in love with the word, like an adventurer holding a torch to drive away the cold night.

He may die on the road, and may not be able to return, but Burrog believes that he will find what he wants.

Getting closer and closer.

"This is the purpose of calling everyone here this time."

Lebius cleared his throat and spoke.

"Since the timeline chaos incident, the King's Shield Guards have disappeared from our field of vision, and now they have reappeared, posing a serious threat to our safety.

Before the second negotiation with the King's Secret Sword begins, we need to resolve this potential threat. For the first time, they can hire the Legion of the Wordless. No one knows what means they will use to attack the second time. "

The meeting room went dark, the curtain slid down, and the slides were projected on the curtain.

"Previously, the Bureau of Order cleaned and searched the Great Rift several times, but failed to discover the existence of the King's Shield Guards. This made us mistakenly think that the King's Shield Guards had evacuated from the Great Rift, but in fact they did not leave. On the contrary , they most likely made a deal with the tyrant Mammon and lived under his protection."

Bologo agreed with this possibility. After all, wandering fork in the road is the territory of the devil. If the devil wants to protect the king's shield guards, it is normal that the Bureau of Order cannot find them.

Devils are the same as human souls, they not only exist in the physical world, but also exist in the etheric world and the physical world at the same time, Burogo suspects that the shadow projection in the etheric world is the essence of devils, the source of their power, And the devils living in the material world are just the power carriers that survive after the power is compressed.

Even such a power carrier is subject to many restrictions, and can only live in the country it builds.

Bologo's thinking spread out uncontrollably. Maybe the devil's land is also inextricably related to the ether world. They corrupted the material world, and then gained the possibility of acting in the corrupted land.

"At present, the decision-making room has released the news that we will negotiate with the king's secret sword again, and the king's shield guard will definitely get the news."

Lebius said, "My task is to find a way to find the location of the King's Shield Guard. If possible, I'd better find out what they are plotting."

The slides flickered, and an old building appeared on the screen. It was a fortified fortress. Burlogo had seen this fortress in history books and witnessed it with his own eyes on the battlefield.

Burrogo said in a low voice, "Mistfall Fortress."

Hart asked, "Do you understand it?"

"This is a defensive fortress outside the Sacred City. The mercenaries hired by King Solomon are stationed in it. They are responsible for protecting the safety of the Sacred City. Before besieging the Sacred City, we spent several In a month's time, captured this fortress and killed all the mercenaries."

"The fort has disappeared into the face of the earth, what does it have to do with this operation?" Burrog recalled.

"Well... To be precise, he didn't completely disappear."

Lebius explained, "It's in the Great Rift, in the Wandering Fork."


Burrog suspected that he had heard it wrong, "That's a fortress."

"After the fall of the Holy City, this land was razed to the ground. We thought that the Fog Abyss Fortress also collapsed, but from the follow-up information, it also fell into the scars of the earth's mourning. After geological changes, It is completely integrated with the Great Rift."

The slideshow flickered again, and blurry photos appeared on the curtain.

"We have checked the information. In recent years, there have been reports of suspected ancient buildings in the Wandering Fork Road, but this has not attracted the attention of the Bureau of Order. After all, the big crack is intricate, and the twisted and weird buildings on the Wandering Fork Road are growing like vitality. There It's not surprising that anything happened."

Church asked, "Is the king's shield guard suspected of hiding in the ruins of that fortress?"

"I don't know, and that's what we're going to do next," Lebius said. "That's the devil's territory, and it's going to be extremely difficult to operate there."

"Not to mention that the Wandering Fork Road is changing all the time, and there is also a sea of ​​poisonous fog that has risen, engulfing most of the ancient buildings in the haze..."

Fish and dragons are mixed in the Wandering Fork Road, the forces of various forces are completely blended together, and there are still demons sitting in the town. In addition, under the poisonous fog sea, it is an extremely dangerous abandoned place, surrounded by a large imaginary quiet line of defense. There, under the predation of the etheric vacuum and evil, anyone who strayed into it, except Borrog, would hardly return alive.

There are too many filth and dirt hidden in the big rift. They skillfully maintain a balance and operate in an orderly manner in the chaos. Any external force may break this balance and cause unknown disasters. .

Lebius said, "Under the influence of various factors, I summoned all of you. If you cooperate with each other, you should be able to find the location of the Fog Abyss Fortress and find out important information if necessary."

"Is the Bureau of Order trying to cause a fight between them?" Burlogo asked, "Deliberately releasing information to both sides."

"Yes, it is in the best interests of the Bureau of Order to let them consume each other."

Lebius nodded, "We know about the power of the king's secret sword, but the king's shield guards are different. No one knows what they are saving in the shadows, so we need you."

Burlog said no more, "I see."

"Everyone in the sixth group headed by Hart, you are responsible for clearing the obstacles and taking care of the rest, Bologo and Palmer, as debtors, you two may be able to pass through the illusion set by the devil and find the king's shield guard where.

As for Church. "

Lebius' eyes finally fell on Church.

"Church is the key to this mission."

Hearing these words, others couldn't help turning their gazes to Church, and even Bologo felt a little surprised, relying on the umbilical cord between him and the devil, he has always been the protagonist in every action .

"Hart has no experience in intelligence work at all, and the same is true for Kemp and Shelley. Burlogo has a little experience in this area, but what you are best at is violent confession."

Lebius commented on several people. When talking about Bologo, Bologo's expression was a little stiff, and he felt like he was being criticized.

"Palmer? Palmer has some experience in intelligence work, but your gift makes it hard for me to trust you to entrust such an important job to you."

Palmer's face fell down. No one remembered that he was the best rookie of the year. All he could remember was the hapless Krex family.

Wonderful hapless ghost.

Every time there will be a fatal thing, but every time I can get my life back by coincidence.

"Church is the only experienced intelligence officer among you. What you have to do is to find the Fog Fortress so that Church can sneak in and find a way to meet him and evacuate safely."

Lebius stepped off the podium, "Any questions?"

Burrog shook his head, as did the others.

Lebius was in a hurry, turned around and left, and disappeared at the door. Bologo wanted to ask if Lebius had been promoted to the base defender, but he obviously didn't give himself this chance.

Jeffrey stayed, and was responsible for follow-up chores here, such as the time of action, equipment distribution and so on.


The Great Rift is a huge garbage dump. This is everyone's first impression of this treacherous place. Many companies will lay pipes illegally, throw toxic industrial waste into the sea of ​​​​fog, and some hide in the Great Rift. Among the alchemists inside, he is also accustomed to discharging the difficult-to-handle alchemy waste together.

Everyone is dumping garbage into the big rift. Fortunately, this garbage dump will never be filled. No matter what they put in, they will be swallowed up by evil in the end. Burned to ashes.

Like a huge incinerator, nothing remains but the ashes that keep accumulating.

But not everything will fall into the abandoned place, there are quite a few things mixed into the thick fog, like a soup that is constantly adding toxins, making it even more deadly.

The large rift is divided into several areas according to the concentration of the sea of ​​fog. Most of the people live in the safe area with low fog concentration. The deeper you go into the big rift, the thicker the fog and the stronger the toxin.

From time to time, small-scale acid rain precipitates from the mist, corroding the surrounding buildings. In a certain depth of mist, just exposing the skin will be burned the moment it comes into contact with the mist.

The building of the former Great Rift was tens of meters deep, but as the fog gradually thickened, the lower buildings were shrouded in fog, and it became a dead city of ruins hanging on the cliff, even the hateful demons would Stay away from places with heavy fog.

In this place where the poisonous mist gathered, the ruins of an ancient fortress were almost completely integrated with the rocks under the geological changes, and became a shelter for the king's shield guards.

The Shadow King, as always, sat under the glass round bottom, looking down from here, except for the milky white mist, he couldn't see anything.

Silent eyes extended from under the silver mask, and he stared at the sea of ​​fog for a long time, until a voice broke the dead silence.

It was a young man, his clothes were simple, but there was a gorgeous sword hanging on his waist. Its scabbard was extremely luxurious, inlaid with gold and precious stones, as if all the wealth of the man was used to decorate this sword. blade.

Morrison Buzz, a former member of the King's Secret Sword, was known as the youngest person in power in the King's Secret Sword, until he chose to rebel and joined the King's Shield Guards to serve the Shadow King.

He gave up everything he had in the Kogadel Empire, whether it was wealth or reputation, Morrison didn't care, the only thing he took away from there was his sword blade.

"His Majesty."

Morrison's left hand rested on the hilt of his sword. Before stepping into the glass round bottom, he paused tactfully. It seemed that the Shadow King was the only one here, but Morrison knew that the third seat in the iron armor was right there. Nearby, he has always been like this, defending the Shadow King all the time.

Facing the shadow king's back, he knelt down on one knee.

"The goods from the Gray Trade Chamber of Commerce have arrived."

The Shadow King stood up slowly, and there was a crisp cracking sound from under the black robe, as if the dry skin was torn apart due to the movement.

Heavy footsteps sounded from the shadow on one side, and the third seat stepped out of the shadow, with a tall body standing behind the King of Shadows.

Morrison stood up and led the way. After advancing through layers of spiral corridors, they saw the so-called cargo in a ruin hall.

Many shield guards gathered here, vigilantly dismantling the goods from the Gray Trade Chamber of Commerce. They all knew how deadly these goods were, and even the sublimationists responded wholeheartedly, not daring to make the slightest mistake.

Bottles of heavy gas tanks were brought down, and they were piled up in a large piece.

"According to those merchants, this is all the plague of decay that they can mobilize in their inventory," Morrison explained, "Since the treaty, the Brothers of Truth will no longer produce these things, even this group of merchants Can't get too much."

Morrison added, "But these are enough. According to the magnitude, once these decaying plagues are released, they are enough to destroy the entire city of oath, Opus, and turn this place into a dead place."

"But this premise is that the Bureau of Order sits idly by."

A hoarse voice sounded from under the mask of the King of Shadows, "They are very experienced in dealing with extraordinary disasters. With the intervention of the Bureau of Order, it is not easy for these decaying epidemics to make several blocks fall, let alone destroy this thing. It’s not an easy task to launch.”

Morrison explained, "Delivery is not a problem. The Gray Trade Chamber of Commerce has already calculated the time point for the next fog surge. If necessary, they are willing to help us induce the fog tide to rise in advance."

The silent third seat said, "Are you referring to the gray tide haze?"

"Yes." Morrison confirmed.

The gray tide smog is a natural phenomenon unique to the Great Rift. A large amount of fog accumulates in the Great Rift. After a long period of brewing, they will gradually overflow. Under the drag of the air current, they will burst out deadly from time to time. The big smog, poisonous mist will gushes out from the depths of the big fissure, eroding the entire wandering fork.

This is still not the end, the poisonous mist will overflow the large rift and spread to the surrounding area, so in the buildings around the large rift, many devices to isolate the air flow are installed to prevent the poisonous smog from harming the human body.

Morrison excitedly said, "We can cause an unprecedented smog, mixed with a decay epidemic."

"Our purpose is not to massacre," the third seat said, "but to restrain the Bureau of Order and the King's Secret Sword."

"They can't sit idly by such an extraordinary disaster, which gives us a chance to act, and even a bargaining chip to negotiate with them." The third seat went on to state their real purpose.

"Take back Xilin's body."

The third seat and Morrison fantasized about their future actions, as well as the various crises and possibilities they will encounter.

The Shadow King stared at the carrying gas tanks without saying a word. He kept some things in his heart and didn't tell anyone, even the third seat who was always protecting him.

He will get Xilin's body, Shadow King is sure of this.

Just like destiny, a script that has already been written, a chapter that cannot be changed.

In the astronaut's writing, nothing can twist his will and lead the story astray.

(End of this chapter)

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