Endless Debt.

Chapter 715 Anxiety and Jealousy

"Is this the Fog Abyss Fortress?" Church raised his head, "A fortress embedded in the ground and fully integrated with the Great Rift."

"Are these people fortifying these forts?"

Kemp raised a question, but it was a pity that no one here could answer this question. Although everyone was a well-informed and professional field worker, no one majored in civil engineering in college, so I really couldn't understand it.

"Compared to these, we have confirmed the existence of the Fog Abyss Fortress, what next? Escort Church in and investigate the intelligence?"

Looking at the heavily fortified fortress, Palmer lamented the existence of this huge creation. It was like a sore buried in the ground. Under the protection of the tyrant, it had been hidden for such a long time. Then his eyes locked on on the vigilant Wordless Ones.

"Should we get rid of those sentinels first?" Palmer pulled out the storm feather, "I can get rid of them."

Relying on the storm feather's ultra-long-distance strike and his own ether cover, Palmer can completely hide the storm feather in the thick fog, and silently deal with these speechless people.

"No, you must not do anything to the Wordless."

Burrog vetoed the proposal, and then told the others what he knew of the Wordless Ones.

"Their senses are shared with each other. One of the speechless people has noticed the abnormality, and all the remaining speechless people will be aware of the abnormality."

Bologo continued, "The most important thing is that once there are too many casualties, the ranks of the Wordless will rise..."

Others didn't understand what Bologo said, and after a pause, Bologo sorted out his words and explained.

"They seem to share the same source of power. The more the number, the less the power will be shared. On the contrary, once the wordless people die on a large scale, or even when there is only one person left, his rank will easily reach the guard. Fortresses, and even the ranks of those who touch the glory."

Palmer remembered that during the first negotiation, Burlogo entered the building alone. After the battle, he fell into a coma.

"Is that what happened to you then?" he asked.

Burrogo affirmed, "Yes, when I got to the last man, the aether strength of the Wordless climbed up to the defender."


The breathing of a few people stagnates. In the extraordinary world, sublimation people and believers occupy the vast majority of the base, and those who lose power are the backbone standing on top of the base. Ceiling-level combat power.

Burrog confronted a defender.

Soon, the others realized one thing. They were also present at the first negotiation, but only Burlogo walked out of the closed building, and the defender-level wordless man was not among them. .

Is he dead?Killed by Burrog?

Kemp also noticed this. He wanted to ask what happened in the closed building of Bologo. Could it be that Bologo killed a defender with the power of a prayer believer?
Burlogo interrupted Kemp's thoughts. He said, "This operation is more complicated than we expected. We have to sneak in another way."

"Can you control a road?" Hart suggested, "Just like those miners, dig a road out of the rock to reach the inside of the Fog Abyss Fortress."

Kemp rejected Hart's proposal, "Even if it is covered by the ether, there is still a possibility of being discovered, not to mention, the Fog Abyss Fortress must be shrouded in a virtual domain, once the warning of the virtual domain is triggered, we will also be besieged .”

After a moment of silence, Burlogo said, "No... I can try."

He seemed confident, "I might be able to carve a way."

Several people who were discussing stopped, Kemp's voice was unbelievable, "Are you sure?"

Bologo said, "I'm sure, as long as the Void Realm in the Mistpit Fortress is not as complicated as the reclamation room."

"The reclamation room?"

Palmer's voice was a little higher, and he could always notice things that ordinary people couldn't.

He lowered his voice, "What did you kid do to the reclamation room?"

"You wouldn't want to know."

Burrog shook his head. If Kenshi had consciousness and memory, it must have bored itself.

Relying on his secret ability to control the school, Bologo is fully capable of digging a secret passage to sneak in and escort Church in. As for the defense of the virtual domain?Bologo can infiltrate the defense, and even turn part of the imaginary domain into his own.

If Cylinder is a well-deserved overlord, relying on his power to make everyone bow down to him, then Bologo is a complete predator. Under the infinitely narrow tendency, all the precious things of the enemy will be robbed by him Walk.

Evacuate, find another way.

Everyone in the temporary action group is a believer except that Bologo is a power loser. Judging from the overall strength of the action group, they are already considered an elite team, let alone Bologo.

The blue and green light rose from the palm of Bologo, and he pressed his palm on the cold rock. After a short pause, the huge rock wall in front of him became torn apart, opening a path in front of Bologo. .

Boluogo stepped forward, the tunnel gradually deepened, and the excess rock that was opened up was transferred to the outside, becoming one sharp spike after another on the rock wall.

The control of the secret energy and ruling edict is very precise, except for a slight vibration, there is no noise. In addition, Bologo's own ether shielding, he silently opened up a tunnel tens of meters deep.

Hart, Kemp, and Shelley, the three from the sixth group, stood guard at the entrance to prevent anyone from discovering the abnormality here. Once they were flanked by front and back, they would be in a very passive position.

Burrogo and Palmer escorted Church, and continued to go deep into the rock mass.

"Your secret energy is really useful," Palmer's voice sounded in Bologo's mind. Since they entered the rock mass, they began to use the sentinel to communicate. He suggested, "Have you considered using it as a shield?" Jiji, can you help dig the subway?"

Bologo replied coldly, "According to the regulations, there must be a separation between the extraordinary and the mortal world."

Extraordinary power can not only be used in wars of mutual destruction, but if used properly, it will become a productive force that revolutionizes the world, but no one knows what kind of chaos such innovation will bring, let alone the unrest of the devil The presence.

For a long time, whether it is the Rhineland Alliance, the Kogadel Empire, or even all forces related to the extraordinary, everyone has silently observed the isolation between the extraordinary and the mortal world.

The mortal affairs are resolved by the mortal world, and the extraordinary affairs are destroyed by the extraordinary.

Boluoge has a sense of crisis in his heart. He knows that the regulations are meant to be torn up. No one knows how long this tacit understanding can last. Moreover, the extraordinary conflicts in recent years have blurred the boundaries between the two. With the rising concentration of ether, as expected, a dark age of incomparable chaos is close at hand.

Stopping this instinctive internal friction, Bologo focused on the matter in front of him. Excavating rocks with mortal power is an extremely troublesome task. As the excavation deepens, the composition of the rock mass is also changing, but this cannot hinder burrogo.

"Church, are you hiding something from us?"

Burrogo's voice sounded in Church's mind. Without the Heart Network, the whistle communicated one-on-one, and Palmer didn't know the secret conversation between the two.

Church said, "What do you mean?"

"I know your secret ability. You can change your face and body to sneak into the enemy's interior, but such power is too weak."

Boluogo continued, "As long as there are sufficiently exquisite alchemy weapons... no, even a certain makeup technique, you can do this."

"so what?"

"So, just judging from this kind of secret ability, your infiltration method is very low-level and the risk is very high, but you are so valued."

Bologo recalled the experience of Fengyuan Heights. Looking at it now, in these two incidents, it seems that Bologo has dominated the development of the entire incident, but in fact Church is the real protagonist. He executes the hidden The real command under the surface.

"Why? Church, why are you given such a heavy responsibility?"

Cyan eyes swept over Church's face, which was an unfamiliar face.

"Is it just because of the power of the Faceless Man?"

Church was expressionless, and the whistle brought a voice, "Sorry, I can't reveal too much."

"I don't want to disclose it because you are deceiving us?"

"Why do you feel that way?"

"It's just a simple deduction, it's just a change of face and appearance, which is not enough to take on such a heavy responsibility," Bologo said, "You must have other powers that are unknown, even Parr Mo also doesn't know the power, right?"

"Maybe," Church said calmly, "So...team leader, are you starting to question your team members?"

"No, I didn't question you, I was just curious."

Burrog's voice softened, and he continued, "Did I mention it to you? Church, I always thought you were a very weird person."

"It's weird."

"You're too mysterious to be real enough."

Burrog dug up the rock, and the excavated waste sank into the wall, and then precipitated on the surface of the rock mass, like sharp-edged crystals.

"No one knows your real appearance, and no one knows your past... We know too little about you, even because of the special nature of your intelligence personnel, I sometimes doubt that the name Church, Is it also a disguise?"

"No, the name Church is real."

"I needed something real," Church said.

"Have you been hiding under a disguise for so long that you're starting to be afraid of showing your true self?" Burrog continued, "Like Afia?"

Church said, "Leader, I don't think it's necessary to talk about these personal matters during working hours."

"Sorry, I just want to test you out. After all, I'm very curious about you and what's special about you."

"It doesn't make sense."


Church paused for a moment. In the pitch-black tunnel, there were only pairs of dim pupils revealing a glimmer of light. Under the cover of ether, the ether reaction of the three of them was compressed to the limit.

Church said, "Because you'll forget."

Burlogo keenly captured the key message in Church's words, "I guess it's not some kind of 'descriptive', but a fact, right?"



Bologo didn't continue to question Church. Since Church showed strong resistance, he didn't need to hold on to his privacy. Bologo was just curious and wanted to pass the time in this boring time.

The deadly push continued for a while, and Burrog stopped when he touched something.

Burrog said in a low voice, "Here we are."

The diffused ether was resisted by resistance. Burogo's first miner was very successful. He touched the area protected by Void Domain. penetration.

The slender light trail extends from Bologo's palm until Bologo's alchemy matrix extends and covers the imaginary domain of the Fog Abyss Fortress.

There is a huge difference between Bologo's control and conventional control. Others use ether to control matter, while Bologo expands the alchemy matrix and covers it on the matter that needs to be controlled. They become part of their own body and manipulate it.

The same is true for the secret power and ruling edict. When Bologo activates the secret power, his alchemy matrix expands invisible, enveloping Bologo's ether, like a mist, filling the entire area covered by the secret power Inside.

Burrog concentrated on infiltrating the void domain. As he thought, not all void domains are as powerful as the reclamation room. Although it was a bit difficult, Burlogo still skillfully carved out the A gap, and using this gap to expand, opened a passable door in the virtual defense line of the Fog Abyss Fortress.

"Okay, it's your turn to perform, Church."

Boluoge stepped aside, and under his control, a stone door slowly opened, and the deep and dark Fortress of Fog Abyss was close at hand.


At the entrance of the tunnel, the three of Hart stood guard here. Their breath was extremely low, as if they didn't exist anymore, and they were alert to the thick fog rolling around to avoid any accidents.

Hart was carrying the large shield, and Kemp kept pressing his hand on the handle of the knife. As for Shelley, she closed her eyes tightly, and her etheric perception spread around like a tide.

This place is located on the ground floor of the Wandering Fork Road, and there are abandoned and decayed buildings everywhere due to the fog. The fog is so thick that it can almost precipitate water droplets, and the range visible to the naked eye does not exceed five meters.

Under such circumstances, Shelley could only use his etheric perception to the best of his ability, monitoring the surrounding movements like a radar.

In the silence, Hart moved his neck, and his eyes swept over Kemp and Shelley from the corner of his eyes. All three were from the sixth group, and they were all in the rank of believers. But in comparison, Kemp and Shelley were considered to be The newcomer, Hart, who had been in the industry longer, was the leader of the three.

"From the moment you set out, you looked like something was wrong, what happened, Kemp."

In the long silence, Hart's voice suddenly sounded in Kemp's mind.

Kemp froze for a moment, then explained, "Nothing."

"Is there really nothing?" Hart asked again, "There is something wrong with the way you look at Bologo. Is there any conflict? Maybe I can help you mediate."

Hart doesn't like the current job, such as investigation work, he still likes the old job of the sixth group, suppressing riots on the frontal battlefield.

This operation does not require any conflicts, as long as Church is sent into the Fog Abyss Fortress. For this reason, Hart seems not so vigilant, which may be the calmness of the veterans.

"Don't lie, Bologo may not have noticed, but I saw it. Sometimes you look at him like you want to eat him."

Hart chatted with Kemp, the silence in the dense fog was a bit too unbearable, chatting with Kemp was good for relieving stress.

After Kemp was silent for a long time, he said slowly, "I'm a little jealous of him."

"Oh?" Hart asked, "jealous of what?"

Kemp worked hard to overcome his psychological barriers and expressed his emotions fully. In the sixth group, Hart was very popular. His furry appearance seemed fierce, but it was easy to let people down their vigilance after getting familiar with him. , More importantly, Hart is also very good at listening. When Kemp first joined the job, he was brought by Hart.

"I... I don't know if it's jealousy... I'm a very competitive person," Kemp said. "I can't help but compare myself to other people."

Kemp said vaguely, "Honorary merits, stuff like that . . . maybe."

"You take Burlogo for comparison?"

Hart was surprised to understand Kemp's troubles.

Kemp confessed flatly, "Yeah."

Hart shook his head, "Then you chose the wrong person."

"I've figured it out... Don't you ever compare yourself to him?" Kemp said. "We're field workers, don't you want to be better than him?"

"I thought about it, if I don't compare myself, it's impossible," Hart also confessed his thoughts, "It's just that, unlike you, I'm not so competitive. After the gap, I just gave up."

"Can you bear it?" Kemp asked, "the voice that keeps ringing in the bottom of my heart, urging you."

"I didn't have that voice in the back of my mind, and maybe I did, but it quickly went numb."

Hart paused, and persuaded, "Kemp, there's no need to compare anything, comparison will make many things boring."

"Even if you want to stand up to Burlog, there will always be someone who is stronger than Burrog. When it comes to the merits of the Bureau of Order, then I don't think anyone can compare to any director.

If this comparison is enlarged to the history of the whole world and mankind, from my point of view, no one can compare with King Solomon. "

Hart moved his gaze to Kemp's face. Kemp was wearing a mask, and Hart couldn't see his expression clearly.

"In this way, do you still want to continue the so-called comparison? Or do you fall into absolute despair when you realize that you can't catch up?"

Kemp fell silent. The reason why he compared Burlog was only because Burlog was the closest person to him. He also understood that if he surpassed Burlog, the next Burlog would appear. , bringing him anxiety and jealousy.

Hart spoke again, just as Kemp was burdened with thoughts.

"I think anxiety and jealousy are actually a good thing."

Kemp thought he heard it wrong, "What?"

"Anxiety and jealousy will become the driving force for you to move forward and climb the peak, not like me," Hart said without hesitation, "To be honest, I think it's not bad to be a believer until you retire. Now I’m so tired, if I’m promoted to a negative person in a few years, I might have to fight some kind of lunatic.”

"Of course, when anxiety and jealousy get out of hand, they can turn into wildfire and consume you."

Hart said, "I can't help you with this, you have to take control and use these negative emotions instead of letting them affect you back."

Kemp and Hart stared at each other for a long time. He thanked this senior for his help, and his distorted and deformed mentality was relieved to a certain extent, like a ball of tangled wool, closely connected The lines finally loosened a bit.

But before Kemp could enjoy too much in such tranquility, violent vibrations came from the rock mass behind him, followed by gusts of violent gusts gushing out of the tunnel, like monsters hissing and screaming.

"Prepare for battle!"

Hart trembled.

Kemp drew out the blade, and Shelley also released the ether perception. The vibration came from the Mist Abyss Fortress at the end of the tunnel, which was not within the range of Shelley's perception, and she did not know what happened.

Before a few people could act, round after round of ether shocks came from the tunnel. Just as Kemp was about to rush into the tunnel, Hart stopped him, and then the sky shook, and the tunnel collapsed one by one. , The thousand-ton weight crushed everything along the way.

Kemp stood at the entrance of the ruins and was afraid for a while. Without Hart's interception, he would have been buried in the ruins.

With a blank mind, Kemp looked at Hart. Now that they are too far away from Burlogo, it is difficult to contact the sentry, and the two groups of people have completely lost contact.


Hart patted Kemp on the shoulder, and they were not going to retreat, but ran directly towards the route just now, towards the Fog Abyss Fortress.

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