Endless Debt.

Chapter 718 Destruction Cycle

Chapter 718 Destruction Cycle
Burrog guessed that the third seat should be very surprised at this moment.

Relying on the secret power and ruling decree, Bologo's ether invaded the armor of the silver knight. As an alchemy puppet, it is only an alchemy weapon in essence. It may have the mutual exclusion of the ether of the defender's rank, but it does not The critical protection of soul gathering, and this gave Burrog the chance to cast a fatal blow.

As long as he breaks through the ether repulsion of the third seat, Bologo can further affect this alchemy puppet. After a brief confrontation, Bologo can't erode too much, but he can only chisel out a hole on the solid armor that can be hacked. For Burlogo, who is already in power, this is not a problem.

The bite drew a deadly trajectory, leaving a scar on the unshakable breastplate that could penetrate the armor. From the cracked gap, one could vaguely see the meshing gears and transmission machinery, as well as the surge , almost substantial ether.

Burrog broke the Silver Knight's near-perfect self-ether loop, and a large amount of aether overflowed from the broken wound like shining blood.

The familiar scene was staged again. When the time axis was out of order, Burogo relied on the gnawing of the immortal heart to collapse the cycle of the silver knight.

The Silver Knight's action hesitated for a moment, and soon it broke free from the shock. The third seat realized that the Borrog he was facing now was not the one when the time axis was out of sequence.

The open hand grasped a fist, and in the billowing dust and smoke, a section of icy chain was lifted suddenly, and the lance, which was deep in the rock, was pulled back to the silver knight under the pull of the chain. Only then did Bologo notice , There is actually a chain connection at the end of the lance, which can make it throw and swing like a meteor hammer.

While pulling back the weapon, the silver knight did not forget to slash at Burrog with his sword, but this time Burrog didn't dodge, but took the initiative to meet the blade.

Without a moment's hesitation, Bologo stretched out his hand actively, letting the long sword split his palm, and Bologo also grasped the sharp blade firmly.

This blade is also an alchemy weapon, but its ability is very ordinary, it is only hardened and sharpened, and it is far less powerful than the so-called secret sword.

The overall strength of the King's Shield Guards is strong, but they lack logistical subsidies. All the recent assistance comes from the support of the Gray Trade Chamber of Commerce. The powerful alchemy weapons like the sword that cuts iron and steel are what the King's Shield Guards have. Not many.

Relying on the gift, the Axis of Time Tracing, Bologo is fully capable of exchanging wounds for injuries like this. While blocking the blade with his flesh and blood, Bologo's secret power has taken effect, and the extremely aggressive ether begins to Break through the Silver Knight's Aether mutex to gain control of the Blade.

The Silver Knight also noticed the mutation of the blade. It could sense that its own power was being driven away, followed by the expansion of another extremely strange and threatening force.

The lance was quickly recovered, and at the same time that it fell into the hands of the silver knight, Bologo had already seized control of the blade, cracks and cracks covered the metal surface, accompanied by the sound of babbling, it seemed that thousands of years had passed in an instant. Over the years, the blade rapidly aged and corroded, and the cracks collapsed and shattered.

Bologo can't directly control the alchemy weapon, but he can destroy the internal alchemy matrix after controlling it, and then destroy the alchemy weapon.

In a blink of an eye, the blade collapsed, leaving only a bare hilt. The Silver Knight was a little dazed by such a huge change, and it had never encountered an enemy like Burrog.

No... The Silver Knight and the third seat have seen such a power, but he has never dared to be an enemy of such a power.

Seeing this scene, a spontaneous anger filled the chest of the third seat, and the tyrannical power was also transmitted to the silver knight's body, forcing the silver knight to swing his lance and launch a more violent attack towards Bologo. For a violent offensive.

It takes time for Bologo to control. Once he is hit by the lance, it may not wait for him to take control of the lance, and Bologo's flesh and blood will be foamed by the deadly lance.

Turning sideways, Bologo escaped the fatal stab, the ether raged and expanded, and the ground they stepped on wriggled violently, and the solid rock shattered into fine sand, like quicksand, quickly engulfing the silver knight That heavy body soon sank most of its body into the ground.

The snake scales expanded and stretched, and snakes climbed onto the silver knight's body. They couldn't bite through the silver knight's defenses, but they could restrict its movements.

The extremely fluid liquid metal permeated the Silver Knight's armor as much as possible, drilled into the gaps in the joints, and then solidified, like iron filings stuck in gears, hindering the Silver Knight's actions.

No matter how much the Silver Knight has the power of a defender, it is still a dominator in essence, and does not possess the so-called etherification.

Burrog injected high-pitched ether into the grudge bite, and under the precise control of the ether, Burrog fantasized about the shape of the blade and began to build it.

A blazing, pure ether glow covered the Grudge Bite, like another pure white sword overlapping with the Grudge Bite, the light and shadow intertwined together.

Ether sword.

After being promoted to the Negative Authority, Bologo wanted to try this ether extreme skill for a long time, but he didn't train for a long time. No matter how deep his affinity for ether was, no matter how precise the operation was, he could barely Imitation only.

Now the ether sword used by Bologo is not complete and substantive, but needs to be extended through the medium of resentment bite. This sounds a bit redundant, but the overlapping ether swords will undoubtedly further increase the resentment bite. lethal.

"It's just negative people!"

A deep and hoarse voice sounded from under the silver knight's armor. It swung its lance with all its strength and smashed at Bolog, but Bolog was faster than it.

The dominator controlled by the dominator has attenuation and delay in transmission after all, and under the extreme aether boost, Bologo's speed is as fast as lightning, not to mention, there are countless snakes on the body of the silver knight It is biting its body and restricting its movement.

Spikes rose from the ground one after another, once again hindering the Silver Knight's swing, and all this was just to buy a few seconds, so that Bologo's attack could be completed one step ahead of it.

Burlogo did it.

"Revenge from the chaos of the time axis!"

Bologo yelled angrily, the grievance mixed with darkness and blazing white showed a strange gray, the slender lines overlapped with the silver knight's armor, and then the dazzling etheric glow suddenly appeared.

The two strands of ether confronted each other, and the mutual repulsion of the ethers reached its peak. Immediately, Bologo's power showed an overwhelming advantage. Every strand of his ether was extremely aggressive, like a crazy predator. Overcome the mutual exclusion of ether, and penetrated deep into the defense line.

Disintegrate, rout.

The Grudge unstoppably split the ether flow, and also split the ether mutual repulsion, along with the heavy armor.

The infinite and sharp power was manifested at this moment. Bologo accurately pierced through the ether repulsion of the alchemy puppet, and with his brutal and tyrannical bite, tore off a large piece of metal on the silver knight's chest.

The entire chest of the Silver Knight seems to have been pierced by Bologo. The complex internal mechanical structure is undoubtedly exposed. The liquefied ether is like leaked engine oil and blood. inside.

Bologo was not complacent because he severely injured the Silver Knight. In the final analysis, what he was fighting against was just a dominator, and the advantage he occupied was also the result of the joint construction of secret energy, resentment bite, and infinite narrowness.

Similarly, Bologo doesn't feel that he will be much worse than the third seat. The age of the third seat's growth is far ahead of him. Judging from it, he is undoubtedly an old guy.

"Come again!"

Burrog provoked the Silver Knight. During the short time of the battle, Burrog also thought about many things. For example, Church might not have been captured, and he was still on the mission.

For some unknown reason, the king's shield guards discovered Bolog's invasion, so they acted accordingly. Bolog will hold everyone's attention here until Church completes the task, and then find a way to kill one. Blood way out.Burrog is too good at this kind of thing.

"Okay, just do it."

Bologo was talking to himself in his heart, and then the ether surged up, and the secret energy quickly expanded to the limit, and countless traces of light casting could be vaguely seen, spreading to every inch of the surrounding land. .

"I order you..."

Burrog took a few steps back, opening the distance between him and the Silver Knight, and the aether's light condensed into pure white in his eyes.


The monarch issued an edict, and after a little delay, the surrounding area trembled violently. Countless cracks spread throughout every part of the building. Under the invasion of Bologo, the Void Territory covering the Fog Abyss Fortress issued a painful cry. Sorrowing, it is difficult to maintain its own integrity, allowing the tyrant to destroy.

The rock mass above the head was completely shattered, large blocks of bricks fell from the sky, and then smashed down one sculpture after another, as if an earthquake was sweeping here, trying to drag everything into destruction.

In the collapse of the doomsday, Bologo raised his hand high, and the aether's light condensed on his body, which was so dazzling, like the only lighthouse under the stormy night.

In the prelude to destruction, Burrog sighed.

Like a knot of fate.

69 years ago, Burlogo had set foot on the ruins of this fortress, and 69 years later, Burlogo would once again push it to the brink of destruction.

It's long overdue.

(End of this chapter)

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