Endless Debt.

Chapter 720 The Dead End of Fate

Chapter 720 The Dead End of Fate
The field of vision went dark, but Bologo's appearance was forever frozen in the eyes of the third seat, like the projection of a demon in the world, and the third seat only had endless anger and hatred for that face.

"Thief, robber, fraudster..."

The third seat rarely lost control of his emotions, and called Bologo with various vicious words.

After being furious, the third seat quickly calmed down, his breathing seemed a bit heavy and rough, the third seat stood up from the darkness, the dim scene became brighter, the glass round bottom came into his eyes, and the shadow king appeared within the field of vision of the third seat.

"I've found the infiltrators," said the third seat. "It's Borogo Lazarus, and he's been promoted to Negative."

When it comes to the negative person, the third seat feels a little panic. The last time he fought against Bologo, he was just a sublimation person, and now he is already a negative person. This terrifying growth rate makes him feel a little bit disturbed.

"This is a good opportunity," the third seat suggested, "Use the Mist Abyss Fortress as a cage to imprison and kill Bologo."

After saying these words, the third seat felt his blood boil, and there was unbearable excitement in his tone.

"Yes, that's it. As long as he is under control, no matter what the devil wants to do, he can't do it, and we can use Burogo as a bargaining chip to play against him."

The third seat looked at the silent Shadow King with fiery eyes, and continued, "Even...even using his body."

These words caught the Shadow King's attention. He raised his head slightly, but there was still darkness under the mask, making it hard to see where his gaze was.

His cold eyes swept over the third seat's body, and the third seat's mood dropped a few degrees, and he said calmly, "We can't let go of this opportunity."

After a long silence, the Shadow King let out a helpless sigh.

"Do you think human beings can resist fate?"

The Shadow King asked a question that had nothing to do with the conversation.

The third seat said loudly without the slightest hesitation, "Yes, we can do it!"

The Shadow King nodded and did not deny the words of the third seat. He continued to express his thoughts, "I used to think so too. After all, I have experienced so many hardships and overcome them... I am only one step away from victory gone."

"We can go on and on, and we're almost there," said the third seat, "returning to the mortal world."

Seeing the excited look on the third seat, the Shadow King's hoarse laughter was a bit bitter, "Then I wondered, could my resistance be part of fate? Part of the conspiracy?"

The third seat put away his emotions and quietly listened to the King of Shadow's words.

"Yeah, does the rebellion against fate itself also come from another, bigger and more magnificent fate?"

The third seat didn't know how to answer.

"That devil, Leviathan, that's how he feels to me."

The Shadow King explained his inner thoughts to the third seat. Regarding Leviathan, the Shadow King had a lot of suspicions a long time ago, but he has always been a taciturn person. This is one of the few moments when he confides to others.

"Sometimes I feel like everything in this world is just a movie."


As far as the third seat is concerned, he has only heard about the film, and it is difficult for this new thing to arouse the interest of the third seat. All his energy is devoted to the management of the servant Wang Dunwei.

"This world is a movie, and everyone is a character in the movie. Our fate is already doomed before the filming starts. No one can change his own destiny...Maybe someone, like me, can perceive When we are just characters in a movie, we want to change our story, from a supporting role to a leading role, and we will work hard for it until...

Until he was noticed by the devil. "

The Shadow King sighed in amazement, it is not easy to realize such a fact, and it is difficult to return to peace of mind when thinking of such a fact.

"The devil is like the director of this movie. In order for the movie to show the final result he wants, he will not allow anyone to interfere with the shooting."

The Shadow King gave an example, "For example, if he needs me to get Xilin's body back, then I will definitely be able to get it. No matter what twists and turns happen in the middle, just like the bondage of fate, the body will always return to my hands... …That's it."

The third seat fell into silence. He began to understand why the Shadow King was so confident in retrieving Xilin's body, because it was Leviathan's will, so the Shadow King would definitely succeed, no matter what.

Similarly, as Leviathan's chosen one, Bologo would not fall here no matter what, even if the Shadow King himself made a move, he would not be able to keep him.

After all, there is no such plot in the script of the movie.

The third seat muttered, "This sounds terrible..."

The Shadow King whispered, "Everything is just a grand movement. Unfortunately, I don't know whether this will be the end of the movement."

Just when the third seat felt that the Shadow King was about to give up on the pursuit of Burrogo, the Shadow King changed his voice.

"The Wordless One is already on his way to Burrog."


The third seat was stunned for a moment. The Shadow King's words just now were full of surrender to fate, but he made the opposite move again.

To this, the Shadow King just replied very plainly, "I know my fate, but I still can't accept it to this day."

"What's more, I guess Burlogo thinks so too."

The King of Shadows didn't say these words, but murmured in his heart. He lowered his head, only to see a faint black umbilical cord appearing in his abdomen more than once, and it continued to extend, deep into the deep darkness.

The Shadow King could guess what the other end of the umbilical cord would be, and he was vaguely looking forward to that scene.


The high-pitched ether surge and the roaring shock interrupted Church's actions. He hid in the shadows until the distant ether reaction gradually subsided, and then he slowly walked out of the shadows and placed himself in the empty corridor.

There was an accident.

Church looked towards the direction where the etheric fluctuations were attacking, and there was a bit of worry in his eyes, and the sneaking operation finally turned into an encounter.

He didn't hesitate for too long. Church believed in Burlog's personal ability. As the most powerful power bearer among them, Burrog would not disappoint.

Church should focus on the work at hand and complete his infiltration operation.

Taking a deep breath, awakening the power hidden in his body, Church's clothes began to change, turning into pure pitch black, almost blending with the darkness, and his face was also slowly distorted until it changed into another look.

Out of the corner of his sight, he swept across the corner of the shadow, and there was a dead body that had already cooled down. Its face was scratched by a knife, making it difficult to distinguish his original appearance.

"Sorry, let me borrow your identity."

Church whispered to the corpse, stepping out of the darkness, a faint light rose in his pupils, and then Church's sense of existence decreased rapidly, as if he was completely integrated with the surrounding environment.

Walking into the dark corridor, there was a sound of chaotic footsteps at the end of the corridor. Church leaned against the wall of the corridor, and then he saw the enemy running from the corridor.

It was a group of ordinary people, who seemed to be mercenaries contracted by the Gray Trade Chamber of Commerce, carrying a large number of alchemy weapons, Church held his breath, and these mercenaries passed him by as if they hadn't seen him.

There was a mercenary who seemed to have noticed something strange, he stopped, turned his head to look at the corridor, he saw nothing, just a blur of darkness, the only thing worth noting was that somewhere in the corridor, there was a Zhang's old paintings, in his impression, there are no paintings here at all.

The mercenary didn't doubt it for too long, he just thought that he was too nervous and caused an abnormality, so he turned his head and continued to run, keeping up with the team.

A few seconds later, the "painting" in his eyes began to move, and Church walked quickly towards the other end of the corridor.

One of Church's eyes is dim, and the other eye is shimmering, releasing strange power, completely sheltering Church's existence.

The strange secret energy not only rapidly reduces Church's sense of existence, but also distorts others' perception of Church, actively ignoring Church's existence, and treating him as another common object that blends into the environment.

Even though they are in the same world, they cannot be touched, as if they are separated in two parallel time and space, and this is Church's real secret power.

Become a ghost, become a ghost, and become an unknown bystander.

Church strode into the dark depths.

(End of this chapter)

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