Endless Debt.

Chapter 727 Scarlet Armor

Chapter 727 Scarlet Armor
Life is so wonderful, in an inadvertent moment, two fates are intertwined, at this terrible moment, in this bloody out-of-control area.

The Shadow King tried his best to straighten his back, his deep eyes extended from under the mask, and he looked at Bologo. Both of them fell into a strange calm, as if they were enduring an unknown shock.

Palmer didn't quite know who the mysterious person at the end of the corridor was, but judging from Burrog's reaction, he was definitely not a simple person. He had stored aether and was ready to swing the invisible blade at any time.

In the midst of high tension, Palmer found some stains in his vision.

He blinked, and not only did the stain not disappear, but it became clearer. It was not an illusion, but some kind of weird thing that constantly materialized and actually appeared in the material world.

Palmer's pupils shrank slightly, as if he saw something terrible.

umbilical cord.

A pitch-black umbilical cord covered with sticky tar fully materialized, growing from Burrog's abdomen and extending under the Shadow King's black robe.

A cold breeze blew up in the narrow corridor, and the umbilical cord swayed slightly. Hot tar dripped in the pool of blood, and there was a sharp whistling sound, as if strong acid was corroding the ground.

Burrog opened his mouth, and there was a suppressed and eerie sound in his throat, as if he was telling a vicious curse.

"Shadow King..."

The moment he saw the other party, Bologo instinctively guessed the other party's identity, and he was sure that he guessed correctly.

"Second seat!"

Bologo then shouted angrily. Facing the mysterious Shadow King, Bologo didn't have the slightest fear, and he wasn't prepared to back down. He decisively raised his grudge, and his chest was filled with furious ether.

Just when Palmer thought Borrog was crazy, an extremely rational voice sounded in his head.

"Leave me alone, find a way to escape, Palmer!"

Relying on the connection of the whistle, Burlogo's voice clearly entered Palmer's mind.

"You...you are really crazy!"

Palmer responded, he guessed what Burlogo was going to do almost at the same moment, which was crazy, but calm down and think about it, this is indeed something Burlogo can do.

"Honestly, I hate rules and I'm sick of red tape."

Bolog's own ether reached its peak, like a flash of thunder, a raging beast.

"Whether it is the infiltration operation or everything we have done before, it is to reduce the threat of the King's Shield Guard. Now that the Shadow King has appeared, killing him will also end the dispute."

It may sound like absurd fallacies, but to someone who knows Burlogo well enough, it's very much in the style of an expert.

Reject the detours and go straight to the decapitation.

Before the words were finished, Bologo shot out like an arrow from the string, the ground he stepped on instantly shattered, billowing smoke and dust enveloped Palmer.

"It's really a simple and efficient choice...then what do you do!" Palmer didn't leave, "Do you still want to find a way to take you back?"

Palmer knew what Bologo was thinking, and he was going to try to forcibly assassinate the Shadow King with the power of the power-holder.

Before the start of the bloody battle with the Wordless, Palmer might have doubted Burrow's ability, but after seeing the terrifying corrosive power of the secret power, the Edict of Dominion, and the strange absorption, Palmer had doubts about Burrow's ability. Ge some only absolute trust.

Of these two forces, one is the armor-piercing blade capable of tearing apart the soul of the moment, and the other is like a hook that plunders the soul. Coupled with Bologo's immortal body, he can truly support war with battle , for blood circulation.

Is there anything more frightening than a violent madman approaching a perpetual motion machine?
"I have an evacuation plan ready."

Burrog's voice was extremely firm, and upon hearing such an answer, Palmer only felt a little black humor.

What evacuation plan?You really deserve to be an expert, you can even speak so nicely about escaping.

"I'll go find Church, and you can figure out the rest yourself."

Palmer believed in Burlogo, his partner, and the leader of this temporary operation team.

There is nothing to question.

The exchange between the two happened in a brief moment, and the tyrannical power was fleeting. By the time Palmer disappeared into the billowing smoke, Burrog had already crossed the pool of blood.

When Burrog swung his sword at the Shadow King, not only the blade and the aether obeyed his command, but everything within his domain.

Amidst the violent screams, the corridor completely collapsed, as if gravity was reversed, all the rocks were thrown towards the Shadow King, and the scarlet blood was cast into blood spears, like crazily growing bamboo shoots, spreading to the Shadow King's feet in clusters , The Sinister Scale Liquid made a comeback, turning into a group of roaring snakes and passing through, bringing up thousands of silver lights.

Under Burrog's order, all matter launched a desperate charge towards the Shadow King, stretched and twisted into a vortex-like arc.

Bite infinitely reached the Shadow King, but when he was about to behead his head, several ethers reacted around Bologo, and then the roaring ether tore apart the charging wave controlled by Bologo.

First of all, there is the Silent Man, who is the closest to the Shadow King, relying on the etheric sword to swing the torrent of energy, cutting off Bologo's offensive, and the other is the silver knight in bright armor who broke through the rocks.

Another silver knight.

Just when Burlogo was curious about how much the third seat had in stock, after breaking the barrier, more silver knights entered the battlefield, which was beyond Burlogo's expectations. Plural alchemy puppets, so why did he do this before?Are you deliberately paralyzing yourself?
This was Bologo's mistake, but it was still within the allowable range. No one could predict all the variables in the battlefield, even Bologo couldn't do it.

The defender's aether impact was oncoming, and Bologo clenched the hilt of the sword with one hand, then raised the other hand, trying to block the thousands of horses with his thin palm.

Protecting and sucking the soul.

For sublimation practitioners who are lower than Bologo, Bologo's secret power and protection can easily smash the moment soul threshold, and then dominate the opponent's blood ether, causing it to self-destroy.

These Sublimers are at the same level as Bologo, and higher than Bologo. Bologo's secret power and protection have little effect when they are operated alone, but once the two are combined and cooperate with each other, they can play a big role. Produce unimaginable miraculous effects.

The secret energy and governing edict try to break through the mutual exclusion of the ethers. At the same time as the breakthrough, the protection and the soul-sucking usurper are gnawing at the ethers, usurping them, and carrying out this cycle of aggression.

As long as Burlogo is proficient enough, even the defenders will be affected to a certain extent.

Like now!

The deadly ether impact hit Bologo completely, and the iron armor covering the body surface made of snake scale fluid instantly shattered, the iron slag cut Bologo's body, and the ether tore away layers of skin.

A large amount of blood was raised, but before it hit the ground, they were unanimously controlled by Bologo. The blood did not flow back into the body, but evenly covered the body surface, forming a layer Scarlet armor.

As long as a wound is exposed, the outflowing blood will condense into armor in an instant. While defending, it will also stop the bleeding of Burrog's wound and reduce the pressure on the undead body.

For sublimation practitioners, the ether is conceived and raised in the body, and the blood that they have been in contact with for a long time will be a perfect ether conductor. Controlling these blood is like controlling themselves and directing their limbs.

Resentful Bite violently split the obstructing aether flow, the blade dropped completely, and it took a few moments to raise the sword to attack again, and in this fatal assassination, a few moments were long enough.

For this, Burrog held a bloody sharp blade.

The broken ether was usurped by Boluoge. With the double cooperation of secret energy and protection, Bologo was able to defuse the opponent's ether attack to a certain extent and convert it into his own ether.

The crazier the battle, the stronger Bologo is, relying on his immortal body to continue the eternal jihad.


Burrog shouted, and the blood blade slashed at high speed, drawing a slender line of blood.

The Shadow King's body trembled slightly, the silver mask split in two, the blood blade broke, and the scattered blood entangled in mid-air, turning into a slender blood spear.

As the ruler of the School of Control, all the matter in the field of Bologo is at his mercy. As for wielding the sword...he just likes the pleasure of wielding it.

The blood spear twisted and pierced the Shadow King's body precisely. The powerful momentum made him back again and again until the end of the spear head sank into the wall.

The furious aether impact completely covered Burogo, and the power of the defenders intertwined together, completely turning this place into ruins in an instant.

Amidst the roaring sound of the collapse, the ground was pierced layer by layer until billowing smoke and dust fell back into the stone hall.

Tens of seconds later, Bologo stood up from the ruins staggeringly, the blood flowed back into his body, and the wound healed. , Borrog died once more.

It's ok, it's worth it.

Burrog looked forward, and another figure appeared in the smog. A scarlet spear pierced his chest, and silver snakes crawled all over his body, and the delicate snake scales were reddish.

The Shadow King slowly raised his head, his terrifying appearance was covered by a layer of haze, he raised his hand, and broke the blood spear on his chest.

The power that belongs to glory far beyond the defenders manifested in him.

The undeniable rising power rose from the ground, whether it was the blood spear or the silver snake, they were all easily crushed and repelled under the pressure of the soaring ether of the Shadow King.

Like the incarnation of the storm, he swept away the obstacles in an instant. The strong Saofeng firmly held down Bologo's head, trying to make him kneel down. face.

The true appearance of the Shadow King surprised Borrog. He was too old and decayed, like a corpse that had rotted for an unknown number of years, as if a little external force could kill him.

But in this body full of death, there is a trace of vitality that cannot be cut off. Even if Bologo's blood spear pierces his chest, it still can't hurt him at all.

Suddenly, Bologo had a subtle illusion, and he realized why he couldn't hurt the Shadow King.

It's not just a difference in rank, but... it's that you can't hurt a dead person.

The Shadow King is just a living corpse.

It might sound weird, but Burlog knew instinctively that such a possibility was real.

The power of the Glory was fleeting, the furious ether calmed down, and the entire battlefield fell silent, like an illusion. After offsetting Burogo's offensive, the Shadow King did not continue to attack, but instead used his deep and dark pupils to attack. Watching Burrog.

Burrog held his breath, he could feel the sights from all around, the silent one, the third seat... He was not only facing the shadow king, the mysterious glorious man, but also had two defenders guarding the side.

Sure enough, he was right to let Palmer leave first. If he stays here, he will only be torn to pieces by the violent force, and he can use his immortal body to look for opportunities.

"Do you want to continue?"

A hoarse voice sounded from the front, and the Shadow King seemed to be unable to hold on anymore, his upright body slightly bent down, and his face was once again covered by shadows.

The withered palm held up a sword blade. The sword was completely wrapped in a jet-black scabbard, as if it hadn't shown its edge for many years, and the metal surface was faintly rusted.This is more of a crutch than a weapon.

Bologo took a deep breath. He sensed the subtlety of the situation. Both the Wordless and the third seat stopped their offensive, surrounded him and stood by his side, monitoring his movements.

He was sure that if he moved slightly, the etheric sword would slash on him mercilessly.

Burrogo wondered, "What is this? Negotiation?"

The ground began to squirm, the Wordless and the third seat became tense, and the ether surged, making a sound like electricity, but this time there was no attack, and Bologo leaned back, and the stone throne rose from the ground, Steadily caught Burlogo.

Stretching his exhausted body in the seat, Bologo casually put his grudge aside and looked at the Shadow King expressionlessly.

After simple contact, Bologo noticed the state of the Shadow King. He was similar to Lebius, with a soul scar on his body, but the difference was that the shadow king's soul scar was much more serious than Lebius. From his It can be seen from the withered appearance that these cascading injuries are almost exhausting a glorious person.

Therefore, although the power of the Shadow King Glory is terrifying, it can only last for a short moment. The broken alchemy matrix cannot support him to continue fighting. With Burrog's ability, he really has a chance to assassinate the Shadow King.

The Shadow King said slowly, "Negotiation? No, we have nothing to negotiate."

Burrog raised his hand, and the ground behind the Shadow King began to squirm, and another throne rose from the ground. The Shadow King didn't hesitate, he didn't even look back, and sat down defenselessly.

The two are like two kings facing each other on a chessboard, separated at the two ends of the stone hall, with bloody corpses lying between each other.

"You... the second seat," Bologo thought, "if you don't plan to negotiate, then what do you want to do, you don't want to talk to me, do you?"

Bologo made a mess of the Mistfall Fortress, and he didn't think the Shadow King would let him go so easily.

"I just want to see you with my own eyes, Borogo Lazarus," the Shadow King's voice was very soft and without any emotion, "I've been looking forward to this day for a long time."

"That sounds really scary."

Burrog felt that there should be nothing involved between himself and the Shadow King.

Just when Bologo had this idea, there was a piercing corrosion sound, and the dark umbilical cord was completely condensed into a solid body at this moment. It connected Bologo and the Shadow King, like intestines dripping from the belly , drooping in the pile of corpses in the middle.

"What the hell is this?" asked Burlogo.

"The entanglement of fate."

"You and me? This is the first time we've met."

"But before you and I met, we were already entangled...by means of the devil."

The Shadow King paused for a moment, he knew very well that the devil was terrible, and he could not change the script that was doomed, but the Shadow King couldn't convince himself, so he just gave up resisting and let the devil play with him.

He wants revenge on the devil... in the way the devil does best.

The Shadow King said directly, "Don't trust Leviathan's words."

Burrog froze.

This was the first operation of the temporary operation group. In the eyes of others, it was just a simple infiltration operation, but when Burlogo executed it, what did it all look like.

First came the sudden attack of the Silver Knight, and then the separation between the team members. Burrog fought bloody battles with the Wordless until he came face to face with the Shadow King.

Bologo had already made all kinds of psychological preparations, but no matter what, he never expected that the Shadow King would say such things to himself.

The Shadow King knew about Leviathan, and even said that he knew that he was Leviathan's debtor... the chosen one.

At this time, he looked at the dark umbilical cord that was dripping with tar, the alchemy matrix of the Shadow King full of soul scars, the power of protection, soul-sucking and usurping... A terrible thought rose from Burogo's mind.

"It was you..." Borrog murmured, "You killed those demons...the other one."

"I need a soul to maintain my existence," Shadow King said unwillingly, "just like those demons."

"No, how is this possible?"

Burrog couldn't believe it, this was no coincidence at all, but an overlapping conspiracy.

"Do you need me to prove it to you?"

In the shadows, Bologo could feel the Shadow King's gaze, and the evil power slowly squirmed in the darkness, growing and sprouting silently.

Boluoge saw that countless faint blue light spots slowly rose from the corpse, they were like countless flying fireflies, and the glimmer of light gathered illuminated the darkness of the stone hall.

The Silent Man and the third seat were unmoved, as if they couldn't see the glimmer of light, this was a strange sight that belonged exclusively to Burrogo and the Shadow King.

The Shadow King reached out to catch a ray of light, and the light melted into his body, soothing the pain in his soul.

Burrog's face was livid, and he was very familiar with this scene. The Shadow King was taking the initiative to usurp the pure etheric power from these corpses, and this was the power of protection and soul-sucking.

Just as Burlogo suspected at the beginning, the astronaut never said that Burlogo belonged to him alone, and now Burlogo has met another person related to him, and this person is actually the Shadow King.

What exactly are astronauts going to do?
"Bologo, I will not kill you, nor will I imprison you," the Shadow King said in a hoarse voice, "I know I can't do it."

Burrog is the chosen one of the astronauts, the protagonist of this grand epic, any action that directly interferes with the script will be retaliated by Leviathan, and the King of Shadows still needs his power for the time being to help him take back Xilin's body .

The Shadow King will not directly interfere with Bologo, but will use the method that the devils are best at.

—give Burlogo a little.

"Bologo, Leviathan is not credible. Both you and me are just a part of his conspiracy, an insignificant pawn."

Shadow King shook his voice.

"I know he can't be trusted... so can you?"

Burrog remained calm. He had doubts about the astronauts early in the morning, and he seemed to reprimand the Shadow King, but Burrog knew that the Shadow King had succeeded. When the Shadow King showed the same protection as himself, Burrog Logo's vigilance against the astronauts has increased several times again.

"No one can be trusted."

Burrog said in a low voice, he found himself caught in a weird chain of suspicion, in this loop like a knot, Burrog could only trust himself.

"Bologo, haven't you ever been curious? Don't you feel that your life is coincidentally like someone operating in secret?"

The Shadow King's voice softened, "I have witnessed Xilin's growth with my own eyes."

The second seat said sharply, "I also witnessed with my own eyes that you took everything from him."

Coldness crept over Burrog's back, and the second seat laughed to himself.

"You can hide it from everyone, but you can't hide it from me. I have seen this kind of power."

Without any sign, as if he felt a crisis, Bologo almost instinctively aroused his own power, and the alchemy matrix spread and grew on the body surface, shining brightly.

Looking at the familiar ray of light, the second seat thoughtfully said.

"The power from Cylinder."

Across time and space, the second seat once again saw this beautiful glow...

From Burlogo's body.

(End of this chapter)

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