Endless Debt.

Chapter 730

In the dark corridor, the sound of hurried footsteps came from far to near. After interfering with the transfer of the Decaying Plague and having a brief confrontation with Morrison, Church's battle continued.

The passionate etheric reactions reverberated in the Fog Abyss Fortress. Church was familiar with those etheric reactions. It was the strength of Burrog and Palmer, who also fought the enemy. Judging from the battle, it was the main force of the enemy.

They shouldn't be engaging the enemy.

After such an idea came up, Church immediately realized why Bologo and the others did this. They were covering themselves and attracting the attention of the enemy.

As a professional field worker, it is not difficult to guess these things, but at the same time, layers of expectations and pressure are exerted on Church.

Burrogo and Palmer worked so hard, and with only the power of the two of them, they set off a crazy melee in the Fog Abyss Fortress. How could I live up to their efforts?
Thinking of this, Church ran fast. As he moved forward, his body shape and appearance also changed rapidly. Within a few steps, he completely became another person, and his sense of existence was also rapidly reduced, like a ball Blurred darkness.

Church could hear footsteps coming from the front. It was the soldiers leaving with the plague of decay. Church knew that he could no longer destroy all the plague of decay, but he still wanted to do his best to destroy as many as he could.

Every time he solves a pot of the plague of decay, he is saving some people who have never met before.

save others.

In this fragmented life, this is one of the rare things for Church that can satisfy him, and it is also the purpose of his career.

Church thought of a person Palmer and he had mentioned. That person always claimed to be a noble person, but in fact, he just wanted to use noble behavior to gain the approval of others to satisfy his twisted inner needs.

Noble people often worry about whether they are pure or not... Church thinks this is too stupid. He is a practical person who only talks about actions, regardless of thoughts. Thoughts are complicated and meaningless, and there will be countless thoughts in one thought Shengteng, but there are a few that are actually implemented.

In the quick rush, Church had already caught up with the end of the team. He saw several soldiers dragging the cart, but they didn't see Church, or even hear Church's footsteps.

Under the cognitive distortion of secret energy, they will regard Church as a swarm of flies, and the footsteps are just buzzing noises.

Like an earthquake, the violent shock covered the entire Fog Abyss Fortress. The soldiers stopped advancing and stabilized the cart to prevent the sealed gas tank from falling off.

In the darkness, a bright metallic luster illuminated their panicked faces.

Church's figure appeared briefly, and then twisted into a swarm of flying flies again. Where he passed, one after another fatal wounds burst from the soldier's throat. When the throat was cut open, the flesh and blood at the wound site It was also rapidly decomposing, and the blood turned a strange dark green.

After a short period of pain, the poison paralyzed the soldiers' nerves, and then their muscles, and the soldiers fell down one by one, some of them died of hemorrhage, some of them died of suffocation.

Church scratched his dagger with his cuff, and a dull green light flowed through the metal edge.

Vile Dagger.

Even Palmer didn't know that the dagger that Church carried with him was actually an alchemy weapon, but it was true, Church had rarely killed an enemy in front of Palmer's eyes, and he never needed to dye his hands. blood.

This dagger is made of special alchemy metal. After the alchemy matrix is ​​implanted, this metal seems to be activated and can secrete toxins by itself.

When killing the target, it will easily penetrate into the enemy's body. The strong corrosiveness will destroy the flesh and blood of the injured area. The strong paralyzing ability can paralyze the body, and even cause the target to lose the ability to breathe and suffocate to death.

It's just that this kind of toxin is still restricted by rank, and has limited influence on high-rank sublimation users, let alone Morrison, who already has etherification.

After attacking and killing the soldiers, Church continued to pursue them. After keeping a certain safe distance from the cart, he took out his pistol, turned around and shot the sealed gas tank on the cart.

The plague of decay slowly spread, and a few seconds later another explosion sounded, another sealed air tank was corroded and penetrated, and the plague of decay in it leaked out, and then more explosions sounded, one after another, high-pitched The concentrated plague of decay filled the corridor, turning this place into a dead zone.

The gas diffuses slowly towards the outside world. Without external force, they spread very slowly and cannot catch up with Church for the time being. However, the high-speed airflow generated during the detonation still passed over Church's body, and the thin plague of decay brushed against the ether. There was a crackling sound from the line of defense that was built.

Faint pain came from the surface of his body, and Church noticed that his clothes were rapidly rotting into dust, and his skin began to turn black. After all, a ray of decaying plague penetrated the ether, and killed him the moment it came into contact with the flesh. Big slices of life.

Church did not feel fear, but strengthened his belief even more.

Just as he was about to continue his pursuit, a terrifying etheric response came from behind the corridor filled with the plague of decay, and the radiance of the ether burst out in the darkness.

Church was stunned, he didn't understand how he was overtaken, but the fact was so close that he couldn't explain it, the manic ether set off a gust of wind, and the silent plague of decay was affected by the air flow, all roaring towards Church , like ghosts wielding knives and guns.

There is no escape.

The Sao Feng, which was full of the plague of decay, completely covered Church's body in an instant, and the glow of ether flickered on Church's body surface. A large amount of ether was quickly consumed by the plague of decay, like a lamp with a damaged circuit. The glow also began to dim and flicker, until the ether's defense line was eroded and completely pierced through.

Church watched helplessly as his sleeves turned into dust, and the skin on his entire arm began to turn black and fester, turning into filthy dust and dispersing, exposing scarlet flesh and blood.

In the hurricane of death, Morrison's figure gradually appeared. He was carrying wings made of light, and it was these wings that set off the whistling wind, blowing away the plague of decay, and seriously injured Church. .

The air current rushed into the depths of the corridor with the plague of decay, and Church struggled to survive, but the price was the rapid consumption of ether, and his body was covered in cuts and bruises.

Church gasped in pain, a few wisps of decaying disease poured into his mouth and nose, his nose and throat were filled with blood, the blood couldn't stop overflowing, and there was a knife-like sharp pain from his lungs and a series of drowning A sense of suffocation.

Without the protection of ether, Church is no different from ordinary people, and this is the pain they experience when facing the plague of decay.

Church tried to raise his head. He couldn't figure out how Morrison found him. Judging from his degree of cognitive distortion, he should have forgotten himself.

A little silver light reflected in Church's eyes, and at some point, a silvery-white, slender, weightless chain wrapped around Church's arm. It extended toward the end of the corridor and sank into Morrison's sword. among.

"Found you, damned thief."

Morrison's words were full of anger, he raised the secret sword flat, and the chain was wrapped around it.

Church swung the despicable dagger and tried to cut off the chain. The metal passed through the chain easily, as if he had hacked a illusory phantom.

Looking back along the chain all the way to the secret sword, Church realized that this was the ability of the secret sword, and because of the secret sword, his own secret power could not completely distort Morrison's cognition, making him aware of his own existence.

The light wings vibrated, and countless feathers shot towards Church like arrows. Church endured the severe pain and pulled up his strength, and ran towards the end of the corridor. The feathers grazed his body and cut open wounds , and some hit the body and were deeply nailed into it.

These feathers are all made of ether, they are weightless, light and deadly.

Morrison clenched the secret sword in his hand, and the illusory chains stirred. Those feathers that failed to hit Church reversed their direction one after another, like a thousand interlaced sword blades, vowing to chop Church into pieces.

Church can only speed up his own speed, but he is injured and his ether is gradually depleted, so he can't extract much power at all, and the feathers seem to be guided, no matter where Church flees to put down, they will accurately pursue Go up to him and cut his flesh.

The illusory chains firmly locked Church and the secret sword.

Morrison quickly followed Church. He couldn't detect Church's existence, but he could detect Church's position through the chain, and this was the power of this secret sword.

The sword of chasing locks.

After the blade sucks the blood of the enemy, it can forge a tracking chain. It can not only detect the enemy's position, but also play a guiding role, so that the offensive released by Morrison can be guided, and indirectly achieve the "must hit" effect. As a result, with the dense light feathers, few people can survive a round of Morrison's salvo.

Church is also aware of this at this moment, the feather blade of death is getting closer and closer, he doesn't think he has the ability to survive this round of attack, if nothing happens, he will die under this light feather.

He can't die yet!
The only way to escape from death is to cut off the tracking chain. Church doesn't think he has the ability to do this, but he can make the chain not find him.

Get out of this world completely.

Church's path rolled up the storm of glow, his own sense of existence rapidly decreased, and the visible form also rapidly thinned out. The hazy halo covered his field of vision, at the moment when the halo completely engulfed the world .

Mysterious ability to walk in a narrow space.

Church's existence began to withdraw, stepping into the gap between the world and the world, incarnating as an unknown ghost walker, completely dissipating and hiding traces.

He disappeared.

The chains fell and dissipated as if they had lost their target, and the raging storm of wings was randomly nailed to the wall, densely packed.

Morrison stood at the end of the corridor, his expression changed from anger to calm, and then his eyes were full of confusion. Morrison couldn't remember why he was here, and he didn't understand why he pulled out the secret sword .

He remembered that he seemed to be fighting someone, but Morrison had completely forgotten about that person and everything about the battle. He stood there like a sculpture until the spreading plague of decay touched him, bringing a faint When he was in pain, he could barely recall anything.

But that was just a fragmented fragment, and the walker in the narrow space had already fled here.

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