Endless Debt.

Chapter 734 Return to the Old Land

Chapter 734 Return to the Old Land
This is not the first time that Bologo has fallen into the abandoned land. Once he was familiar with the second time, he quickly thought of a way and contacted the fourth group, the abyss watchers stationed here.

The method is very simple.

The power belonging to those in power was fully released, and at the same time as the power erupted, the sleeping flesh and blood buried under the ashes, as if they had been disturbed, violently rose up one after another, and rolled towards Bologo.

Under the influence of the Quiet Line of Defense, the Abandoned Land was completely covered by the ether vacuum, and no trace of ether could exist here, thus greatly weakening the power of evil in this world and causing it to suffer from hunger.

The emergence of Bologo's power is like a fat fish that has fallen into a forbidden area. This world's misfortune is hungry to attack Bologo, and this large-scale burst of power has also attracted the attention of the outpost of the desperate situation.

The reason why it was so difficult for them to find Burrog last time was mainly because Burrog was too weak at that time and was still in a state of ether depletion. Now Burrog is different, and the power of those in power is as dazzling as a torch.

Not waiting for Bologo to fight with the evil, a galloping giant arrow shot out in the hazy darkness, and the arrow pierced through the flesh and blood of the evil in this world, and the scream of the monster could be vaguely heard, followed by It is the fiery foehn and the raging ashes. Countless sparks rise from behind the high walls of the ruined city, as if an active volcano was bred in it.

After the uproar, Bologo was already exhausted. Under the influence of the etheric vacuum, he was already approaching the exhaustion of ether. Fortunately, before he fell completely, he saw the figures walking out of the hazy ashes.

"It's him again, why is it endless?" A familiar yet unfamiliar voice complained, "What does he take us for? A supermarket? Come when you say it."

"Team leader, judging by his situation, he should have had no choice but to make such a bad move."

"I remember that he is not undead? Even if he encounters a strong enemy, he will not die anyway. There is no need to come to us, right?"

"Leader, you need to know that the undead will not die, but it does not mean that they will not be contained, just like the monster we are imprisoning now."

The voice fell silent, and after a while, he asked again, "Is he still alive?"

Burrog felt someone lift his eyelids, and a blinding white light filled his field of vision.

"Alive, with a certain degree of consciousness," the man continued, "He may be a little too tired, just rest for a while."

"Damn it, I'm going to complain to the decision-making room!"

After a short period of depression, the voice became excited, "I've had enough of this damn place, except for that monster, it's Ashes, Ashes, Ashes, how long are we going to guard?"

"Well... Team leader, I want to emphasize here that you were the one who applied for a free position."

"you shut up!"

In the hazy and disintegrated consciousness, Bologo heard the conversation between the two, the voice was very familiar, and Bologo seemed to have seen them somewhere, but he had no energy to recall.

Under the successive battles with the defenders, Burlogo survived the whole process relying on his own superior strength.

The secret energy from Cylinder, the gift of immortality, and the protection of jealousy, lacking one of the three, Bologo could not escape from the Mist Abyss Fortress so smoothly, but it was said to be smooth, but it was actually a disastrous failure.

This is a devil's conspiracy. Mammon is not only targeting herself, but also targeting the Shadow King and the King's Shield Guard.

No one knows what he is going to do, but what is known is that all the actions of the devils will eventually lead to the destruction of the existing order and drag the world into crazy and disorderly chaos.

Thinking of this, Bologo's consciousness fell into a coma.


When Bologo woke up again, he was surrounded by walls made of pitch-black rocks, and he could feel the flow of ether in a blur.

Convinced he was no longer in the Forsaken, Burrog said to himself, "Extremis Outpost?"

According to various inferences, if he has not left the Great Rift yet, but he is not under the cover of the quiet line of defense, then there is only one possibility.

Then another voice confirmed Burlogo's words.

"That's right, this is the Extremis Outpost," a gentlemanly guy wearing glasses appeared at the door, and he continued, "This is not the first time you have come here, but last time you were in a coma until you left among."

"you are?"

Evan introduced himself, "You can call me Evan."

"How long have I been in a coma?"

"About an hour," Evan glanced at his watch, "If you are a little later, you can wake up directly in the frontier nursing home."

"That is to say... I shouldn't wake up?" Burrog said, "I know that the level of secrecy here is very high, especially those things that are being held below?"

Even such an abominable evil in this world is only one part of the seal. What is truly frightening is the curse left by King Solomon, that group of never-ending light.

Even after so many years, the light is still burning, burning away the evil flesh and blood of this world every second, throwing tons of ashes, completely covering the ruins of the sacred city.

Like trying to hide something.

Burlogo asked, "Should I act like I don't know anything?"

"No, not at all," Evan said, "You have the right to know."


"You seem surprised, didn't the decision-making room notify you?" Evan signaled Burlog to follow him, "Your authority level has been raised, and with the rank of the person in charge of you, there are many secrets in the Bureau of Order. It's all going to be open to you, like these things in the Forsaken Lands."

"I don't pay attention to these things."

Burrog followed behind Evan, and now he can be sure that he is in the mysterious outpost of the impasse, walking up the spiral staircase, and he can see a thin layer of ash on the steps, and the air It also became cloudy, and it made people cough in a low voice.

"I rarely cared about anything other than work," Burlogo said.

"I can feel it."

Evan stopped, he stood on the steps, turned his head and looked down at Bologo, as if he could see through all the disguises of Bologo, he spoke.

"Focused, efficient, stubborn, rigorous... You are an excellent field worker, not to mention, being immortal can make you ignore many factors that will affect your work, so that you can devote yourself to work with a better attitude."

Evan paused, and said helplessly, "It would be great if the team leader had a bit of your professionalism."

Burlogo thought he had heard something important about the leader of the fourth group.

The two continued to go up, and the violent wind filled the surrounding area. Bologo came to a watchtower. Just as he thought, the desperate outpost was built along the cliff, above the quiet line of defense. It was like a small fortress. Same, watch over the Abandoned Lands.

From here Borrog could just see the burning flames of the city amidst the ash-covered ruins, as if a great furnace had been built there, where giant craftsmen hammered the anvil day and night, splashing Sparks like stars.

Fiery ashes were thrown up from behind the high wall, and the intermittent air waves engulfed these ashes and sparks, forming a deadly foehn, which washed away the cliffs and cliffs, and formed a canyon in the surrounding rocks deep in the ground. Weird wind erosion features that will appear.

Below the watchtower, there is a huge giant bow and crossbow, which is full of black crossbow arrows. Bologo remembered that he was almost hit by this thing before. Suppress the power of evil in this world.

"How lucky you are..."

Bologo whispered, and then looked at Evan, "For many people, the sacred city is a pilgrimage site that they must die to witness with their own eyes, but for you, this is just a daily scenery."

Evan asked, "Sanctuary? Is that true for you too?"

Burrog thought for a moment, then shook his head in relief, "It was before, but it's not now."

"During the days when I was in the army, my officer told me that as long as the Sacred City was captured, the war would end. For this reason, I have been looking forward to the arrival of that battle...until it actually came."

Evan listened quietly. The identity of Bologo as an undead is no longer a secret in the Field Service Department. After all, Bologo's ability is so outstanding that many senior employees cannot compare with this newcomer.

Burrog took a few steps forward, trying to find some imprints of the past from the ashes-filled land, but unfortunately there was nothing there, and they were all covered by ashes.

"It was a crazy battle, the artillery opened up the hard ground and tamped it down again, the blood was soaked over and over again, until the soil turned dark red and gave off a foul smell of blood.

Every few meters we advance, we have to drop countless corpses until we push under the high wall. "

Burrog stretched out his hand, pointing to the towering high wall, even after all these years, it still stands.

"It's a pity that I was not able to conquer this high wall at that time, and I seem to be powerless now."

Once Bolog was a conqueror, trying to tear down the high wall, but now Bolog has become a defender, he wants to ensure that the high wall stands, so as to prevent the light from escaping.

Looking back, as the years go by, Burlogo finds nothing but irony.

(End of this chapter)

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