Endless Debt.

Chapter 738: Eye of Narrative

Chapter 738: Eye of Narrative
Ivan Krax, who belonged to the intelligence department Crow's Nest, Palmer had worked under Ivan before he was kicked out, and Church naturally did the same.

In addition, Ivan has another connection with Palmer. They are blood relatives to each other, and they both have the surname of the Krex family. In terms of relationship, Palmer is Ivan's nephew.

Because of what happened before, and personality issues, the two rarely get together, let alone communicate, and now they are connected by Church.

"Is he still alive?" Ivan asked, "I mean is it possible to save him?"

"This is no problem. Although his injury is serious, we have stabilized his vital signs, and he only needs to receive follow-up treatment."

The doctor assured, patting his chest, then his voice became hesitant, "But we have a strange problem."

"what is the problem?"

Palmer's voice rose, and he was rarely so nervous.

"It stands to reason that his consciousness should be able to wake up at this time. Even if he doesn't have the ability to think independently, he can at least respond to external stimuli, but now..." The doctor didn't continue.

Ivan picked up the words, "But now it's like a living corpse?"

The doctor nodded silently.

"I probably know what's going on," Ivan said, glanced at Palmer, and finally looked at Burlog, and asked in a stern tone, "What happened?"

Bolog didn't know what to say. Like Ivan, he didn't know what happened...Bologo thought he had done a good enough job. When he destroyed the stone hall and attracted everyone's attention, his The team members should be able to evacuate safely.

"At first, he was connected to the communication range of our sentry, but no matter how we called, he never responded... Later Shelley found him. Shelley is very good at finding people, identifying Church's etheric reaction, and Not difficult."

A steady voice sounded, and Hart walked in.

"We found him on the streets of Opals. In an alley, he was dumped next to the trash can, as if he was dead."

Hart recalled the strangeness at the scene, "He has a bouquet of flowers in his arms. I don't know who gave it to him, or someone who pityed the poor man put it on him."

"We are carrying out an infiltration operation, the target is Mistpit Fortress."

At this time, Bologo took Hart's words and roughly informed Ivan of the action content of the temporary operation group.

Under the narration of the three of them, Burlogo, Hart, and Palmer, the chaotic action gradually became clear, and Ivan's brows became more and more wrinkled, until finally there was only death-like silence left.

The story of this operation is still missing a piece... lacking Church's narrative, no one knows what he went through.

"You must know something, right?"

Palmer approached Ivan, he became extremely strong, and the whites of his eyes were bloodshot.

This is not the first time that Church fell in front of Palmer. Since then, Palmer thought that this kind of thing would not happen again, but he still happened.

"Stop trying to hide it, I know it!"

Palmer glared at Ivan, "What the hell is going on with Church? Why do we somehow forget about him, why do we know nothing about him other than this damn name?"

Palmer's performance was unexpected, and everyone seemed to regard him as an idiot, but in fact, Palmer knew everything, he just didn't care about it.

Ivan said, "This is for your consideration."

Palmer asked, "Consider what?"

"The more you know, the easier it will be to forget him!"

Ivan yelled angrily, and his anger surged up instantly, but quickly dissipated. Ivan took deep breaths repeatedly, walked to the side chair and sat down.

The eyes of the others fell on Ivan, and Ivan knew that this matter could no longer be concealed, so he gestured.

"The others leave, and the two of you stay."

Hart nodded, and even the doctor retreated silently, leaving only the three of them in the room.

Ivan asked, "Palmer, Bologo, do you two have any impression of the surname Bolton?"

Burlogo said, "Church's last name."

"What about other than that?"

"Anything else?"

Seeing this, Ivan heaved a long sigh. He knew that people still forgot about them, but there was no other way.

"Bolton... The Bolton family is one of the founding families of the Bureau of Order. Among the chains and swords, there is a sword that belongs to them."

Hearing what Ivan said, Bologo and Palmer froze in place. Since the development of the Bureau of Order, the influence of the founding families has been declining day by day. The Bureau of Order...no, the decision-making room has controlled almost everyone power.

People are forgetting these families, but because of some active personnel, there are still some families that cannot be completely forgotten, such as the Clakes family.

Ivan told this secret story, "Because of the things the Bolton family researched, few people in this world can remember them, and even the official records of the Bureau of Order are few and far between. It is even said that many of them are Everyone in the Bolton family has forgotten that he is a member of the Bolton family."

"What are they studying?"

Palmer asked. After asking, he looked at Church on the hospital bed. His former partner was always so mysterious. Palmer thought he knew something about him, but that was just an illusion.


Palmer suddenly felt a sense of absurdity, did he really know Church?In his eyes, is he really a friend?

"Gift, the debtor's gift."

Ivan didn't hide it from the two of them, "The Bolton family has been eyeing the power of gifts for a long time, and they want to try to replicate this power of the devil."

"The stronger the power, the sharper the double-edged sword. Whatever you gain, you will definitely lose something... Both of you should be very clear about this."

Bologo and Palmer nodded at the same time. They knew this part too well, especially Bologo. He even felt that it was not appropriate to describe the gift as a double-edged sword. In Bologo's view, in the true sense The double-edged sword should be the protection of the devil.

"The Bolton family has developed such an alchemy matrix, the effect is extremely unique and powerful, but correspondingly, running such an alchemy matrix is ​​bound to backfire on itself, and this is unique to the Bolton family, and it is also the responsibility of Church. secret power."

Ivan revealed the name of the alchemy matrix that made the Bolton family fall into doom.

"Walking in a narrow space."

Palmer was silent for a moment, and said without any ups and downs in his voice, "I knew Church had lied to me. His secret power is not a faceless man at all."

Should it be expected?

"The effect of walking in a narrow space is very simple. It reduces the sense of existence of oneself, and even distorts the outside world's perception of oneself. He will be a ghost in the true sense, enough to avoid everyone's sight, but the price is also extremely high.

People will truly forget him, not only enemies, but also friends, and when he is at his best, he will even forget himself. "

Burlog said, "That is to say... Church has forgotten himself?"

"It should be, forget who you are, and even lose your self-awareness, and become a walking dead in the true sense."

Ivan continued, "That's why he can't wake up...I don't know if he can wake up."

"The power of walking in the narrow space is so powerful. People of the Bolton family in the past have implanted and mastered this power one by one. They are dazzled by the power. More and more people forget about family affairs, and even I forgot who I was, an ancient family, and it just fell apart."

There was a bit of pity in Ivan's eyes, "The Bolton family has no heirs, and their blood is still passed down in this world, but no one remembers them...even themselves."

"Church must have encountered something," Bologo analyzed. "He encountered something extremely important. For this matter, he was even willing to take risks."

"But now no one knows what happened," Ivan said.

"No...someone still knows."

Palmer walked to the hospital bed, looked down at Church, and said to himself, "So you meant that at the time, Church."

A long time ago, there was a conversation between Church and Palmer. At that time, Palmer still felt a little inexplicable, but now it seems that Church has predicted his own ending.

Even if it's not now, in some future, he will be lying on the hospital bed like a corpse.

Palmer stretched out his hand, opened Church's tightly closed eyelids, and pulled out Church's fake eye forcefully.

"The eye of record, an alchemy weapon without any means of attack, its effect is like a movie film, it can record the images of the last two hours."

Palmer threw the pupil of the record to Ivan, "Analyze it, and we will know what happened to Church."

Ivan took the pupil of the record, and what should have been light and light became heavy in his hands. He looked at Palmer, and Palmer just said calmly.

"We're all professionals, doing professional things."

The words that are usually a little funny, now seem extremely heavy.

(End of this chapter)

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