Endless Debt.

Chapter 76 The Distorted Wish

Chapter 76 The Distorted Wish
On the bar after the carnival, several people were in a state of distress, as if they had drunk too much and their cognition had gone wrong. They looked at the black cat on the bar with anticipation on their faces, as if they were waiting for the black cat to do a handsome backflip.

Nothing is Impossible.

In the ghostly place of the Undead Club, any outrageous things that happen here seem to be rationalized. This place itself is like a twisted collection of absurdity and neuroticism.

Bologo feels that he has begun to adapt to all this. From an expert's point of view, this is a good thing. Burlogo is as professional as ever, but from a personal point of view, Burlogo is a bit sad A painful feeling of being with the mentally handicapped.

The cyan pupils stared at Weier, but it was a pity that it was a black cat now, and Burlogo couldn't read any expression or demeanor from that dark little face.

In the silence, an elegant female voice sounded.

"How did I become undead, I won't go into details, it involves some personal issues.

In short, I can't afford the price of the wish, so the wish I got is also distorted, which is what you see now. "

As the black cat spoke, it turned around, showing its animal shape.

"It is said that Wei'er was once a stunning beauty, but unfortunately her skin was not preserved." Threi whistled.

"My immortality is the transfer of my soul."

Weier ignored Thurley and continued its narration.

"My soul can transfer between animal bodies, that is to say, I cannot be killed. After the body dies, I will wake up from the nearest animal body. Even if my soul is sublimated, it will only prolong my life. It's just a time to wake up, when my 'golden soul' is released, I will wake up again."

"That's right, we tried to travel around the world before, but Wei'er fell into the sea, and it took three years for it to climb back," said Selei, "It is said that the longest time it lived was turning into a starfish , the worst experience was turning into a sunfish."

For Vier, every death is just the destruction of the body, and its soul will be transferred and reborn.

Wei'er licked the fur on her body, "Like a certain law, the devil will always lead us to the side we least want to face.

I long for the eternity of the skin, but it prevents me from being human. "

Burlogo felt something.

"And then...Scott!" Thurley walked to the stone statue, and cheered with open arms.

"As you can see, Scott can't speak, and I can only tell its story," Selei put his hand on the stone statue, and patted the stone statue's head curiously, "Scott's qualifications are better than mine. Even older, Scott was there when I came to the Undead Club, and it was just a decoration at the door at that time, and I learned its story after listening to Sai Zong."

A picture of a Beagle gesturing towards the stone statue and explaining to Serley appeared in Burrog's mind, which is too absurd.

"It is said that Scott was an explorer, but as he got old, his body could no longer support his journey, so he began to long for immortality.

He hopes to have more time and a stronger body to explore places he has not set foot in, such as the end of the ground, the end of the ocean, and the end of the sky.

For this reason, one day he found the devil and made such a wish to the devil, but at the same time, Scott's wish was also distorted, and the devil turned him into a stone statue, which could stand forever Battered and ravaged by the years...no more, that's all for Scott. "

Threi then whispered in Borogo's ear.

"I have always suspected that this is just an ordinary stone statue. Sai Zong is lying to me, but I am good brothers with this damn stone statue. I can't really smash it to see if there is someone sealed inside."

Bologo nodded half-understood. Following Thurley's narration, the Undead Club became more and more strange, and judging from Thurley's eager attitude, this guy had already planned for the stone statue of Scott. long time.

He should have wanted to smash the stone statue more than once.

"That skeleton man, Bode, you have seen it too. I heard from Bode that before he became an undead, he was a rich man who was incomparably rich. His endless wealth allowed him to enjoy all the glory and wealth of his life. All senses The excitement was almost numb to him...but riches can't buy time.

When it was about to die, it made a wish to the devil and gave all its wealth, but this was not enough. The devil took its flesh and blood and turned it into a skeleton. Sounds good, doesn't it?Although it was a little scary, it was still undead anyway.

But the fact is that Bode, who is covered in bones, can't feel anything, no pain, no touch, no hunger, no sleepiness... There is no feeling left that made him nostalgic, only endless, pale time with him for company. "

Serley regretted, "Listen to him, this guy loves to drink, but after becoming an undead, that taste only exists in his memory, but after a long time, even his memory began to blur and turn yellow, making people feel distracted. It is not clear whether it is true or false."

"Oh! By the way, there is another person! I forgot!"

Serley thought of something, and sneaked into the room behind the bar. He didn't know what he was doing, and after a while he pushed the wheelchair out.

"This is 'Old Immortal', I can't remember the exact name, just like Scott, he was there when I came."

Thurley pushed the wheelchair in front of Bologo and introduced the member to him.

"You've seen him like this too. I'm really afraid that something will happen to him, so most of the time, I keep him in the house."

Selei introduced to Bologo, "I heard from Sai Zong that before becoming an undead, the 'old immortal' was an accountant, especially good at calculating. For this reason, in the deal with the devil, he repeatedly confirmed the terms, for fear that he would be like Scott. , Weier, and Bode, wishes are distorted."

With a resigned shrug, Thurley said.

"But obviously, he hasn't played the devil... Few people can play that group of cunning guys."

Burrog's expression became serious. He was not sure whether the "thing" in the wheelchair was a human being. He only had a human-like outline, and his whole body shriveled and collapsed into a ball. His body was bony, like a mummy.

The eye sockets are deeply sunken, it is difficult to recognize the existence of the eyeballs, the skin is shriveled and hardened like a dead tree, full of cracks, the lips are completely dry, the gums are directly exposed, and the teeth on them have long since fallen off. It looked like his throat was as fragile as a weathered pipe, ready to shatter at the touch of a finger.

He is like a sculpture that has been eroded by wind, and will be annihilated into powder with the slightest vibration.

"The devil gave him immortality, but he didn't say that he would not age...'Old Immortal' is already hundreds of years old. According to the body of a normal person, he would have died of organ failure long ago, but under the blood contract of the devil , no matter how withered his body is, it will still not die.

That sharp and quick thinking is just trapped in this body that keeps getting old but can't die. "

See Lei looked at the mummy on the wheelchair, and said in shock and fear, "Actually, I feel that he died long ago. A long time ago, he could respond to the outside world a little bit, but now he is completely silent... Maybe he wants to do something React, but can't do it anymore, after all, he's getting old like this."

"This is all the members who are resident in the Undead Club." Weier said.

"What about Sezon? The beagle," Borrog asked, but Thurley didn't explain Sezon.

"I don't know, Sai Zong should be regarded as the oldest guy among us. It seems that he existed when the Undead Club was established. As for his past and immortality, he never said... In fact, it seems that we also did not ask."

Thurley looked around, muttering.

"You have also seen Saizong, he is the real freak, Saizong felt that being a human being is boring, so he started to play 'role-playing', and he pretended to be a dog," Selei asked. Said, "Wei'er, how long has Sai Zong been like this?"

"60 years? 70 years? I don't know." Weier said.

"It's almost like this. I couldn't accept it at first, but Sai Zong played it very fascinated," Selei said helplessly, "Dogs can't speak human language, so Sai Zong hasn't spoken to us for six or seventy years. He barks every day, but fortunately we have a tacit understanding, even if he barks, I can understand his general meaning."

Bologo's expression twitched slightly, and Selei's voice became serious in the next second, and he asked.

"So you get it, Bologo."

"I... probably understand the story you're telling. The devils are a group of indifferent businessmen. They don't make money-losing deals. They must have plots against me, but I don't know for now."

Bologo said, he looked around, his eyes swept between Wei Er and the stone statue, and then looked at the mummy in the wheelchair.

"They distort our desires. The more we desire something, the more we lose it..."

Those who yearn for the skin have lost their human form, those who pursue freedom are imprisoned in stone statues, those who are greedy for the world can't touch any feelings now, and those who are good at calculating can only endure the erosion of the years and continue to grow old Go decadent.

"Yes, but more importantly, Bologo."

Su Lei suddenly approached Bologo, and the two faced each other face to face and eye to eye, as if they were plotting some terrifying conspiracy.

"Sometimes, you don't lose something before you gain something."

Thrai pressed Borogo's head, forcing him to listen carefully to every syllable, as if this was a secret that should not be told, a secret that should be buried deeply.

"Maybe... maybe we got something first and lost something."

Thorey gave an ugly smile.

"Like the Night King, he gained immortality, but the Villeris family lost their future forever."

(End of this chapter)

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