Endless Debt.

Chapter 82 Preparatory Plan

Chapter 82 Preparatory Plan

Church smiled, looking at Palmer puzzled.

"What are you talking about? The work performed is all handled by the Field Service Department, which has nothing to do with Crow's Nest."

"Then your news is really incomprehensible, Church, an intelligence officer shouldn't be like this."

Palmer flashed the Special Operations badge, and the smile faded from Church's face.

"As you can see, I was transferred to the Field Service Department... just recently." Putting away the badge, Palmer said helplessly.

"Special Operations Team..."

Church remembered this special operation group. Although there was not much information that came out, everyone knew that the person in charge of this operation group was Levius, Levius of the Wolves.

Everyone was looking forward to the day when this action team would be put into action, but after the rumors came out, the special action team entered a long period of construction, and Church almost forgot the existence of this action team.

"I thought the operation was canceled," Church said.

"No, it's just that it's a bit difficult to recruit people, and only recently have the ability to take initial actions, that is, the two of us."

Palmer looked helpless. Debtors are not so common, let alone accepted by the Bureau of Order. He continued to complain to Church.

"Mr. Lazarus just became a Desublimer a few days ago, and I am a former intelligence officer. In less than 48 hours, we will raid a well-defended enemy camp."

Palmer's voice was full of pressure. Contrary to what Burlogo thought, Palmer took this mission extremely seriously.

"Waiting for us may be a group of ordinary gangsters, or a large group of sublimation people, maybe it is the sublimation people of the king's secret sword. They are having a meeting inside to study how to raid the 'reclamation room', and the two are unlucky A ghost came in suddenly."

"Looking at your luck, I think it's probably the latter," Church said.

"Yeah, so I need more detailed information, the information that you can't report... It's not important anyway, is it? It's just some gossip."

Palmer stared at Church, then laughed, "But I guess, it's not as bad as I thought, right? At least there is no shadow of the king's secret sword."


"If you had the King's Secret Sword, you wouldn't have written that in the report, but directly asked the Field Service Department to encircle and suppress it. Now the priority of the King's Secret Sword is much higher than 'people addicted'."

"You know you still say that?"

"Just kidding, let's liven up the atmosphere."

Palmer grinned as he recalled the report.

"You said in the report that there are a lot of demons there." Bologo asked, who had been silent.

"Well, there was a very strong rancid smell, which they tried to cover up with the fishy smell of the docks, but under the nose of a professional, the smell was easy to pick up."

Church took a few more glances at Bologo. There was a chill on the man's body. When he looked at those blue eyes, he always had a strange sense of trance, as if there was something hidden under this mortal body... Something darker.

"The Manthru uses the Philosopher's Stone to control these demons and make them work for them," Borrogo said.

"I think so," Church agreed, and then he added, "Maybe I'm going to disappoint you."

"The report contains all the information I have investigated. Except for the demons, I don't know the specific number of desublimators. I didn't notice the ether fluctuations there, so I couldn't judge it at all... As for the thing that needs attention, it is the one called David's guy, he's the boss there.

Crow's Nest didn't dig out much information about him. They just knew that he was a mercenary who arrived in Opals a few years ago. If there was a Desublimer among them, David was most likely a Desublimer. "

"Didn't you have a chat with that David? Didn't you like that, I remember?" Palmer said.

"I've said it all. This report is all I've found. As for the little hobby you mentioned, I've successfully restrained it. In other words...you've come here in vain, Palmer."

Church waved his hand, but Palmer couldn't believe it.

"Really?" he asked skeptically.

"Really, even if I wanted to talk to David, I couldn't. He's usually in his office and doesn't show up. And those demons, I don't have much to talk to," Church said.

"No, no, I'm not asking about David, I'm asking about you, Church, have you really restrained your little hobby?"

Palmer couldn't believe it. He knew Church. This guy was very willing to dig out the thoughts of his enemies. Sometimes he even approached them as their closest relatives, looking for their inner weaknesses.

But now, such a somewhat deformed little hobby was actually restrained by Church when he said that he restrained it. It was as bizarre as an old alcoholic who had been drinking for many years, became enlightened one day, threw away the bottle directly, and became an alcoholic abstinence ambassador.

Church replied nonchalantly, "Do you remember what you said to me when we broke up?"

"I don't remember, you know, I'm a person who talks a lot, how can I remember so many words clearly." Palmer has self-knowledge.

"You told me that I was playing with fire like this, and I would be burned to death one day, so I followed your advice, and since then I have stopped engaging in any small hobbies, and have completely followed the rules of the crow's nest .”

"Is that true? I never thought that one day, the words of me, Palmer Clarks, would have such an influence on you."

Palmer was terrified.

"That's it, then, and good luck, Palmer."

Church didn't want to stay any longer, and got up to leave. When he left, he didn't forget to take a look at Bologo, and sighed, "It's not easy to be a partner with him."

"Take care of me and Afia!"

Palmer waved vigorously.


"That is to say, I've come here for nothing?" asked Burrog. "He won't lie to us, will he?"

"No, when we do intelligence, we always abide by two principles. One is to deceive the enemy, and the other is to be honest with teammates. Intelligence is very important to Sublimation. If Church says he doesn't know, then he doesn't know. , he wouldn't joke about such things."

Palmer picked up the chips and stuffed them with ketchup.

"So it's really a waste of time... But it's okay, Bologo, there are always countless lives and deaths in our business, and it's always reassuring to see some old friends still alive."

Palmer squinted at Bologo halfway through his speech, and then said, "But as an undead, you don't seem to be able to experience this feeling."

Bologo didn't speak, and sometimes he faintly felt such a difference. He didn't care about his own death, and more often, death would be a tool for Bologo to fight.

Neither of them talked much about this topic, and they couldn't explain this kind of thing anyway.

"By the way, who were you talking to just now?" Palmer remembered Kedening's figure, "Your friend?"

"Well, he's an actor, remember when I said 'The Wandering Mouse'? That's what he did," Burlogo said.

"The Wandering Mouse?"

Palmer frowned. He had some impressions of this name, but only a little.

But he didn't worry about anything here. Everyone has their own private life, even a neurotic like Bologo.

Palmer opened his clothes, took out a crumpled document from the pocket of the clothes, and spread it directly on the table.

"is this okay?"

Burrogo looked around vigilantly, one second he was still eating, and the next second Palmer suddenly entered the working state.

"It's nothing, you have to get used to this, Bologo, apart from the mysterious nature of our work, what's the difference between us and ordinary employees?" Palmer looked up and looked around, everyone was wearing uniforms, complaining about work, "It sounds weird, but it is true. We are a group of mysterious sublimation people, and we are indeed living in an ordinary world."

Palmer scratched his head. He had never worked in the field, so he could only deal with the current problem based on his previous experience.

"Since Church has said so, then we can only start from the report and make some plans."

"I thought Lebius would be in charge of the planning," Burlogo said.

"Soldier to soldier, king to king, we have to do this kind of small task ourselves, but when there is a task that requires Lebius, then it's Levius' life, not us."

Palmer scanned the report, which he had read so many times that he had almost memorized it by heart.

Burrog nodded, agreeing with Palmer.

Bite the straw and drink the orange juice, Palmer kept flipping through the report, while Burlogo was rarely in a daze.

Just like Palmer said, if others don't know in advance, they will only treat the two of them as poor company employees, even if they are taking a break, they have to deal with official duties.

Thinking of this, Burlogo smiled to himself, which scared Palmer a lot.

Bologo is always like this. When he thinks, his face is expressionless, like a cold killer. When he recalls some interesting things, Bologo will smile, but in the eyes of others, this picture has a bit of horror feeling.

A ruthless murderer suddenly laughed. He had either figured out who his target was for tonight, or he had figured out how to take care of the target.

In fact, Bologo is just remembering, like a diary in his mind, recalling the past, sometimes he is thinking about Adele, sometimes thinking about himself, and then the next task and revenge.

Burrog felt that he had grown up, and now he could control his emotions well and not be dominated by the anger of revenge.

It's not that Bologo is no longer angry, but that he has restrained his anger, like a fire under a furnace, he is ready to explode at any time, but the time has not yet come.

"There are specializations in the art industry, experts, take a look?"

Palmer handed the report to Burlogo, "The information in the report is nothing more than the layout of the building, the number of people and potential risks. The plan I can think of is to raid from the top of the building and directly break into Dai Vie's office, kill him before he reacts."

"Well, beheading directly is a good plan, but if we fail to kill David in the first place, we will be in a hard fight."

Burlogo took the report, carefully reviewed and analyzed it.

"More importantly, if David is a desublimator, we don't know what his secret power is, which is fatal."

Burrog showed enough expert posture, and soon a line of text caught his attention.

(End of this chapter)

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