Endless Debt.

Chapter 94 Last Wish

Chapter 94 Last Wish
The factory, which was already in ruins, almost collapsed completely under the tyranny of the shadow devouring beast.

There were constant banging and chopping sounds, and someone could be heard cursing. Judging from the sound of his swearing, this guy was still alive and well.

Forget it, David wasn't going to kill him anyway, or rather, he couldn't kill Burrog at all.

When Burlogo "resurrected from the dead" for the first time, David realized that he might have encountered an undead person. Unexpectedly, Opals, which looks so big, is actually so small. This kind of opus only exists in the story. The guy with the book was actually able to be touched by himself.

David gave a wry smile, and then vomited a large amount of blood.

The liquid spirit potion can be regarded as a liquid philosopher's stone and a liquid "golden soul". David injected several potions into his body at a time, in exchange for such powerful power.

But power has a price.

His soul capacity cannot support such power, so the alchemy matrix is ​​collapsing, and he is dying with his own soul, not to mention that David has suffered such a serious injury, and he can still stay awake under the heavy blood loss. Rely on the maintenance of the liquid spirit potion.

I don't know whether to thank me or say something to complain about.

With tired steps, David returned to his office along the broken steps. There were constant vibrations all around, and it was only a matter of time before this place collapsed into ruins.

David took a deep breath, trying to stay awake, he had some things to do before he died.

Sitting back on his office chair, the majestic self who was sitting here before is about to die now.

David didn't feel much, but kept praying in a low voice.

It's ridiculous to say that a person like him will still pray in the end, and he is about to die. Whether it is a god or a devil, as long as he is willing to stretch out his hand, he doesn't mind holding it firmly.

Unfortunately, no one came.

David dialed a familiar number and picked up the phone. There were bursts of electric current from the receiver. While waiting in a panic, a familiar voice sounded.


Thankfully, after such a fierce battle, the telephone line was not disconnected.

"Yo, Ke Dunning."

David tried to make his voice more relaxed, and he continued without waiting for Kedening to say anything.

"As a professional mercenary, I should fight until the last second, even if I die, I must swing the last knife... just like the knights in the story, who died standing on the battlefield.

But I thought again, I have been dedicated to my job all my life, and I was a little incompetent before I died, so it should be fine. "

David looked at the broken window in front of him, and the darkness was wriggling violently. He could have controlled the tyrannical shadow beast to fight. Even if he couldn't kill Bologo, he would have a chance to seriously injure Palmer.

But he gave up and held off the two of them as much as possible in exchange for this last call.

"Don't talk, Kedening, listen to me carefully."

The joke was over, David turned his head and pressed the wound on his neck.The wound penetrated the respiratory tract, making his voice a little inaudible.

"People from the Bureau of Order are here. Both of them seem to be from the 'control school'. One can control the airflow. He likes to hide throwing knives in the airflow during battle. You need to pay attention, the other seems to be able to control things that are within reach. Matter, I don’t know more specifically, I’m losing a lot of blood now, and I can’t turn my mind.”

David coughed twice, then continued.

"On top of that, the latter are suspected undead... at least Bill didn't manage to kill him, you know Bill's fists. If you meet them, you know what to do.

Then the goods were all destroyed, and Bill died. What a pity, this guy can't be my driver anymore. Fortunately, I'm about to die now. When the remaining ether burns out, I should die, right? Knowing if there is a road in hell, Bill drags the car, and I sit in the passenger seat and cheer. "

David hesitated for a while when he said this, he wanted to say something emotional about life, and when the words came to his lips, he found that he had nothing but the dream of a big villa in Fengyuan Heights.

David suddenly felt a little sad. He watched movies, when some characters died, they would say some shocking truths.

Such emotion is really meaningless, it is better not to say it.

"Listen carefully to the next words, Ke Dening.

Be careful of the 'ghoul', he has decided to give up on you, if not for what happened today, you should be the one who was attacked, he is going to expose your information, let you be a bait to cover our evacuation. "

David spoke the secret openly.

"After tonight, let's take Jini and leave Opals, the person with the king's secret sword cannot be trusted, we have been pawns from the beginning.

By the way, there are also my deposits, all of which are stored in the Rheinland Union Bank. The account name is my name, and the password, as you know, is the numbered score of "Ode to Joy". "

This is what they learned when they were in school. David has no interest in art. He only thinks about how to make money, while Kedening is interested in it. It was only when he saw Kedening humming to a line of numbers that David learned about it.

"The most unlucky thing is nothing more than this, earning so much money, and dying before spending it.

But, Kedening, it is my money after all, so if you want to use it, I suggest you spend it on a villa in Fengyuan Heights, even if it is not a villa, it is fine, as long as you live in it. "

The cloudy eyes recalled the past.

"My mother told me before she died that I was actually born in Fengyuan Highland. I was still young and didn't remember anything at all. She divorced my father and took me away from there."

David's voice paused.

"I've never been to Windsource Heights...but I guess it's sort of my hometown?"

The voice weakened, and at some point the glow on David's body had become dim, like a flame flickering in the wind, almost extinguished.

Humming a song, the violent eyes gradually calmed down.

"3345, 5432..."

The glow of the alchemy matrix was completely extinguished, David's hands drooped feebly, his pale head turned to the side, and the receiver fell to the ground, making a dull sound.

The wriggling darkness in the factory dissipated, and then a galloping iron spear pierced through everything, like a thunderbolt that dealt the final blow to the building.

Soon, the crumbling masonry completely collapsed, burying everything in the ruins.


The singing gradually faded away, and then there was a dull impact sound, everything was completely reduced to the noise of the current, as if it never existed.

Ke Dening slowly put down the phone, with confusion in his eyes... For some reason, he felt unreal at the moment, as if everything was just a dream.


He tried calling, but there was no answer.

Ke Dening sat like this for a long time.

It was a dream, a bad nightmare.

I slept in the dressing room, and as soon as I woke up, everything would return to normal. Everything just now was just a fragment of a dream. When I woke up, nothing happened. David was still in charge of the factory, and I was about to perform on stage .

After tonight's curtain call, they will start to evacuate, and they will take Jinny and wealth away from the city. They can buy a small house in Fengyuan Highlands, and even be neighbors with David, and then run some small businesses , enough for them to spend their lives safely...

A hoarse voice came from his throat, and he grabbed his face with his stiff hands as if calling for help.

Looking at himself in the mirror, under the colorful makeup, Ke Dening felt a strange sense of strangeness, as if the person in the mirror was not himself, but another guy who was familiar and unfamiliar to him.

Pulling hard, but no matter what, the mask could not be pulled off, as if it had been integrated with his face, without distinction.

The nails sank deeply into the flesh and blood, leaving small wounds, and the blood mixed with paint ran across the cheeks, turning into a strange and bright appearance.

"Ah, this is not a dream."

Kedening murmured.

David is dead, Bill is dead, and the king's secret sword also hides a conspiracy...

Ke Dening felt that he should be sad, but he couldn't cry, and he didn't even feel sad at all.


At this moment, he can't feel anything, as if he has become an empty shell, and the internal organs and soul in it have already been emptied.

The ear-piercing bell rang, but it couldn't reach Kedening's ears, and now he couldn't hear anything.

The last words of David's life circled endlessly in his mind, flashing back like a spell.

Is that what you said, everything is up to you?David.

Your countermeasure against this is to trade your life for this information to warn yourself?This is too strange.

Ke Dening suddenly laughed, but his expression didn't show any joy.

He was a little confused about the meaning of David's last phone call. He had known the plan of the King's Secret Sword for a long time, and he might be one of them. He was going to just watch his own death.

But he told himself to run away in the end. Is this the kindness of the villain before his death?Knowing that he is doomed, he might as well do something good... to save another villain.

Kedening smiled even more happily. He didn't think David was that kind of person. David was a cold-blooded and crazy guy, and he was born to be a qualified mercenary.

Maybe David never thought of killing himself, he has always been an insidious guy, he must have some other plans...

Ke Dunning couldn't figure it out.

David is dead, no one can answer all this.

The memory began to fade, and Ke Dening suddenly realized that he hadn't seen David for a long time. He didn't know when, and the communication between the two was only on the phone. At such a moment that no one expected, he was so simple died.

Just... died.


The shouts came gradually, but Kedening didn't respond until someone patted his shoulder vigorously, and then Kedening was called out of his crazy imagination.

Bray slapped him and said, "Didn't you hear the bell? The show's about to start."

"Show? Yes, I have another show."

Ke Dening said to himself.

"You... are you okay? Is this some new makeup?"

Bray felt that there was something wrong with Kedening's mental state, but it seemed that these artists all looked like this, showing a state of drunkenness all the time.

Looking at Kedening's face again, Bree mistook the blood stains on his cheeks as makeup, they were so eye-catching, hanging on his face, giving people an indescribable sense of treachery.

"It's nothing, I'm fine, I'm fine."

Ke Dening got up slowly, murmuring incessantly.

"I have another show."

(End of this chapter)

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