Jinyi champion

Chapter 611 Mining Tax Plan

Chapter 611 Mining Tax Plan (seeking a monthly pass)

In the early years of Jiajing, there were two major forces of merchants in the capital, Huizhou merchants and Shanxi merchants.

Shanxi Merchants belonged to the old brand, and they were the most powerful merchant force when Daming Yanyin Grain was launched. Taking advantage of geographical advantages, they owned a large number of merchants and farmland in the northwest, especially in Xuanfu and Datong, in exchange for Yanyin and merchants. world.

However, after the change of the method of using salt to attract color during the Hongzhi period, Shanxi merchants gradually declined, and Huizhou merchants quickly gathered wealth by taking advantage of the convenience of salt-producing areas such as Lianghuai and Huaihe Rivers.

The two sides gradually divided into rivalries.

Shanxi merchants have always been very close to the core power level in North Korea and China. They have money and power in their hands. If they want to become bigger and stronger, they will naturally try their best to gain access to the core power level. Only upstarts like Huizhou merchants will go to the new The newly rising forces like the emperor moved closer.

In Zhu Hao's view, since Yang Tinghe proposed to bid for several coal mines owned by the Zhang brothers and wanted to take the opportunity to suppress the new emperor's forces, Shanxi merchants would definitely be used.

On the way back to town.

Zhu Hao told Tang Yin about the grievances and entanglements of the merchant forces in the capital.

Tang Yin asked in surprise: "Even the internal relations of merchants are so intricate? Zhu Hao, how did you know these things?"

Zhu Hao said angrily: "Sir, you insist on mentioning it to my mother when you have nothing to do. You gave me a name, but now you always call me by my first name. Isn't it too shameless?"


Tang Yin was speechless.

It's a habit to discuss business and call you by your real name casually.

I didn't expect you kid to care about these things so much?
After sorting out his thoughts, Tang Yin asked, "You said that it involves the collection of mining taxes. How do you relate to it? Don't say, you plan to collect some discounts from the sale of the Zhang family's coal kilns, or you want to collect them all."

Zhu Hao replied with a smile on his face, showing an attitude of "hermits have their own tricks", leaving Tang Yin speechless.



When they entered the city, they first went to see Sun Jiao.

Sun Jiao specially entertained Tang Yin who had returned from West Mountain at his residence, but he did not expect Zhu Hao to go with him.

Seeing Zhu Hao... Sun Jiao's expression was not very good.

Regarding this son-in-law, Sun Jiao had many things he couldn't see through. He always felt that Zhu Hao was a conspirator, but he didn't know what Zhu Hao was doing for the new emperor. He was full of mystery.

With Sun Jiao's sophistication, he couldn't see through this young man, and Zhu Hao's political orientation was extremely vague, so Sun Jiao didn't want to have any deeper contact with Zhu Hao.

"Bohu, why did you bring Jingdao here?"

After the ceremony, Sun Jiao questioned Tang Yin directly in front of Zhu Hao.

Tang Yin said helplessly: "When Elder Sun asked about the mining, it's better to ask Jing Dao directly. There are many things...in fact, I don't know much about it."

This time it was Sun Jiao's turn to be speechless.

Good guy.

You, Tang Bohu, went to Xishan to open a mine for the emperor, and you said you didn't understand?
What are you going to do then?
After the two parties sat down.

Sun Jiao asked: "The Ministry of Household Affairs has been discussing candidates to replace the manager Tian, ​​and recommended several officials to go up, but His Majesty has not made a decision... Bohu, do you know who His Majesty prefers?"

Another sharp question.

Tang Yin resigned as the head of the household department in charge of Huangzhuang, and this job has been vacant, and the emperor did not say who to take over, which made the officials in the court who were qualified to move to this position fluctuate, and they all wanted to get a piece of it. Make credit, but also want to reap some benefits.

Tang Yin acted very directly...

He looked at Zhu Hao again.

Those little eyes seemed to say that only Zhu Hao could decide this matter.

But this time, Sun Jiao said that he couldn't understand it at all. The old man asked you a question, but you actually looked at Zhu Hao again?It means let Zhu Hao answer the old man?
Zhu Hao said with a smile: "Old Sun, let's discuss the matter of mining. I heard that the imperial court is going to sell the coal mine that originally belonged to the Zhang family's relatives in Xishan. I don't know who will bid for it, and the price should not be low. Bar?"

Sun Jiao frowned.

This kid Zhu Hao, obviously a little fox, actually pretended to be confused about bidding for the coal mine?
Sun Jiao was too lazy to talk to Zhu Hao, so he ignored Zhu Hao's question and looked sideways at Tang Yin: "Bohu, you are opening a coal mine in Xishan, is everything going well?"

Tang Yin nodded: "En."

Sun Jiao was puzzled: "That is to say, everything went well, and I don't know how far it has gone?"

Tang Yin's eyes drifted towards Zhu Hao unconsciously.

Sun Jiao wants to hit someone!
Why do you just look at Zhu Hao whenever I ask you a question?

Don't you want to answer honestly?


Sun Jiao's anger started from his heart, and he almost reprimanded Tang Yin, a "rising star", face to face.

Tang Yin sighed and interrupted Sun Jiao: "Mr. Sun, let's be honest, this matter was planned by Jing Dao from the beginning to the end. I, a half-buried man, just obeyed orders... If you have anything to ask, directly ask Jing Dao That's it."


Sun Jiao originally thought Tang Yin's previous words were just an excuse, but he didn't expect that he really followed Zhu Hao's order?
Sun Jiao immediately looked at Zhu Hao, and found that this kid was smiling. Even though Sun Jiao had been "disrespectful" to him before, it looked like this son-in-law still kept his mentality very well.

Sun Jiao's face was full of gloom, and he asked, "Jingdao, tell me."

Zhu Hao laughed and said, "Mr. Sun finally remembered the junior. The junior wanted to talk, but he didn't let him speak. It's really worrying."


Sun Jiao and Tang Yin cleared their throats almost at the same time, which probably meant to say, if you are asked to speak, you should speak quickly, and stop pretending to be an official here.

Zhu Haodao: "A few years ago, I said I would go to the border for a while, but actually I went to Xishan to explore coal mines. I found a few places and thought it was not bad. Will Mr. Tang take someone to mine in a few years? Is the progress expected? Should be good, right?"


Sun Jiao turned to look at Tang Yin.

Tang Yin nodded: "Although the newly discovered coal mines are located in remote places, the output actually detected is better than that of the existing coal mines in Xishan! Moreover, the mining is not difficult, and deep wells are not required. Some even It can be surface mined.”


Sun Jiao didn't know what to say.

Tang Yin explained again: "That's how it is. Zhu Hao is not only proficient in writing and ink, he is also very good at the art of geomantic omen and emptiness. He went to Xishan this time and found several coal mines with ease. Now it seems that they can all be profitable for the court."

Sun Jiaodao: "Bohu, tell the truth, isn't this just prevarication to prepare for the next bid for the Zhangjia coal mine? Zhu Hao is young, and he can find the coal mine when he goes to Xishan? Or a few places? This... ...The old man will never believe it."

Tang Yin said with a wry smile: "Old Mr. Sun, in fact, I have been with Zhu Hao for these years. From unbelievable to having to accept the reality, I have experienced it too many times. I have been in contact with him for a long time, and I have learned a lot, so I don't feel that It's strange that he can face everything calmly."

Sun Jiao: "..."

People need face and trees need skin, Mr. Tang Yin is really shameless, how dare he say that in front of his disciples?

Sun Jiao was so angry that his hands kept shaking, he felt that the pair of master and apprentice in front of him were fooling himself.

Even if he was beaten to death, he wouldn't believe that Zhu Hao could find the coal mine in just a few days after leaving Beijing, and he didn't believe that the purpose of Zhu Si's asking Tang Yin to return to the capital was not to bid for the coal mine.

Zhu Hao smiled and said: "Mr. Sun must be very curious. What is the purpose of Mr. Tang's return to the capital? In fact, it's just to make a show... We don't plan to buy the Zhang family's coal mines. We will return the money we sell to the Zhang family to make up for it. their loss."

Sun Jiao sneered endlessly, and the more he said, the more outrageous it became.

If you don't have the idea of ​​Zhang's coal mine, why are you doing so many things?
Zhu Hao continued: "On the contrary, instead of buying coal mines, we plan to sell many coal mines that are not producing well and hand them over to merchants for development."


Sun Jiao snorted, fooling ghosts?
Tang Yinze heard some eyebrows, and probably felt that what Zhu Hao said should be related to the mining tax mentioned earlier, so he smiled and said: "Zhu Hao... respectfully, please tell Mr. Sun in detail."

Zhu Hao smiled and said, "That's right. The imperial court has always wanted to levy taxes on folk mining, but the effect is very poor. There are two reasons. One is that private mining is extremely difficult and the mines are very difficult It is easy to be invaded by the rich and powerful, and many miners themselves are rich and powerful, they try their best to reject the imperial court, use the court to compete with the people for profit, buy off the literati, and strongly oppose the imperial court’s tax collection.”


Even though Sun Jiao doesn't want to listen to Zhu Hao's nonsense, the reality is what it is, undeniable.

Difficulty in taxation has always been a stubborn disease of Ming Dynasty. In the late Ming Dynasty, the financial collapse and even the destruction of the country were all disputes because of this?
People who strongly advocate commercial taxation have been nailed to the pillar of shame by the literati, and they also put the destruction of the Ming Dynasty on some natural and man-made disasters, especially eunuchs and political chaos...

In fact, the fundamental reason is that the budding capitalism of the Ming Dynasty led to the rapid development of social handicrafts and commerce, but there was no supporting tax system to keep up, so that the financial collapse of the Ming Dynasty was unsustainable.

Zhu Haodao: "Forcing the mining tax is obviously not enough, so we need to change our vision and methods."

Sun Jiao frowned.

Tang Yinze asked expectantly: "How to change?"


Sun Jiao looked at Tang Yin again.

Why do you master and apprentice ask and answer?

Could it be that Zhu Hao didn't make it clear to you, the gentleman and executor, before doing these things?Or did you deliberately sing the oboe for my old bones?

In fact, Tang Yin really didn't know.

Tang Yin's thirst for knowledge is very strong. After working for a long time, he must know what he is doing, otherwise he will treat me, Tang, as an idiot?

Zhu Hao said with a smile: "Existing mines, including coal mines, iron mines, etc., have poor output, and it doesn't matter whether they collect taxes or not. My idea is that in the future, the imperial court will be responsible for prospecting for mineral deposits and discovering good mine deposits. , Such as coal mines, iron mines, copper mines, etc., are sold by the imperial court, and a certain fee is charged at a time, and a bidding system is adopted.

"And after the bid is successful, the imperial court provides advanced mining and smelting technology to collect taxes, and collects [-]% to [-]% of the output of ore products from all mining areas as taxes."

When Sun Jiao heard this, he almost wanted to curse.

Tang Yin next to him couldn't help but questioned: "Zhu Hao, how can you ensure that merchants will come to bid and accept your offer? Also, if the folks discover rich mineral deposits by themselves, wouldn't your plan come to nothing? ?”

 In the last six hours of October, if you don't vote for the monthly pass, it will be wasted. The emperor begs for a wave of subscription and monthly pass support!

(End of this chapter)

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