Chapter 76
Gongsun Yi is young and has no teaching experience. There is no problem for such a gentleman to get along with the students, but his majesty is seriously lacking.

teaching level……

It's even more so-so, not even as good as Sui Gongyan.

Fortunately, Yuan Zonggao set a teaching policy for him early in the morning. He should not simply explain the scriptures and meanings, but also teach them together with the annotations. Rote memorization will always happen, right?
At this time, the textbooks in Zhu San and Zhu Si's hands included "Annotations to the Analects of Confucius" and "Annotations to the Anthology of Mencius", and Gongsun Yi only gave a rough outline.

Before school ended in the afternoon, after a class was finished, Zhu Si took everyone out to play Cuju, but Gongsun Yi didn't stop him. Obviously he had no plan for teaching, and he didn't even set the rules for how long a class would last. Take the child, now he is turning around the child.

"Zhu Hao, didn't you say you would make a leather Cuju? Why didn't you see it?" Zhu Si was very concerned about this matter.

Zhu Hao said: "It's so easy to find materials for you? I can't find leather for the time being. This matter has to be put on the back burner. Isn't it the most important thing to deal with your father's exams?"

Even Zhu San nodded this time.

Compared to going out to play in the city, Cuju has a ready-made one that can be kicked, and Cuju still needs to be picky?

When a few children were playing cuju, Gongsunyi was sitting on the steps of the school door, showing no airs of being a gentleman, but if you look carefully, you will find that he is actually there in a daze, with a strange smile on his face, looking very proud.

Zhu Haoxin said: "He doesn't know yet, because he has no teaching experience, the palace is not worried that he is an undercover agent sent by Jin Yiwei. This time, the palace is selecting teachers. It is expected that Jin Yiwei is also working there, so it is possible for me to meet Lu Song It's related to this. By the way, where is Lu Song now?"



After school in the afternoon.

Zhu Hao, Jing Hong and Gongsun Yi arrived at the west courtyard together. Seeing that Gongsun Yi was about to leave, Zhu Hao couldn't help reminding him, "You can leave after dinner."

"This... I'm afraid there is something wrong?" Gongsun Yi actually wanted to stay in the palace for dinner, so what's wrong with saving a meal for the family?

Zhu Hao saw Gongsunyi's expression of yearning for food again at noon, and he comforted him: "The meals in the royal residence are not fixed and rationed. You are a gentleman, and you are considered a member of the royal residence. What's wrong with leaving after dinner? Sir Come eat with us..."

Now it became Zhu Hao's kind invitation to Gongsunyi.

Gongsun Yi couldn't refuse, but in fact, he had long been yearning for it, and followed Zhu Hao and Jing Hong to the cafeteria. At this time, the dinner had not officially started, but there were already many guards waiting to eat and take.

For the arrival of Gongsunyi, no one had a big reaction, after all, this is a new teacher in the palace, even if it is only a temporary one, there is nothing wrong with eating here.

Besides, in their identities, how can they have the right to speak out against them?

On the contrary, Gongsunyi felt very ashamed, and felt ashamed that the scholar ate the meal that did not belong to him.

But when Zhu Hao brought three dishes and a big bowl of rice, all the guilt disappeared.

The three dishes are braised pork with preserved vegetables, stir-fried sour cowpea, and Chinese cabbage with garlic. They all go well with rice. Gongsunyi no longer cared about his image, picked up a sea bowl full of half a catty of rice, and ate it big mouthfuls. After a while the rice was done, he looked at Zhu Hao shyly, Zhu Hao got up again and went to add another bowl for him.

There was only half an hour left in Zhu Hao's bowl of rice, and Gongsunyi finished cooking another big bowl of rice. At this time, he was finally sure that Gongsunyi turned out to be an idiot!

"Mr. Gongsun, eat slowly, no one is robbing you... You don't know, the palace is always tight for dinner, if you come earlier in the morning, there will often be leftovers for breakfast."

Zhu Hao not only encouraged Gongsunyi to stay in the palace for dinner, but the implication is that you are welcome to eat three meals a day.

Jinghong has some opinions.

In the past, there was often not enough food in the cafeteria at night. Now that he has an extra mouth out of thin air, he is still a guy with a big appetite. After that, Gongsun Yi will definitely share a lot of his and Zhu Hao's rations, and it will be even more difficult to eat enough. up.

Gongsun Yi was quite moved when he heard this.

I know that teaching in the palace looks good, but it is not a stable job. Once the palace invites high-level teachers, he will be kicked out. Eight coins a month seems like a lot, but how long it can earn is a problem , maybe it will end in less than a month...

This is free food, if you don't eat it, you don't eat it for nothing.

After dinner, seeing people coming in one after another, there was still food left in the cafeteria, so Zhu Hao bought another bowl of rice, ran back to the West Court dormitory to get a food box, and asked Gongsun Yi to take it back after filling it. There are not many meals, but it is not difficult for the old mother and wife in his family to handle a meal.

"This... I'm afraid it's inappropriate."

Gongsun Yi said that he didn't want it, and he said no, but he had already lifted the food box to his hand.

Zhu Hao smiled and said, "Can you save some rations for the family, wouldn't it be good? I came to the palace to study, and I actually saved a lot of rations for the family."

Jinghong immediately looked over with "who are you lying to?"

You Zhu Hao's family is still short of rations?
Candles are brought to the palace one by one, and the pies are filled with meat. I feel that you are not hungry, and you are generous to others. Knowing that I have little dry food, I plan to make me hungry at night and suffer all night. Are you hungry?
Gongsun Yi was very happy, nodded, and looked at Zhu Hao with gratitude.

Within a day of knowing each other, Gongsunyi felt that Zhu Hao was a good student, and it seemed that talking to Zhu Hao at noon was rewarding. Doesn't this mean that Zhu Hao brought him here for free as a person who came here?Others are someone in the court who is easy to be an official, but he is someone in the palace who is easy to eat and take.



Send Gongsunyi away, the sky has dimmed.

Jinghong was very angry, but because of the conflict with Zhu Hao, he didn't want to take the initiative to speak up. After returning to the dormitory, Zhu Hao asked unhurriedly: "Leave the palace to listen to a book tonight, do you want to go?"

Hearing that he was going to listen to the book, Jinghong's anger dropped instantly.

But he still didn't want to pay attention to Zhu Hao.

"There's a new storybook, forget it." Zhu Hao said.

Jinghong finally couldn't bear it and said: "Go!"

If he just listened to "Shuo Yue", maybe he would have to consider whether to forgive Zhu Hao, but if he heard that there was a new textbook, then the quarrel between him and Zhu Hao could be temporarily put aside.

The two left the gate of the palace relatively early this time, and Zhu Hao obviously felt that someone was following behind him after they came out.

These stalkers are obviously novices, they don't know how to use the terrain to hide their bodies, they walk evasively, thinking that they won't be discovered, but in fact Zhu Hao pays careful attention every time he comes out, at least he needs to know the current attitude of the palace towards him How, if tracking...

I'm afraid it's mainly to see if he will meet with the insider of the palace, and see who the contact person is.

On the way to the bookstore, Zhu Hao was thinking: "Those classics are obviously not in the city. Now, the palace will be worried that I will meet with the palace? Meeting the informant of the household, the alert level of me has also been raised?"



The bookstore that day talked about "Journey to the West".

This is the second storybook written by Zhu Hao, because it was the first day of the story, the mass base was unknown, Zhu Hao wanted to see the situation of the "premiere".

Jinghong didn't know how wonderful "Journey to the West" was, and immediately regretted it. He thought it was "Shooting the Condors" that he came out to listen to, so he couldn't help but glared at Zhu Hao bitterly.

But Zhu Hao seemed to know that he had an opinion. When he glared over, he looked sideways, and the two of them met in the air.

"If you really told Guo Jing's story, you've heard it before, so you wouldn't want to listen to it a second time, would you?" Zhu Hao was like a roundworm in Jinghong's stomach, knowing what he wanted to say.

Jinghong thought about it carefully, yes, wouldn't it be nice to hear a new story?

But the problem is that none of the stories he's heard recently has an ending, and they're all half-finished, and there's no more after hearing the beginning... It makes people feel itchy, and can't help but wonder what will happen next.

At this time, the speech has already started on the stage.

Zhu Hao was sitting there, eating melon seeds and drinking tea. He was like a young master. It was hard work. The two palace guards behind him, standing in the crowd with the northwest wind blowing, had to keep an eye on them all the time so as not to miss An important moment for Zhu Hao to connect with others.

The audience present were very enthusiastic about the first book of "Journey to the West". This is due to the previous mass foundation and everyone came with great expectations.

The previous "Shuo Yue" was so well told that it attracted many loyal listeners. In addition, "Journey to the West" is one of the four famous Chinese novels, so of course it has its unique features. Before he finished speaking, the storyteller was interrupted several times by cheers and applause.

"It's late, we should go back."

Before the second watch, Zhu Hao called Jinghong to leave.

Jinghong frowned: "It's not finished yet, what's the rush?"

Zhu Hao said: "I'll tell you when I go back. The palace has been more guarded these days. If I can't go back, it will be troublesome. Where do we sleep at night in the cold weather? Don't make trouble for those guards, maybe they will It will trip us up."

Jing Hong seemed to understand but half understood, but Zhu Hao said he went back and explained it to him alone, and he readily accepted it.

When he returned to the palace, he really felt Zhu Hao's "foresight".

After knocking on the door for a long time, no one opened.

There were obviously shadows moving inside, but no one responded, and deliberately asked them to wait at the door, which made Jinghong feel an inexplicable tension...

If you can't enter the palace and your family members know about it, you will be in great trouble.

Fortunately, Zhu Hao took out bribes and promised to give money for the drinks, finally someone couldn't help but came to open the door.

"Brother guards, if you want to talk to me after drinking, why do you do this? If you don't want us to go out, you can say hello in advance, but I can't bear the loneliness and want to go out and listen to books..."

Zhu Hao stuffed more than a dozen pennies to the guards, and then said with an aggrieved face.

Even the guard said: "Didn't you say that your mother is sick?"

Zhu Hao said: "Then you can't be sick every day...I'm going out to listen to books, just looking for an excuse, are you serious?"


A group of guards laughed loudly.

These people are a bunch of vulgar men with little culture, greedy for money and lust, and like to watch the excitement and booing.

"Stinky boy, I know you have no good intentions, get out!"

Even the guards were cursing, but they weighed the copper coins they just got in their hands.

Zhu Hao and Jinghong returned to the house, and Jinghong couldn't help asking: "How do you know that the guards will make trouble today?"

Zhu Haodao: "I did a fortune-telling before I came out, and the fortune-telling said it would be like you believe it?"

In the past, Jinghong would definitely say that I believe you are a big-headed ghost, but this time he asked in astonishment: " you really know the art of geomancy?"

"I said Jinghong, why are you talking about it? Is this something unclear? Recently, those in charge of the palace are not around. These little devils are harder to deal with than the king of hell. If they have the opportunity to exploit us, will they do it?" Start? Let us go out so smoothly today, and make trouble for us when we make it clear that we are going to come back... Sigh, you are still negligent in observing!"

Zhu Hao's words made Jinghong fall into deep thought.

He thought for a while, when he followed Zhu Hao out of the palace, it was indeed too smooth, those people were whispering at that time, as if they were discussing some kind of conspiracy.

Isn't the biggest calculation against the two of them just to make them go out but not come back?

"Zhu Hao, I didn't expect you to be able to observe people in detail. You can see things so accurately. It seems that I have a lot to learn from you..."

Jinghong further realizes his own shortcomings.

(End of this chapter)

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