Chapter 101 My Heart Hurts So Much

People around were laughing, and Tai Long was even more furious.

"If we have the ability, we don't need Wuhun, we rely on our bodies to fight alone."

"Okay." Tang San replied.

Teacher Shao was so angry that these two boys simply ignored him at all.

"Stop it, do you think this is a spirit fighting field? It's class time now, if there is any conflict, find a place to solve it after class."

Tai Long withdrew his hand, walked to Tang San's side, and said something softly.

"After class, I'll wait for you."

Everyone returned to their positions, but the little girl who suddenly appeared was still very eye-catching.

So much so that everyone stared at Tang Pixiu from time to time, wanting to ask her why she appeared here, and Teacher Shao turned a blind eye.

Finally, someone still asked.

"Ms. Shao, did this little girl go to the wrong place in the classroom? This is the advanced class classroom of our Advanced Soul Master Academy, so everyone can come in, right?"

Regarding this student's doubts, everyone also nodded tacitly. This is also the doubt in their hearts.

Teacher Shao coughed lightly, "Her spirit power is no worse than yours, and she has always studied with Tang San and the others."

In fact, Teacher Shao didn't want to talk about it, but with so many people watching, it wouldn't make sense without an explanation. If they really let them think for themselves, I'm afraid they won't have that much respect for him as a teacher in the future.


Everyone was surprised again, they didn't expect the three-year-old girl to have extraordinary spirit power.

Even, many people showed suspicious eyes.

"Mr. Shao, you didn't mean to make a joke just to let the little girl stay in class, right? This little girl is only old, but she looks like more than three years old. Could it be that she started practicing in her mother's womb? Can she have Thirty-level soul power?"

"Xiuxiu, you open the martial soul."

Teacher Shao rubbed his forehead, no matter how he explained, it would be better to let Tang Pixiu reveal his soul ring.

Tang Pixiu walked to the middle of the classroom with short legs, "Okay, Teacher Shao."

As the words fell, the soul ring rose from under her feet, two yellow and two purple.

Really Nima is a freak!

Seeing is believing, everyone no longer dared to doubt anything, but felt in their hearts that the former Shrek's teachers and students seemed to be good.

That Tang San and Mr. Shao knew each other just now, he looked very familiar, and he was a stranger again, so he must be from the former Shrek.

For a time, everyone also had the motivation to learn.

The little girls who are ten years younger than them have all reached the cultivation level of the Soul Sect, so what reason do they not have to practice hard!

I'm afraid Mr. Shao himself didn't expect that Tang Pixiu came to the class, and even made a qualitative leap in the quality of teaching. Everyone was very motivated.

Tang Pixiu was in the classroom with some of the Shrek Seven Monsters, and didn't listen to Teacher Shao's lecture at all. She leaned on Tang San's body and fell asleep, and Teacher Shao also turned a blind eye.

Anyway, I was used to it in college before.

Taking advantage of the gap, Xiao Wu approached Tang San and whispered.

"Brother, this Tai Long is always pestering me, you have to teach him a good lesson for me in a while."

"He pestered you?" Tang San frowned.

Xiao Wu explained, "It's just that he keeps courting me, so I don't bother to talk to him."

Tang San patted Tang Pixiu's back lightly, so that she could relax and sleep, but he was thinking about a problem.

Why does Xiao Wu feel unhappy when he is popular?

Tang Pixiu was patted lightly by Tang San, feeling more and more sleepy, leaning against Tang San and fell asleep.

Probably because she was sleeping soundly, a small bubble was drilled out of her nostril, it was so cute.

Teacher Shao, who was lecturing above, almost lost his expression. Fortunately, he suppressed it in time, otherwise he, a strict teacher, would lose his face.

Seeing Tang Pixiu sleeping on Tang San, Xiao Wu also leaning on Tang San's shoulder.

Tai Long was sitting right behind them, very angry.

When it was time for get out of class to end, Xiao Wu stood up and stretched.

"Finally get out of class is over, brother, there are a lot of delicious food in Tiandou City, shall we go and have a look around?"

Tang Pixiu hadn't woken up yet, the bubbles on her nose were still hanging, and her pouting mouth made people want to pinch her face.

Since he didn't wake up, Tang San directly picked up the little girl.

As if he felt his body move, Tang Pixiu twisted his buttocks again, turned his head in the other direction and continued to sleep.

"Okay, then let's go, I don't know if Fatty Xiao Ao and the others will go. Xiuxiu is still asleep, if he wakes up and finds that he is on the street, he will be very happy." Tang San nodded.

Xiao Wu blushed a little and replied, "What's the point of taking them, they're both so wretched. Leave them alone, just the three of us."

Oscar looked quite speechless, "Xiao Wu, even if you are afraid that we will ruin the fun of your family of three, you don't have to hurt us so much, right? I'm so handsome, suave, graceful, how can I be so wretched?"

"Uncle Xiao Ao is obscene everywhere." The little girl yawned, "You are so noisy."

In fact, Tang Pixiu didn't understand the meaning of this obscenity at all, but she just followed Xiao Wu's words, and she knew it shouldn't be a good word.

But, she must be on Aunt Xiaowu's side.

Oscar had a fake sad face on his face, "Ah, my heart hurts so much, Xiuxiu actually said that about me."

Several people laughed, Tang Pixiu moved, and instead lay on Tang San's shoulders, pouted his little ass and climbed up.

Tang San smiled lightly, picked up her little butt, hugged her high, let her wrap his arms around his neck.

Tang Pixiu also liked being hugged by Tang San like this, the little girl wrapped her chubby hands around Tang San's neck, and rubbed the horns of her head against Tang San's neck, expressing her intimacy to Papa.

This side is very happy, but Tai Long over there is very angry.Seeing that Tang San and his party were about to leave, he blocked the door of the classroom.

"Tang San, come with me."

Ma Hongjun was speechless, "He still has more to do, third brother, do you want me to clean him up."

Just kidding, but they are all good brothers and good partners, so of course it is hard to see Tai Long being so rude to Tang San.

"No need, you guys go first." Tang San walked out.

Tang Pixiu happened to be facing the few people behind him, and even waved his chubby hand.

"Uncle Xiao Ao, Uncle Fatty, Aunt Zhuqing, Xiuxiu is leaving."

The three of them smiled and nodded, their Shrek little princess is polite and cute!
Tyrone led the way into the forest.

After walking for a while, Xiao Wu was getting impatient, she still wanted to go out with Tang San and Xiuxiu as soon as possible, so she couldn't waste time here.

"It's been so long, haven't you arrived yet?"

Tai Long stopped walking when he heard this, "Then let's go here."

Tang Pixiu took the initiative to reach out his hand to Xiao Wu, asking his aunt Xiao Wu to hug her, after all, Papa was going to fight.

(End of this chapter)

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