Douluo: After picking up the Pixiu, Tang San became a dad

Chapter 106 The flood washed the Dragon King Temple

Chapter 106 The flood washed the Dragon King Temple

The little girl didn't understand, when did Papa's eyes look so good?

In the past, it seemed that Papa didn't react so quickly?

Tai Tan flew the incense in his hand into the wall beside him, "I will not make a move, nor will I release my martial soul. As long as you can support me until the incense burns out under the pressure of my released soul power, you will win. I will let my children and grandchildren, Kowtow to make amends, otherwise you must join our Power Clan."

"It's not fair! If you lose, your son and grandson only need to kowtow to make amends. Although it's a bit embarrassing, it's not a loss for them. If Xiaosan loses, he will join your family and be restricted for a lifetime. What kind of bet is this?" Oscar said suddenly.

His idea is very simple, anyway, the incense has already started to burn, and if it lasts for a second, it is a second.

"Then what do you want?" Tai Tan didn't seem to notice.

"Simple, if you lose, let them join Tang San's family." Oscar laughed.

Tai Tan was slightly stunned, "Oh? You also have a family?"

Tang San reacted and nodded, "Yes, my family is called Tang Sect."

"Okay, let's settle it." Tai Tan agreed.

When Zhao Wuji arrived, the bet had already been formed.

Unexpectedly, Zao Wou-ki knew this Tai Tan. It was because he wounded Tai Tan's brother and was hunted down by him that he founded Shrek Academy with Flender.

Tang Pixiu stopped gnawing on the chicken legs, and seeing Tang San being suppressed, he immediately rushed forward, but fortunately, Zhao Wuji hugged her in time.

"Xiuxiu, don't be impulsive, he is a soul master with pure strength, in terms of strength alone, he is even stronger than some titled Douluo."

Tang Pixiu doesn't understand these things, she only knows that Papa is dangerous.

"No, Papa is going to lose!"

Just when Tang Pixiu was about to make a move, Tang San's left hand moved suddenly, the Haotian Hammer was in his hand, he was about to make a move, and refused to admit defeat.

When Tai Tan saw the Clear Sky Hammer, he was completely dumbfounded, and he didn't even have time to react.

Suddenly, a ray of seven-colored light fell on Tang San's body, and another tyrannical spirit power flowed, attacking Tai Tan.

Everyone looked, it was Ning Rongrong and the two standing on the roof of the academy.

"The seven treasures are famous, and the six treasures increase."

Ning Fengzhi's voice came, and the colorful glow entered Tang San's body again.

Titan has just been attacked, now stand up.

"Who am I? It turns out that Bone Douluo and Sect Master Ning have arrived. I am so polite."

Bone Douluo chuckled lightly, "Hey, old orangutan, do yourself a favor, this bet is over."

"Okay, I have given this face, and this bet is over."

"Yo? It's not like you to save face, old orangutan." Bone Douluo chuckled lightly.

Tai Tan folded his hands on his chest, "Old Bones, can you see clearly what he is holding?"

Everyone followed Tai Tan's gaze and looked in surprise.

Bone Douluo also reacted, "This is Haotian"

"It's good to know." Tai Tan interrupted Bone Douluo, "I'm flooding the Dragon King Temple, I'm afraid you can only make fun of yourself, hahaha."

Tang Pixiu didn't care what the people around her were saying, all she cared about was Tang San.

Seeing Tang San's body being constantly repaired by gentle power now, she felt relieved.

It's not that she doesn't want to fix it for Tang San, it's just that Tang San doesn't let her make a move, and there are quite a few people now, and there is also a nine-circle one, and that old orangutan is not weak, so she can only listen to Tang San's words Do not move.

Fortunately, Uncle Shuai Shuai Da helped Papa.

Tang San opened his eyes, Tang Pixiu hurried to Tang San.

"Papa, are you all right?"

"Don't worry, I'm fine."

Immediately, Oscar and Xiao Wu hurried over to look at Tang San's body, and they were relieved after confirming that he was really fine.

At this time Tang San also recognized Ning Fengzhi, "It's you?"

Ning Fengzhi walked over with a smile, and collected the martial soul.

"We are destined."

"Father, do you know each other?" Ning Rongrong asked curiously.

Tang San saluted, "Hi, Sect Master Ning."

Ning Fengzhi was very generous, "Just call me uncle."

At this moment, Tai Tan rushed over, looking at Tang San fiercely.

"Your name is Tang San, but your father's name is Tang Hao?"

Tang Pixiu showed a bright smile, "That's right, it's also called Tang Hao."

Tang San also nodded, "How do you know?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Tai Tan knelt down on one leg.

"Old slave Titan, see the young master, see the young lady."

Hearing Tang Pixiu call Tang Hao a grandfather, Tai Tan naturally misunderstood, thinking that Tang Pixiu was actually Tang Hao's granddaughter.

"Young master? Senior, what are you doing, get up quickly." Tang San helped Tai Tan up.

"Dear guests, come to Shrek Academy. I'm the vice president of our academy, Zhao Wuji, why don't you come in and talk about it?" Zhao Wuji said.

Tai Tan looked at Zhao Wuji, "So it's you boy, I've been looking for you for a long time, I'll talk about that matter later, quickly find us a quiet room, I want to talk to the young master in detail."

Zhao Wuji laughed dryly, "Senior's words are justified, all of you please."

Immediately, Zao Wou-ki asked Tang San to change a piece of clothes, and then went to the conference room on the fourth floor.

Along the way, Tang San was very silent, Tang Pixiu saw his confusion, and couldn't help but speak.

"What's wrong with Papa?"

"Xiuxiu, what happened just now made me very confused, but I know everything will come to light, and there will be an answer soon." Tang San replied.

Tang Pixiu tilted his head, "Did Baba talk about Ye Ye?"

"It should be." Tang San exhaled a foul breath.

"Papa, Xiuxiu will accompany you." The little girl rubbed Tang San's neck.

In her eyes, papa is the most important thing.

However, the matter is also, it is Papa's Papa.

The little girl also thought of her parents, she couldn't help looking up at the sky from Tang San's neck.

For a while, I felt a little sad.

All the brothers and sisters in the God Realm were very kind to her, even the God Emperor was kind to her, but she was always missing a piece in her heart, without her mommy and mommy to accompany her.

In fact, she is also very envious of Papa, at least he is still there.

Probably influenced by Tang San's emotions, Tang Pixiu was also a little silent, grabbing Tang San's collar and not letting go.

Walking to the door of the conference room, Zao Wou-ki, Xiao Wu, and Oscar were all guarding the door.

"I have arranged two rooms for the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and the Li Zhi Clan. It is up to you to decide which one to see first. Remember, no matter what they say to you later, you must stay calm." Zhao Wou-ki reminded.

Tang San nodded, "Thank you Teacher Zhao, don't worry, I know what to do."

"Papa, Xiuxiu will accompany you." Tang Pixiu still didn't let go.


The father and daughter walked in, first going to the room of the Titans of the Power Clan.

Opening the door and entering, Tai Tan knelt down when he saw Tang San.

"The old slave hurt the young master, please punish the young master."

Tang Pixiu jumped out of Tang San's embrace, and obediently stood aside, she knew that Papa had something to do.

(End of this chapter)

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