Chapter 109 The Spring Dream

The next morning, the sun was shining brightly, and Flender and his party came back.

Dai Mubai directly opened the door, then rushed to Tang San, giving him a firm hug.

"Little San, thank you."

He thanked Tang San because the spiritual herb that Tang San gave him directly allowed his cultivation to break through the bottleneck of the fortieth level, and there were other improvements.

Now, he is a soul sect.

Tang San responded with a smile, but didn't speak.

Tang Pixiu was also very happy that Uncle Mubai was back, but there were too many snacks in her hand, so she had to finish eating first.


It was Oscar who came over, "Boss Dai, I thought you would give Zhuqing a hug first."

Dai Mubai looked at Zhu Zhuqing, seeing her face turned slightly cold, he was a little timid immediately.

But it doesn't matter, he is afraid that Zhu Zhuqing is not fake, but it is not a problem to clean up Oscar.

"Xiao Ao, your skin is itchy, aren't you?" Said, Dai Mubai coughed lightly and walked to Tang San, "I hugged Xiao San because of Xiao San's help to me, after I got the spirit ring, I felt The real improvement of my soul power has reached level 43, and this is all due to the effect of the velvet celestial chrysanthemum. Everyone must work hard, and we must not let down the treasure of heaven and earth provided by Xiaosan. Before that, try to reach level [-] as much as possible. Our goal is only one, and that is the championship."

At this moment, the master stood at the door and looked at Tang San.

"Little San, come out with me."

"En." Tang San walked out.

Tang Pixiu didn't plan to go with Tang San at this moment, there were too many snacks around her, she had to finish them first.

On the contrary, Xiao Wu was a little worried, "Master must persuade Xiao San, I am a little worried, I will follow to see."

Ning Rongrong naturally understood Xiao Wu's worry, "En, good."

Xiao Wu walked out, but Tang Pixiu didn't go with her, since it didn't matter if she was in the academy anyway.

Dai Mubai suddenly reached out and hugged Tang Pixiu, with a smile on his face.

"Little girl, do you miss Uncle Mubai?"

Tang Pixiu smiled sweetly, "Think about it, dream about it."

Of course she couldn't dream of everything, but she just learned words from Ma Hongjun, expressing how she misses Dai Mubai.

As soon as she finished speaking, the little girl stuffed the pastry in her right hand into her mouth, looking a little worried.

"So, Xiuxiu misses me so much, I really can't see it." Dai Mubai smiled and turned the girl in his hand.

Tang Pixiu looked at Dai Mubai thoughtfully, "Xiuxiu is dreaming of spring."

As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at Tang Pixiu as if he had seen a ghost.

What kind of tiger and wolf words is this, can Chunmeng say it casually?
Damn, who taught the little girl to speak?
"Xiuxiu, where did you learn these words?" Dai Mubai's face darkened.

Tang Pixiu blinked his eyes, the chubby pointed at Ma Hongjun, looked at Dai Mubai with clear and clean eyes, and spoke seriously.

"It's Uncle Fatty. He said that he had a sexual dream because he really wanted to be alone. So, Xiuxiu is just having this dream, Uncle Mubai."

"Fat man."

Dai Mubai's voice was cold, obviously very angry.

Everyone regards Tang Pixiu as their junior, but now hearing such words come out of her mouth, they are obviously affected.

Of course, they must not blame Tang Pixiu, after all, this girl doesn't understand anything.

But as the instigator of the fat man, that is an absolute and unforgivable crime!

Ma Hongjun covered his mouth, he didn't expect Tang Pixiu to write down what he said accidentally, and told everyone on such an occasion.

For a moment, Ma Hongjun felt that his whole body was in pain, and he was afraid that he was about to be beaten up.

"What happened to Uncle Mubai, what is Spring Dream?" Tang Pixiu asked curiously.

Dai Mubai contained the murderous aura all over his body, and patted her on the head gently, his voice was very gentle.

"Xiuxiu, be good, you can't talk nonsense, spring dreams are dreams in spring. But such dreams are not good, so you can't talk about them outside, understand?" Dai Mubai explained blindly.

No way, if he didn't say that, he couldn't explain what happened to that dream.

Hearing Dai Mubai's words, Tang Pixiu didn't doubt anything, and immediately nodded.

It turned out that the dream in spring was not good.

"Okay, okay, Xiuxiu knows."

After speaking, Tang Pixiu continued to eat.

Next, of course, it was Dai Mubai who hugged Ma Hongjun to have a heart-to-heart chat, and had a 'friendly' discussion with his good brother.

Not long after, Ma Hongjun came back with a pig's head on his face, and the girls all laughed.

Tang Pixiu also laughed, he ate almost everything around him, and went to find his younger brother Xie Mo.

In Shrek Academy, no one would stop Tang Pixiu, everyone knew that she was a genius, not to mention that the little girl was Tang San's daughter and the teacher's darling.

There is another most important reason, that is, the little girl is so cute, no one can't help but want to pinch her cheeks.

Tang Pixiu found Xie Mo and took him out of the hole.

"Boss, where are we going?" Xie Mo asked in a low voice.

Although the boss is indeed very strong, if he accidentally gets into trouble when he goes out, they won't be able to find reinforcements.

Two young children are easily bullied when they go out.

Tang Pixiu put his hands on his hips, his chubby face was full of bright smiles.

"Follow Xiuxiu, Xiuxiu is going to prepare a surprise for Papa, that is a gift for Papa, Xiuxiu will definitely succeed!"

Xie Mo was a little confused, "What gift do you want to prepare? Is your father's birthday coming?"

Unexpectedly, Tang Pixiu shook his head, "No, it's Xiuxiu who wants to give a gift to her papa. Papa treats Xiuxiu very well. It's not what you said. I will repay your papa in the future. Xiuxiu will repay her papa now." .”

He did say it, but he, the boss, seems to have misunderstood it, right?

However, the boss has the final say, and Xie Mo dare not refute.

"Okay, then I'll follow the boss, if someone bullies me, you have to support me."

The little girl patted her chest, and dragged Xie Mo forward.

On the other side, the master took Tang San to his office.

After arriving at the office, Tang San couldn't help telling the master, his expression quite excited.

"Teacher, you already know my life experience?"

The master sat down and nodded.

"I already know, or I should say I already knew."

"What?" Tang San raised his eyes in surprise.

He thought the master had heard Zao Wou-ki tell him about Tai Tan's coming, but he didn't expect that he already knew his own life experience.

Seeing him like this, the master pointed to the chair opposite him, motioning Tang San to sit down and listen to what he said slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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