Chapter 112

Of course Tang Pixiu didn't understand, she felt that she should give the best to Papa, because Papa was worth it.

"Don't Papa like it?"

Just as the little girl asked, Ma Hongjun and Oscar couldn't help laughing out loud, they were really overwhelmed by the little girl.

Perhaps for her, every time she eats, she never pays attention to the taste of the food. After all, she devours it hungrily and doesn't know how it tastes.

However, everyone is very concerned about the taste of things, and they will never eat anything that tastes bad.

If she did it to Tang San a few more times, someone might want to cry.

Tang San glared at the two people who were smiling happily, then turned to look at Tang Pixiu with a slight smile, and shook his head.

"No, Dad doesn't want our little princess to work too hard. You see, there are so many people cooking, so my little baby shouldn't be allowed to do it, right?"

Hearing this, Tang Pixiu seemed to understand.

"Xiuxiu knows, Xiuxiu won't cook in the future, so let's eat papa quickly."

Well, still can't escape.

Looking at his daughter's starry eyes, Tang San finally gritted his teeth and ate everything.

In the beginning, he was actually mentally prepared, knowing that the taste might not be very good, but after eating it, he realized that it was not unpalatable, but he still ate the food cleanly.

The seaweed egg drop soup is really hard to describe, and I don't know how to make it bitter.

Seeing that Tang San 'liked' eating so much, the little girl was still very satisfied, she smiled even more happily, and also felt a sense of satisfaction.

It's a pity that Baba won't let you cook such delicious dishes.

As night fell, although Tang San was in good health, he still had diarrhea several times before he stopped.

The peaceful days passed quickly, and Tang Pixiu played in the college instead of disturbing his papa's cultivation.

Fortunately, there are so many Shrek Seven Monsters, and the little girl is not boring.

In the blink of an eye, half a year has passed.

In half a year, everyone's cultivation has improved, except for Xiao Wu, who has reached level [-].

So, go hunt the soul beast.

Tang Pixiu was lying in Dai Mubai's arms, Ma Hongjun was sitting not far away peeling peanuts for the little girl, very diligent.

"Xiuxiu, are you tired from playing today? Why don't you take a good rest, you have to leave early tomorrow morning." Dai Mubai reached out and pinched the little girl's cheek.

Half a year later, Tang Pixiu still hasn't changed, still hasn't grown taller, it's exactly the same as when they met the little girl, Dai Mubai felt distressed seeing it.

"Xiuxiu is not tired, Uncle Mubai continues to tell stories." Tang Pixiu rubbed Dai Mubai's neck.

"Okay, Uncle Mubai continues to tell the story to our little princess." Dai Mubai chuckled lightly, "Afterwards, the prince of Xingluo Kingdom left home and left home alone."

I don't know how long after listening, the little girl fell asleep in a daze.

Dai Mubai picked up Tang Pixiu and walked towards Tang San's room, unexpectedly found that Tang San and Xiao Wu were not far away, he smiled, looked at Tang Pixiu in his arms, and sent her back to Tang San's room. bedroom.

And Tang San also saw Dai Mubai, seeing him send Tang Pixiu back, he didn't care, nodded slightly.

Xiao Wu didn't notice Dai Mubai, took out the lovesick heartbroken red and kissed it, and looked at Tang San.

"Brother, what kind of soul beast are you going to hunt this time?"

Tang San shook his head, "It's hard to say, but the specific situation still depends on our luck."

"Well, I hope everyone's luck is good." Xiao Wu replied, "Brother, you have all reached level [-] in the past six months, and only I have not yet reached it. Are you disappointed?"

"How could it be? Xiao Wu, you should practice step by step and don't rush it. Our current overall strength is already very strong, so you don't need to think about it. I can be sure that if you are willing to eat this Acacia Heartbroken Red, your soul power will Has surpassed all of us."

Hearing this, Xiao Wu stomped her feet a little angrily.

"Brother, don't you believe in my strength?" Seeing Tang San hesitating, Xiao Wu continued, "Why, are you afraid that my lack of ability will affect my results in the Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition?"

While talking, Xiao Wu actually wanted to fight Tang San to prove that her strength would not be affected.

In the end the two had a fight, and Xiao Wu's hair was messed up, so she asked Tang San to comb her hair with the last thing her mother left for her, which was a simple rosewood comb.

In the early morning of the next day, everyone gathered at the gate of the college, ready to go to the forest to hunt and kill soul beasts.

Tang Pixiu yawned, and rubbed against Dai Mubai's arms.

After Dai Mubai got up, he went to Tang San's room to dress and tidy up the little girl. As for combing her hair, forget it, that's what girls do, even a man like him can't.

Feeling that the little girl hadn't slept enough, Dai Mubai picked up her little butt and hugged her up.

Oscar and Ma Hongjun on the side looked envious and hated, and Dai Mubai got ahead of him every time.

Especially Oscar, who was so angry that he wanted to beat someone up, but he couldn't beat anyone.

It's okay to say that Ma Hongjun can't win, but he shares the same room with Tang Pixiu anyway, and has a unique advantage, but he can't win against Dai Mubai every time.

After the master instructed everyone, Tang San put the things he had just counted into his 24 Bridge Moonlit Night.

"The luggage has been checked."

Ning Rongrong's eyes moved slightly, and suddenly found that there was something wrong with Xiao Wu's hair beside her.

"Xiao Wu, why is your braid a little crooked?"

In the past, Xiao Wu didn't always compose very seriously, why is it crooked today?

Xiao Wu hesitated to say, Oscar saw Tang San looked over, as if he had discovered something extraordinary.

What made people laugh the most was the little girl Tang Pixiu who raised her tender little hand.

"Xiuxiu knows, it's Papa combing Aunt Xiaowu, Papa is so stupid."

Hearing Tang Pixiu's words, Xiao Wu blushed, Tang San was also a little uncomfortable, and today's daughter was leaking again.

"It's not what you imagined." Tang San explained.

But this explanation doesn't seem to make much sense, and everyone's eyes are still unpredictable.

The little girl seemed to be afraid that everyone would not understand, so she continued to explain.

"Papa fought with Aunt Xiaowu. Aunt Xiaowu's hair is messed up, even more messy than Xiuxiu's hair. Then Papa combed Aunt Xiaowu's hair."

Well, if you explain it like this, it's better not to explain it. There's nothing that other people in Shrek don't understand. It's obvious that everyone understands why.

Dai Mubai looked at Tang San amusedly, "Thank our little princess for answering us, but let's go quickly, otherwise some people will cry later."

Tang Pixiu tilted his head, not quite understanding.

"Uncle Mubai, why are you crying?"

"Because, I'm too shy." Dai Mubai explained.

As soon as he finished speaking, he himself couldn't help but laughed outright, and the laughter was not small.

PS: Happy holidays, ladies and gentlemen!
(End of this chapter)

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