Chapter 132 Our Family
At the critical moment, Dai Mubai stood in front of Zhu Zhuqing.

It was also for this reason that Dai Mubai was injured by Huyanli, his strength was not as good as Huyanli's, the gap between the two was huge, fortunately it wasn't too serious, it was just a concussion injury.

At this moment, other members of the Elephant Armor Academy also broke free from the Blue Silver Prison.

"Zhuqing, quickly use the Nether White Tiger." Tang San shouted, and after seeing the two using the Nether White Tiger, he turned to look at Oscar, "Xiao Ao, Pink Sausage."

From the beginning to the end, Oscar was on Tang San's back, not only protecting him, but also making it easier for him to make sausages for Tang San.

Hu Yanli was knocked unconscious by the Nether White Tiger, and now the Elephant Armored Sect lost its strongest combat power.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the others also got pink sausages and ate them all.

At this moment, even Bone Douluo was full of admiration when he saw this, "It's a good one to break the surface and make use of strengths to avoid weaknesses. Sovereign Master, what you said is indeed correct, the role of control-type soul masters in team battles is indeed infinitely powerful."

"The strongest point is often also the weakest point." Ning Fengzhi replied, "Fortunately, although Hu Yanli's arms were broken, his life was safe, and he just passed out due to severe pain."

Hu Yanzhen's face was very ugly, but now that someone was staring at him, he couldn't do anything anymore.

"That's good." Emperor Xue Ye looked at Hu Yanzhen, "Sect Master Hu Yan doesn't have to worry too much, there are four people left in the Elephant Armor Academy, maybe the situation will turn around, let's continue to watch the battle."

Now that Emperor Xue Ye said so, and LS Lass nodded beside him, Hu Yanzhen couldn't say anything more.

"Yes, Your Majesty." Hu Yanzhen returned to his seat.

Next, Shrek's men knocked down the standing members of the Elephant Armor Academy to the ground.

Seeing this, the host hurriedly said, "Start the countdown, five, four, three, two, one. It is now announced that the first match of the second round of the preliminaries will be Shrek Academy vs. Weevil Academy, and Shrek Academy will win!"

Everyone started to cheer, Tang Pixiu wanted to rush down to congratulate everyone, but Flender stopped him.

"Xiuxiu, don't worry, they will be back in a while, don't go down."

Bishop Salas and Hu Yanzhen above are both members of the Wuhun Temple, and no one knows whether they will know the existence of Tang Pixiu.

If she knew, the little girl would probably be targeted as soon as she went there.

The master also nodded, not letting Tang Pixiu go to Shrek's students.

"Xiao San's tactics are very good. He clearly knows that Hu Yanli is not only the captain of the Elephant Armor Academy, but also their core, the soul. It can be said that the opponent's strongest point is also the most important link. Once Hu Yanli is entangled , the opponent's perfect formation is immediately destroyed."

The people from Shrek and the people from the Elephant Armor Academy fought face to face on the soul fighting stage, and no one thought that the winner would be Shrek.

"We'll see you soon." Hu Yanli looked at the Shrek people opposite and snorted coldly.

"Okay, welcome anytime." Tang San replied.

Both sides fought very well this time, and at the same time they knew each other was a strong opponent.

The game is over, everyone leaves.

Who knows, Tang San couldn't bear it just after walking out.

"Xiao Wu help me a little."

There is no way, his soul power is consumed too much, even Oscar's super recovery sausage is not very useful.

Furthermore, Oscar also consumed a lot of soul power.

"The nine treasures are famous, and the third is the soul." Ning Rongrong's voice came.

In the next instant, Tang San felt that his body was much more comfortable, and those dried up strengths were recovering little by little.

Seeing this, Tang Pixiu, who was going to jump on Papa's body, had an ugly expression on his face.

"Papa, how are you?"

The little girl hurriedly supported Tang San with Xiao Wu one left and one right, with her right hand lightly placed on Tang San's arm, the golden light passed from her palm to Tang San's body immediately.

If Ning Rongrong's Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda only restored some of Tang San's soul power, then Tang Pixiu's power made Tang San completely healed, and he was very energetic.

Everyone was very happy, but they didn't notice Tang Pixiu's movements and walked back.

After winning the competition, Shrek's teachers and students were very excited.

After returning to the academy, Tang San still had the power passed on to him by Tang Pixiu in his body.

Before the strength dissipated, he immediately started to practice, and the effect was not so good. It can be said that the rapid progress is not an exaggeration.

Tang Pixiu sat beside him quietly, holding a big chicken leg that Ma Hongjun gave her in his hand, watching Tang San practice.

After finishing training, Tang San began to practice distraction control again, seeing Papa working so hard, the little girl couldn't help but think of herself.

If she is also so serious, she doesn't even know what her cultivation level is now, how can she be like this now.

"Papa, you are amazing, Xiuxiu is so stupid."

For some reason, the chicken drumstick in my hand suddenly tasted bad.

Tang San smiled lightly, sat next to Tang Pixiu, reached out and touched the horns of her head.

"Xiuxiu, you don't have to practice so hard, Dad will protect you. If you are in danger, Dad will try his best to protect you, even if he pays the price of his life, he doesn't care. Anyway, Xiuxiu belongs to Dad Little baby, just eat happily every day, everything is up to me. The chicken legs are going to be cold, eat it quickly, or it won't taste good later." Tang San said.

Hearing Tang San's words, Tang Pixiu nodded thoughtfully.

"Baba, bang bang, protect Xiuxiu."

After finishing speaking, the little girl quickly took a big bite of the chicken leg in her hand, it was quite delicious.

As for whether Tang San should protect him or not, Tang Pixiu didn't care at all, anyway, it's good to be by Papa's side anyway.

Afterwards, Tang San began to practice distraction control, but he had no tricks, and there was no way to control it well.

The master came over, and after giving him some methods, together with Tang Pixiu's teaching, Tang San succeeded.

"Hugh, thank you."

Tang Pixiu grinned, "Papa, you're welcome."

After finishing speaking, the little girl threw herself into Tang San's arms to rub, and raised her head to kiss him on the face.

"Xiuxiu, are you happy staying with Dad?" Tang San asked suddenly, and before Tang Pixiu could answer, he continued, "I actually had selfish intentions when I brought you by my side. I also see that you are alone and lonely. The most important reason is that I am lonely. With you by my side, my life is much easier and I am very happy. But I have never asked you if you would like to continue to stay by my side .”

Tang Pixiu stood up straight from Tang San's arms, looked at Tang San with a pair of big eyes, a little unclear in her mind, but it was certain that she liked staying by Tang San's side the most.

"Papa, Xiuxiu likes to follow Papa, and Ma Mahe also." Tang Pixiu smiled brightly.

Tang San hugged Tang Pixiu tightly, "Okay, then our family will never be separated."

"Not separated."

(End of this chapter)

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