Chapter 143 Papa Misses You So Much

In the next period of time, Tang Pixiu was accompanied by several teachers in turn to eat, drink and have fun on the street, and lived a good life.

Time flies, but the Shrek match should continue.

The morning sun came in from the window sill, Tang Pixiu rubbed his eyes, got dressed and washed himself, and then went to Tang San and the others.

After tidying up and getting ready in Shrek Academy, everyone also walked towards the Heaven Dou Royal Soul Arena.

The 27 rounds of qualifiers are almost over, today is the last match, Shrek Academy vs. Tianshui Academy.

On the sidelines, everyone is discussing.

"I heard that Shrek Academy lost two of the 26 matches, and Tianshui Academy lost three of the 26 matches. Let's go and see."

"Wait a minute, hasn't Shrek Academy never lost? Why did they lose two games?"

"Last time when Shrek fought against Cang Hui, both sides were injured. Cang Hui's players became idiots, and Shrek's players were also seriously injured. They forfeited two games in a row."

"My God, this is too miserable for Canghui Academy!"

That's right, the soul skills have no eyes on the field, and no one knows what will happen.

The audience also entered the arena as soon as possible, not wanting to miss the wonderful game, but at the moment, there is something wrong with Shrek Academy.

"You still haven't found the little girl?" Flender pushed his glasses and asked with a frown.

Everyone shook their heads, just now in the lounge, the little girl just said to get something to eat, but she disappeared.

Moreover, they found Don Pixiu's small bag in the dining place.

The small bag was exactly the one that Ning Rongrong bought for her. Tang Pixiu liked it very much, and he would never put it down on his own initiative. Whenever he went out, he would definitely bring the small bag with him.

But now that the little bag is still there, but the person is gone, of course they will be worried about her.

"Little San, you go to the competition, and some of our teachers will go to find Xiuxiu. Don't worry, when you leave the field, you will see Xiuxiu in peace, don't worry." The master said.

That Feng Xiaotian didn't know what happened, every time before the Shrek Academy competition, he would come to check his presence, everyone had every reason to suspect that he was sick.

But Shrek's people didn't want to talk nonsense with him, they were still worried about Tang Pixiu's safety, and nothing else, they were worried that the people from Wuhundian would do something to Tang Pixiu.

At this moment, the voice of the host came, and they should indeed prepare for the game.

Helpless, Tang San nodded and left.

In the following time, the teachers of Shrek Academy began to look for Tang Pixiu.

In the forest not far from Tiandou City, Tang Pixiu blinked his big eyes, rushed forward and hugged the person in front of him, and rubbed the horns of his head affectionately on him.


Tang Hao smiled, squatted down, and looked at the little girl in front of him.

"Xiuxiu already knew that grandpa was coming?"

"Yes, yes, Xiuxiu already knew." Tang Pixiu smiled brightly.

After hearing her words, Tang Hao picked up the little girl.

"If you hadn't almost called me just now, I wouldn't have brought you out directly. I still have to go back quickly, the junior match is about to start. However, I still can't tell him that I'm here, do you know?" Tang Hao said softly Open your mouth.

Tang Pixiu tilted his head, put his right index finger in his mouth and bit it, probably thinking of something, the little girl's face was a little troubled.

"But yes, Papa misses you very much."

A glimmer of darkness flashed in Tang Hao's eyes, "Grandpa knows, it's just that it's not time to meet. It's the same with you."

After talking for a while, Tang Hao sent Tang Pixiu back to the Soul Arena of Heaven Dou City.

Not long after, the master and his party found her.

"Why is Xiuxiu here? You scared us to death." The master hugged the little girl and said.

"Oh, Xiuxiu is wrong, wrong." Tang Pixiu rubbed the master's neck.

The master, who was still a little angry at first, didn't like to lose his temper at all, so he just pinched her little nose helplessly.

"You little girl, you're just a little troublemaker."

Tang Pixiu stuck out his tongue and giggled.

Knowing that Xiuxiu came back, Shrek's people also breathed a sigh of relief.

Everyone on the stage also saw Tang Pixiu, and they can rest assured to compete.

"Finally, we have come to the final round of the qualifiers. The Shrek Academy team and the Tianshui Academy team are invited to enter the arena. The looks of the two sides are very similar, so how big is the gap in statistics? Shrek Academy sent this time It's the same lineup as the first round of qualifiers, are they also planning to win the opponent in 1 minute? Which team can win and enter the finals with the No.3 result in the qualifiers?" Doudou continued, "Both sides are ready Start now!"

The competition officially started, and Tang Pixiu leaned on the railing to cheer for Shrek this time, while the teachers behind him could still sit.

However, today Shrek met a control system spirit master who was two levels higher than Tang San's control system spirit power level, and he didn't know if he would win.

In fact, for the teachers, preserving their strength is the most important thing, so even if they lose, it doesn't matter. Their goal is the championship, and of course they must preserve their strength.

But Shrek's students didn't feel that they wanted to win this match.

Following the competition, everyone could see that Tianshui Academy was indeed a formidable opponent, and their strength should not be underestimated. Shrek was now in a passive situation, and even Shrek's players were somewhat unable to use it.

Not long after, almost all the Shrek players on the stage were frozen, even Tang San was no exception.

Fortunately, Dai Mubai and Tai Long broke free from the ice, and rescued Jing Ling, Xiao Wu and Jiang Zhu.

After Jiangzhu untied the ice seal, she immediately helped Tang San untie it.

But Tianshui Academy's attack came again, Tang San had to spend a lot of spirit power to use the fourth spirit ability to control Tianshui Academy, but not everyone was controlled, only four or five people from Tianshui Academy.

At this moment, Tang San hurriedly asked Dai Mubai and Blue Silver Prison to use the fourth spirit ability White Tiger Meteor Shower.

The attack of this soul ability is very powerful, anyone who has seen it knows it, and it is difficult to dodge.

Immediately, Tianshui Academy was thrown down by four people.

Of course, the match won't end here, after all, Tianshui Academy's strength is not low.

Next, two soul masters with fortieth-level soul power began to launch martial soul fusion skills, which were absolutely not inferior to the soul skills launched by a sixty-level soul master.

This soul skill is completely different from Canghui Academy's seven-in-one fusion skill.

Therefore, Shrek is also in danger.

Seeing it, Tang San immediately used the blue silver cage to protect their people, but unfortunately it still couldn't resist for long, the blue silver grass shattered.

"Come on, Papa, Papa is the best!"

Tang Pixiu pulled her cheeks and shouted loudly, of course she could see that the Shrek students are very passive now.

However, there is no danger to her life, and she cannot step forward to help.

(End of this chapter)

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