Chapter 151
Roxon had no expression on his face, and clasped his hands into fists.

"Don't dare, I will take my leave."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Tang Pixiu, turned and left, after all, he had something important to do, and it was impossible to talk to the little girl, even though he really wanted to say hello to that cute little girl.

When Roxon left, several Shrek students cheered.

It was so handsome, they had never seen such a domineering place.

Tai Long, Oscar, and Ma Hongjun rushed inside, for fear that they would have no place to rest if they were late.

After everyone settled down, Tang San also went out with Tang Pixiu in his arms, ready to walk around.

As soon as he walked outside, he heard a slightly familiar voice.

"It seems that the conditions of this tent are not bad."

Tang Pixiu grinned, "Uncle handsome, Xiuxiu is here too."

Tang San ran over with Tang Pixiu in his arms, "Hello, Uncle Ning, His Royal Highness is here too."

It turned out that standing here were Ning Fengzhi and Xue Qinghe, both of whom were acquaintances.

"Brother Tang, didn't you come to see you?" Xue Qinghe said with a smile, "How is it? Are you still used to it here?"

Seeing Xue Qinghe again, Tang San's eyes flashed with thought, but it didn't show on his face, he didn't forget Xiuxiu's words.

Tang Pixiu looked at Xue Qinghe again, this time the sizing was more targeted, after all she already knew that Xue Qinghe was a woman and what a Martial Soul was.

Watch it now, just to make sure again.

After getting the result, Tang Pixiu withdrew his gaze, lying in Tang San's arms.

"Please." Tang San led Ning Fengzhi and Xue Qinghe forward, "The conditions here are very good, thank you His Royal Highness for your concern."

Xue Qinghe had the same smile when he saw Tang San before, "Brother Tang, you don't want to call me Prince Prince. I am older than you, if you don't mind, just call me Big Brother Xue. I I just call you by your name, and Xiuxiu can just call me Uncle Xue, how about it?"

Ning Fengzhi didn't know what Tang San and Tang Pixiu were thinking, with a gentle smile on his face.

"Why are you in a daze, hurry up and call Brother Xue."

Tang San suppressed the deep meaning in his eyes and smiled, "Okay, Big Brother Xue, then I'll call you that from now on."

"But why... oops."

What Tang Pixiu wanted to say was interrupted by Tang San pinching her little butt, the little girl could only look at Tang San aggrieved.

Obviously that is an aunt, why is it called uncle, Papa is bad, pinching Xiuxiu's ass.

The little girl was so wronged that she rubbed her butt, turned her face away and ignored Tang San.

"Xiuxiu, good boy, my name is Uncle Xue."

Tang Pixiu looked at Tang San, and found that there was some meaning in his eyes. Although she didn't quite understand, she still listened to Papa's words.

Papa is stupid, I should call you Auntie!

"Oh, Uncle Xue."

The little girl yelled sullenly, Ning Fengzhi and Xue Qinghe didn't know what Tang Pixiu was going to say just now, but it's not easy for them to ask now.

Xue Qinghe stretched out his hand, and gently touched Tang Pixiu's head.

"Xiuxiu is very good. Uncle Ning mentioned you. He likes you very much. If there is a chance, we can go to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School together."

"Okay." Tang Pixiu smiled immediately.

The three of them went to the tent of Shrek Academy, while Ma Hongjun and Oscar were still playing around outside.

Ning Fengzhi looked at the two students who were arguing, but his eyes wandered around.

"What about Rongrong, I haven't seen this girl for a while, I really miss her."

The people in the tent also came out, the master's eyes fell on Xue Qinghe, a glimmer of darkness flashed in his eyes, but quickly disappeared, pretending not to know.

Seeing the master, Tang Pixiu hurriedly struggled to get down from Tang San's arms, and got closer to the master.

The little girl is not stupid, let the master hold her and whisper to the master secretly.

Moreover, she deliberately did not let the big guys hear it.

"Master, that aunt is here, the one with six wings."

The master also lowered his voice, "Don't let them hear you."

Tang Pixiu's face was full of complacency, "No way, they can't hear it, Xiuxiu has an enchantment."

Hearing what Tang Pixiu said, the master felt relieved.

"Okay, then Xiuxiu, don't show anything. Don't let people know that Xue Qinghe is a woman. Except for father and master, no one else can say it. Moreover, you can't show that Xue Qinghe is a woman, you know Already?" the master exhorted.

"Got it." The little girl nodded.

On the other side, Ning Rongrong also threw himself on Ning Fengzhi, with a bright smile on his face.

"Dad, why are you here?"

"Sect Master Ning, hello." Flender and Zhao Wou-ki greeted each other.

Immediately, the master also walked over with Tang Pixiu in his arms, and also greeted Ning Fengzhi.

Flender focused on Xue Qinghe, "Who is this?"

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly, "He is my disciple, named Xue Qinghe."

"Two of you please." Flender said.

Tang San put his eyes on Xue Qinghe, Xue Qinghe took out his finger and put it on his mouth, meaning to ask Tang San not to reveal his identity as the prince.

Seeing this, Tang San nodded.

After entering, Ning Fengzhi explained the purpose of coming here.

"We are here with a merciless request."

"Oh? Sect Master Ning, please tell me." Flender adjusted his glasses and spoke.

Ning Fengzhi also spoke bluntly, "Rongrong was able to improve his strength by leaps and bounds thanks to the guidance of the dean and teachers in your academy. I think, if it is convenient, send some young disciples from the sect to study at Shrek Academy. I wonder if it is feasible?"

"What?" Flender turned pale with shock, "Sect Master Ning, isn't this appropriate? How can our college compare with your sect's education?"

"There is nothing inappropriate. I believe that the master's ability to teach his disciples must be second to none on the entire road." Ning Fengzhi chuckled.

The master patted the back of Tang Pixiu in his arms, "Sect Master Xie Ning loves you so much, I will do my best."

While speaking, the master's eyes fell on Xue Qinghe inadvertently.

Xue Qinghe was obviously taken aback, then smiled and nodded to the master.

The episode between the two did not arouse Ning Fengzhi's suspicion, he didn't notice it at all.

"Thanks to Sect Master Ning's favor, Shrek Academy couldn't wish for it." The smile on Flender's face could hardly be suppressed.

Ning Fengzhi stood up, "I will discuss the specific cooperation matters with the principal after the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition is over. Everyone, let's work hard for the promotion competition."

"En!" Shrek's students all nodded.

"Shrek will definitely try his best." Flender also said solemnly.

Xue Qinghe said that it was getting late, and took Ning Fengzhi away, and the camp at the Shrek Academy suddenly became quiet.

The master only left Flender and Tang Pixiu, and the others were called out to send Ning Fengzhi off.

Clearly, the Master had something to say.

(End of this chapter)

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