Chapter 155 You have to let me
The people of Shrek Academy didn't feel any fluctuations in soul power, but they just felt a wave of air.

This kind of air wave only appeared after Tang Pixiu waved his hand lightly.

Therefore, everyone understood that it was Tang Pixiu who did it.

Ma Hongjun covered his stomach with a smile, "Yeah, haha, I have never seen such a stupid person. As a soul master, he can't even see the steps, and he fell so ugly. Oh, hurry up and get a treatment, so as not to wait later It's too ugly to lose, and it's also because of the murderous hands."

Tang Pixiu also laughed, and it could be seen that everyone in Shrek was very happy.

Look, Xiuxiu is also a person who can do things!
Thinking of this, the little girl was extremely happy, and felt that she had helped everyone again.

Yes, venting your anger is also helpful!
The members of Barak's team quickly got up, and the laughter around them made them very angry.

"It must be you, it must be Shrek's people plotting against us!" Luo Fuji shouted.

Unfortunately, no one paid any attention to them.

After all, no one felt the fluctuation of soul power just now, how could he blame others for his own wrestling?
If so, isn't it possible for everyone to plot against them?
Emperor Xue Ye glanced coldly at Luo Fuji and his party, "Go away quickly, the game is still going on."

Now that Emperor Xue Ye had already spoken, of course they couldn't say anything.

The people of Balak Kingdom looked at Shrek coldly, and finally could only leave with a cold snort.

"Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter. Their joy turned into sorrow, and they even fell down." Oscar also laughed happily.

Flender gave Tang Pixiu a thumbs up, the little girl buried her head in Dai Mubai's embrace embarrassingly, her buttocks moved, her ears looked a little red.

Seeing Flender's action, everyone still didn't understand what it was. Tang Pixiu obviously did it, but everyone didn't blame the little girl, but thought she did a good job.

"Dean, Teacher Zhao, what is going on?" Dai Mubai asked.

It stands to reason that there shouldn't be such a situation. How could someone be so hostile to Shrek directly? Something must have happened in the middle.

Flender sighed, "Shrek didn't recruit enough students back then, and Barack's nobles couldn't extract benefits, so they bullied us many times. If it weren't for the support of previous graduates, we Shrek wouldn't be able to survive today. "

Hearing this, Tang Pixiu felt that he was still taking it easy.

For someone who dared to do this to Shrek, she should have used a little more strength, and she might have just fallen and seriously injured.

Anyway, no matter how I searched, I couldn't find her.

"Barack has such great power?" Xiao Wu was quite puzzled.

Grandmaster took the words and explained to Xiao Wu, "Among the four kingdoms of the Heaven Dou Empire, the Barak Kingdom has the strongest military power, and it can also be said to be the gateway of the Heaven Dou Empire. They dominate one side, except for the necessary tribute Besides, everything is completely autonomous.”

"Then who is Luo Fuji, how dare you call the principal by your name?" Tang San asked Flender again.

"Hmph, Lovoki's father is in charge of the Education Department of Soto City, and has been inciting nobles from all walks of life to target us. I have long disliked him." Flender snorted coldly.

Tang Pixiu tilted his head and thought for a while, then thought of Xie Mo's words before, she wanted to be a just person.

Immediately, the little girl glanced at the Barak team, a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, she made those people fall really well.

"I don't know how many people in Suotuo City are squeezed by them." Zhao Wuji's face was full of anger, "Xiao Wu, you must let them lose face when you fight Barack this time."

Xiao Wu took a few steps forward, "Mr. Zhao, Dean, don't worry, I will definitely win against Barack this time."

Everyone cheered on Xiao Wu, striving to win.

"The next match will be between Shrek Academy and Barak Academy. Let's take a look at the statistics of the two contestants." The voice of the host came.

Tang Pixiu clenched his fists, "Come on Ma Ma, beat them flat."

"Okay." Xiao Wu went to the venue.

But Luo Fuji does have the capital of arrogance, after all, he has level 42, which is much higher than Xiao Wu's soul power.

Therefore, he looked down on Xiao Wu at all, thinking that Xiao Wu would not be his opponent.

"Is Xiao Wu in danger?" Oscar was a little worried.

Tang San looked at Xiao Wu, "I believe in Xiao Wu, and I also believe in the teacher's judgment."

The host's voice continued, "Barack Academy took the lead in sending out their captain, the 42-level Soul Sect, who must be the next one. But their opponent today is Shrek who shined in the preliminary round. Academy, I believe this match must be a fight between dragons and tigers."

Luo Fuji and Xiao Wu both walked to the arena, he glanced at Xiao Wu, and the disdain on his face grew stronger.

"Don't you Shrek Academy show off your power? You just sent a little sister, who is really worthy of being the student taught by that coward Flender." Luo Fuji snorted coldly.

Hearing his words, and seeing Xiao Wu's calm but mighty expression, Ma Hongjun stroked his forehead.

"Fatty, what's wrong with you?" Oscar asked quickly.

Ma Hongjun turned his head to look at Oscar, "Have you forgotten about being unhappy? Was thrown by that or something?"

Hearing what he said, Oscar remembered what Xiao Wu did when dealing with Bu Le.

That taste, even they gasped.

The two hugged themselves tightly at the same time, and silently lit a candle for Lovoki.

"Game start!"

Xiao Wu was the first to speak softly, "Big brother, I think you're right, this is really not the place I should be. Big brother, you have to let me go."

After finishing speaking, pink light flashed in Xiao Wu's eyes.

"Hey, I'll warm you up." Lovoki's words stuck in his throat.

Obviously, he has already been charmed by Xiao Wu.

The next scene stunned everyone present.

Seeing these eight falls, everyone's scalps were numb, Xiao Wu won the victory without any accident, Shrek felt relieved a lot.

"Beautiful! Let Barak Academy be so arrogant, and they don't even ask about the name of our Shrek Academy!" Ma Hongjun smiled all over his face.

Dai Mubai reached out and pinched Tang Pixiu's little face, "Hmph, they have to blame for oppressing the common people."

"Next." Xiao Wu said.

The few remaining people from Baraka Academy all rushed up, as if they wanted to fight with Xiao Wu.

"What are you doing!" The referee jumped off the stage and said.

One of them glared at Xiao Wu, "Referee, I will report them for malicious revenge."

The surrounding air vibrated slightly, Dai Mubai hugged Tang Pixiu, and Tang San appeared in front of Xiao Wu together.

"Why, are you not convinced after losing?" Dai Mubai snorted coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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