Douluo: After picking up the Pixiu, Tang San became a dad

Chapter 172 Star Luo Empire Representative Team

Chapter 172 Star Luo Empire Representative Team

Holding Tang Pixiu in his arms, the master set his sights on Tang San.

"Little San, are you okay?"

"Well, teacher, I'm fine." Tang San replied.

Everyone is happy about the return of the master, and they are more confident about the upcoming battle.

Tomorrow will be the first round of the finals. This time, the Shrek Seven Devils will appear together for the first time in the Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition.

For the Shrek Seven Devils, this was also something that made them very happy and excited.

But the master has a request, although Tang San will control tomorrow's match, he must hide his strength.

"Everyone go back to rest and prepare for tomorrow's game." The master looked at everyone.

After finishing speaking, he also handed Tang Pixiu to Tang San.

The students nodded, and all went back to prepare for a rest.

After the students left, the master also planned to leave, but was grabbed by Liu Erlong and dragged to a room.

"How is it?" Liu Erlong asked.

The master sighed and shook his head, "She is the Pope now, not the Bibi Dong she was back then."

Liu Erlong naturally knew why the master was looking for Bibi Dong, she stepped forward and grabbed the master's arm.

"There is always a way to cultivate twin martial souls, so don't worry too much."

The master said in a deep voice, "Actually, I vaguely guessed something. As long as I invite Bibi Dong to make a move, I can confirm my own thoughts."

"That's good." Liu Erlong heaved a sigh of relief.

It's just that the master is not so optimistic, "Wuhun City is extremely dangerous, I'm afraid she will harm you. Promise me, no matter what time, don't leave my side."

Said, the master hugged Liu Erlong into his arms.

Liu Erlong looked cold, "Just let her come, as long as she can't take you away, I'm not afraid of anything."

"She will never take me away." When the master replied, he pressed a kiss on Liu Erlong's forehead.

The next day when they were preparing for the competition, Flender walked over with a serious face. He even deliberately teased everyone, saying a good news and a bad news for everyone to choose and see which one to listen to first.

The bad news is that their Shrek opponent is Blazing Academy again, and the good news is that Blazing Academy has voluntarily abstained.

Just when everyone didn't understand, Kamikaze Academy and other academies also began to face each other on the field. In the team of Kamikaze Academy, everyone saw the students of Blazing Academy.

It turned out that the two colleges were merged.

This time the host and judge was replaced by Su Yuntao.

This person is an old acquaintance of Tang San and Tang Pixiu, after all, it was this person who awakened their spirits back then.

Now that Kamikaze Academy and Chihuo Academy have formed a new Kamikaze, they probably reached some mutually beneficial agreement with Wuhundian, so the organizing committee just turned a blind eye and let them take advantage of the loopholes in the rules .

There was no suspense in the match. New Kamikaze finished off their opponent Solanum nigrum Academy in just a few minutes. This opponent didn't have more than three rounds under their hands. It was a disastrous defeat.

Therefore, the new kamikaze has become a new powerful enemy, and the people on Shrek Academy's side may not be so relaxed.

Shrek Academy's next opponent is Star Luo Royal Academy, which is the seed player selected by Star Luo Empire, whose strength should not be underestimated.

Hearing this result, Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing's faces turned cold at the same time.

"Boss Dai, what's wrong with you?" Tang San asked.

Tang Pixiu also noticed something was wrong with Dai Mubai, she hurried to Dai Mubai's side.

Zhu Zhuqing stood up suddenly and bowed to everyone.

"I know that it is very important for everyone to preserve their strength. However, I ask everyone to go all out in this battle. For me and Mubai, this is not just a contest of soul skills, but more"

"A duel of life and death!" Dai Mubai stood up and walked to Zhu Zhuqing's side and continued, "That Davis is the captain of the Star Luo Empire's royal team, he is my eldest brother."

Then, Dai Mubai talked about himself and Davis.

Zhu Zhuqing couldn't avoid talking about her and her sister Zhu Zhuyun, and how she almost died at her hands.

Since it is Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing's hope, they will naturally go all out.

Tang Pixiu doesn't quite understand their hatred, but she understands that in tomorrow's game, everyone has to work hard, and she will pay more attention to the situation on the stage.

Time flies, and it is the next day in a blink of an eye.

"Welcome everyone to the first match of the third round of the finals. This match is between Shrek Academy and Star Luo Royal Academy. The one standing on the stage is Shrek Academy. They have not yet participated in the first two rounds of the finals. Today , What kind of performance will they bring? How far they can go, let us wait and see. The star Luo Royal Academy team is on stage now, as the best seeded team of the Star Luo Empire, today's game, there will be What kind of surprise will it bring us?" Su Yuntao explained.

As soon as the opponent's captain Davis came up, he set his sights on Dai Mubai.

"Mubai, I didn't expect you to make it to the finals, but you should understand, right? If you do this, it will only make me have to hit you."

Dai Mubai snorted coldly, "Davis, don't be hypocritical, when did you stop attacking me? On the field today, you and I are enemies!"

Hearing Dai Mubai's words, Davis obviously looked down on him very much.

"Hey, our playboy has changed, how dare he talk to big brother like that." Davis was not polite.

The Shrek people were also a little worried about Dai Mubai, after all Dai Mubai was theirs.

Flender looked at the master with some uneasiness in his eyes.

"The situation of the two people is completely different from that of Yu Tianxin and Yu Tianheng. Tianxin and Tianheng are still in a healthy competition, but the competition between them has completely deteriorated. Hey, after all, according to their family's special regulations, the competition failed Those who do will be wiped out directly," said the master.

Davis put his gaze on Zhu Zhuqing, "Zhuqing girl, I didn't expect to follow you to the Heaven Dou Empire. In this battle, are you two really ready to fight us to the end?"

"That's right, for Zhuqing's sake, I won't run away again." Dai Mubai took a step forward.

The woman beside Davis also took a step forward, "Zhuqing, if you can make it to the top ten, let's stop here. Parents miss you very much, but you can't violate the rules of your ancestors. After the game, you should go back with me." Bar."

"Zhu Zhuyun, you don't have to put on an air here. If I hadn't left home, I might have died at your hands. Miss me? In our family, would there be such a family relationship?" Zhu Zhuqing snorted coldly.

"Zhuqing, what are you talking about?" Zhu Zhuyun naturally wouldn't admit it.

Su Yuntao looked at the two sides, "The two sides are meeting for the first time, and they are full of firepower. Next, please prepare for the contestants from both sides. Let's take a look at their information."

People on both sides seem to want to kill each other, it is indeed full of gunpowder.

(End of this chapter)

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