Chapter 178 Sorry, Elder Yu

As the Pope, Bibi Dong is also a Titled Douluo, so naturally it is impossible to really care about a child.

As soon as she raised her left hand, the man withdrew his sword.

"Are you Tang San, the master's disciple?" Bibi Dong stepped forward and asked.

Tang San also stepped forward to answer, "Yes, His Majesty the Pope."

"Very good, it has the character of your teacher back then." Bibi Dong said softly.

"Don't dare to compare with the teacher." Tang San was neither humble nor overbearing.

Hearing Bibi Dong's words, Liu Erlong stepped forward directly to hold Grandmaster's arm, and looked at Bibi Dong provocatively.

So what about the pope, he still can't get the man he loves!
The man Yu Xiaogang can only be hers!
"Be flat."

Bibi Dong's face was expressionless, and her tone was extremely gentle, but the hand holding the scepter was tightened, trembling slightly.

After a while, Bibi Dong continued to speak.

"From you, I see hope. In front of the Pope's Palace, I hope to see all of your talents and strengths. The final winner will receive the greatest reward from the Spirit Hall."

After Bibi finished speaking, she tapped the scepter in her right hand, and a bright light appeared in front of her.

Everyone looked at it and couldn't help talking about it.

"This light is a soul bone, a soul bone!"

"It's three spirit bones." Tang San was also a little surprised.

Dai Mubai also added, "They are a right arm bone, a skull and a left leg bone."

"That's a soul bone, you can meet it but you can't ask for it!"

"Several Title Douluo are present, do you still want to snatch it?"

Ghost Douluo stepped forward to explain, "These three soul bones are all from ten thousand year soul beasts. They are the wisdom skull of spiritual concentration, the right arm of bursting and burning flames, and the left leg of chasing wind that moves forward at extreme speed. Among them, the wisdom skull is more It comes from a soul beast that is more than 5 years old, and it was personally killed by the former pope, and it is the best among soul bones."

The former Pope is Chihiro Ji.

Qin Ming understood, "The more advanced the spirit bone produced by the spirit beast, the more effective it will be. These three spirit bones are all over [-] years old, so they can be called top-quality. Of course, the external spirit bones are excluded."

There are six common spirit bones, the most precious of which is the torso, followed by the head, and the third is the right hand, left hand, left leg, and right leg.

The value of the external spirit bone is even higher than these six types, the number is the rarest, but its ability and growth are extremely valuable.

In the entire system, it is second only to the top-level spirit bones produced by 10-year-old spirit beasts.

The soul skills attached to the soul ring will become stronger with the growth of the soul master's strength, and the same is true for the external soul bone.

Furthermore, the growth of the soul ring will be limited by the lifespan of the original attribute soul beast, such as a century-old soul ring can never have the power beyond a hundred years.

But the soul bone is not the same, not only can greatly enhance the strength of the soul master, but also evolve with the strength of the soul master.

The sooner you get the soul bone, the longer it can evolve, and the faster the soul master's strength will grow.

Tang San's luck was relatively good, he obtained the external spirit bone, and with Zhilin's help, he had already completely fused with the eight spider spirit bone, greatly increasing his strength.

If the other children of Shrek can also get these three spirit bones, their combat effectiveness will definitely be significantly improved.

However, the people of Wuhundian prepared these three spirit bones, but it should be for Wuhundian Academy.

"There is always only one winner, so these three spirit bones will belong to the final champion. I hope you will all go all out to win the honor. This morning, please send seven people from each of the three teams for an individual elimination competition. The winner will be Go directly to tomorrow's final. The loser two teams will have a team battle in the afternoon to compete for another place in the final." Bibi Dong said.

In his heart, Bibi Dong has already determined that the people of Wuhundian Academy will have the last laugh.

In the following time, the personnel of the three teams were all in the stands preparing for the upcoming individual knockout match.

Players who have a bye in the first round will compete with the winners in the first round in the second round.

In other words, this individual competition is equally important as the final. If they can win, not only will they enter the top two, but it will also mean waiting for work and preparing for tomorrow's final.

Flender frowned slightly, "Among the three teams, Wuhundian Academy is undoubtedly the most advantageous. Three soul kings are the difference between three ten-thousand-year soul rings."

"And their martial soul fusion skills, they defeated the Tiandou Imperial Academy with just one move, and others can't see the situation, let alone understand its meaning." Qin Ming also said.

The master took the words, "Their tactical purpose is only one, deterrence."

In fact, Tang San also communicated with Yu Tianheng after the match, but Yu Tianheng only had a vague feeling about that move, and he couldn't show his true strength at all.

This is the frightening thing about Wuhundian Academy. With their tyrannical strength and meticulous thinking, they suppress their opponents step by step and win.

"Even if they are also soul kings, they are extremely powerful opponents, not to mention that neither we nor the Kamikaze Academy have any players at the level of soul kings." Flender said.

Dai Mubai sneered, "Precise thoughts are also our weapons."

"Moreover, we also have what they don't have, tacit cooperation." Tang San looked determined to win.

Whether it's for themselves or Tang Pixiu who is in a coma, they must win.

In the first match, Shrek sent Jing Ling.

Since this game needs to test and observe the tactics of the other two teams, a more flexible person is needed to go up.

Jingling's luck was relatively good. She got a bye in the first round, so she could sit back and relax.

In the first round of the individual competition, people from Wuhundian actually abstained, which made everyone puzzled.

Therefore, the next second match became Huo Wushuang vs. Jing Ling.

Seeing this, everyone understands.

Thinking about what kind of consensus was reached between Shenfeng Academy and Wuhundian Academy, that's why they deliberately guaranteed their strength and let Shrek's people take action.

"Please wait for the game to start." The master said suddenly.

The people around Bibi Dong immediately shouted, "Bold, how dare you interrupt the game."

Hearing this, Bibi Dong raised her hand and stopped that person.

"Please tell me your reason." Bibi Dong asked.

"My reason is that Shrek Academy gave up the individual competition and voluntarily entered the loser's competition." The master replied, and looked at Jing Ling again, "Jing Ling, come back."

Master can see the calculations of Wuhundian Academy and Shenfeng Academy at a glance, so he has this plan.

Since they all use their brains, the master will not be afraid of anyone.

"Why?" Bibi Dong didn't seem to understand.

The master looked calm, "I think it should be our right to admit defeat."

After finishing speaking, the master sneered.

Bibi Dong didn't mind, "You're right, this is your right, blame me for asking, sorry, Elder Yu."

Everyone was surprised when they heard Bibi Dong's words.

Elder, he turned out to be the elder of Wuhun Hall?
(End of this chapter)

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